Glass Doll

LKChoi's Poetry Collection

Powder, creating false porcelain

Masking the blemishes and scars

A thin sheet of warm snow


A touch of cherry

Smooth and crackless

Tempting kiss of rose petals


Shadowed windows to the soul

Dark mist upon the pane

Artificial sapphire piercing the darkness


Threaded ebony cascade overlay the back

Arms and chest cloaked by silk lace

Corset shielding the waist

Belled skirts spread out widely covering the rest


The doll escapes her box

To join the masquerade

The moon welcomes her brightly

As the nightingales play a symphony


She danced with reckless abandon

But the melody began to fade

And everything else around her


Seperated from her delusion

Her eyes drenched in tears

Lips parted by low cracked cries


She never left the box

And the darkness knew her face




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Chapter 5: I don't have the time at the moment to read carefully through your poems right now, but after skimming through them, I really wanted to say that you have such nice diction! There's so much substance and thought behind each word :) Keep it up and all the best for your endeavors!