Part 1

Used [PJM]


"Hey," You turned to the voice and a guy with sleeveless shirt greeted you. Your eyes almost popped out, watching his great biceps. You cleared your throat, blinked few times. After you realized that he's greeting your best friend, Gyuri and not you, you hit her shoulder. Jeez, she's also drooling over his body.

"Sorry, she's not that socialize," You answered for her instead. He chuckled and rubbed his neck. You turn to Gyuri who continued her running on the treadmill, trying to ignore the super hot guy in front of you.

"Her name is Gyuri," You spoke. Your friend hit your arm almost immediately. Giving 'what?' look, you rolled your eyes.

"I'm Jimin by the way. I got to go so, see you soon," He walked away. 

"Seriously? You ignored him? He's showing his interest on you, dummy!" You literally blabbering at her. She smirked and slowed down the treadmill. Pulling out her earphone, she gazed to you.

"Don't you see that smile? He's clearly a playboy," She sneered. You sighed at her attitude. She's a goddess, you admit that but she never dated anyone since 2 years ago.

"If you want him, just go and date him," She stuck out her tongue and headed towards the changing room. You crossed your arms as you eyeing her steps. She really need someone else.


"Okay, see you tomorrow then. Bye," You hung up the phone. You looked around the bus stop and still there's no sign of buss. You leaned back in annoyance. Does that uncle should be late every time you're going to ride it? ONLY when you're going to ride.

"Hey, it's you again!" You looked up. It's him with a snapback and fully covered his biceps with a sweatshirt. You gave a smile back to Jimin. "Can I sit?" 

"Sure," You move to the side a little. He landed beside you and exhaled deeply. "It's a nice day, isn't it?" You looked at his calm smile. It's mesmerizing somehow. He turned to you and gave you a shining eye smile which completely melted your heart within seconds. 

"What's your name?" He asked. "Lee Diana,"

"Foreigner?" You chuckled at his question. You shook your head.

"Just mixed blood. My father is American," You said. His jaw dropped a little, amazed by your background.

"It's not that rare.." You mumbled. You gasped when a hand appeared. You turned to him. 

"Let's be friends then," That's where it's all started.


"Diana~" Your shoulders jumped at that cooing sound. You felt an arm slung around your neck and cologne scents rushed into your sense. "Done?" He questioned as you're putting your dirty clothes into your bag. "Yeah," You answered shortly.

"Great! Let's go for a cake!" Your eyes widened. Here he goes again..

"Yah.. I worked out five hours straight just now because of your hamburger set last night. You want a cake? Seriously Jimin?" You pouted, showing your unhappiness. You just can't resist his offer when he's putting his long face. It's just so squishy.

"Ahh, that's because you should come here more!" You scoffed at his excuse. 

"Why I should do that?"

"Because I want to be with you always, of course!" You blushed immediately. He always said those cheesy stuffs. It's cringing but it's worth to hold it in for this cute guy. 

"Aish, you're disgusting!" You pretended to be mad. You grabbed your back and walked away, not wanting him to see your red face. "Wait for me!"

"Finally.." You let your body crushed onto you queen sized bed. You felt very full. You patted your slight bloating stomach softly.

"Another workout tomorrow I guess.." You sighed in frustration. You took out your phone. No messages from Gyuri. It's weird. She likes keeping distance from you for past two months. You decided to call her.

*toot* *toot* *toot* 'The number...'

You threw your phone to your side. It's only 8pm. There's no way she's sleeping. What's wrong with you, Gyuri?

*katalk* You grabbed your phone once again, hoping it's Gyuri. Your beamed face went gloomy again when it's Jimin.


"What do you want?"

"Just want to bother you. Kekekekeke"

"Stop it. Just tell me, what is it?"

"Fine. What time would you come tomorrow?"

You gasped. How in the world did he know that?!

"I'm sure you'll come early to burn all those calories right. Kekekekeke,"

"It's your fault. Hate you,”

"Love you~”

"Park Jimin, you better stop doing that,"

"Okay then. What time?"

"11. I'm tired. Bye,"

You set your phone into silent mode and took a glance at your wallpaper. It's your picture with Gyuri. "What have I done, Gyuri?" You muttered and slowly drifted to your dreamland.




You stepped into the gym. It's only 9, explains why there's almost no people around. You headed towards the changing room but you were stopped. Not by someone, by some scene.

Quickly you hide yourself behind one of the working out machines there. You peeked to two persons who were facing each other. You gulped hard at the sight. It's Jimin. 

And Gyuri.

"Why do you ask? It's so clear that she's my close friend now," Jimin spoke. You could see Gyuri's nervous face. Wait, she's nervous?

"But a girl can't be a c-close friend to a g-guy!" Really? Gyuri's stuttering. The last time you saw her stuttering was..

Wait.. No way.. 

"Is it so important to you? You rejected me, okay?" Jimin smirked. Gyuri clenched her fist.

"Why are you being busybody anyway? She's pretty too. And cute. Why would you care me dating wi-"

"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU, IDIOT!" Your heart almost stopped. Jimin was also taken aback by her shout. Gyuri quickly hide her face with her palm.

"I'm jealous when you're being clingy onto her. I just.. I have trust issues with a guy, that’s why I rejected you. But when I saw you being so nice to Diana and both of you spent time together, I can't take it. I need to tell you that… I love you," You chocked. That's why?

"I'll think about that," Jimin turned to his back and stepped away from Gyuri, leaving her in embarrassment. Did he reject her just now? Gyuri wiped her sweats and ran down through the stairs.

You're about to come out from your hiding place when you heard a cheering from man's changing room. 

"I GOT HER, MAN!!" Is that Jimin?

"Nice one dude!" You heard some high fiving sounds. What's happening? You stepped nearer as you want to listen clearer.

"Thanks man. If I didn't follow your advice, I won't get Gyuri," You flabbergasted by these conversations.

"What advice? I just thought that foreign girl would be useful,"

"She really is! Hahahahahaha, she's so useful, bro!" 

"Why should being so clingy by the way? She isn't that hot tho,"

"Well, to make it more impactful I guess. Gyuri is not that easy to approach. Unlike Diana. She's so dumb. She just accepted my offer whenever I asked her. Just look at her. She got fatter!" 

That's it. You're so done with this. You sauntered out from the gym and just ran with all of your contents. How could he? He's completely deceived you with his kindness. What were you thinking?

You just ran and ran. Your fit body just helped you running further without rest. You don't know where you will stop sooner or later. You just can't help but run. Run from the reality of him breaking your heart with only one sentence. He's used you.



Well, well, end of the first part! I really hope I could see some comments down below *winking annoyingly* So, till the next part!



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Chapter 4: Sweet story ^^
mickeyup #2
Chapter 2: ohhhh the memories, never fails to amuse me.