Part 2

Used [PJM]


"What's up, Sejun?" Gyuri rested her arms on the counter as a muscular man looked up from his computer's screen and greeted back. "Hey!" 
"There are less people nowdays.. It's quiet," Gyuri grabbed a bottle of mineral water on the desk and gulped it down. Sejun gazed around and sighed. "You're right,"
"Diana didn't show up at all. You know how people like to workout with her. She's been really helpful even tho she's not an official trainer here," Sejun's words caused Gyuri to choked. She spit off some water out and coughed until her face turned red.
"Drink slowly!" Sejun grabbed a box of tissue and quickly handed it to her. Gyuri grinned awkwardly and wipe off the spilled water with uneasy feelings in her mind.
"Jimin!" That call as a signal of his girlfriend was here. Jimin turned to the source and smiled lively. 
"You're here," He slung his arms around Gyuri's shoulders before pulling her closer. "Guys, meet my new love of my life,"
 “Aish... You’re embarrassing me!” Gyuri playfully smacked Jimin’s muscular arms and received wide grin from him. Gyuri just rolled her eyes around but she can’t deny that she likes it. She loves how Jimin boasted about her in front of his friends.
“So, hamburger?” Jimin pushed few distracting strands of Gyuri’s hair away from her forehead. He looked into her gaze like she’s the only one. His friends already shivered at the lovely dovey couple. She just smiled in reply and nodded. Jimin grinned once again and turned to his friends again.
“Gotta blast! See ya,” He high-fived all of them before grabbing his backpack and walked out with Gyuri.
Gyuri took out her phone and just scrolled lazily through the pictures in the gallery. Sometimes she chuckled when silly pictures of Jimin come up. Jimin have an obsession of sending her selfies almost every day. But of course she wouldn’t mind to stuff her memory with her new partner’s photographs.
Her smile faded right away when a particular person shows up. Her face turned hard and her unexplainable gaze was staring holes onto her screen. She seemed like she can’t take off her gaze from her phone.
“Make a way~” Her shoulders jumped in surprise. Her reflex was very fast caused to surprise Jimin as well. He scoffed a little and put the tray on the table.
“Why? Anything happened?” Jimin asked as he put Gyuri’s hamburger in front of her. She lifted her eyebrows and inhaled deeply.
“No. I’m fine,” She broke into a smile again. “Okay….” Jimin added and pushed the cup of beverages nearer to Gyuri. “Thank you for the food,” Gyuri opened the wrapper and took a small bite. Jimin noticed her uneasy gaze as she’s nibbling on the burger real slow. His gaze fell onto her phone beside her.
Few minutes ago, he already saw what’s she’s staring seriously at. Jimin also felt weird looking at the picture. He can’t describe the feelings. Somehow that picture awakens something up deep in his heart. Jimin shook that thoughts away and returned his focus at savoring the burger.
“YOU!” You lifted your hand but you paused. Jimin just looked at you with a blank and static gaze. You shut your eyes to calm yourself. You stepped aback and ease your hand down, canceling your intention.
“Why did you stop?” He smirked. His gaze was full of mock. He’s mocking you. Clenching your teeth, you gave him a smile. You turned your heels to you back and walked, left him dumbfounded. Before you could step further, you stopped.
“Diana,” Jimin managed to grab your wrist after that intense word fight between both of you.
“Get those filthy hands of me,” You pulled away. Your face was red, showing how much you’re mad of him. But who knows what are you exactly feeling? This fake guy doesn’t know it for sure. You hate him. No, you hate yourself more for trusting him.
“Let me just ask you something,” He said while brushing his hair to the back. You crossed your arms, trying really hard to hold your urge to leave on the spot.
“Did you… fell in love with me?” You froze. What kind of question is that? Your brain automatically said a big no but your heart, your heart can’t decide. You’re crazy, Diana.
“You’re a freak. Thank you for everything but from now on, I don’t know you. Eat well, live well, you bastard,” You blurted it all out and headed away. You swear you could just give him a good beat for making you into a fool but you can’t. You already felt disgust and it’s not impossible to throw up on his face.


The gym was full with sweats odor but no one cares about that. It’s their daily routine to keep their body in shape or make their body look better before summer come. At one of the equipments, there was a guy with well built body not other than Park Jimin. His biceps refluxed along with his movements to lift the dumbbells.
He almost jumped when someone poked his waist. “What the?!” He quickly turned to that someone and froze.
“What’s up man?!” Jimin blinked and coughed few times after choked at his own saliva. He put down the dumbbells and continued eyeing that familiar figure.
“Is that you? Namjoon hyung!” Jimin shouted in excitement before pulled the taller man into his embrace.
“Hey, hey. You stink! Get off me!” Namjoon looked away, struggling to make Jimin cut off the suffocating hug. Jimin pulled away and glared at him.
“This is man scents, hyung. What you know?” Jimin defended. Namjoon dusted off his casual tee.
“No, I don’t know and I don’t want to know. So, you still focusing on your abs eh? Get another routine for god sake!” Namjoon took a sit. Keeping his professional attitude, he crossed his legs. Mean while Jimin just sat again and let his legs wide opened but Jimin slayed that posture. He looked good anyway.
“This abs is my pride. I don’t have y brain like you to travel around the world just to have interviews about your success business,” Jimin grabbed the dumbbells again, adding another set of working out. Namjoon chuckled and cleared his throat.
“I told you to study harder,” Namjoon smacked the younger male’s head. Jimin laughed it off.
“I may have no smartness but I still have girls lining up for me. We’re practically the same, hyung,” Jimin’s really good with his words. Namjoon grinned, not denying the facts.
“But why you cut off contacts just like that? You know how much I’m missing to have a beer with you?” Jimin questioned and Namjoon sighed.
“Sorry. I changed my number and need to stay in US for family matters,” Namjoon explained. His gaze inverted to Jimin’s small yet great figure. This kid was really small back then when they’re teenagers and now he’s a grown up man.
“So why you come back? You’re getting married?!” Namjoon choked at Jimin’s ridiculous thought.
“No way. I have my own business of course. I have an important thing to settle,” Namjoon took out his phone and opened some of the messages.
“And what is that?” Namjoon looked at Jimin with serious gaze but Jimin didn’t see that since his back was facing Namjoon. Namjoon’s small smile changed into a smirk. “A sudden project,”


The club was loud as always. Since when a club become a quite place anyway? The music blasted throughout the big space and all the people in it just move their body freely along with the vibrant beats.  Some of them prefer to just sit and bobbed their head calmly. There’re also some guys who enjoyed their time with the girls there.
“Where’s your girlfriend?”
 Jimin turned to the voice’s owner. “She hates clubs so she let me to go alone,” Jimin said and took a sip on the beer. Jungkook gazed at him with an amazed expression.
“Wah, you’re lucky. She’s so open-minded. I like that,” Jimin scoffed at his words. “Of course. I’m very picky. You know how hard I want to make her mine? I won’t waste my time on easy girls who doesn’t know about fun,”
“Easy girls, huh?” Both of them turned in unison. Jimin’s smile became wider when he saw Namjoon standing there.
“You came!” Jimin patted spot beside him. Namjoon nodded and did as he wants.
“I’ll be back,” Jungkook suddenly stood up.
“Hey, you’re the one who asked me to chill out. Where’re you going?” Jungkook flashed a quick smile and walked out the private room. Jimin picked one of the arranged glasses at the centre of the table and poured beer in it. He pushed it near to Namjoon.
“I thought you’re busy,” Jimin said. Namjoon gulped down the beer in one shot and let out a satisfied sigh. Jimin’s mouth gaped apart, not expecting his action.
“Just wanna relieve my stress,” After putting the glass down, he leaned back onto the couch and rested his head with his arms behind it.
“Here? That’s new,” Jimin eyed him suspiciously. Namjoon inverted his gaze, meeting Jimin’s.
“I’m not that innocent, okay. I know how to manage my stress,” Namjoon smirked slyly. Jimin chuckled by Namjoon’s erted expression.
“Fine. Do what you want. Let’s get wasted!” Jimin poured in more beer in his glass same as Namjoon’s. Namjoon looked at him as the sign of agreeing and bumped their glass together. “Cheers,”
“Cheers,” Jimin replied and drank it all. They continued the hang out session with some talks about their current life and Jungkook haven’t come back. Jimin can guess that he’s already snatched a girl and went home.  
“GYURI IS FREAKING HOT! She has a pretty face and great body like me. We’re so matching each other, right?” Jimin shoved the phone with Gyuri’s picture to Namjoon’s face. Namjoon took the phone and looked at him again.
Jimin blabbered between his hiccups. He’s fully drunk while Namjoon still sober and in his right mind. Namjoon sure have a really great handle to alcohols.
“Yeah, she’s pretty,” Namjoon said. Jimin’s smile faded and his tone changed when he said,
“But the thing is, she’s became such an easy girl after I got her. I’m bored. I should just fck her and leave her soon. But still, I didn’t regret it,”
“Regret what?” Namjoon asked. Jimin giggled.
“Using that girl. I tell you, she’s so dumb! I can’t believe she deceived easily. Being a foreigner with a pretty face is not all. You need to use your brain too, don’t you think?” Namjoon nodded. He decided to just listen to him without any words. He’s drunk, there’s no point to advice him or anything.
“Diana is not as dumb as you think. You’ll regret it for sure,” Jimin looked up and try to focus his blurry gaze to Namjoon. He scrunched his nose in confusion while scratching his silky hair.
“I don’t remember telling you her nam-,” Before Jimin even finish, he passed out. Not because of the drink. That someone hit him pretty hard since he knocked out within seconds.


Your eyes opened widely and you sat up abruptly. You looked around while holding your wet forehead, breathing heavily.  You dreamt about that scene. Again. That horrendous scene kept playing in your sleep. The scene when Jimin showed his true self and mind. The scene that changed your perspective on him by 180 degrees.

Your gaze darted to the clock. It’s only 2.30 am. You have been troubled by insomnia for a while these days so you’re 100%sure, no, 200% sure you can’t go back to sleep. When you finally can rest your mind, that dream will pop out and wake you up.
You laughed sarcastically at yourself. Jimin must be extremely enjoying his time with your ungrateful friend and here you are, dreaming about that heart breaking episode.
You reached out your phone and turned it on. The call log showed another call from Gyuri. She really doesn’t know how to give up. You smirked at the thought of her just leave you behind because of a jerk.
You surprised when your phone rang. It’s not because of at the sudden call. You’re shock because of the caller. It’s been like years since your last conversation. You hesitated to answer it but you did.



I'M SO SO SO SO SORRY!!! I should have update earlier XC But well, since I updated, I hope to see your feedbacks! Love ya!



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Chapter 4: Sweet story ^^
mickeyup #2
Chapter 2: ohhhh the memories, never fails to amuse me.