
Trouble Maker


Youjin was sitting in his usual spot when he noticed Ungjae was playing on his phone once again. He walked over to him, annoyed.

"You know this is study hall, right?"

Ungjae looked up at him and shrugged. Youjin sighed and swiftly took the phone again. "Do your work, okay?"

Upset, the student took out a notebook and pen, and Youjin walked away. After fifteen minutes of acting like he was doing work, Ungjae laid his head down and went to sleep. It took a while for Youjin to notice. He walked over to him 20 minutes into his sleep.

"Yah, wake up!" He shook him softly.

"Leave me alone," Ungjae protested sleepily, waving his hand.

"No, get up." Youjin sat in the chair next to him. The student sighed and sat up, looking at the man with his eyes half open.

Youjin didn't see the point in making Ungjae doing his work anymore, since he was so tired. He wouldn't let him sleep, though, nor would he return his phone.

"How's your first full day of school?" He asked him.

"Torture," Ungjae said, shaking his head.

Youjin laughed at this. "It's okay, you'll get used to it, What's your favorite class?"


"Ha, same actually."

Ungjae scoffed. "I thought you were good at school."

"Doesn't mean I liked it. You have to get through it to get to college. And trust me, college is a lot better than high school."

Ungjae looked at him, then looked away, as if in thought. Youjin knew he probably wasn't thinking about college, but it was his job to encourage the students to persue education and want better for themselves, whether or not college would get them there.

"Well, besides lunch, one of my favorite classes were Korean literature. I liked reading literature and poetry the most. I wasn't always good at writing it."

"I used to write a lot of poetry," Ungjae said.

Youjin looked at the boy, who still looked like he was far away. "Really? You should show me some time."

Ungjae looked at him with wide eyes. "What?"

"You should show me your poetry, I wanna see how it is."

"No," he shook his head quickly and bowed his head. "It's not that good anyways..."

"I'm sure it's not that bad," Youjin reassured him. "Let me see, I could help you."

"No!" Ungjae looked at him with fire in his eyes, and Youjin realized it must be something deeper than just bad writing skills. "Okay, I won't," he chuckled, letting it go. "Here's your phone back, since it'll be time for dinner soon.




Youjin walked out of the shower, drying his hair, fully dressed and ready to sleep. He was rooming with Bonkuk that summer, and the two of them always talked to each other about their day and what they could do to help the students.

Bonkuk was expecially stressed, as he was aspiring to become a teacher. He was sitting at his desk with a stack of papers, rubbing his fact.

"Apparently, I don't know how to teach..." He sighed loudly and scooted back away from his desk.

Youjin walked to his bed and sat down. "It's just that they gave you a weird class."

Bonkuk frowned. "This is still really important. If I pass this, I can graduate sooner."

Youjin pursed his lips. Creativity class seemed like an impossible class to him, but he didn't want to say anything to discourage Bonkuk. After all, he didn't know anything about the career of education.

"What is it that you're working on anyways?"

"I want to give them all assignments based on their interests," Bonkuk explained. "But I'm not sure how to do that. Plus I don't even know anything about Na Ungjae, so I can't assign anything for him; It would have been better to teach calculus..."

"You said you're horrible at math though," Youjin laughed, and Bonkuk shook his head with a chuckle. "I am, but this is so difficult."

"What is your plan so far?"

"Well, I was going to assign them to write an essay about their hobbies and why they are interested in it. But it sounds like an English assignment, and none of them said anything about writing so I assume they all will hate the assignment anyways."

Youjin sat in thought for a second, then said, "Oh! I remember Ungjae said something about writing earlier today. He said he doesn't like to write anymore, but I think you should have him do that since he won't say anything else."

Bonkuk shrugged. "I guess it'll have to do for now, until he tells me something else. I'm tired, I need some sleep. They'll have to deal with the essay tomorrow, maybe reading them will help me think of something better."

Youjin shrugged. "I suppose so. Well, good night."

"Good night, bro."


sorry it's terrible i'm too tired to proofread it

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