Jun - Last Dance

13 Days of SEVENTEEN

as you can possibly tell, bigbangs comebacks got me shook XD but it inspired this next fic and lowkey i think its my favorite one ive written so far XD different from other stuff but really hope you guys like it <3

Word count: 3328

Genre: Angst (could you call this angst? Idk its just sad XD); AU where you and Jun are together living pretty normal lives until…

Characters: You, Jun, and appearance from Chan

Link: To masterpost that I’ll be updating for 13 Days of SEVENTEEN <3


Music blaring in the background, you step into the dance studio to find Junhui teaching his last class. Smiling to yourself, you quietly close the door behind you, hoping that no one sees. You always love it when you make it on your way home from work to see the last few minutes, when the dance is most together. When everyone’s hard work pays off. When it’s the last dance of the day.

“Alright everyone!” Junhui shouts from the front of the class, facing the mirror, a giant smile on his face. Bouncing to the beat of Seventeen’s Highlight, he nods his head and hits his fist in the air. “Five! Six! Seven! Eight!”

And just like that, everybody behind him follows in his beautiful footsteps. As you watch, Junhui leads the mass of beautiful dancers in the choreography he created. With every meticulous body wave or intricate tick of the arm, you see his eyes light up and a giant smile stay planted on his face. Ever since you’ve known him, your boyfriend has loved dance. It brings out this light inside of him and it shines even brighter when he’s teaching a class. From the front corner of the room, you bob along with your eyes glued to his dazzling face. You could watch the boy you love do what he loves forever.

With a final spin and pose to the mirror, the music stops and everyone cheers. Junhui collapses over his chest, letting everyone see just how much effort was put into that routine. But before he turns to compliment all the dancers behind him, he shoots you a glance and a knowing smile, making your insides race. No matter how much it seems like he doesn’t see you walk in, Junhui always knows when you’re there. You give him a round of applause before he goes off and hugs his students.

“Great work today guys!” he calls out as they all start to make their leave “I’ll see you guys on Wednesday! Stay loose! Don’t get hurt!”

Chan, one of Junhui’s favorite students, goes up to him and pats him on the back. “Thanks for all your hard work, Jun.”

Junhui laughs and ruffles his hair before pushing him away. “Don’t get too sappy on me, boy. Drink a lot of water.”

Chan smiles and waves as he runs out after his friends. Once all the students have cleared out, you make your way to your overly talented boyfriend. With him hunched over, you lean down and tease, “Am I allowed to get sappy on you, teacher Jun?”

Standing up, he spins around and smiles down at you. Wrapping you in his sweaty arms, he suffocates you in his soaked chest. “You’re always too sappy with me,” he says, shaking you back and forth.

Laughing into his body, you try not to get too gross. Pushing yourself away, you smile up at him. “That dance looks amazing baby.”

Always pleased with your compliments, he kisses you on the forehead and steps out of your embrace. “You should learn it!” he exclaims, hopping to the middle of the dance floor.

Even after an hour long class, he always seems to have so much energy, and it baffles you. Staring at him with your uncertain face, you cross your arms. “No thanks. I’ll just watch.”

“Come on!” he whines, coming over and pulling your hands out. Wrapping them in his own, he swings you along the wood floor. His sneakers make this squeaking sound that only he can make pleasant as he laughs and he spins you around. “Dance with me!”

“Baby, I can’t!” you laugh.

“Dance with me!” he screams again.

“You know I don’t dance!” you argue, laughing along and trying to stop the world from twirling.

But it’s no use. When Junhui gets like this, there’s no stopping him.

Four years ago, you fell in love with this boy from your high school class. Back then, he was just a student who liked to dance a lot more than he liked to study. You didn’t know him too well in the beginning, but you have very clear images of him smiling and laughing with his friends in the hallway. But the moment you fell in love with him is one you won’t soon forget. You were leaving the school when, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a group of guys dancing along the street. They didn’t even have any music, just a friend of theirs beatboxing to give them something to go off of. As you approached the small crowd that formed around them, you quickly realized that the best dancer amongst them was Junhui. And that was the first time he ever noticed you enjoying his performance.

Since then, you both started college and got jobs to help support each other. Living together, it really seemed like it was you two against the world. Junhui’s parents were all the way in China and yours were distant in other ways. After class, you went to your job as a convenience store clerk. It wasn’t great but you were willing to do it to get through school. And you were always so grateful that Junhui was able to find work with what he loved. You could never imagine him taking on anything else.

Like the day you fell in love, there’s not even any music playing, but Junhui manages to make everything into a playful sort of dance. Laughing until you fall into his arms, you scream, “I think my head’s gonna fall off!”

Ignoring your cries, he laughs until he finds your lips. Kissing you passionately, he has to take a breath when he lets you go. “Don’t worry. I’ll be here to catch it.”

When you finally get your feet planted firmly on the ground, you just shove him away. “You make very happy, you know that?”

With a light sigh, he can’t help but take in how beautiful he finds you. Letting his shoulders slump, a soft smile replaces his laughter. “That’s all I can hope to do.”

Seeing that he’s calmed down, you return the gentle grin. But it’s almost weird how quickly he switches from hyper to so mellow. “Hey,” you say, pinching his chin. Squinting at him suspiciously, you ask, “You okay?”

But Junhui just takes a second to stare at you. Breathing slowly, he takes both of your hands in his. You know for a fact that you could gaze into Junhui’s eyes for days, but something about the way he’s looking at you makes you worry. “Baby?”

Still smiling, he lets out a quivering breath. Shaking your hands, he nervously swallows and says, “We need to talk.”

Surprised, you jolt your head back. Furrowing your eyebrows, you’re not sure where this is coming from. “Baby, is everything okay?”

Junhui doesn’t answer. Instead, he just twists around and leads you to the second-story patio alongside the dance studio. It’s evening, so the sun’s starting to set. Blocking it’s rays from your eyes, you shield your face with your other hand. Junhui eases you outside and lets go. Still confused, you watch him take a seat along the wall. “Junhui, what’s up?” you ask.

But he still doesn’t say anything. He just smiles up at you, glowing with the sun in the background. He pats the ground next to him. “Sit,” he says gently.

Always feeling your skin tingle when he’s being cute, you sit and join him. Parts of the balcony railing stop the light from blinding you, letting you appreciate the sunset. You let out a sigh and lean your head on your boyfriend’s shoulder. “It’s so pretty out here.”

Even with what he’s about to say, you make him smile. Turning a bit, he says, “Yes, you are.” He kisses the top of your head before falling silent.

You both sit there as the light shines from the horizon. Everything’s golden and now it’s just Junhui trying to find the right way to say this. He just has to tell you.

“I’m dying, (Y/N).”

Shaken out of the silence, you laugh and look over to find his still smiling face. “What the hell, baby. What kind of a joke is that?”

He lets out a deep breath, but he continues to smile at you. “It’s not a joke,” he says simply.

Unable to read this weird expression of his, you lean your head forward and try to get him to break character. “Junhui, you are so dumb. I seriously don’t get your jokes sometimes.”

He can’t tell whether he should be more upset that you’re not taking him seriously, but he’s just grateful to have you, someone who can smile through so many things. Biting his upper lip, he starts to tear up a bit, but keeps that grin. “I’m not joking, baby,” he says, his voice now shaking.

Still confused, it’s not until now do you see the pinkness in his gaze. You stare into his sad, loving eyes and feel this huge wave of fear flush over you. It’s a feeling you’ve never experienced with Junhui before, but it scares you. “Junhui, seriously this isn’t funny.”

“(Y/N), I’m dying,” he repeats, and this time you can hear it in his voice. He’s serious.

Your body goes cold. You gaze deeper into Junhui’s eyes and see that he’s not lying. That playful shimmer that shows up when he’s messing around…isn’t there. So utterly confused, you can only whisper, “What?”

Seeing that you’re starting to catch on, Junhui oddly chuckles, as if the ridiculousness of what he’s about to say is laughable. He gazes out at the sunset as you stare at the side of his somber, smiling face. “I was in the studio last week when I fell and hit my head.”

“You hit your head?” you say with concern, seeing that you hadn’t heard about this. It freaks you out even more since Junhui normally tells you everything.

Not turning to look at you, he goes on. “I fell and kind of passed out, so they took me to the doctor cause they thought it was a concussion.” You listen as you hear your boyfriend’s voice start to shake. You get teary eyed just from how scared he sounds. You know he’s trying to keep it together, but there’s very little he can hide from you. Unfortunately, this was something he managed to keep secret. “They took a few X-rays and sent me on my way.”

The first tear escapes his right eye as he continues to tell you. Blinking, he swallows hard. “Uhh,” he struggles to say, fiddling with his hands. “They called me back the next day and told me I didn’t have a concussion, but they did find something else on my X-rays. Or really, they found a lot of things.”

You feel your heart cracking as he keeps talking. Finally looking over to see your troubled expression, Junhui gives a weak laugh. Meeting your gaze, he whispers, “I’m sick, baby.”

Your mouth hangs open as you feel your cheeks get weak. Your whole body crumbles as you hear these words. “It’s stage four cancer,” he tells you. “And there’s not much they can do.”

Feeling all of the fear that your body could physically force upon you, you finally manage to choke, “What?”

Seeing you already starting to fall apart, Junhui takes his arm and wraps it around you. Squeezing you close, he tries to hold back his tears. “They want to start chemo, but it’s probably not going to help much.”

You can feel his heart beating just as fast as yours. “They say I have three months, baby.”

There’s a pause as so many things go through your head. All of a sudden, you get flashbacks to every beautiful moment you’ve had with this boy you love so much. You can see his smiling face from the first day you noticed each other. You can feel the first time he hugged you in his arms. You can taste his lips against yours from the first time it happened in the rain to just a few minutes ago. You can smell just how bad the apartment stunk when you both first moved in. You can hear all of the times he called for you to wake up in the morning. You can imagine all of the things you did together, because you did everything together…except dance. You can remember every single time he asked you to dance with him and every single time you said no. All of those goofy smiles. All of those mesmerizing stares. All of those heart racing moments were hitting you in every painful way.

But as you’re sitting there, washed in pain, you say in your crying voice, “You went to the doctor’s without me?”

And with that, Junhui breaks down into tears. Shaking, both of you cry in your heart broken embrace. You drench his shirt in your tears and he soaks your hair with his. As much as he tried to keep it together, Junhui can’t. “I’m sorry, baby,” he cries out.

But you’re a blubbering mess. Everything hurts. You don’t know what to do. And the only person who could help you…is dying.

“I’m sorry, too.”



Monitors gently beeping in the background, you step into the hospital room to find Junhui sleeping like usual. Smiling through your always quivering lips, you quietly close the door behind you, hoping that he doesn’t wake up. For the past two and a half months, you’ve come here instead of home after work. And as you step closer, you feel your heart soar out of your chest. Junhui had been in so much pain from all of the chemo, but nothing’s helping and his time’s running out. All it’s done is get rid of his beautiful hair. But you don’t mind that part. He looks just as good bald.

Always finding it hard to see him in this sickness, you hold back from crying. At some point, you both realized tears weren’t helpful. They were just inevitable. Staring at the boy you would only get to love for a little longer, you try your best not to lose it. The past two months were filled with painful coping and reminiscing. It was all too much, but the worst came when Junhui had to stop dancing. You’ll never forget the looks on all of his students faces when he told them. It was horrifying and you had to step out of the room. Everything was heartbreaking, but you couldn’t leave his side.

Through it all, you were there to see every moment he could still smile, always fearing that it may be the last. Illness changes people and you were scared that you would lose your Junhui even before he was gone. Honestly, you weren’t sure which would’ve been harder. But through everything, Junhui still stayed his fun-loving self. He never let you feel bad or let you think you’d be alone after he was gone. As much as he was trying to stay alive for himself, he wanted to live to be with you, maybe even more so.

For a second, you just stand there and watch your beautiful boyfriend sleep. Slowly, you take off your backpack and clutch it in your hand. Taking a deep breath, you gently sit down next to him. Part of you wants to let him keep sleeping, but another part fears that he may never wake up.

Thankfully, he’s still with you. You can feel his fingers twitch as you put your hand on top of his. Letting out a sigh of relief, you smile as your vision starts to blur. Gently shaking him, you whisper, “Junhui.”

Slowly, he comes to. Opening his eyes, he twists over to find you. “Hmm.”

You smile a little bigger and let out a quivering breath. “Hey baby.”

As hard as it is, Junhui turns fully to face you. The radiation has done things to his muscles that neither of you could’ve imagined. Still, he smiles. “Hey baby.”

His voice is so soft but it makes you chuckle. You grip his hand a little tighter before you lift up your backpack. “How was your day?” you ask.

“Oh, you know, the usual,” he says softly. “No cute nurses today, sadly.”

“Aww, really?” you say, sharing his disappointment.

He slowly shakes his head. “Like usual, you’re the cutest person I’ve seen all day.”

Feeling your heart crack just a little more, you grin at him. You can’t contain how much this boy makes you feel, and as the months have gone by, you’ve thought more and more about how beautiful he has made your life. He’s spent so much of that time reminding you that you’ve done the same for him, but there’s always been something that you didn’t fulfill.

“I have a surprise for you,” you tell him as you reach into your backpack.

“Really?” he says excitedly, craning his neck out as much as he can.

You nod and pull out a small, portable speaker. Placing it on his bedside table, you pull out your phone, connect them, and hit play. Trying to keep yourself together, you stand up and face him. Holding out your hand, you say in a quivering voice, “Dance with me.”

In awe by just how much he loves you, Junhui feels tears building up. Ever since the day he fell in love with you, he’s been waiting to hear those words. But this time around, he can’t do what he’s always wanted, which breaks his heart a little more. “Baby, I can’t,” he says, a smile on his face but he’s clearly starting to cry.

Which makes you start to cry. Shaking in your shoes, you refuse to take the answer that you’d given him so many times. “Please,” you say past your tears. Holding your hand out as steady as you can, you whisper, “Please, just one last dance.”

Smiling from ear to ear, through the streams on his cheeks, Junhui chuckles. “How can our first dance be our last?”

Wiping your face, you quickly take his hand. “Please just dance with me before I really fall apart,” you laugh.

And Junhui knows that he can’t say no to such a request. You come over to the side of his bed and hold him steady. Helping him pull his legs around the bed, it takes some effort until he’s even sitting. Smiling at each other in the process, Junhui tells you, “You know I don’t dance anymore.”

Thinking back to all of the times you said something so similar to him, you help him get to his feet. “There’s a first…” Staring into his loving eyes, you choke up. “…and a last…time for everything.”

Junhui doesn’t argue any further. This is the first time he’s been on his feet in a while, but he feels weightless with you there to support him. Holding him in your arms, you rock back and forth to the beat of the music. Neither of you pay attention to what song’s playing. All you’re doing is falling more and more in love, as people usually do when they dance together for the first time.

Embracing him like you never have before, you cry into his chest, wishing that you’re stupid self hadn’t refused to dance all of those times. But Junhui doesn’t care about that. He’s just so glad that he didn’t leave before you even got one dance, even if it is his last.

Crying and smiling in your hair, Junhui whispers, “You’ve made me very happy, you know that?”

Doing just the same, you know nobody on this planet can replace the person who made you the happiest. Trying your best, you tilt your head up and smile back at him. “That’s all I can hope to have done.”

i really hope you guys liked that cause i was shook just writing this XD jun is too good for this world and agh i cant XD hope you enjoyed jun day!! more to come for a different member tomorrow <3 thanks for reading!

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Chapter 15: I need you to turn these into chaptered fics <3
I thought that was gonna be such a cute story but you just broke my heart -_-
Chapter 24: almost can't believe you rly did it! tysm <3
even being bossy Minghao manage to be very cute, how can he do it? And GyuHao TuT they're the cutest~~
misskpop2B #4
Chapter 9: author-nim unnie!! It was so sad,i cried hardly!! But the story you wrote were really good. I love all of it!
ichigoYuu #5
Chapter 6: Ah i didn't read this one ;U 3rd fav heh
It's cuuuuuteeeee
ichigoYuu #6
Chapter 2: Still my fav one from the ones you have published so far on this event (because !!! Christmas!!! Fluff!! Dorks!!! Sophia!!!!!!)
Second fav is the Jun angst damn that was good. Heartbreaking, but good xD
Chapter 3: this was so cute!!! i live for high school aus and i've had a weakness for secret admirers and confession notes / letters ever since i started watching k-dramas so this was even better for me. thank you for the vernon fics!! idk if i'll have time to read the seungcheol ones, but when i do, i'm sure they'll be great!
Chapter 2: this was so cute! i couldn't stop smiling throughout the whole thing cause it's honestly so vernon lol. i also loved how you included sophia! she's just too cute and vernon's relationship with her is amazing. i'm excited to read the rest of the chapters instead of studying cause you know, seventeen over school! (lol i'm only half joking)
woaaa so nice~~ could you do a drabble of 97 line as elfs!AU as a Christmas theme? It would be so funny based on their personalities and how they interact....... pretty please? It could be MingHao POV, as the more responsible member of the team~
Also...... can I req for minshua with bottom jisoo? It's about mingyu 'having fun' with jisoo on his birthday as his 'present' for jisoo. Basically just hot minshua till Joshua is in faint and spend. (Lol I'm sorry I'm such a ert)

I'm sorry if I ask too much but thanks in advance ^^