Chapter 10 (Observation)

Her Silence is Deafening

As the two girls finished washing up the dishes from dinner they playfully shoved each other around the kitchen as Yuri washed and Jessica dried. Occasionally the two would sneak a small kiss when Chae wasn’t looking or when out of the room. In the time the girls had made through two plates, Yuri had managed to flick Jessica with water twice.


“Kwon Yuri! Seriously! Stop it, my ruin will get ruined because of you!” Jessica squealed again when Yuri “accidently” dropped a plate in the sink causing water to splash everywhere.


“You said my full name I must be in trouble!” Both girls continued to laugh and when Yuri wasn’t looking Jessica grabbed a cup of water and threw it over the brunette. Yuri moved back and looked down at her now very wet shirt. She looked back up at Jessica who had a very accomplished look on her face.


“Oh you’d better run Jung.” Yuri had a devilish look in her eye, something Jessica never seen before. However, the blonde struggled to take Yuri seriously when she noticed the brunette’s shirt was see through. Jessica giggled when she saw the outline of Yuri’s bra before backing away slowly. Yuri followed the blonde’s gaze and then covered her chest.


“I don’t see you running.” Yuri blushed slightly at being exposed but when Jessica merely smiled it made the brunette forget instantly why she was embarrassed.


“Why would I run? I’m quite happy where I am.” Jessica spoke seductively as she moved closer to the soaked brunette.Yuri picked up on the change in atmosphere and felt herself being pulled to Jessica. Jessica always looked so beautiful, the way her hips swayed when she walked, the way her hair moved with her. It reminded Yuri of the first time they met.


Jessica’s brown eyes were on the brunette’s as she closed the gap between them, she didn’t bother to hide the fact that her eyes would stray towards Yuri’s chest as it was too hard to look away. Through the shirt Jessica could also clearly see the outline of Yuri’s toned stomach, looking over her body made Jessica feel different. The blonde had never felt this way before. The feeling of lust coursing through her body caused great tension not only for the blonde but for Yuri as well.


“I didn’t want you to run anyway.” Yuri whispered, their lips almost touching. Yuri could smell Jessica’s sweet breath, she could hear her breathing, and it was fast, like the blonde had just been running. Yuri realized her breathing was similar to Jessica’s, fast and irregular. The tension in the air grew as the girls moved closer and no space left to fill, Yuri passionately kissed Jessica. Pulling the blonde close, Yuri could feel Jessica’s arms wrap around her neck and fingers laced into her hair. The two began fighting for dominance but in that moment Yuri took control and picked up the blonde and placed her on the kitchen island. Not breaking the kiss, Jessica pulled Yuri’s shirt and felt small amounts of water seep through her clenched fingers. Yuri sensed Jessica’s eagerness, it radiated from both of them. As the kissing increased in passion, Yuri felt Jessica’s hands remove her jacket leaving the brunette in a wet baseball shirt.


Breathing even more rapid now, both girls latched to each other again and kissed. Without command Yuri felt her hands move over the blonde’s body, feeling the blonde’s warmth spiral up her fingers. When Yuri’s hands connected with the skin of Jessica’s hips the blonde released a small of desire that drove Yuri crazy. Subconsciously the brunette found her fingers clasping the hem of Jessica’s shirt and lifting it over her head. Revealing Jessica’s perfect s Yuri couldn’t help but stare. But one momentarily before Jessica pulled her back in to continue their kissing frenzy.

“Jess…” Yuri whispered in her ear as Jessica placed small kisses along the brunette’s neck. The blonde found this an encouragement until she hear her name again.




Jessica almost jumped from her slumber. She was in her room? It was a dream. The blonde’s forehead was covered in sweat.


“Are you alright?” Her father asked. He was in his suit standing in Jessica’s doorway awkwardly. It was Monday already? Jessica could’ve sworn it was the weekend. Unless she slept for two consecutive days straight?


“Yeah, I’m fine. Where are you going?” Jessica tried to manage any type of sentence but her mind was still on her dream. Wow. She thought to herself over and over again.


“I need to go to Philie for a few days. Your mother and I have some business to attend to.” Jessica knew her parents were really going to see Kris. She was unsure whether or not to say anything. She looked at her her father momentarily, he seemed tired, more so than usual. Deciding against it for the mean time she helped him downstair with his bags and then waved him goodbye.


Early Saturday morning. What was Jessica doing this weekend? Though the blonde tried desperately hard not to focus on her dream, she found it to be a hard task. Her imagination was vivid to say the least. Her stomach jumped every time her thoughts ran astray, the thought of her and Yuri like that together made her feel amazing. And that was just thinking about it!


The blonde recollected the conversation with Yuri they had had the night before. Everything that the brunette had told her, it was a lot to take in but Jessica knew Yuri was telling the truth. The memory of Yuri’s scars, the way her skin was disfigured in some places and perfectly smooth in others disturbed her. Yuri was beautiful and to Jessica the brunette always would be, no matter what mark lay upon her body. However, knowing that someone had inflicted that pain and suffering upon Yuri and that someone was Jessica’s older brother made the news that much more antagonizing.


Jessica wanted to protect Yuri but she knew she would never be strong enough. She wanted to keep her safe from the world but already Yuri had saved her twice from an attack, which Jessica walked herself into.


Yuri was the strong one but Jessica wanted to be strong for her.


The blonde decided she wanted to see Yuri. she just wanted to be with her. Even if they did absolutely nothing at all, her company was all Jessica needed. Heading back upstairs for he rphone Jessica found she already had a message. At half past eight on a saturday morning? What normal person is up this time? Jessica was still half asleep. The blonde contemplated not opening the message until she realized it was from Yuri. Hastily unlocking phone jessica forced her eyes to stay open as she read.


Hey I know you’re probably busy this weekend but I’d love to see you

If not that’s totally fine. I just thought it would be nice

We could watch movies and eat junk food

Also I just wanted to let you know...I was thinking of you

Wow I’ve just realized how super cheesy I am. Okay I’m gonna stop now

Text me when you’re up sleeping beauty


Jessica laughed and reread the message several times, she was no longer tired and instead found herself calling Yuri. For a long while she didn’t answer and as the blonde was about to give up Yuri’s mom answered the phone.


“Hello?” Chae answered. Her tone sweet as usual, but Jessica however was still not sure if the older Kwon was still angry about the situation. Jessica had decided to go home when Yuri’s parents got home the previous night, she wasn’t ready to have that conversation yet.


“Um hi, Mrs. Kwon? It’s Jessica.” Jessica answered nervously but Chae responded almost instantly with an even sweeter tone.


“Oh Jessica dear! How are you?”

“I’m good are you?” Jessica replied slightly shocked at Chae’s change in behaviour, she was definitely not happy with Jessica tha last time they spoke. Well they were getting on before Chae found out the blonde’s last name.


“I’m good thank you. Yuri’s actually in the pool, I can get her if you want?” Jessica could hear the woman beginning to walk.


“No it’s okay. I know Yuri need \s that time. I’ll call her later.” And Jessica did know it relaxed Yuri. It made her feel accomplished and free. Yuri deserved at least that.


“Listen, why don’t you come over? We will probably have some tea when she’s done.” Jessica smiled, Yuri liked tea as well. This girl was interesting. Jessica had never really met anyone who really liked both tea and coffee and it fascinated her.


“That sounds nice Mrs. Kwon. I’ll be over soon then.”


“Excellent and Jessica, It’s Chae.” Jessica could her Chae smile through the phone. The blonde assumed Yuri must have said something to her mother. Saying goodbyes Jessica sprinted around her room, trying to get ready in a sufficient amount of time. She didn’t want to be late and even though the invitation didn’t have time slot, she felt she needed to be punctual. She would do anything to keep Yuri’s mother happy with her.


As the blonde drove to Yuri’s she felt excitement run through her and images of Yuri in a tight swimsuit excited her more. Mainly Jessica just missed Yuri, she felt safe around the brunette and she wanted to cherish the feeling.


Pulling up in front of the house on the weekend felt odd but Jessica wasn’t sure why. Regardless Jessica walked up the front path with confidence but not too much. The blonde didn’t want to come off as overly self-assured as she still wasn’t sure what Chae was thinking of her and though by the phone call it seemed she was alright. Jessica wanted to make sure. Knocking on the door Jessica realized that she hadn’t done her makeup in the haste of wanting to get to Yuri’s. The blonde also realized that she was in her favorite jeans and a t-shirt, not very Jessica Jung, but she was comfortable. She was sure Yuri wouldn’t mind would she? The brunette would have never seen her without makeup. Yuri had seen her crying through her makeup, but that doesn’t count.


“Hello Jessica dear.” Chae opened the door wide for Jessica to walk straight through. She smiled happily hoping that Yuri’s mother wouldn't notice her lack of beauty products. Chae walked back out the front door and Jessica looked at her with a questioning look.


“Oh sorry! I’m all over the place this morning. Could you tell Yuri I’ve just gone out to get milk for our tea? She’ll probably still be in there when I get back though. She’s in the zone today.” Jessica looked from Chae to behind her. Wondering if Yuri’s father was around but there didn’t seem to be any sign of him.


“I’ll tell her for you.” Jessica said with a smile and placed her hand bag on the table near the door.




“Please Chae, it’s Jess, only my parents call me Jessica.” The blonde was sick of hearing her full name. It just felt like a waste of breath. She liked her name, but Jess was just easier. Especially when Yuri says hers specifically. The way her lips curl and move into a smile each time.


“Okay Jess. I’m sorry about the other night. I wanted to tell you in person how deeply sorry I am. It’s just been hard and I thought the worst when I found out that your brother….I shouldn’t have made that assumption.” As Chae spoke, Jessica understood her action, it’s hard to just be okay with such big news. Jessica didn’t take it too well either so why would Chae. It’s Kwon Yuri’s mother for god’s sake!


“I understand. I didn’t at first but I get it now Chae. There’s not enough time on this planet to say how sorry I am. And not just to you, but to Yuri. I had no idea.”


“You had no idea?” Chae froze momentarily. It was a little surprising to know Jessica had no clue.


“My family is secretive, you get used to it after a while.” Jessica was right. Her family was the royal family of secrets! Why, she had no clue. But she wished it was different. To just have a family that felt semi normal.


“Well Yuri was miserable when I told you to leave. You make her happier Jess, and it’s nice to see.” Chae spoke with conviction. It was nice to see her only child finally experience some happiness after all this time.


“She makes me happy. She just makes me a better person.” Jessica smiled at the thought. It was true and Jessica was a different person now. No one avoided her in the hallways at school. No one gave her foul looks. She was just another student at Lakewood High.


“You’ll take care of her won’t you?” Jessica wasn’t sure what the question actually meant. Had Yuri mentioned something about the two? Not that they were “official” yet. Jessica didn’t know what they were but she didn’t think Chae would be this good with it.


“You know Chae? I think she’s the one that has been taking care of me this whole time. I just didn’t know it.” They both smiled before Chae quickly grabbed her keys and began shutting the door.


“Thank you Jessica, just head straight through and outside, you’ll find the pool.” With that Chae was gone. Jessica exhaled and she was tensed at the moment. That talk went from light to very heavy rather quickly. Trying not to dwell the blonde headed through the house and outside to the pool, hearing faint music coming from outside, Jessica realized that this was the first time she’d seen the pool.


As Jessica walked outside, the music increased in volume to a moderate level, obviously so Yuri could hear it when she was under water. The blonde instantly saw a swimming Yuri half way through a lap, she was very fast. It was impressive, if this is what Yuri is like after several injuries, Jessica couldn’t begin to fathom how amazing she was in her prime.

The brunette glided elegantly through the water, it was like the liquid was moving out of her way. Too scared to challenge her but instead pushing her further on giving her an incomprehensible amount of speed. Slowly walking to the edge of the pool Jessica sat down and crossed her legs, she could watch Yuri like this for hours. Chae was right, Yuri was in the zone but still Jessica could see her smile when she moved her head for air.


After a few minutes Yuri slowed down and came to a stop. The brunette pulled her goggles off her face and adjusted her hair away from her eyes. When she competed she would have worn a cap but she didn’t bother at home. As Yuri opened her eyes again she saw a beautiful blonde sitting on the other edge of the pool with her face in her palm observing her. The scene made her smile.


“Hello there.” Jessica giggles softly as she helplessly watched the blonde in her natural surroundings. Yuri slowly walked over to the blonde and realized she wasn’t wearing makeup.


“Well aren’t you going to say hello Miss Kwon?” Jessica’s smile widened as she watched the wet brunette wade over to her.


“You look beautiful Sica.” Jessica couldn’t help but blush. The compliment though very sweet, was not what she was expecting. The blonde was half expecting a joke before a compliment. .


“Is that you blushing I see? Maybe you shouldn’t wear makeup more often. That way I can see if my charm is working or not.” Yuri lifted her arms onto the edge of the pool and held herself not far from Jessica. Giving her a warm smile.


“Don’t be so confident, have you ever considered it might just be hot outside and I’m flushing?” Jessica tried to cover her blush but it was significantly more of a challenge with no makeup.


“That’s definitely a possibility.” Yuri smiled innocently, apparently missing Jessica’s playful banter. “Hey do you have your phone on you?” Yuri asked as she looked into the house. Jessica felt her pockets but realized she left it in her bag. The blonde figured she wouldn’t need it.


“No.” Jessica had a puzzled look spread across her face as Yuri leaned up to whisper in her ear.



“Wait, what?” Suddenly Yuri’s hands grabbed Jessica’s arms and gently but surely pulled while leaning back. Both girls fell into the pool and Jessica felt the pinch of cool water hit her skin. If she wasn’t awake before she is now. As the pair submerged for air, Jessica splashed water at Yuri.


“Oh my gosh Yuri!” The blonde giggled softly as she wiped the water away from her eyes.


Unexpectedly Jessica felt Yuri’s hands snake underneath her knees and around her back, holding the blonde closer to her body. Jessica hadn’t been held this way since she was a little girl who had fallen asleep in the car, and her dad would carry her up to her room. In the water she knew she was significantly lighter so it didn’t bother her but she had no doubt that Yuri could hold her like this out of the water. The blonde let her hands glide around Yuri’s neck giving her extra support.


“Just in case, you know, it was hot outside and you were flushing.” Yuri playfully kissed Jessica’s nose.


“These are my favorite jeans!” Jessica was mildly displeased. If she wanted to go swimming she would’ve brought the right clothes for it. The blonde felt the tight grip of her skinny jeans and at the holes on the knees she felt the weird sensation of water seeping through. Yuri could sense Jessica’s displeasure, she instantly felt bad but still badly wanted to remain playful.


“I’m sorry Jess. Forgive me?” Yuri’s words were indeed playful but Jessica didn’t want to give in so easily. The blonde struggled to even look at Yuri’s gorgeous chocolate brown orbs otherwise she would cave in.


“Hmm, I really love these jeans Kwon.” Jessica crossed her arms across her chest and smiled cheekily. Yuri sensed her attempt at remaining strong and with the upper hand but the brunette didn’t even want to think for a second that Jessica was mad at her.

Leaning into the blonde’s neck Yuri lead small, delicate kisses up Jessica’s neck and a soft followed the kisses as the blonde turned her head to the side to give Yuri more access.


“Forgive me.” Yuri whispered her command when she finally made it to the blonde’s earned Jessica shivered at the dominance that the brunette was empowered with. Yuri continued to kiss up and down Jessica’s neck, slowly making her way along the blonde’s jaw line.

Jessica let another soft slip from her lips. She wasn’t sure why the brunette had such an effect on her but whenever Yuri kissed Jessica, she always wanted more.


“Okay.” Jessica murmured before pulling Yuri by the neck into a chaste kiss. For several minutes of ecstasy both girls enjoyed the serenity and movement of the water against their skin. Yuri felt warmth spread through her as Jessica’s hands roamed across her neck and shoulder blades. Not wanting the moment to end the brunette let her own hands wander aimlessly across Jessica’s waist. As the time quickly passed Yuri heard the front door open and then shut. Completely forgetting that they weren’t alone she gently placed Jessica back on her own feet.


“Girls I’m home!” The two could vaguely hear from inside the house. Yuri looked over to Jessica questioningly.


“Oh yeah, I was supposed to tell you, she went to get milk.” Jessica giggled again as she moved her wet hair away from her face.


“Okay. Well thank you for telling me.” Yuri laughed playfully as she walked to the edge of the pool. Jessica watched as the brunette quickly and effortlessly lifted herself out of the water, looking at her legs and moving up to her thighs. Yuri’s body was perfect. She wore a dark navy one piece that complimented every part of her. As Yuri turned to help the blonde out of the pool she noticed her gaze. The brunette smiled softly before providing her hand to the dazed Jessica. Gratefully accepting Yuri’s hand, Jessica climbed out of the pool rather ungracefully.


“Here.” Yuri handed the drenched blonde her towel.


“What about you?” Jessica paused before grabbing the towel and wrapping it around her shoulders.


“There’s a spare on the patio table. besides , you can always sneak another look this way.” Jessica blushed again, she didn’t realize in her haze that Yuri had noticed.


“Sorry.” Jessica felt extremely embarrassed. She wasn’t even sure why she was dumbfounded when Yuri was around.


“I didn’t say I was complaining.” Yuri smiled boldly. The brunette was unaware of where her confidence came from but she embraced it nonetheless. Walking onto the patio Yuri grabbed her spare towel and wrapped it tightly around her waist.

When Jessica went to speak she was interrupted with Chae’s presence once more and remained silent. She would get back at Yuri later. The blonde smiled devilishly to herself at the thought.


“Jessica dear! What happened to you? Are you alright?” Yuri’s mother looked at the blonde as the two girls walked towards the house. Chae was holding a tray of tea and biscuits when she noticed Jessica’s dripping clothes.


“Yeah I just fell in that’s all.” Jessica had never blushed this much in her entire life and she was mortified. Chae looked from Jessica to her daughter. Yuri had a smug look on her face, obviously trying to hold back her laugh but when her mother gazed upon her she tried desperately hard to wipe her smile away.


“Well you can borrow some of Yuri’s clothes, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.” Jessica looked over at Yuri and this time the brunette’s smile was genuine.


“Of course.” Yuri continued to smile as she raised her hand to the doorway, allowing Jessica to walk in first and Jessica’s smile lifted at the jester.


“Such a gentlemen.” Jessica murmured as the two headed upstairs. Yuri chuckled to herself as she watched the blonde’s hips sway and her wet hair let drops of water fall to the floor.

Jessica looked beautiful. Even without makeup and covered with water the blonde still radiated a beauty Yuri couldn’t comprehend.


“You know I did pull you into the pool right?” Yuri laughed as she searched her drawers for appropriate clothing for the blonde.


“Yes, I’m aware. That’s why I called you a gentleman and not a lady.” Yuri laughed at Jessica’s humor, another perk in the blonde that Yuri truly adored. When silence fell upon them Jessica ran the towel through her hair, failing to make any attempt of drying it.


“You can wear these for now and I’ll put your clothes in the dryer.” Yuri handed Jessica her old swimming track suit pants that no longer fit her and an old tank top. Though the items no longer fit Yuri, the brunette didn’t want to part them. Jessica looked at them questionably. They weren’t exactly something she would pick out at the mall.


“I’m sorry. It’s not exactly Chanel, Prada, Blanc & Eclare, Nordstrom or whatever gorgeous fancy thing you wear, but it’s the smallest clothes I have that will fit you.” Jessica smiled softly at the brunette’s good intentions.


“It’s perfect.” Jessica moved towards the smiling brunette and tenderly kissed her. In the air both girls could feel tension grow, even before they shared the sweet kiss.

Jessica was feeling tense before she even woke up that morning let alone being in the brunette’s presence.

Yuri moved her hands to the blonde’s waist, finding a comfortable position just underneath Jessica’s shirt. The brunette’s hand rub against Jessica’s skin, causing a friction in Jessica’s churn. With butterflies flying madly in her stomach and her heart racing Jessica could barely breathe, she was feeling excitement spread through her as Yuri’s hands roamed up her ribs going passed their usual zone. Jessica’s breathe caught in the back of when Yuri’s hands touched the edge of her bra. The blonde could feel several goose bumps rise over her skin as Yuri left small trails of kisses down her neck.


“I had a dream about us last night.” Jessica;s words were barely a whisper when she finally caught her breath. Yuri stopped momentarily as the blonde’s words had confused her. She was unaware if the dream was good but the brunette had always prepared herself for the worst.


“No no! It was a good dream.” Jessica stumbled over her words quickly when she realized Yuri’s expression was discomfort. The brunette relaxed immediately.


“Girls? The tea is getting cold!” Chae called from downstairs. Yuri had forgotten about tea, which was odd because she always had tea with her mom after a swim. Jessica however had completely forgotten where she was.


“Sorry mom! I couldn’t find anything but she’s just about to get dressed now!” Yuri went to leave the room, looking back at Jessica who seemed to have a dazed look on her face made her giggle softly.

“Get changed and give me your wet clothes when you’re done.”


“Well aren’t you just Little Miss Demanding?” Jessica playfully started to the top of her jeans. Noticing the blonde’s actions Yuri tried very hard to remain composed and then walked over to her door.


“Always Miss Jung.” With that Yuri was gone and had shut the door behind her.




“That was a lovely tea. Thank you Chae.” Jessica said as she placed her empty teacup on the table. It was nice weather outside, the sun was shining and everything seemed right in the world.


“That’s quite alright Jessie.” Yuri looked between her mother and Jessica, they were getting on famously again. It was nice to see. The brunette smiled at the two and finished her last sip of tea.


“Oh Yuri, I almost forgot. Tonight your father and I are going out for dinner, so I left some money for you in the kitchen to order pizza or something.” Chae was on her second cup of tea but she knew any moment Yuri would stand and offer to maker her a coffee. Her daughter would always enjoy her coffee, which fazed Chae a little because neither she nor Mr. Kwon Ji Wan was a huge fan. They would drink it from time to time but that was it. Yuri however, would drink it at least twice a day.


“Okay thanks. I’m going to make coffee. Do you want one?” LIke clockwork Yuri stood and picked up the empty teacups. Chae shook her head and Yuri moved her focus to Jessica.


“Coffee? You just had tea.” Jessica chuckled at Yuri.


“It’s a good combination. Plus I make kick coffee.” Yuri walked into the house and Jessica followed. Chae watched from the patio as the two girls chatted. Both seemed very happy. Yuri had a smile on her face that Chae had never seen when she was with Jessica. The blonde obviously meant something to her.

Observing the two girls, Chae wondered briefly if there was something going on between them, looking at the you could see there was a spark but Chae would assume Yuri would tell her in her own time. Which was fine with Chae. Her thoughts quickly moved on to the next in her itinerary which was grocery shopping.


“Yuri I’m going to get some supplies for the week. I’ll be back in and hour or two.” Chae grabbed her handbag that she left on the bench and kissed her daughter goodbye. With that the older Kwon was gone and Yuri and Jessica resumed their talking. Jesic made herself comfortable on the island bench and watched Yuri make them coffee. The blonde looked over Yuri, her back facing Jessica and her hair out and still wet from the swim. The brunette was in shorts and a tank top that compliment her greatly. She wore the denim shorts perfectly and the tank top was loss, revealing the outline of her black bra.


“So, tell me about this god dream you had last night.” Yuri murmured as she poured the milk into the coffee. Curiosity had gotten the better of Yuri in this situation.


“Well it started off with us cleaning up dishes from dinner” Jessica’s hands went to the bench top and suddenly she felt butterflies again. “Then we started splashing water at each other.” The blonde’s hands were gripping the edge of the bench when Yuri turned with the coffees.


“What else?” Yuri noticed the blonde's change in behaviour, her chest was rising at a rapid pace and her eyes were stuck on Yuri.


“I threw a cup of water on you and you were soaked and also a little displeased.”Yuri laughed as she placed the coffee on the island bench. “Then we kissed.” Yuri’s heart rate suddenly jumped, she was not aware of how quickly the atmosphere could change when she was around Jessica. The brunette wanted to know more.


“Then?” Yuri moved closer to Jessica, feeling her being drawn to the blonde. Even with Jessica sitting on the bench Yuri was almost as tall as her but the blonde remained dominant and leaned into Yuri’s ear.


“Why don’t I just show you?” Jessica’s whisper was seductive, Yuri had never heard this tone in the blonde and it made her stomach do sever back-flips The now silent brunette cold only manage a small nod, giving Jessica the permission to continue. Softly pulling on the brunette’s arm Jessica moved Yuri in between her legs, giving her an encouraging smile.


“It went something like this.” Their lips were almost touching before Jessica closed the distance between them. As Yuri’s eyes closed in anticipation for the kiss, Jessica swiftly wrapped her legs around Yuri’s waist causing her eyes to shoot open again in surprise. Jessica smiled bravely and moved in to kiss Yuri. In the heat of the moment Yuri’s hands went straight to Jessica waist, moving the fabric of the tank top the brunette’s hand slip underneath the shirt and felt the coolness of Jessica’s skin.

Jessica’s hands moved to Yuri’s neck, wrapping her fingers in the brunette’s wet hair Jessica felt Yuri exhale slightly and this excited the blonde. Lips still fighting for dominance Yuri pulled Jessica closer, holding her tight Yuri desperately wanted to take the blonde up to her room. Trying hard to control her urges Yuri forced herself to remain where she was the brunette didn't want to move too fast with the blonde but it was proving to be difficult.

Yuri was very attracted to Jessica, not just physically but emotionally too. However she didn’t want to ruin anything.


“Sica…”The blonde heard her name being called as she moved to kiss Yuri’s neck. “If we don’t stop now I won’t be able to at all.” Yuri panted softly as Jessica’s hands moved down he ramrs, leaving goose bumps to follow her touch.


“We don't have to stop.” Jessica wasn’t exactly sure why she was so confident and eager. She had never been this willing to move so quickly with someone. The blonde forced herself to stop and look at the brunette who was panting uncontrollably.


“Sorry.” Jessica exhaled, letting herself catch her breath.


“Don’t be. I just...don’t want to ruin anything.” Yuri spoke her mind, trying to express what she was feeling was hard. She felt her body wasn’t perfect not with all the scars and injuries.


“You won’t?” Jessica spoke her mind but she wasn't sure how she was feeling. Half of her wanted Yuri then and there. The other half was screaming for her to control herself, to not frighten the brunette, to remain composed.


“I haven't done this before...not willingly anyway.” Jessica’s thoughts jumped to Kris. The more she thought about her brother the more she hated him and even though Yuri’s words scared the blonde slightly, she could understand.


“Neither have I.” Jessica wrapped her arms around Yuri’s neck and kissed her gently. “We’ll take this as long as you need okay?” Yuri nodded and hugged Jessica.As the two shared an intimate moment Jessica could hear her phone ringing, sighing she released Yuri and walked to the front room and searched her bag. When she finally found her phone she had an incoming call from Sunny.


“Hey Sun. What’s up?” Jessica felt Yuri’s hands on her waist and the brunette leading small kisses up and down her neck.


“Hey! So word on the street is your dad is away for the weekend. Are you going to throw a party again?” Sunny sounded chirpy on the other end. Yuri continued to kiss the blonde's neck, making it very difficult to focus. Covering the phone quickly she faced Yuri and smiled.


“You’re making it very hard for me to concentrate. Go and grab our coffees and out a move on. I'll be there in a minute.” Jessica’s words were stern but playful. Yuri giggled softy.


“Now who’s being demanding” Yuri continued to giggle when Jessica poked her tongue out. The brunette caught the hint and went back into the kitchen.


“How’d you know?” Jessica moved the phone back to her ear and was confused at Sunny’s mildly psychic behaviour.


“Seohyun said she bumped into him when he was grabbing coffee.” Jessica nodded to herself. It made sense but she didn’t even think about a party but usually it was something she would do.


“Yeah, why not? It’s been a while. Will you guys help me set up this afternoon?” Jessica decided that it’d be a good chance to patch things over with her friends especially Tiffany. She owed the red head an apology.


“Of course.” Sunny already sounded excited.


“Can you get Tiff to come? I want to apologize to her.” Jessica could hear Sunny’s surprise from over the phone. It wasn’t something Jessica usually did the blonde was changing and everyone could sense it. In the background Jessica could hear Yuri playing a movie.


“Okay i’ll see what i can do. Is Yuri coming?” Sunny seemed to be asking the question carefully. Jessica had forgotten the last time the group had spoken the blonde and Yuri weren’t speaking.


“Yeah shie is. Anyway I’ve got to go. See you at my place this afternoon.” The two said their goodbyes and Jessica made her way into the lounge room where Yuri was waiting patiently.


“Is everything okay?” Yuri asked kindly and it made Jessica smile.


“Yes. i’m having a party at my place tonight since dad is away for the weekend.” Yuri moved her arm around Jessica and pulled the blonde close to her.


“Sounds fun. When did you organize that?”


“About thirty seconds ago.” The two girls laughed. Jessica felt ever so content with Yuri. The brunette’s arm securely around her, the blonde felt at ease and free from all worries.


“The girls will be over my house later to help set up.”

“Alright! Party at they Jungs’’ House.” Yuri smiled happily. It’ll be nice to spend some time with her other friends out of school. And with that, the two fell into a comfortable silence and watched the movie.



So this chapter is more of a Yulsic fluff moment so not the plot for this part, but you'll see later. hehe Byyyeeeeee THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN!

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)