Love For You
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2017. Still the same country, still the same hometown and still the same Bomi. She still working as a barista at the Coffee shop near her housing area. Not because she did not want to further study or changing work place but because she just love to be there. She really love to treat peoples with coffee in the morning and she love the smells of the coffee itself. Even the salary just enough for her to pay for the room's rent and her everyday needs but watching peoples smiling while drinking her coffee every morning gave her lot of happiness. It feel like she had make everyone day becoming delight and cheerful.


Actually there's another reason why she becoming barista there. It because of her ex which they broke 7 month ago after been together for 2 years. She will waiting for her to pass by infront of her work place or bought coffee from her. She will smiling like an idiot when her ex near her. Just watching her ex can make her feel calm and happy like she got money for free. She will waited everyday at 9:00 in the morning for her ex to show up and then her heart will skipped a beat.


She living with Eunji before. Eunji is her bestfriend before but now they becoming stranger. Bomi also do not know why and when they become strangers. Now, Bomi living alone in the small room on third floor of the building. She had a cat as her pet to accompany her. Her ex really like cat a lot and also dog so to avoid feeling lonely she bought a cat. The parsian one. When she come home the cat will greet her with the cuteness. She named the cat , Rong. 


It been over two years after she and her ex broke. She still wondering why did they broke, how it happen and who

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Chapter 1: Maybe Bbom and Eun are strangers because whoever is Bomi's ex is dating Eunji now.. speaking of which, I thought Chorong was going to be her ex at first (I mean who doesn't wonder that while reading stories), but now I'm thinking she could be that person who gave her the card? But they could very well be a random agent who has been watching Bomi for a while and finally decided to scout her for their agency -- and then the Bomi in this fic will become an idol haha. I'm curious! Dear author, tell me more~