[2min] Please (don't) shave it off

Little Things
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The prompt:

a/n  Old drabble from tumblr. My blog's gone so reposting it here ^^'




Taemin had casually liked Minho, his roommate, for quite some time now. There were many things that quickened his heartbeat, like Minho standing in their shared bathroom with nothing just a towel on, shaving and then styling his hair. Or when he would be cooking something with only shorts and a tank top on, revealing his built arms and legs. Or when he was snoring softly on the inflatable couch bed they both had invested in to watch TV in the living room.


But he didn't dare admit that the sight that made him flustered the most was when Minho had a stubble. He looked incredibly handsome. He was so handsome even when clean-shaven but with that stubble... Taemin found himself stare without any shame... and he couldn't even control it. He didn't want to be caught staring, worse- caught having a such a bad crush on him.


But maybe Minho had run out of shaving cream or maybe he was out of blades. Or maybe he wanted to grow his beard out. Because Minho hadn't shaved and his stubble was growing into a proper beard. Minho wasn't caring to style his hair too. He let his bangs drop on his forehead and Taemin couldn't look him in the face because of how adorably ruggedly handsome he looked. He couldn’t help but think of how much he wanted to kiss him.


He really wanted to his beard and what if Minho kissed him down the neck and then trailed down his chest– that little prickly sensation along with how his warm, soft plump lips would feel on his skin–


Taemin slapped his cheeks. He was losing it. Just an image... and he was losing it. If he saw any more of Minho and his handsomely framed face with that beard, he would definitely lose it. In front of him.


It was getting so hard to maintain a straight face, to not stare. To not get lost in a beard fantasy. If Minho didn't shave any soon and blessed his eyes with a full-fledged beard... then Taemin wouldn't be able to keep his business within his pants.


Taemin was hoping Minho would shave. But he didn't, and his beard grew. It looked shiny and soft now. And Taemin wanted to touch it more. It probably smelt like his shampoo mixed with his facewash. Taemin really, really wanted to kiss him now; and he couldn't help but imagine how it would feel if Minho kissed him all over.


He lost it one day and Minho caught him staring. "Something on my face?" He asked, rubbing his cheek, confused.


Taemin didn't know what overcame him. Maybe it was the result of how he procrastinated using his Minho-with-a-beard fantasies. Maybe it was the result of holding back and trying to not let Minho's sight affect him for so long. Or maybe Taemin just wanted to give his heart, his secret away, so he wouldn't have to at least control himself so bad.


"Just stop growing your beard!"


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965 streak #1
Chapter 6: I just chose this one shot because of the title. It just goes to sbow how a little necktie can pave the way to a blossoming romance.
Thank you so much for sharing.
miisw2020 #2
Chapter 12: I will make a friendship band with three beads for me.

Thankyou for your beautiful twomin stories.
Chapter 12: Your Number one. Like... so awesome. thank U.
(I love Taemin as baby girls.) TT
Chapter 1: omg soooo cute!!!! jongyu are so soft gosh
Paramedic #5
Chapter 4: Love 2min..
Give me more,love...
minhotaemin09 #6
notice today is your birthday!!! happy birthday!!!!!!! have a wonderful year ahead!
Chapter 12: THIS WAS ADORABLE plss my heart is gonna burst u w u U w u UuWuUU T^T❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Jongluv83 #8
Chapter 12: I loved this story. You're a great writer.
2030 streak #9
Chapter 12: Wow! That was really beautiful. At first I was like 'friendship bands?' but by the end of the story, I understood even a simple thing like friendship bands could make a story so sweet and beautiful. Amazing work dear. Hope to see another drabble soon ^^
2030 streak #10
Can we expect any new drabbles here? ^^