
Irene's Personal Artist
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“Seulgom-yaaa,” Wendy called her best friend as she entered the art studio rather noisily. No one else was inside besides Seulgi so she didn’t bother lowering her voice. “You never told me how the date went,” she whined a bit cutely when Seulgi ignored her and continued working on her painting in front of her.


Wendy pouted and waited for her best friend to notice her but all she heard was the sound of a brush hitting the canvas. She stood up frowning. She’d hadn’t seen her best friend this serious in a very long time. Did Seulgi have another deadline that she didn’t know about?


“What are you working on Seul?” she asked as she walked closer to get a peek at the canvas but Seulgi suddenly stopped her, surprising Wendy.


“Wait! You can’t see it!” Seulgi exclaimed eyes wide, flinging her hand with the brush up to stop Wendy from getting any closer. “I’m not done.”


Wendy flinched as red paint splattered on her face. Seulgi grimaced as well at her clumsiness.


“Sorry,” Seulgi apologized, shrinking a little. “This is just, very important,” Seulgi muttered, her eyes examining the painting in front of her like it was worth more than her entire life. “I don’t want anyone seeing in until I’m done. And even then, you can’t be the first person to see it.”


Wendy furrowed her eyebrows. Seulgi had never not let her look at her work before, even when it was unfinished. Seulgi even used to ask her for her opinion. This was completely new. “Why?”


Seulgi looked up, all seriousness in her eyes. “Because she has to be the first person to see it.”


‘Ahhh,’ Wendy hummed to herself silently in understanding. She didn’t ask to look at the painting again. After all, she knew how important this person was to Seulgi. Bidding her best friend a silent ‘fighting!’ she quietly slipped out of the art studio and closed the door behind her gingerly. She watched for a second through the windows as Seulgi mixed her paints rigorously, determination completely set in her eyes.


She smiled to herself. Seulgi was too cute. She prayed that her best friend’s feelings would be returned and quietly left. The prospect of the cutest couple in school being born in the future made her giddy all the way home. She hoped Seulgi will be happy.





“Unnie!’ Yeri exclaimed as soon as Irene walked into school. Irene turned to look at the younger girl. “What’s up?” she asked. The last time Yeri waited for her at the school’s entrance was still back when her mystery artist was displaying portraits of her.


Irene smiled to herself quietly as the thought of her not so mystery artist came to mind. The bear like girl was too cute.


“You have to come with me!” Yeri urged, grabbing the older girl’s arm and breaking her out of her reverie. Irene snapped out of her thoughts as she felt herself get dragged (once again) to (surprise, surprise), the art hall. She couldn’t help but get excited as soon as they entered the arts section.


Did Seulgi have something planned for her? Her heart sped up at the thought. She hadn’t seen the younger girl since they went on their date three days ago and she had to admit, she missed her a lot. Irene had tried to look for the art student in the hallways between periods but she hadn’t even been able to catch a glimpse of the girl’s shadow let alone her.


The two turned the corner into a very familiar hallway, the very hallway that used to display the now very famous portraits of Irene. This time however, instead of another portrait of Irene, there was something else at the end of the hallway, something much better in Irene’s opinion.


Seulgi fidgeted awkwardly with the edges of her skirt as Irene came into view. No matter how many times she saw the older girl, Irene always managed to take her breath away.


‘There really is no art that can compare. You are just perfect, Irene Bae.’


The two girls stared shyly at each other. Yeri, seeing that her two Unnies were lost in each other eyes decided to back and away quietly giggling and let them have their fun. She joined Joy, Wendy, and Yura who were all secretly watching from around the corner of the hallway.


“Hello,” Seulgi greeted shyly. She had a whole speech prepared but her mind just had to go completely blank on her in this very important moment. Again, blame Irene Bae for being so beautiful.


“Hello, Seulgi-ah,” Irene greeted back, equally as shy. She was trying very hard to fight back a blush and not break out into the biggest grin she could muster. She was honestly a little terrified because just seeing Seulgi was already making her this happy.


“I, uh, I got these for you,” Seulgi gulped, revealing the flowers she was holding behind her back.


Irene graciously received the bouquet of red flowers and tried her best to ignore the tin

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Too cute 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
533 streak #3
Chapter 7: Aigoo these 2 dorks... I cant 😂

(psst i love your fluermione stuff on ao3 and imagine my surprise seeing u here under the seulrene tag lol)
1129 streak #4
Chapter 1: rereading! <3
Chapter 7: AAAAAAAAAAA!!! LOVE IT! One thing about me being a writer is that I can't think of an epic anti like yours!!! I mean, gosh, this is my favorite short story! The story idea isn't that wild, but you wrote it really well! I got lost in the story! Sending you virtual hug for making me smile
thank you for the story!
Bublyia #7
Chapter 7: i can't stop smiling, AAHHHH!<333
Chapter 7: That was really cute. Happy to both of them <3
Nope_Rope #9
Chapter 7: This is so adorable :))
Gaynnie #10
Chapter 1: I wonder how is she going to find out who drew and painted it hm