Straight Through My Heart (Through The Lens Of My Eyes)


Chanyeol succeeded in capturing people's hearts through his photography skills. And there was something (or rather someone) succeeded in capturing his heart through the lens of his Nikon.





His finger on the shutter moved as fast as it could to capture the beauty of nature in front of him. Be it weird-shaped clouds, yellowish-orange sky (it will be dawn soon), colourful flowers, green grass, fancy fountains, chirping birds, he caught the picture of them all. But that didn't stop him from kept pressing the shutter button on his expensive black camera. He kept capturing the picture of his surroundings.

But this time, there was something (or someone more precisely) that made him stop, that made him froze then and there.

He took his eyes away from his camera to see that someone in front of him. 10 metres in front of him to be exact. That gorgeous specimen. Yes, he would call him that. That boy that had captured his heart in a beat.






Inspired by this awesome fan art :)

I'll update this once my final exams is over (probably)

Anyway, wish me luck earthlings! <3


p/s : i don't know wether to make this a one-shot or chaptered fic. what do you think? 



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Chapters pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.s. good luck on your exams, mine is after Christmas