Boyfriend Material; jongyu

Colors of the Season
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prompt posted @ the end to not spoil the fun :3

Jinki knew Jonghyun was hiding something from him. He no longer was sleeping in Jinki’s room but in his shared room with Taemin, which he never slept in since he always just crashed with him whenever he was staying at the dorms. It wasn’t like he was avoiding him though, because whenever they met, he was the usual adorably cheery and clingy, but he often made excuses whenever Jinki wanted to just cuddle up with him at the end of the day. He would humor Jinki until Jinki fell asleep and would escape, unaware that Jinki had woken up to the absence of his warmth. Jinki was sullen about this but he didn’t know how to bring it up– because he thought that maybe it wasn’t Jonghyun who was the clingy one, but himself… and hence, no wonder Jonghyun needed space.


So he didn’t think much of it when Jonghyun wouldn’t stay and cuddle for long after their movie night or when he’d go home instead of coming to the dorm after his schedules. It was such a little thing that had been cut back, but for Jinki it stood out like a sore thumb. He was too used to having Jonghyun’s warmth against him, falling asleep to his rhythmic breathing, sometimes to his sleepy humming. He was too used to waking up to his adorably handsome sight, lost in peaceful slumber, watching him just for a minute more before he woke him up with a kiss. He was too used to the way they got ready for the day together, he was too used to their unnecessary chatting and joking as they stuffed their faces with breakfast. It was alright when Jonghyun stayed at home every once or twice a week, but this dynamic had been missing for over three weeks now and it was slowly setting everything else in Jinki’s daily schedule astray. After all, his day both started and ended with Jonghyun in some way or the other. Not having that was building up a restlessness within him.


This continued until Christmas. Jinki just ruled it out as him missing Jonghyun too much. Jonghyun certainly needed space now that he was thinking deeply about it. Texting round the clock, meeting between schedules, one waiting for the other to finish their work and then going on little dates, spending the night together, only leaving each other’s side for work the following day– Jinki certainly hogged up most of Jonghyun’s time. Jinki came to an understanding with Jonghyun’s distance soon because there were more priorities in Jonghyun’s life, especially with Christmas coming up.


So he was pleasantly surprised when Jonghyun turned up at the dorms late night on Christmas, instead of just spending the night at home. He smelt pleasantly of his cologne and cake, a bit of wine too. Jinki had returned from his own house a couple of hours ago and no one else was at the dorms that time, so Jinki knew Jonghyun was here for him and he softened at his sight, extending his hands. Jonghyun took them and slowly entered his embrace, letting go of his hands so he could snuggle into Jinki instead.


“What happened?” Jinki asked after a few moments, having noticed the sullen expression Jonghyun had been trying to hide, “You look pissed.”


Jonghyun tightened his arms around Jinki, “I screwed up big time,” He answered in a cute, muffled voice.


“It couldn’t be that bad.” Jinki reassured him despite not knowing what might have gone wrong.


“You haven’t seen it yet. Once you do, you can’t say that.”


“But what is it?”


Jonghyun slowly straightened up, his cheeks flushed as he answered, “I had picked up knitting a while back… and I decided to make you a sweater for

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963 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh dear. I love Jonghyun's wisdom in this.
963 streak #2
Chapter 1: I like this. So usual, yet so sweet.
lmao my fav character is kibum tho bahahah this is so funny and wholesome🫠🫠❤️
“If you wanna throw it into the fireplace, you’ll have to throw me along with it.” I can totally see jinki saying this lol
Beau1996 1374 streak #4
Chapter 9: Make up is the best after a fight!!
Chapter 3: Aww just Loved it 😋😍
Shinee2020 #6
Chapter 14: That last one sound like a Hallmark :P
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 10: So cute!!! ^^
Chapter 10: Gosh this is way too cute
Chapter 12: yeah.....this one too!
Thanks ^3^
Chapter 11: wahhhhhhhhhhhh.
I love Minjung/taemin storyyyyyyyyyyyy T_T
I wish it was more...