Start and Final

Moon Child

Their ears perk at the sound of a distinct set of footsteps. They have heard this set of footsteps everyday for the past two years. They could clearly distinguish her footsteps among the hundreds of people walking around them; the gentle thump made when her heels touch the ground, the pressure she puts on the balls of her feet, the little, almost indistinguishible bounce in her step when she knows that she would soon be reunited with her wolves.

In sync, the three men turn their head in the same direction. Their girl is walking towards them, looking so beautiful in just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She is turning her head this way and that, trying to locate where the strong pull to her mates is coming from. By now, the friends of the three men are staring in the same direction, curious as to why neither of them are paying attention in the conversation they're having. 

The moment she spots her three boys, Jongin breaks out into a wide grin while Baekhyun tilts his head, a soft smile on his lips. Sehun's face is never changing but the sparkle in his eyes tells her that he is equally as excited to see her. She fastens her pace, eager to get to her mates. In the short span of time that she is making her way over, the three guys glance at each other, unanimously agreeing on who will get to hold her hand today. 

It is uncommon for wolves to share one mate. Not impossible, just rare. Wolves are known to be loyal to their mate and it is needless to say that the three of men are loyal to their girl. Almost every werewolf being grows old with only one mate. But nature had decided to gift children who were born on the night of a supermoon occurance the title of being Moon Children. These special children were associated with the creatures of the full moon, of course. There were different kinds of Moon Children; some are given the role to be caregivers of lone wolves, some are born to be wolves (or part wolves) even though they are of another descent, there are also some who are born to have more than one mate. And that is exactly the kind of Moon Child the girl is.

The first one to bond with her was Baekhyun, actually. Their meeting was accidental — she was at the ATM, withdrawing money and he was standing behind her. She had been so preoccupied with the thought of her test the next day that she forgot her card and walked away. Baekhyun called her back and the moment their eyes met, they felt it. That feeling of breathlessness, their hearts racing, their eyes only focusing on each other as everything and everyone else around them faded away. She was only 18 then and Baekhyun was growing ever so slowly, stuck at the age of 25 for the past decade.

And that was just the start of it. Baekhyun and the girl then met Sehun and Jongin a year later, who were close friends that were stuck at the age of 24. The two males were having dinner when they felt a certain pull. Not to each other, but to someone entering the restaurant. The both of them were puzzled as they looked up and turned to the door where a couple were waiting to be seated. And as if she felt the same pull, the girl looked up, only to lock gazes with Sehun and Jongin. She felt the same thing she felt when Baekhyun imprinted on her. Only this time, there came the feeling of wholeness, like she had found the very meaning of life. She immediately knew that there won't be anymore than the three boys. 

But in the real world where werewolves and vampires are just mythical beings that appear in novels and movies, it is seen as promiscuous and a "ty" behaviour by the society for a human girl to have three boyfriends. And so every time they go out, the three men take turns to be her boyfriend of the day. And today, Sehun has the honour of being the one. 

The moment she gets to the group of them, she stands before her wolves, who are staring down at her with gentle but attentive eyes. She has long learnt to enjoy their attention rather than to be embarrassed. She catches the slight crinkle of Baekhyun's nose as well as Jongin's tiny pout. She knows who her day boyfriend is.

"How was uni?" Jongin asks after she has greeted their friends.

She squeezes herself between Baekhyun and Sehun, resting her cheek on the latter's arm, nuzzling her nose into his shoulder a little, taking in her mate's scent. She hums in content. Baekhyun and Jongin sigh mentally as they watch her do that. They wish they were home so that she could be touching all three of them, not just one. Though their friends are all aware of the bond between the four, they still have to act like proper civilians since they are out to watch a movie. 

"Tiring," the girl sighs, wrapping her hand around Sehun's, slipping her hand into his, their fingers intertwined. She tilts her head so that her temple is resting on Sehun's arm while she turns to look at Baekhyun and Jongin. "I missed you guys," she says quietly, her bottom lip jutting just so slightly as she sulks. 

Already 20 this year, her parents have given her green light to live on her own since she also has to attend university and her home is not particularly close. The four of them are living together and they have literally only been apart for eight hours yet they craved and ached to see each other in the time that they were being away from each other. The boys only have one mate each — they're not bonded to each other, their only common denominator being the girl. But they're a pack on their own (with no particular alpha, though they have come to a consensual agreement that it has to be her) and they have formed a certain link with each other, a kind that keeps the pack together, closer than ever. It is only when all four of them are together that they feel a sense of contentment and belonging. When one, two or three of them are not there, they still feel rather empty and their hearts just ache and yearn for the others to be physically there with them. 

Baekhyun glances at Sehun before telling her softly, "We missed you too." 

A smile threatens to form on her lips. She notices Jongin pouting slightly in her direction, wordlessly letting her know that he had missed her too. Her smile breaks free so that she is grinning bashfully.

"Junmyeon hyung and his girlfriend are here," Kyungsoo announces to four of them that are constantly in their own world whenever they are together. "We can go in now." 

So the whole lot of them make their way towards the cinema. Baekhyun and Jongin are walking behind Sehun and their girl, watching how she lifts her head as she engages Sehun in a quiet conversation, her eyes sparkling and her lips in a cute smile. 

"My mid-semester break starts on Friday."

Sehun can see the delight in her eyes and it makes his heart swell. "How long will your break be?" he murmurs. 

"One week!" she grins at him as they enter the cinema. "We should go on a trip or something."

"Where do you wanna go?" he asks as they walk up the steps to get to their seats. 

"Japan?" she suggests shyly. "I am craving for sushi." 

"We have sushi in Korea too, darling," he says, his lips in a teasing smile. 

She laughs. "I know! But the sushi in Japan is fresher," she whines. 

They settle in their seats, immediately pulling up the armrest between them. Baekhyun is gracious when he lets Jongin take the seat next to her. Since there are so many of them in the EXO pack, they had to book tickets for two rows of seats. And all the armrests between them are up, most of them half sitting in the seat next to theirs, already searching for the skinship and affection wolves crave for.

"What are we talking about?" Jongin asks, reaching over to press his nose into her shoulder. 

She dips her head and sees that he is staring up at her through his fringe. "What do you think about going to Japan for a few days?" 

"Japan?" Baekhyun raises his eyebrow, leaning forward in his seat to be more involved in the conversation.

"She has a week off from uni," Sehun mentions, resting his large hand on the inside of her thigh, his thumb rubbing on the denim material of her jeans. "She wants to go on a short holiday." 

"Japan's a good idea," Baekhyun nods in approval, smiling at their girl. 

"Jongin?" she asks the man next to her, who is resting his cheek on her shoulder now, eyes on the screen as he watches the advertisements. 

"You know I'm okay with anything you guys want," he murmurs. 

She grins. Finally, she turns to Sehun, who is staring at her. "And you?" 

He doesn't answer, instead presses his lips to her forehead. But even without words, she knows he is consenting to the trip.

They're going to Japan.



She leaves the bathroom after a long time, leaving Sehun and Jongin in there to finish up (they can never unless she's out of the picture). She looks at the bed and notices that Baekhyun is still sleeping, having been the last one to fall asleep last night. She smiles softly as she walks over to the bed, carefully climbing over Baekhyun so that she is sitting lightly on his stomach. Leaning down, she kisses his bottom lip, taking it between her as she nips lightly. She glances up at him when she feels him snake his arm around her body, never being a heavy sleeper.

"Wake up now, Baekhyun," she murmurs, sitting up and brushing his hair out of his eyes. "You can still join Sehun and Jongin for a shower." 

"What about you?" he asks, voice in a low rumble. He reaches up to comb his fingers through her locks and notices that she has already blown dried her hair. "You've already taken a shower without me?" he gasps in a mockingly scandalised tone.

The girl laughs, slapping his bare chest lightly, making him grin. "You can join Sehun and Jongin instead. Hurry, Baekhyun. We should be on the streets of Tokyo, not cooped up in bed. Also, I'm hungry."

 "Why are you always hungry?" he frowns, sliding his hand down to the side of her neck, his thumb caressing . "Are you..." He swallows. "Pregnant?" 

He isn't worried because he might be a father. In fact, he would love to start a family with her, with the boys. But she is still young and still human. He doesn't need her parents to hunt them down — their daughter included. And neither does he want her to risk her life to have a hybrid baby. 

"No!" the girl widens her eyes, surprised that he would even think that. "It's almost noon, Baekhyun! I skipped breakfast and I'm hungry." 

Baekhyun glances at the clock sitting on the bedside table, reading 11:46 AM. "Oh," he mutters, relaxing again. "Sorry, I just— I got worried." 

She clucks her tongue as she rubs his arms, feeling his smooth skin under her hands. "Don't be," she says softly to ease his worry. Then she raises her eyebrows at him cheekily. "You know what would happen if any of you got me pregnant." 

"A month of time out," Jongin pipes up. 

Baekhyun and the girl turn to the bathroom where the tan male is leaving in just a towel around his waist, his hair still in wet clumps, his chest glistening with water droplets. Then their focus goes to Sehun who is in a bathrobe that is hastily tied, his hard chest barely even hidden by the robe, his hair messy from drying with a towel.

"And possible death by her parents," Sehun mutters, adding on to what Jongin has said. 

"Oh, and—"

"Okay, I got it," Baekhyun grumbles and rolls his eyes.

The girl chuckles while the two boys smirk. Jongin comes over, his hand sliding across her back to hold her waist as he presses a kiss to her temple. Sehun leans in, arm resting on Jongin's shoulder for balance, and kisses her forehead. 

"Guess you have to shower on your own, Baekhyun," the girl giggles when Jongin and Sehun start showering her face with kisses. 

He gives her a look. "You can't possibly think I'd miss out on this?" 

She frowns, wondering what he meant by that. But then he sits up and starts kissing her shoulders and her neck. She closes her eyes as she moans quietly, enjoying the pampering from her boys. She can tell the difference distinctly through their kisses, their dynamic always making her heart flutter. Baekhyun's kisses are light on her collarbones, ocassionally dragging his lips along her skin. Jongin's are gentle but there is a little suction to them, like he doesn't know whether he wants to on her skin or kiss her. And Sehun's are sparse but always firm, like he has planned where his next kiss will be and is firm with his decision. 

"Okay," she murmurs breathlessly, her fingers already in Sehun's hair, trying to bring him closer. "But we really have to go out after this."

There is a unified hum from the three of them, their lips up in small, satisfied smiles. 



An hour and a half later, the four of them are out of the hotel, walking through the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo. Today, Jongin gets to be her boyfriend. Their hands are interlinked and stuffed in the pocket of Jongin's coat pocket. Baekhyun and Sehun are walking ahead of them as they decide on what to have for lunch. There are so many restaurants that they find that they are spoilt for choice. But Sehun, remembering that his girl had wanted to come to Japan for their fresh sushi in the first place, resolves the hard decision by going to the popular sushi joint in Shibuya.

"What about that one?" 

The girl giggles, bumping Jongin's shoulder with hers. "No!"

The male chuckles, eyes crinkling with love at how bright her smile is. "But it even has a ribbon," he continues teasing her.

"That dress is for cosplayers, Jongin!" she laughs, nudging his stomach with the hand in his coat pocket.

She notices the two males before her are gone while Jongin and her had been talking about the cutest dress sold along the street that might suit her. She whips her head around, panic rising in her chest. It doesn't help that the streets of Shibuya are always so busy, always so packed with people. Jongin can tell that she is anxious and scared. He sees it in her shifting eyes, the short rise and fall of her chest. He glances to the side where he had followed Sehun and Baekhyun going to with his senses. Baekhyun winks at him cheekily. Jongin tries to hide his grin, just waiting to see what he will do to her. 

She turns to the male next to her with a tensed look on her face. "Jongin—"

"Right here, baby." 

The sigh of relief that leaves her turns into a squeal when someone grabs her arm from the side, pulling her into a restaurant. She looks up with a pounding heart and notices that she is flushed against Baekhyun's body, his hand wrapped softly and gently around her elbow. She glances to the side and sees Sehun staring her, worry flooding his features. 

"You might get a heart attack, baby," Baekhyun murmurs, glancing down at her chest where he clearly hears her heart thumping in fear and surprise. 

At once, she hits his arm and whines, causing him to laugh. She pulls Jongin closer and pretends to get mad at the oldest wolf, sliding her hand under Jongin's coat, wrapping her arm around his waist, hiding her face in his chest. The girl snaps her head up in surprise when she hear a lady's voice as the boys smile fondly at her, having already noticed the waitress' presence before she spoke.

The Japanese lady is smiling amicably at them. "Table for four?" 



The girl sits by the side as she watches with an affectionate smile, her wolves running around with the EXO pack, fooling around more than they are training. She sees the distinct white wolf, whom she recognises as Sehun, biting on the nape of another wolf whom she cannot tell if it is Jongdae or Minseok. She chuckles when she sees them rolling around in a playful fight.

She squeals when a force pounces on her from the side, causing her to fall onto the ground. A wet snout nuzzles into the crook of her neck, the ticklish feeling of his whiskers making her giggle. Her hands move to bury into the soft platinum silver fur as she turns her head to face him. Baekhyun immediately nudges her cheek with his snout, her face. 

"Baekhyun!" she gasps, still laughing. The wolf continues attacking her with slobbery kisses. "I've already showered, Baekhyun!" she says between giggles, her fingers tugging and twirling around his fur. "Stop!" she whines, though not at all meaning for him to. 

He doesn't listen. In fact, he has her on her back now, his wolf form hovering over her. His tail is wagging so hard; he is having too much fun. He loves listening to her laughter, he loves seeing her beautiful smile, he loves making her happy. It makes his heart flutter, his stomach flip, his knees weak. And werewolves are strong, so much stronger than the average human. But the girl, his girl... She's obviously his kryptonite, if wolves ever have one. 

Just before he slobbers all over her face, Baekhyun steps aside and falls to the ground, immediately resting his head on her chest, his muzzle pressing on her neck. She circles her arm around his mane, bringing him closer to her body. Baekhyun lets out a contented whine, his front paw coming up to rest on her arm. 

Sehun and Jongdae have stopped fooling around, about to go back to training. The whole pack turns to look for Baekhyun, wanting to finish their training session as soon as possible so they can go home. They eventually find him laying at the side with his girl, the both of them staring up at the full moon, Baekhyun listening to her speaking softly. 

Noticing Chanyeol about to call out to him, Junmyeon steps forward and gives him a look, shaking his head. Baekhyun gets to skip training that night, just to spend time with his mate. 



"No, no, no," she cries, grabbing onto a fistful of Sehun's shirt.

Baekhyun swallows the lump in his throat from watching his mate sob so hard. He brings her head to his chest, letting her bury her face into his shirt, wetting the fabric with her tears. Jongin purses his lips as he rubs her back in comfort. 

"You can't go," she begs into Baekhyun's chest. "Please, don't go. Please." 

"We have to, darling," Sehun tells her gently, slowly loosening her grip on his shirt so that he can intertwine their fingers and bring her hand up to his lips. "EXO needs us." 

"But it's so dangerous," she says through her tears, turning her head to stare at Sehun. His heart tightens when he sees that her eyes are bloodshot and tears are all over her face. "What if... What if you..." She shakes her head, a sob arising again. "No, you can't go. I'm not letting any of you—"

"Sweetheart, baby," Jongin cuts her off, rubbing her back. Baekhyun massages her scalp to comfort her. It helps, but barely. "We'll be gone for just a while. We'll be back before you even know it." 

"You're fighting against a clan of vampires, Jongin!" she heaves as she glares at him, lips trembling. "Not just one, but a clan!" 

"Baby, baby, baby," Baekhyun cajoles, his hands on either sides of her face, lifting her head to look up at him. "Listen, my love," he whispers, swiping his thumb on her cheek. "We're doing this to keep our territory safe, to keep you safe." 

She stares at him. Safe? This place won't be safe without them. Safe is where Baekhyun is. Safe is where Jongin is. Safe is where Sehun is. Safe is where her wolves are.

"Can't you bring me with you?"


She frowns when all three of them give her an answer with such conviction. Sehun sighs, stepping closer to her. "It's even more dangerous for you to be there, darling," he murmurs. 

"Because I'm human." He purses his lips when she says that in a resentful tone. "Why can't you just change me?" she whines. "Why can't any of you just change me?" 

"Sweetheart, we want you to enjoy your life as a human—"

"But my boyfriends are wolves, Jongin! How will I enjoy my life—"

"Baby, I'm sorry but we'll talk when we get back, okay?" Baekhyun caresses the back of her head before stepping away reluctantly.

She clenches Sehun's hand tightly, not wanting him to go too. But of course, they have to leave. They have to leave to keep her safe

So she stands in the middle of the empty apartment, staring at the door after her mates have gone through it, leaving her to suffer in her fear that her wolves will never be back and that will be last time that she will see them. 



Baekhyun rubs his forehead as he stares at the girl, sleeping with a knit between her brows, her lips in a tight line. Sehun and Jongin let out frustrated sighs. 

They had to break down the bedroom door when they had returned home late at night after the fight, their mate pacing the apartment anxiously, only to sigh in relief before letting tears consume her again as she ran into their bedroom, locking the door to prevent them from following her in. She just didn't want them to think it was okay to leave her with such a feeling; that feeling of regret that she ever let them leave, that feeling of fear that they may never return, that feeling of failure that she cannot do anything to help them. 

When they got into the bedroom after just one strong push on Sehun's part, they found her crying on the bed, her back to them. She wouldn't talk to them, she wouldn't acknowledge their presence and she wouldn't even let them touch her. They didn't say anything — they couldn't, because she wouldn't listen anyway — but watched her fall asleep with dried streaks of tears on her cheeks, her wet lashes glistening in the moonlight. 

"She's so stubborn," Jongin murmurs as he trails the tip of his finger along her bottom lip, his heart aching at the sight of the frown she is sleeping with.

"She's been with us for two years, with you—" Sehun looks at Baekhyun, "—for three... She's sent us off on so many wars, so many fights... And she always, always cries. I think we're the ones who are stubborn, Jongin." 

"About what?" Jongin looks up at Sehun with a protective glint in his eyes. "We can't just not fight." 

"No, we can't," Baekhyun murmurs. The two younger males stop snapping at each other to focus their attention on him. He sighs, reaching out caress her cheek with the tips of his fingers. "But we can get her to fight with us." 


"Jongin," Baekhyun shakes his head. "She's our mate. For how long do we think we can keep her human? Until 50? When she's almost a stone throw away from death and us, still in our 20's?" 

No one says anything to that, the three of them just staying silent as they ponder over what the oldest wolf had just said. She's already 21 this year — the perfect age to gain her wolf status, the perfect age to be seen around her mates because then she wouldn't be too young or too old. And she has been involved in the werewolf community for three years now, she has enough knowledge of their nature and their lives. The three of them know that there wouldn't be a better time than now, when she still has her youth. 

Sehun sighs. "Then who...?" 

They glance at each other before coming to a consensus that no one of them will change her, but all three of them. 



"The first change will always be the hardest," Jongin murmurs as he stares at the girl in worry. 

"You guys will be here, won't you?" 

"Of course," Baekhyun nods to her question.

"Then I'm not afraid." 

The four of them are at a clearing in the forest, the full moon shining overhead. The change won't happen until the full moon shines the brightest and that is only a few minutes away. She is anxious and they all know it, they can hear it in the quickening of her heart rate, they can see it in the gnawing of her bottom lip, they can sense it in the emotions she is ejecting through their bonds. Sehun holds her hand tightly, his other hand caressing the back of her trembling hand.

They wait anxiously until the time comes and they know that it is here when she gasps, gripping even tighter on Sehun's hand, her nails piercing into his skin. The three men watch with clenched jaws and pained hearts as she whimpers and cries from the breaking of bones in her body to form the anatomical structure of a wolf. But she is strong and brave, suppressing the screams and yells that come with every first change. Even when Baekhyun first changed, he had screamed so much that he couldn't howl properly upon turning into a wolf. 

In a few agonisingly long minutes, the hand that Sehun had been holding onto is no longer a hand but a paw. The three of them gape in awe at the heaving wolf before them, her fur so white and so shiny that it turns purple under the moonlight at a certain angle. Her eyes are violet; piercing but so breathtakingly beautiful. She stalks towards Jongin carefully, unfamiliar with this new gait as a wolf. The male holds his breath as he holds his hand out to her. She immediately nuzzles her nose into his palm. Jongin smiles in overwhelming affectionate as he runs his fingers through her soft fur. The longer he stares into her eyes, the stronger he feels the pull to turn, to join her. He eventually gives into his wolf side and joins his girl; two wolves, one with iridescent, white fur, the other with a shiny, jet black coat.

Baekhyun and Sehun laugh quietly, watching their mate and Jongin nipping at each other lovingly, cheekily. Not wanting to be left out, the two of them turn as well, joining in on the playful brawl. 



She sighs in resignation when she opens the present, only to see the dustbag of Hermès. She looks up at Sehun who is smiling at her. He bends down to kiss her lightly on the lips. 

"Happy birthday," he murmurs softly. 

"Thank you," she whispers back. When he stands upright again after giving her one more kiss, she sighs. "But you know very well that I don't need these things." She glances at the new MacBook Jongin had gotten her and the car key with a gold ribbon tied to it, courtesy of Baekhyun. "I know you guys have a lot of savings accumulated over the years but this is too much..." 

"You're a quarter century old! I think it calls for a big celebration," Jongin counters. She rolls her eyes in good nature. "Well, you would be 25 in reality if you haven't slowed down in aging."

"Besides, you really need a new car," Baekhyun quips playfully. 

"What's wrong with my Corolla?" She pouts, glancing at the distinct RANGE ROVER words engraved on her present from Baekhyun. "Can't be seen going out with a girl driving a beat up Corolla, hmm, Doctor Baekhyun?" 

He laughs, shaking his head, not saying anything as he massages her earlobe. She likes teasing him about his current job as a neurosurgeon and about his high pay. 

"You know we don't have anyone else to spend all this money on," Sehun says as he moves to sit on the ground between her legs, his back resting on the couch. "At least let us pamper you." 

"Pamper me in a different way," she sighs. "Not with expensive gifts... What am I going to do with all of these?" But the boys ignores her question, instead just stares at her, eyebrows raised. She looks at them in apprehension. "What...?" 

"Pamper you in a different way, how?" Jongin murmurs, dipping his head to kiss the edge of her shoulder before trailing a line of kisses along her collarbone. 

"Like this, love?" Baekhyun breathes against her earlobe, dragging his bottom lip along her ear shell. 

"And like this?" Sehun is kneeling before her now with a smouldering look in his eyes, his calloused but ever so gentle hands on either of her legs, caressing her inner thigh sensually. 

"This wasn't really what I meant," she mutters breathlessly, softly when Baekhyun on her cartilage and when Jongin's hand has slithered under her shirt. "But I'm not complaining," she breathes, throwing her head back this time when Sehun pops the button of her jeans. 

"We'll pamper you all night long, sweetheart," Jongin chuckles huskily, kissing the side of her lips. 

"And the entire morning of your birthday, baby," Baekhyun whispers hotly into her ear. 

"And the entire afternoon, darling," Sehun hums, slowly dipping his head between her legs. 

"We'll show you what's a happy birthday," they purr, sending a spark through her body. 

The other gifts are so then forgotten, the materialistic things of the world being incomparable to the love her wolves are showering her with now. No present will get any better than this. 



Author's note:

I have lost ideas so I'm just gonna stop here before this turns bad. I'm sorry that I won't be adding any , I really don't wish to write a foursome and I don't really have the inspiration to write any rated scene... But I do hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please subscribe, comment and upvote if you guys think this one shot deserves it! 

Also if you guys were interested on how I came up with the title and the story behind Moon Children; I have been thinking about the concept of a Moon Child ever since I saw a picture of someone captioning a make-up beauty pic(?) with Moon Child and the girl in the picture had purple, glowing highlights that I thought well depicted the light from the moon. So then I googled what a Moon Child was and found out that it was just someone who was born with a certain horoscope... It disappointed me tbh, because I thought, "How cool would it be if someone who was born on a full moon was named a Moon Child?" And with that thought, I came up with this. I just made it a tad bit different because if babies born on the night of a full moon were named Moon Children then there'd be too many of them. Hahaha. Idk if any of you read this, but yeah, this was how this story came out. It would honestly be nice to write more about Moon Children— or at least, my version of them. 

Too much talking;; sorry.. Okay, I'll go now. I've been working on this fic for 2 days, i'm glad it turned out this way because I really liked how everything fell in place! 

See you around

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Chapter 1: This is so interesting! How they adjust and give in
37 streak #2
Chapter 1: Woah... this story was too amazingly sweet, cute, lovely... loved their strong love bonding... also the starting storyline.. and loved the way it ended... aww.. that was so cute and heartwarming how all of them pampered her and handled things with so much love.. really enjoyed reading it so much.. thank you authornim for writing such an amazing and soft lovely story..
905 streak #3
Chapter 1: It was nice. Really sweet.

Glad u didn't add .

But it was imaginable.
Osekop12 #4
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 1: This was so cute. I wish it wasn’t a one shot
Chapter 1: Damn this is hot yet so cute.. Boys are also so understanding.. She is one lucky girl.. Thank you for this beautiful story..
Chapter 1: Of I was a wolf them I want to be a pretty iridescent purple wolf too!! I would also take the boys as well