The Book Store

The Book Store

The sky was rumbling loudly. Nimbus clouds were filling up. A single drop of rain fell from the sky and landed onto the stone pavement. More followed suit and together, they became a huge downpour. People were running around, holding up whatever is in their hands over their heads to hopefully cover themselves from the sudden rain. There were puddles everywhere and playful children were trying to make huge splashes. Park Chanyeol held up his backpack over his head to shelter himself as he hurried to look for a temporary shelter. He found a store with a huge overhanging canopy. He decided to stand under it until the rain stopped. He ran in and tried to brush off the rain drops from his clothes and bag. He looked up at the rain and sighed. He was not rushing for time, but he hoped that he would not get sick after this. Striked with a sudden curiosity, he turned back to see what store he was in front of. There was an navy blue, decrepited sign above the shop window, with words carved on it that said 'Book Store'. There were no other details. He was getting colder and the rain did not seemed to be stopping anytime soon. He decided to retreat indoors. He opened the navy blue door which also showed signs of detoriating. The windcharm sounded beautifully as the door creaked inwards. Chanyeol stepped in and was greeted by a strong smell of book pages and coffee. He closed the door behind him and looked around. There were many shelves of books, both old and new. A round, small table in the middle with books stacked on it and a conspicuous sign indicating a new publish.

"Hello, may I help you?" A man behind the wooden counter spoke.

"Oh, hi. I'm just here to shelter from the rain, if you do not mind," Chanyeol replied.

"I don't," the man paused and inspected Chanyeol, "You are drenched. There's a bathroom upstairs, you can help yourselves to one of those towels, just drop it inside the laundry basket when you are done using it." He motioned to the stairs beside the counter.

"Thank you," Chanyeol nodded and made his way to the stairs. He was grateful to the kind stranger for letting him use his bathrom. As he walked up the stairs, the man poked his head out of the counter to get a glimpse of him.

"There's someone upstairs, don't scream when you see him," he chuckled.

"Alright, thank you," Chanyeol nodded and continued his way up.

It was a home on the second storey, possibly owned by the kind stranger. He walked past the shoe shelf that was surprisingly only filled with three pairs. He opened the front door which was not locked and entered the house. The home was not big, possibly a four-room flat. It was decorated warmly and Chanyeol liked it. He was suddenly curious who the someone was but he figured that it would be better to do what he was supposed to. After all, snooping around someone else's house was not wise. Chanyeol found the bathroom and went in. He took one of the clean towels that were stacked nicely on a bathroom shelf and started to dry himself. While he was drying his hair, he explored the bathroom. The entire bathroom was clean and immaculate. Bathroom supplies were neatly aligned on the shelves with the towels. The mirror was polished. It seemed like the bathroom was cleaned more than once a week. Chanyeol wondered if the stranger actually had OCD or just have a hired maid. He shrugged off the thoughts and threw the used towel into the laundry basket near the door. He exited the bathroom and was surprised to find that someone standing in front of him with a shock expression. The new stranger then softened his gaze and laughed softly.

"Ah, Baekhyun hyung invited someone up again," he said simply.

"I'm so sorry for using your washroom. He is very kind," Chanyeol said.

"It's no problem. He's always this way."

"I'll get going now, thank you!" Chanyeol bowed and left for the door.

The stranger stared after him. Chanyeol hurried down the stairs and was in the book store once again. He was about to thank the kind stranger but he found him sleeping on the counter. Chanyeol stared at him for a while. The rainy days would indeed make one feel sleepy. The new stranger came down too and caught Chanyeol staring.

"He's always tired," he said.

"Can you tell him that I said thanks?" Chanyeol asked.

"Sure, of course."

"Thank you too, bye," Chanyeol said and left.

"Come again if you like."

Chanyeol paused and turned to look at him.

"Baekhyun hyung loves to have a company."

"Oh..sure I would," Chanyeol glanced at the sleeping figure and smiled.

"See you!" The stranger smiled cheekily. Chanyeol nodded and left the store.


He did not come again for the next few days. However, he did came one Saturday morning. Chanyeol opened the navy blue door and listened to the familiar charms. He walked in and was greeted by the same smell of books and coffee. The strong aroma came from the counter. It was the same kind stranger and he had a cup of coffee placed in front of him.

"Hello," he greeted.

"Hey! Your friend told me to visit again and I won't mind reading a few books from here," Chanyeol said as he approached him.

"I see."

"Baekhyun, right?"

"Yes, did he told you my name?"

"Yeah. I figured it was your name since he mentioned it a few times."

"And what's yours?"


"It's nice to meet you, Chanyeol," Baekhyun smiled. "Go ahead and pick a book. If you like it, you can buy it."

"Thank you," Chanyeol nodded.

"Would you like a cup of coffee too?" Baekhyun motioned to his cup.

"I'll be grateful."

"Alright. Just pick a book and relax." Baekhyun stood up from his chair and went upstairs.

Chanyeol went over to the shelves of books. They were categorised into their genres and arranged alphabetically. He had always preferred fictional romance. He finally found the genre he wanted and began to hunt for a book. Chanyeol loved books since young, he would always read one before bed and in between school breaks. His love for reading did not stop even when he had grown up. After a while, he finally found a book that seemed to be calling out for him. He took it off the shelf and inspected it.

"You found one?" Baekhyun reappeared again.

Chanyeol nodded. "Yes, this seemed interesting."

Baekhyun motioned to the levitated corner with comfortable couches and said, "Please do enjoy your book with a coffee there."

"May I ask you a question?" Chanyeol asked.

"Sure," Baekhyun nodded as he set the cup on a small table beside a one-seater couch.

"Why aren't there any customers?"

"Well," Baekhyun frowned, "With technology being more advanced, lesser people are interested in reading hard copies anymore. They prefer E-Books or worse, they don't even read at all."

"Yes, that's true," Chanyeol nodded.

"You love books, right?"

"Yes I do! I love them since young. I always love reading and the smell of the books are comforting."

"You're like me then," Baekhyun smiled.

"I noticed that the shop is rather old."

"This is a family business. I am currently the one managing it."

Chanyeol nodded understandingly. "I see."

Baekhyun sighed and looked around, "I plan to close it though."

"What? Why?" Chanyeol gasped.

"Few people are appreciating books. It would only get worse through the years. It's best to close down this business," Baekhyun explained.

"It would be a pity."

"It would, but we have to move on with the generation, don't we?" Baekhyun chuckled.

"I guess you did made a point."

Baekhyun suddenly coughed and it became a coughing fit. He backfaced Chanyeol and started walking to the counter. Chanyeol frowned as he watched him.


Baekhyun suddenly swayed to his side. Chanyeol stood up quickly to help but someone else was faster than him. Jongdae was suddenly rushing down the stairs and caught Baekhyun in his arms. Chanyeol hurried over, he saw Baekhyun whispered something and pushing Jongdae away gently.

"What happened?" Chanyeol asked worriedly.

Baekhyun and Jongdae both looked at Chanyeol.

"He's just sick lately," Jongdae replied.

"Then please rest upstairs!" Chanyeol said.

"I'll be fine," Baekhyun shook his head.

"I would not mind, you are the owner of this store anyways. I can just purchase the book and-"

"You're just like him..." Baekhyun mumbled softly.

"What?" Chanyeol asked.

"Hyung, let's go upstairs, he's right," Jongdae told Baekhyun.

Baekhyun sighed and said, "Sorry for this, Chanyeol."

"I don't mind! Please feel better soon!"

Jongdae helped Baekhyun up the stairs and they disappeared upstairs. Chanyeol was worried. But he sighed and returned to the couch. He sat down and picked up the coffee. The coffee was getting cool. He realised that it was espresso.

Baekhyun sighed as he watched Jongdae opened the front door.

"Jongdae, I don't need to rest," he said while Jongdae pulled him into the living room and set him down.

"Would you rather tell him the truth?" Jongdae asked. "Plus, I'm still worried about you." He pouted.

"He's just like him," Baekhyun said.

"I'm glad to know you think so. Do you trust him?"

"He's just like him," Baekhyun repeated.

Jongdae sighed. "When Chanyeol came up that day, I wondered why you were willing to let him up. But then I realised that you were trying to find someone again."

Baekhyun stayed quiet. Jongdae sat down beside him.

"Do you like him?" He asked.

"I'm trying to figure out," Baekhyun smiled.

Jongdae sighed but smiled with him. The doorbell suddenly rang. Jongdae stood up and went to answer the door. It was not surprisingly to be Chanyeol.

"Hi! I'm here to say that I'm leaving now. Is Baekhyun alright?"

"Yes, he is. Thank you for your concern," Jongdae nodded.

"I'll be leaving then," Chanyeol bowed and left.


Chanyeol came the next evening. To his surprise, it was not Baekhyun at the counter. But he was reminded of what happened yesterday and felt relieved to know Baekhyun was most probably resting right now.

"Oh, hello Chanyeol," Jongdae greeted him.

"Is Baekhyun upstairs?" Chanyeol asked to make sure.

"Yes. He would be happy to see you again."

"You don't mind?" Jongdae shook his head in reply.

"I'll get going, thank you."

Chanyeol went up the stairs and knocked on the front door. He waited for the door to be opened and he was greeted by a smiling Baekhyun.

"Chanyeol! You came again!" He exclaimed.

"Hi Baekhyun," Chanyeol gave a little wave.

"Come in!" Baekhyun grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside.

The two of them were suddenly close. They only met two times, yet it seemed like they were best friends for a very long time. But Chanyeol did not mind. Coming here after work was a good idea afterall. He was led to the living room and he glanced through the table. A cup of freshly brewed espresso was on the table, along with an opened book. Baekhyun had been reading before he came.

"You haven't finished your book, have you?" Baekhyun asked as he sat down on the couch.

Chanyeol shook his head and sat down too. "Not yet. I had to go to work then so I had to leave."

"What do you work as?"

"Barista, at a cafe up the streets."

"Wow! A barista! You are able to make delicious cups of coffee, right?"

"I guess," Chanyeol rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He had never recieved such a compliment.

"Would you mind?" Baekhyun asked.

"No problem!"

Both of them stood up and Baekhyun led Chanyeol to the kitchen. Chanyeol spotted an espresso machine just situated at the right corner of the kitchen. There were also cans of grounded espresso beans lined and stacked beside the machine.

"Do you only drink espresso? I noticed that you were only drinking them whenever I came," he asked.

"Yes," Baekhyun replied.

Chanyeol frowned, "It would be bad for your health to consume too much antioxident."

"Jongdae would keep track of it," Baekhyun mumbled.

Chanyeol nodded and started to scoop out appropriate amount of ground coffee. Baekhyun leaned against the counter and stared dreamily at every movements that Chanyeol made. Chanyeol indeed looked like a real barista.

"So who is Jongdae to you?" Chanyeol asked.

"A very close friend of mine. He takes care of me ever since..." Baekhyun paused but continued, "Ever since my ex left me."

"I'm so sorry."

"No, it's okay," Baekhyun smiled at him, "I love your company."

"Oh, I see."

Chanyeol finished two cups of espresso and gave one cup to Baekhyun. They went back to the living room and sat down at the couch once again. Baekhyun began introducing Chanyeol the book that he was reading. They chatted about books and coffee for a long time over their own. They did not even realised that it was already late. Jongdae came up while wondering why Chanyeol had not gone back yet. When he reached the living room, he found Baekhyun sleeping on the couch with Chanyeol just staring.

"It is late. I'm sure you need to get home now," Jongdae told Chanyeol as he approached.

Chanyeol glanced at his watch and gasped softly at how late the time was. He stood up slowly without waking Baekhyun up.

"Please help me thank him for the espresso. Please rest well," he bowed a little.

"Sure. I'm closing the store as soon as you leave," Jongdae told Chanyeol. He followed Chanyeol downstairs but he did not let him go yet.

"Chanyeol," he called out.

"Yes?" Chanyeol asked.

"Baekhyun hyung really enjoys you coming. I hope you can make it everyday."

"I don't have any plans after work so I can come over. I enjoy being here too!"

"And.." Jongdae sighed, "If hyung talks about anything weird, please don't mind him."

"Weird? Like how?"

Jongdae shook his head, "Just get home early, Chanyeol. See you tomorrow."

"Aright, bye," Chanyeol nodded.


The same cycle went on for the next few days. Chanyeol came by every evening and he would be accompanying Baekhyun either at home or in the book store. When there were customers, Chanyeol would watch him attending to them. Baekhyun grown more fond of Chanyeol and so does the latter. However, the ectasy did not last forever.

Chanyeol finally saw it. The real reason why everything was done in the ways they were.

At first, Chanyeol thought the coughing was just a part of another little cold Baekhyun gotten. But he finally realised his mistake when Jongdae was hurrying over to help Baekhyun. Chanyeol watched in utter shock as Baekhyun was clutching the left side of his shirt with such a pained expression on his face. Jongdae hurried to get something and all Chanyeol could do was to watch helplessly. Baekhyun only calmed down after he took some medicine, possibly painkillers. Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol with his glassy eyes and tried to smile. It broke Chanyeol's heart into million pieces.

"What..was that?" Chanyeol managed to croak out.

Jongdae looked at Baekhyun in a quetioning manner before he answered.

"Actually, Baekhyun hyung has a heart condition."

Chanyeol gasped in reply. "Heart..condition?" He repeated.

"I thought that I could just keep it a secret. So you would be able to be happy with me genuinely, without knowing the truth," Baekhyun said.

"A secret? This serious? But why?"

"Let me explain..." Jongdae sighed. "We discovered his heart condition two years ago, right after his ex-boyfriend had passed away. He was called Yifan. He was my cousin. The way Baekhyun met Yifan was exactly how he met you. He was a barista. He was tall. He was caring and considerate. He was just like you."

Just like you

Chanyeol gasped again, his shaky hand covering his mouth.

"That is why Baekhyun hyung enjoyed your company and hoped that it would last. He wanted to enjoy the same happiness he had with Yifan. Like you being a substitute," Jongdae continued. Baekhyun looked apologetic at Chanyeol.

"I was hesitant to let Baekhyun hyung get close to you. But he looked really happy with you, I wanted him to happy too. The sad news is, Baekhyun rejected treatment and only allowed the painkillers to help him. His heart is failing and he might not hold on any longer. He said...he wanted to be with Yifan." Jongdae's breath hitched at the end.

"I'm sorry, Chanyeol," Baekhyun mumbled.

Chanyeol just stared at the wooden floor, unable to form words. This was why Jongdae was protecting him everytime. This was why Baekhyun loved espresso so much. This was why Baekhyun always seemed to be sleepy. This was why Baekhyun decided to close down the shop. Baekhyun was suffering all these while and he did not even know. A tear began to fall and more followed.

"Chanyeol.." Baekhyun called out dolefully.

"I can understand if you don't-"

"No," Chanyeol interrupted Jongdae. He took a shaky breath and continued, "I will stay. I will stay with Baekhyun."

Jongdae leaned back on the couch and smiled. Baekhyun hugged Chanyeol tightly.

"Thank you," Baekhyun mumbled.

"Baekhyun, promise me that you would tell me when you are in pain, alright?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yes..of course." Baekhyun frowned, but luckily, no one could see it.


Chanyeol discovered a balcony in the house that faced the main road outside. So he decided to spend his evenings with Baekhyun there whenever Jongdae took over the shop. The balcony was not big, but big enough to hold two wicker patio chairs and a table. The view was not maginifant as the streets were filled with tall buildings. But the night sky was mesmerising and admiring it blocks out all the noises from down below. Baekhyun enjoyed it too. When they were not chatting, they would just stare at the view in silence. It had been a long time since Chanyeol was able to enjoy such a quiet moment with the nature.

Today, was no different.

"Do you have any wish?" Chanyeol asked, staring at the brunet beside him.

"Hmm," Baekhyun pondered for a moment, "I would like to visit Namsan Tower one day."

"Namsan Tower?"

"Yifan and I left our locks there. I am curious whether they are still there."

"Let's go there."

Baekhyun looked at him, "Huh?"

"Let's go to Namsan Tower. You wanted to see your locks right? I would like to visit the place too."

"Thank you," Baekhyun smiled.


The next afternoon, Baekhyun told Jongdae about their plans to Namsan Tower. Jongdae was reluctant to allow Baekhyun go to that far. But Baekhyun assured him that Chanyeol would take care of him. Additionally, Chanyeol has a car. After many rounds of begging, Jongdae finally sighed and nodded. Baekhyun hugged him happily and went up to prepare. Chanyeol just laughed at his behaviour.

"Really take care of him, alright?" Jongdae asked him.

"I will! He would be fine. Please do not worry," Chanyeol nodded.

Baekhyun came down and stood in front of Chanyeol, face beaming of delight.

"Let's go!" He exclaimed.

Chanyeol smiled, "Come on."

"Bye Jongdae!" Baekhyun waved to the said person.

"Have fun," Jongdae smiled.

Chanyeol opened the red wine coloured car door and let Baekhyun in. After Baekhyun got in the car, Chanyeol closed the door and went to the driver seat. He started up the engine and drove. Baekhyun was excited. It was a long ride so Baekhyun fell asleep. Whenever the car stopped at the traffic lights, Chanyeol would use the opportunity to check on Baekhyun. There was no sense of torment, it was a peaceful look on his face. Chanyeol wondered if Baekhyun really wanted to give up his life. They finally arrived at Namsan Tower and Chanyeol parked the car. Chanyeol woke Baekhyun up and they got out of the car.

"It's a long way up," Chanyeol said.

"Let's ride the cable car."

"What? But you can't!"

"It would be fine if I'm not that excited."

"Are you sure?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yes!" Baekhyun smiled.

They finally found the building and got into waiting for an available cable car to arrive. By the time they boarded the one, Baekhyun already looked out of breath. Chanyeol immediately got Baekhyun to lean against the wall.

"Are you alright?" Chanyeol asked worriedly.

"Y-Yeah," Baekhyun laughed. "It's normal."

"I'm worried about bringing you on this ride."

"I trust that you would take care of me."

"Your health is on the line, Baekhyun. I can't always take control of what happened to you."

Baekhyun ignored him and looked out of the window.

"I'm actually scared of heights."

"You are?" Chanyeol was surprised. Baekhyun had not shown any signs of fear.

Baekhyun nodded, "The first time I came, Yifan comforted me. I tried to stay brave now"

"It won't be a scary ride if you admire the scenary."

"Yes, that's true." Baekhyun sighed and smiled at Chanyeol. "It feels like a date, doesn't it?"

"It does," Chanyeol smiled back.

They stared at the scenary in silence during the ride. They were enthralled by how beautiful Seoul was from the view. Chanyeol also watched Baekhyun silently. Baekhyun's expression when he was in awe and being contented. When they reached the top, they got out and started walking towards the tower.

"Shall I carry you?" Chanyeol asked the brunet.


Chanyeol stood in front of Baekhyun and backfaced him while lowering his body.

"Get on."

"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun blurted out.

"I don't want anything to happen to you. Come on."

Baekhyun sighed and climbed onto Chanyeol's back. Chanyeol held Baekhyun in place and straightened his body. He started walking. Baekhyun was blushing. He was embarrassed as people were watching them, but he was also touched by Chanyeol's kind gesture. Luckily, Chanyeol was strong and the walk there was not far. They finally reached the entrance of the tower and Baekhyun got down. They went in and rode an elevator to the oberservation deck. The view from here was as magnificant as the view from the cable car.

"It had been a long time since I can see this," Baekhyun smiled to himself.

"Actually, I didn't came to Namsan Tower before," Chanyeol confessed.

"Really? I must introduce this place to you then! Let's go buy locks for us," Baekhyun pulled him along.

"Are you sure?" Chanyeol asked as Baekhyun started choosing one.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you sure you want to buy locks for us?"

"Why not? You are also someone who is special to me."

Chanyeol blinked at him. Baekhyun held up a yellow padlock. "Do you like this colour?"

"Anything is fine," Chanyeol nodded.

"Then I'll buy two of this," Baekhyun said as he took another.

They bought the locks and started writing on them. They wrote their names on the locks and Baekhyun wrote a message. After they were done, they went out to the fences. There was a crowd of people, but it was not too much. Baekhyun traced along the fences trying to find his old locks. But he was only left with disappointment.

"I guess they removed the locks from before. It had been two years anyways," he said.

"Don't be sad, Baekhyun."

"Let's put ours." Baekhyun went over to a nice spot and fixed their locks.

"It looks beautiful. I can't quite believe that my first experience here is with you," Chanyeol laughed.

"Yes, it is," Baekhyun smiled.

It was getting late. Baekhyun and Chanyeol went over to an empty bench and sat there. They wanted to stay just for a little while.

"Do you mind telling me how Yifan passed away?" Chanyeol asked.

"Sure," Baekhyun heaved a sigh before continuing, "It was a car accident. It was raining then. It happened down the streets. There was a loud crash and people were running. I got out to look was him."

"I see."

"I would never forget that day when I lost him. After meeting you, I thought that you were someone Yifan had sent to be with me." Baekhyun gave himself a distasteful laugh. "I know I am stupid."

"You're not, Baekhyun. I understand that you miss Yifan a lot."

"Having you with me is like having Yifan with me. You and him really share a lot of similarities."

"I hope I can bring you as much happiness as he did."

"Just be the way you always were," Baekhyun smiled, "That'll be enough."

Chanyeol hummed in reply. Baekhyun breathed out and leaned further back into the bench. His eyes were drooping and he soon fell asleep. Chanyeol noticed but did not say a word. He waited until he was sure that Baekhyun had fell deep into slumber. Chanyeol piggybacked him again and walked off. He stopped at their locks and he inspected the message that Baekhyun had left.

Thank you for giving me another chance of love again.

Chanyeol sighed and continued walking. Honestly, he did not minded.


There was something wrong. Baekhyun realised. He felt more tired than he usually would. But he did not want to sleep. He knew that Chanyeol would not wake him up when he saw him asleep. Baekhyun did not wanted to miss Chanyeol. He just sighed and continued reading the book. Memories of the trip to Namsan Tower was still fresh in his mind. The store was empty that afternoon. He wanted to fight off the fatique and decided to do some dusting for the shelves. There was something really wrong. He realised again when he felt his heartbeat growing faster and he was beginning to feel dizzy. He leaned against the shelf for support and held his head. A sudden burst of pain shot through his heart and he groaned out. He gripped his shirt tightly and slid down the shelves, causing some books to fall along with him. Another sharp pain came and he fell to his side while gritting his teeth.

"Damn it," Baekhyun cursed out loud.

His visions were blurring, his heart was beating like crazy, he felt weaker as seconds past. Jongdae had not came down and it was near the time that Chanyeol usually came. None of them were here now. This was it. He was dying. Baekhyun managed to scoff and gave in to the pain.


"Baekhyun hyung! Hyung!" Jongdae was shaking Baekhyun while crying out his name.

He regretted not coming down to check on Baekhyun earlier. Chanyeol walked towards the shop right then and saw what happened through the shop window. He gasped and ran in. The windcharm was no longer something he usually took notice of. He hurried over to the collapsed Baekhyun and frantic Jongdae.

"What happened?" Chanyeol asked quickly.

"I don't know! He was just lying here unconscious when I came!" Jongdae replied.

"Have you called for an ambulance?"


Chanyeol nodded and stared at the figure. Strangely, Baekhyun seemed to be contented.


Baekhyun woke up to the annoying beeping sounds of the heart monitor. He waited for his vision to be still and realised that he was indeed in the hospital. It was Jongdae who came into his view first.

"Hyung!" Jongdse cried out and hugged him.

"Gosh..Jongdae..." Baekhyun laughed. It was a weak voice.

"I thought that you would leave us," Jongdae continued.

"Jongdae-ah, I can't...hold up much longer."

"No! No! Hyung! Don't say that! Please!" Jongdae cried.

"Chanyeol, come here..." Baekhyun looked at the said person. Chanyeol walked towards the bed.

"Baekhyun," Chanyeol mumbled.

Baekhyun smiled as best as he could. "Even though it was a short period of time...Thank you for letting me experience...what it used to feel like with...Yifan. I really apprieciate it."

Chanyeol nodded, fighting back tears.

"Hyung!" Jongdae yelled.

"It is not a bad thing...At least," a drop of tear fell from the corner of Baekhyun's eyes, "I get to see Yifan again..."

With that last breath, the heart monitor gone a steady beep.


The sky was rumbling loudly. Nimbus clouds were filling up. A single drop of rain fell from the sky and landed onto the stone pavement. More followed suit and together, they became a huge downpour. People were running around, holding up whatever is in their hands over their heads to hopefully cover themselves from the sudden rain. There were puddles everywhere and playful children were trying to make huge splashes. Kim Minseok held up his backpack over his head to shelter himself as he hurried to look for a temporary shelter. He found a store with a huge overhanging canopy. He decided to stand under it until the rain stopped. He ran in and tried to brush off the rain drops from his clothes and bag. He looked up at the rain and sighed. He was not rushing for time, but he hoped that he would not get sick after this. Striked with a sudden curiosity, he turned back to see what store he was in front of. There was an navy blue, decrepited sign above the shop window, with words carved on it that said 'Book Store'. There were no other details. He was getting colder and the rain did not seemed to be stopping anytime soon. He decided to retreat indoors. He opened the navy blue door whch also showed signs of detoriating. The windcharm sounded beautifully as the door creaked inwards. Minseok stepped in and was greeted by a strong smell of book pages and coffee. He closed the door behind him and looked around. There were many shelves of books, old and new. A round, small table in the middle with books stacked on it and a conspicuous sign indicating a new publish.

"Hello, may I help you?" A man behind the wooden counter spoke.

"Hi. I'm just here to shelter from the rain, if you don't mind," Minseok replied.

"I don't," the man paused and inspected Minseok, "You are drenched. There's a bathroom upstairs, you can help yourselves to one of those towels, just drop it inside the laundry basket when you are done using it." He motioned to the stairs beside the counter.

"Thank you." Minseok nodded and made his way to the stairs.

Jongdae stared after him and smiled to himself.

"Just like him...huh?"

A/N: Thank you for reading this one-shot! Reviews, compliments and suggestions on improvements are all welcomed! I hope that you enjoyed this fanfic! :) Please do comment and vote on the poll below!

Last edited on 16 March 2017, 2:38pm.

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chaneus #1
Chapter 1: I love the storyline... so much÷