Chapter 11 (At the Jung's Party)

Her Silence is Deafening

It was mid afternoon when Yuri and Jessica arrived to the Jungs’ house. Seohyun, Sunny, and Tiffany waved and continued to talk at the doorstep when Yuri pulled into the long driveway. As the brunette dorve she felt an unsettling feeling in her stomach rise and when she turned her car off she paused, the sudden realization that she was going to be at a party overwhelmed her. It would be the first time since…..Kris.

Yuri squeezed onto the steering wheel tightly. She was suddenly very uncomfortable with the idea of being at a party again and Jessica noticed her tension.


“Yul? What’s wrong?” The blonde asked nervously.


“A party….Jess.” It was like a timer was clicking over Jessica’s head as she realized what the brunette was telling her.


“Oh, Yuri. I’m so sorry.” Jessica’s hand instinctively went to Yuri’s neck holding her tightly and gently the blonde placed her forehead against the brunette’s.  


“We’ll cancel.” Jessica’s offer was authentic. The party didn’t matter to her but the emotional; security of the girl she cared for was. Yuri’s hand freed itself from the grip on the steering wheel and went to the back of Jessica’s neck, regaining a sense of sanctuary.


“It’s alright. I can do this.” Yuri held tightly onto Jessica. Three sets of eyes curiously watched the in scene in front of them from the outside from the vehicle. Tiffany smiled to herself and then crossed her arms, returning her focus back on her two friends.


“I told you.” Seohyun rolled her eyes and SUnny attempted to hold back a laugh.


After about an hour of preparation the house was acceptable for Jessica to throw a party. Every so often her eyes would stray to Yuri. Jessica was worried about the brunette. This was going to be difficult but at least she would be there for support.


“Hey Tiff, can I talk to you in private for a bit?” Jessica motioned Tiffany towards the kitchen, cautiously the redhead nodded and followed.


“I wanted to apologize for getting mad at you the other day. It was uncalled for and you definitely didn’t deserve that. You’re an amazing friend to me Tiff and I should’ve realized that sooner. I hope you can forgive me.” Tiffany was slightly shocked with Jessica’s apology. The redhead was expecting Jessica to be telling her to forget it happened rather than an actual request for forgiveness.


“I appreciate that Jessi and I forgive you. Now, what’s going on with you and Yuri?” Tiffany’s mind was so focused in the relationship between the two girls that Jessica’s apology was nearly overlooked.


“What do you mean?” Jessica tried to hide the fact that there was something going on but she knew subtly wasn’t exactly her strongest point when the subject was Yuri.


“Alright, no lying. What’s going on? You’re practically kissing in the car before.” Jessica didn’t realize the car was that close to where the girls were standing, but in that moment she only cared about Yuri. The thought of them kissing in the car however made the blonde’s mind go astray. The thought of Yuri’s hands on her waist and lifting up her shirt. It made Jessica’s heart jump thinking about it.


“Oh. My. God!” Tiffany squealed as she watched over Jessica, the redhead had never seen her so entranced at the thought of someone. It excited her greatly. Jessica quickly hushed the happy Tiff and brought her index finger to her lips.


“You two kissed, didn’t you?” Tiff whispered and Jessica blushed at the question.


“I knew it. I called it. it Seohyun!” The redhead yelled from the kitchen.


“What part of “shh” didn’t you understand?” Jessica said while rolling her eyes. Seohyun popped her head into the kitchen with a quizzical look on her face.


“Why am I it?” The three girls could hear Sunny and Yuri laughing at Seohyun’s question from the lounge room. The sound of Yuri’s laugh caused Jessica to giggle, which Tiffany noticed.


“Never mind Hyunnie. You know what Tiff’s like.” Jessica quickly covered the tracks that the redhead was slowly creating. Seohyun rolled her eyes and returned to the lounge room.


“Tiff seriously. I don’t know what’s happening between me and Yuri. It’s complicated.” Jessica was right about having no idea. The situation with Yuri was difficult but when they’re together it didn't seem to matter.


“Oh c’mon! It can’t be that bad Jessi.” Tiff’s words were elongated and exaggerated but Jessica’s thoughts went momentarily to Kris. It was definitely complicated.


“Tiff for now please, just try and not talk about it. I don’t even know what it is yet.” When Tiff watched her friend speak she could sense the confusion and realized how hard it must have been for Jessica. The blonde was always worried about her reputation, it would make sense for Jessica to be struggling a little.


“Okay okay. I will and if you need a friend, I’ll be right here.” Tiffany spoke with her quirky smile before pulling Jessica into a comforting hug. The two headed back into the lounge to finalize the last minute details.



Within two hours of the door being opened for guests, the Jungs’ party was in full swing. Everyone from their year at school was invited and Jessica was sure the word would spread. There was alcohol, so everyone would show eventually. Not that she really cared she was enjoying dancing too much to even notice or to bother drinking alcohol.


With loud music pumping through the house and outside it was difficult to find any room that was relatively quiet. Yuri had been sitting in the kitchen, still not feeling overly confident about joining everyone. So she sat and waited. Trying to make her nerves settle, but failing. The music just reminded her of the party in junior year.


“Hey stranger!” Jessica walked into the room with a drink and greeted Yuri a little too loudly her voice obviously not adjusted to the change in scenery. Yuri smiled. Her nerves still on a high and unable to form any sort of sentence.


“What’s wrong?” Jessica asked, her voice slowly decreasing in volume.


“It’s just...loud.” Yuri’s hands were shaking slightly. Jessica noticed and placed her own hands on them to settle the brunette.


“It’s okay. C’mon dance! You’ll forget all about it.” Jessica’s voice was high pitched and she seemed slightly delusional. Yuri was no longer focused on her nerves but was now looking at the blonde. She was swaying slightly from side to side, as if unable to remain her balance and her eyes were slightly dilated.


“Have you been drinking?” Yuri asked concerned. Looking over the blonde it looked apparent that she wasn’t herself.


“No! I don’t drink alcohol Yul! I’m too young.” The blonde’s words were mere slurs and as she spoke Jessica spilt some of her soda from her cup to the floor. The motion caused the blonde to laugh. Yuri’s nerves began to heighten. If Jessica wasn’t drinking, why was she acting this way?

Quickly Yuri grabbed the blonde’s cup and brought it to her nose. Inhaling the scent, she couldn’t uncover anything suspicious but when dipping her finger in and then tasting the liquid Yuri sensed there was a distinctly different taste that wasn’t soda.


“Okay I think you’ve had enough.” Yuri poured the remaining contents on the cup into the sink and sat Jessica down on a nearby kitchen stool.


“Yul it was just soda!” Jessica hiccuped in between her words. Her eyes looked even more dilated than before. Yuri began to worry, this definitely wasn’t normal.


“Who got you this drink Jess?” Yuri asked the blonde while holing out the now empty cup.


“Look at you all demanding and y.” Jessica’s words continued to slur and Yuri watched the blonde struggle to form a proper sentence.


“Sica-yah, please. Who gave it to you?”


“Hmmm. I like it when you say my name like that.” Jessica’s hands found Yuri’s waist and in her disoriented haze Jessica pulled on Yuri’s scars. The brunette winced slightly and held Jessica’s hands.


“Okay Jess. I need you to show me where your power box is okay?” Yuri needed to end this party. In the last few minutes someone had managed to spike the blonde’s drink and Yuri had no intentions for Jessica to be at anymore risk.


“Yuri! Jessi! There you guys are!” Tiffany came storming into the room, also intoxicated but Yuri knew Tiff was drunk. The redhead had been drinking non stop for hours.


“Fany! Go find Seohyun for me.” Tiff wobbled off and moments later a sober Seohyun entered the room.


“What’s wrong?” Seohyun’s eyes fell upon Jessica and connected dots.


“She wasn’t drinking?” Though Seohyun's question was more rhetorical, Yuri felt she needed to answer.


“I think someone spiked her drink. Can you please help get everyone out of here?” Seohyun’s eyes widen but the brunette managed to nod. The thought of that happening here shocked her. Usually everyone behaved at Jessica’s parties.


Yul baby, can I have a kiss?” Seohyun raised her eyebrows at the disoriented Jessica. Maybe Tiff was right but the brunette didn’t dwell and instead she left the kitchen to figure out how to get everyone to leave. Jessica’s grip tightened on Yuri’s hips and caused more pain to shoot through. She desperately tried to ignore it but it was proving to be difficult.


“Tell me where your power supply is and I’ll kiss you all you want.” Jessica quickly pointed it behind the kitchen Yuri thought the blonde meant outside and she figured it would be easy enough to find.


“Okay, you stay right here and I’ll be back for those kisses. Don’t move okay?” Jessica sat up straight and nodded like an obedient kid, and with that Yuri sprinted off the kitchen to get to the front door. At first the brunette thought she saw Lee Donghae standing in the corner but when she looked back she only saw a group of girls.


Yuri was being paranoid now, but all she was focused on was finding the power box. It turned out to be right behind the kitchen just as Jessica had pointed out. Opening the box Yuri searched for the main power switch and flicked it off. The music inside the house was shut down and every light went dark. The brunette felt her nerves lower slightly before she entered the house again, everyone seemed confused but they all looked towards Seohyun who stood on the coffee tea in the lounge room.


“Okay everyone there seems to have been a power surge so it looks like the party is done for the night.” Everyone sighed and began making their way to the exit. Quickly Yuri went through to the kitchen and found that Jessica was nowhere to be seen. Panic quickly rose in the brunette’s throat as she searched all the rooms in the home.


“Seohyun! Have you seen Jessica?” Yuri said as she rushed back downstairs after having no luck finding the lost blonde.


“No, I’ve been looking after these two.” Seohyun mentioned over to a drunken Tiff and Sunny. They were both sitting on the lounge giggling like two idiots. “I’m sure she’s just saying goodbye to people, she usually does. Can you turn the power back on?”


Yuri took a deep breath and assumed that Seohyun was right. Jessica was capable of taking care of herself. Nodding to Seohyun, Yuri headed back out the front and around to the side of the house. As the brunette walked she could hear rustling but she couldn’t identify the sound. Yuri followed the noise to around the back of the house where she found two figures fighting against the wall of the home. It was too dark to see but when the brunette heard a muffled scream she knew straight away that it was Jessica.

Running to the blonde’s aid Yuri pulled her knife from her jacket pocket and grabbed the person that was holding Jessica against the wall. When she heard his voice she realized it was Donghae. The brunette had honestly thought she was being paranoid but as he struggled Yuri didn't focus on her mental state for long. Holding the angered Donghae from Jessica, gave her time to escape. Yuri held the knife to his throat and seized him by his forehead.


“You stay out of this Kwon!” Donghae growled. He was frozen to place when he realized what Yuri was holding.


“Just leave her alone Donghae!” Yuri’s grip on Donghae’s forehead tightened, sending him a clear message.


“If you don’t stay outta this I swear you’ll regret it!” Donghae attempted to escape her hold but she pushed on the knife that sat across his neck, not causing any damage but instead causing Donghae to realize how serious she was.


“That’s a risk I’m willing to take. Now leave her alone!” Yuri let Hae free and grabbed the dazed Jessica that’d been watching in horror. Hae turned to face the pair, Jessica stood behind Yuri for security and the brunette had an unyielding look upon her face. Yuri’s knife was at her side, keeping insurance between the three. Hae wasn’t going to harm either girl in that moment so he quickly turned and vanished into the darkness.


Yuri hoisted her knife back to her jacket pocket, she was very grateful she had decided to keep it on her with all times. Quickly switching the power back on, Yuri turned to face Jessica and realized the blonde was crying.


“I just came out to find you but when the lights were out I felt hands on my hip. I thought it was you. I thought you were surprising me with the kisses but it wasn’t you.” Tears streamed down the blonde’s face and Yuri felt masses of guilt spread through her. Pulling Jessica into a deep embrace she felt the blonde become weak. The drink finally getting the better of her. Yuri s her arm around Jessica’s legs and back and lifted her. Holding the blonde close to her chest Yuri walked back around the house and inside. Seohyun was immediately at Yuri’s side when she made her way in, with the already asleep Jessica.


“Is she okay?” Seohyun’s eyes were filled with concern.


“Yeah, I think Donghae spiked her drink, e attacked her again.” Yuri’s ribs began to hurt at the weight but she ignored it, the brunette was focused on putting Jessica to bed.


Again? If it were possible for Seohyun’s eyes to widen any further it would have happened.


“I’ll explain later. Can you get me a bottle of water? I’m putting her to bed.” Seohyun nodded and with that Yuri headed upstairs and to the blonde’s room. Gently placing Jessica on her soft bed Yuri felt the blonde stir slightly in her sleep. Yuri’s hand went to Jessica’s forehead, the blonde had a mild temperature but she would be fine. The brunette moved to Jessica’s feet taking hoff her heels Yuri felt the blonde move again but didn’t wake up.


“Here.” Seohyun entered the room and handed Yuri here bottle. “I’m going to put Tweedle Dee Shorty and Tweedle Dum Redhead to bed. Can you manage this one?” Seohyun’s tone was borderline sarcasm as she spoke. Yuri chuckled softly.


“I assume you’ve done this before then?” Yuri asked. Both girls looked over at sleeping Jessica, the blonde looked relatively at ease in her slumber, which was odd considering the situation.


“Well, not the drink spiking but yes. Jessica’s the worst though, she never coped well with alcohol. That’s why she never drinks it.” Yuri felt distress course through her, she wanted Jessica to be fine.


“Seohyun! Yonghwa is calling you on your phone!” Tiffany’s voice came from downstairs and Sunny shouting an “oooh” followed. Seohyun rolled her eyes. Yuri looked from the door to Jessica, still asleep, it seemed nothing would wake her up.


“I’d better sort them out.” Seohyun said heading towards the door.


“Thanks for the help.” Yuri stood and then sat on the bed next to Jessica, placing her hand on the blonde’s smooth leg. Seohyun's eyes followed but it didn’t bother Yuri.


“Anytime.” The two girls exchanged a look before Tiff’s voice came from downstairs again.


Hey Jonghwa! It’s Tiff!”

“Oh my god, okay I’m coming Tiffany.” Seohyun was gone before either could say another word but Yuri could still hear Tiff mucking around on the phone. Standing from the bed Yuri shut the door and headed back over to Jessica. The blonde was wearing a loose white dress, Yuri was unsure of whether to change her or to leave her as she was. Debating for several minutes Yuri decided she would find some comfortable clothes for Jessica to sleep in.


Conveniently, Jessica was lying on her side so it was easier for Yuri to undress her. The brunette found some long pyjama pants and using the dress as a cover she put them on the blonde without revealing any skin. Yuri was then stuck with the difficult task of the upper body. Slowly lifting Jessica’s sleeping body, Yuri placed a large shirt over the blonde’s head and chest, leaving her arms free and then moved to the remainder of the dress. Pulling it slowly down Yuri guided Jessica’s arms through the shirt, when both were comfortably fit the brunette slid the last of the dress off.


Yuri let out a large breath, it was difficult but she could tell instantly Jessica was significantly more comfortable. In the motion of taking the dress off Jessica had moved on her back and stretched her arms above her head. Yuri observed the pretty blonde that lay helplessly in front of her and sighed. It seemed Jessica had as much baggage as she did. Yuri looked at the blonde and felt butterflies softly bounce about in her stomach. It was a nice feeling after all the nerves she had experienced that evening. Lying against the bed frame, Yuri watched Jessica slowly breathe in and out, her eyelids would flicker every so often she would murmur something that the brunette couldn’t understand. Tenderly Jessica placed a small kiss on Jessica’s forehead before pulling the bed covers over her.


“What are you doing to me Jessica Jung?” Yuri whispered softly and she the blonde’s silk like hair.



The lights beamed in through the blinds, ti was an overcast day but even as Jessica slowly opened her eyes she abruptly shut them again as the brightness against her eyes caused a headache to form.


“Go back to sleep.” Jessica heard Yuri whisper as the blonde rubbed her eyes and took in her surroundings. The blonde was in her head, in different clothes that she didn’t remember getting into last night and when she looked over at her alarm clock it was 7:12 in the morning.


“What happened?” Jessica mumbled as she turned over to face Yuri. The brunette had eye bags under her eyes due to lack of sleep. The blonde felt bad in an instant.


“I’ll tell you later, why don’t you try to get some more sleep?” Yuri was leaning against the bed frame and still in her clothes from the previous night.


“Why didn’t you get changed?” Jessica asked curiously as she laid her hand upon Yuri’s leg. The sensation of the blonde’s hand against Yuri's body felt amazing, throughout the night, all Yuri wanted was to hold Jessica and to have her hold Yuri back.


“I didn’t want to leave your side.” Yuri murmured as she placed her hand on the blonde’s soft cheek. Jessica blushed and smiled softly, momentarily forgetting about her headache. “How’d you feel?”


“Terrible. I don’t remember drinking any alcohol though.” Jessica said as she felt her forehead. It was slightly sweaty and yet was dry. It felt like she hadn’t drank in years.


“Here.” Yuri said as she passed Jessica a bottle of water. Gratefully accepting the water Jessica opened it and drank a sufficient amount. When the blonde was done Yuri put her hand out and Jessica gave her back the bottle.


“Thanks.” Jessica said as she her lips from excess of water. Yuri watched, her eyes looking upon Jessica’s slightly wet lips as her tongue dragged across the surface.


“What?” Jessica noticed the brunette’s stare and blushed.


“You’re just…..incredibly beautiful.” Yuri sighed as she looked at the blonde in front of her Jessica’s hair flowed carelessly around her neck and her eyes though tires still shined. The blonde felt her headache disappear and all she could focus on was Yuri.


The beautiful brunette that had taken care of her and was always ready to defend her, Jessica looked at Yuri and saw perfection. Without warning Jessica grabbed the back of Yuri’s neck and drew her in a passionate kiss. Yuri quickly reciprocated the action and gently held onto Jessica's arm while up and down, leaving goose bumps behind each movement. In response Jessica felt her arms pull Yuri to her, causing the brunette to hover above her. Yuri paused momentarily, looking at the beautiful girl beneath her.

Jessica was panting and she wanted more.

Clashing their lips together once more Yuri held her body securely above Jessica’s as she placed her hands on either side of the blonde’s body. Jessica’s hands went to the buttons of Yuri’s shirt, her nerves shaking beneath her skin, she was suddenly very nervous. The blonde’s fingers struggled to undo the offending button’s that stood between her and Yuri’s bare skin but when she only managed to undo one Yuri had stopped kissing her and looked down at the blonde.


“It’s okay.” Yuri murmured softly, noticing Jessica’s shaking hands Yuri intertwined their fingers and brought the blonde’s to her lips, kissing them delicately. “There’s no rush.” The seduction in her voice was almost enough to have Jessica throw her own clothes on the floor but the blonde suspected that the seduction wasn’t even intentional. In fact, Yuri was just being encouraging. Slowly Yuri lowered Jessica’s hands back to her shirt and helped undo the first button. Jessica felt her stomach jump but Yuri just smiled and moved their hands to the second button. When the pair had made it to the final button Yuri felt he rown nerves begin to rise in her. This was an exciting but nerve racking experience. Jessica noticed the brunette’s hands pause, thinking she had done something wrong she immediately pulled away bit with no more buttons holding Yuri’s shirt together it was hard to look away from the chest that hovered above her.


“Sorry. I didn’t mean to...We can stop.” Jessica stuttered terribly as she struggled to look away from Yuri.


“I don’t want to stop.” Yuri spoke softly but with confidence. She had never felt this way before. WIth Jessica she felt safe, she felt free and she felt passion. Jessica looked into Yuri’s eyes searching for anything that might show signs that the brunette was being playful or having a joke but she wasn’t and moments later Yuri moved in to kiss the blonde. Feeling Jessica’s hands move up underneath her shirt and passed her shoulders, Yuri felt sparks fly through her and with one swift movement her shirt was off and on the floor. Jessica could feel her breath hitch when she revealed Yuri’s upper torso. Her stomach was lined with muscle and her s sat perfectly in her plain black bra but when Jessica’s eyes fell on the brunette’s scars that covered her, she couldn’t help but stare.


Even now after several months Yuri’s wounds remained upon her body and it seemed they would forever remain there.

The dark color of Yuri’s bra showed off the brunette’s perfectly tanned skin and complimented every inch of her. Jessica felt her hands move to Yuri’s waist, being careful of touching the scars she delicately moved her hands up and down, causing goosebumps to appear and a slight moan to slip from the brunette’s lips.


Yuri breathed in the sensation of Jessica’s hands upon her. With Jessica holding Yuri’s s scars the pain didn’t seem to exist. It was like it was an old memory and no longer apart of her life. She could feel another small moan slip from her lips when Jessica’s hands roamed further up her body and as the blonde’s hands moved further Yuri felt her urges move with them. Uncontrollably, the brunette felt her hands remove Jessica’s shirt from underneath her. Yuri’s feelings were becoming unattainably hard to manage when Jessica lay beneath her with just a bra on. Jessica could hear a rumble of lust deep in Yuri’s stomach as the brunette gazed upon her. Both girls were panting uncontrollably, feeling nothing but tension between them.


Yuri took control and let her hands roam Jessica’s beautiful body. The blonde had the smoothest skin, it felt as if Yuri was touching the skin of an angel. Yuri moved her lips from the blonde’s to her neck, leaving a small trail from her chin all the way to her chest.


“Yuri…” Jessica whispered softly, the feeling of Yuri’s lips across her skin caused feelings deep inside her to merge. Jessica could feel herself getting tense and when Yuri’s hands continued to wander from her s to the top of her pyjama pants she could feel that she wanted more. When Yuri’s hands finally managed to gain the courage, the brunette slowly felt her fingers drape inside the fabric causing the blonde to squirm slightly.


“You’re such a tease.” Jessica panted, having the blonde underneath her so powerless made Yuri smile. The brunette liked being in control. Jessica noticed Yuri’s confidence and quickly switched the pair around. The blonde was now straddling the startled Yuri and moved her hands to the brunette’s waist.


“Not so confident now are you?” Jessica whispered as she lowered herself to Yuri’s ear. Suddenly the door flew open and Seohyun rushed in. When she realized what she had walked in on she quickly covered her eyes and cleared . Yuri’s hands went to her chest but Jessica sat up comfortable on the brunette and smiled confidently.


“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” Seohyun said as Yuri attempted to look for her shirt.


“It’s fine Hyunnie, you can look we’re not , calm down.” Jessica chuckled slightly at the blushing brunette.


“No! My poor innocent mind!” Seohyun yelled out.


“I heard an oh my god in here, what’s happening-”  Tiffany popped her head from around the corner and her eyes widen in surprise. “Oh my god! See I told you!” She continued.


“Damn it. Not only was I exposed to this….but I lost fifty bucks.” Seohyun exclaimed as she looked over at Tiff, who had a very accomplished look on her face.


Seriously?” Jessica looked between the two girls and wonder how they could possibly be placing bets about her and Yuri’s relationship.


“Yeah, I told her I was confident about you two and she said she disagreed.” Tiff nudged Seo playfully, however the brunette looked unamused.


“Okay but why fifty this time?” Yuri asked curiously as she managed to put her shirt on.


“Because when it was about you talking I wasn’t sure and I wouldn’t be bothered losing twenty but I knew there was definitely something going on between you two. So fifty sounded very appealing. Seohyun however probably disagree right now.” Tiffany placed her hand out in front of Seo while rubbing her fingers together. “Cough it up hot shot.” Seohyun rolled her eyes and dug in her pockets, attempting to look for any money she might have.


“Okay, so enough about bets. Why are you guys up? And how are you so cheerful Tiff? You and Sunny were wasted last night?” Yuri asked slightly embarrassed.


“Oh I’m fine with booze. Sunny isn’t coping so well though.” Tiff laughed and looked down the hall.


“Yeah she’s been in the bathroom for half an hour. We’ve been up helping. Well i have, Tiff’s been laughing nonstop.” Seohyun rolled her eyes and also looked down the hallway, obviously making sure Sunny was okay.


“Okay a better question would be why did you interrupt us?” Jessica was becoming impatient with her friends. The blonde wanted to be with Yuri.


“Well, your dad called and said he was coming home today. He said that business in Phillie didn’t go so well, so he’s leaving early.” Jessica and Yuri looked at each others, both thinking what could’ve gone down with Kris. “In short, we need to get this place flawless before he gets back.” Seohyun warned Jessica, she knew the Jungs father wouldn’t be happy about the party so they would have to be quick.

“Alright let’s get to it then.” Jessica sighed in frustration. It seems she would’ve put her activities with Yuri on hold until later. Yuri sensed it and chuckled slightly, though she felt the exact same. However her thoughts kept straying to Kris, what had gone wrong over there?



Donghae and Kris are back~

How could Seohyun barge in and ruin Yulsic's smexy time! HAHA dog Chico died yesterday..such a great buddy. You'll forever be missed... :'(

Hope y'all liked this one!

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Gile lu kombek kah
Chapter 31: Please don't left this story unfinished😭 i hope you update soon... I want my yulsic back.. I hope yuri will recover soon and taeyeon is also safe from kris... Please update author😭😭💔
How did your exam and oral presentation go, author?
jho_2122 #4
Chapter 31: I hope u update soon... :-)
Apollo13 #5
Chapter 31: it's ok. Hope you are doing well with school ^^
Lacosion #6
Chapter 31: Hope you're doing well, author-ssi. I'm interested in your new story :)
Paramaountpamp #7
Chapter 31: I subscribed!
Chapter 31: it's ok, we understand that you're busy. I'm celebrating mother's day, but not as a mom (too young to be a mom right now lol). I have already subscribed to your story :)
Chapter 30: looking forward for the next update. All the best for ysblink21 for the presentation :)