Chapter 3

A Little More About Love

Before orientation even started, I had actually received a text from Daehyun, asking to meet up and head for orientation together. Despite not knowing that redhead well enough, I was still glad to have a friend and so I agreed.

I tried to get Howon to talk to Naeun more and so I pestered him to go for orientation with her. I had even tried to get Howon to ask for her number but I guess he's seen through all my tricks and won't fall for it anymore.

"Jin, if I want her number, I'll ask her myself. You don't have to help me." Howon gave me his annoyed look and I shrugged.

"Okay, fine. But go for orientation with her will you?"

Howon sighed. "Are you trying to set me up with your roommate?"

Well, he is THE Lee Howon, son of Korea's richest tycoon, younger brother to Lee Minji, one of the smartest and wittiest girls of her age. I can't outwit Howon that easily.

"Well… I'm just looking out for her, I mean she's majoring in dance and so are you so you guys should totally be friends." I tried not to make eye contact with him in case my eyes give things away.

Howon leaned closer to me, so close that if it was the Jung Yoojin from last year, she would have died from that closeness because of her crush on him. The Jung Yoojin now isn't fazed, well maybe just a little because he is really close to me right now.

"Jin, I've known you since I was five. I can tell a lie when I hear a lie coming out from you." Howon challenged me.

I frown. Okay, he wins.

"I'll take care of my own love life so you take care of yours. Go back to your Myungsoo." He jokingly pushed me away and I laughed.

"Oh, and Myung recently introduced his roommate to me too. His roommate is majoring in dance too and he seems pretty cool. Maybe we'll get closer some day." Howon told me.

"Myung did tell me his roommate was majoring in dance… but I haven't met him yet." I was being reminded of Myungsoo's mysterious dancer roommate.

"You'll get to know him someday. Say, both you and Myung have dancers as roommates, what a coincidence!" Howon pointed out and I nodded, just realizing the coincidence.

"Well, I gotta go now so I'll see you soon." Howon pat me by the shoulder and then left as swiftly as the wind to whether he was supposed to be.

To be honest, I miss spending time with the others. I really miss the times where we see each other everyday. I hardly get to see some of them everyday now and it'll be even worse when school starts.

"Things change Jung Yoojin. You need to move on from high school." I muttered to myself before heading back to my own room.


Things do change indeed. Instead of seeing Myungsoo, Woohyun, Sunggyu, Howon or Bomi early in the morning. The first person I see will definitely be my roommate Naeun. And then the next person I will be Jung Daehyun and his strikingly bright red hair. He waited for me downstairs and then the both of us headed to orientation together.

I wasn't that hyped up about orientation because the thought of making new friends is just tiring and I've heard some stuff about orientations from Chanyeol oppa and Seoyoung unnie. Things can get quite wild especially now that we're of the legal age to drink.

As expected, orientation didn't kick off very well. Daehyun and I were sitting together in a circle and we were going around doing introductions and stuff like that but I kept hearing Daehyun sighing next to me.

"What's wrong?" I muttered softly to him while the others went on to introduce themselves.

"Don't you regret coming? This is so boring." He mumbled back.

I gave him a pity look and then I sighed as well. This isn't what I expected. We played a few games until it was lunch time and Daehyun's eyes literally lit up at the mention of the word "lunch".

"This what I'm looking forward to the most." Daehyun stared at his lunch box with loving eyes and then he closed them, giving his lunch box a sniff before opening it. Seeing his actions, I couldn't help but laugh because he's really not who I thought he turned out to be. The first time I met him at the art academy, I thought he was this mysterious and quiet guy but it turns out that Daehyun is pretty talkative. Also, I thought he was a douchebag because of how he treated that girl that I had to cover up for him. Apparently, he's not all that of a douchebag but he actually seems nice.

I don't even notice myself staring at Daehyun when he suddenly waved a hand in front of me.

"What's wrong Yoojin? Why are you staring at me?" He took a huge bite from his lunchbox and chewed as he looked at me.

I laughed. "Just wondering how did you end up so different from what I imagined."

"Huh? How did you think I am?" He questioned but he still continued eating. I'm guessing he really loves food.

I stared at Daehyun chewing and looking at my with those wide eyes of his and now I'm starting to wonder how the hell did I ever see this guy as a quiet and mysterious guy? Must be the mask right?

"I mean, when we first met at the academy, you never talked and you had that mask on so I thought you were kinda mysterious. And then at the cafe you didn't speak as well so I thought you were just extremely shy and quiet. Turns out you're the total opposite of who I thought you were." I told him honestly.

Daehyun stopped eating for a moment and then he suddenly burst out laughing.

"W-what? What's wrong?" I was slightly taken aback by his reaction.

Daehyun continued laughing and he held onto his stomach from laughing too hard. "Me? Quiet? Oh gosh, wait till Youngjae hears that. I'll never hear the end from him."

Wait… who's Youngjae? I was about to ask Daehyun about it but then he kept laughing until he almost couldn't breathe.

"Yan," I lightly jabbed him.

Daehyun coughed a bit and swallowed his saliva before he tried to speak. Well, he did try but then he started laughed again within seconds. I sighed and gave up, just watching him laugh. What's so funny anyways? But you can say that laughter is contagious and I soon began to laugh at him laughing.

After what seemed like hours of laughing, Daehyun took a deep breath and wiped the tears that were going to roll out of his eyes. "Okay, breathe Jung Daehyun breathe." He said to himself.

"Could you please tell me why you're laughing so hard now?" I folded my arms and gave him the 'are you serious' look.

Daehyun merely nodded. "So, according to Youngjae, I'm the loudest, the noisiest and the most talkative person he's ever met. So if he hears about me being quiet, he will laugh at me for the rest of my life because I am never quiet."

"But you didn't speak at all when we first met," I reminded him.

"Oh, that time I was having a super bad throat infection. My throat hurt so bad for a weeks so I had to wear a mask and I couldn't speak. Youngjae described it as the 'most peaceful time of his life'," Daehyun air quoted. "Whereas for me, it was literally the worst period of my life because I wasn't able to talk at all."

I stared at Daehyun in disbelief. He sure is right about him being talkative.

"Wait… who's Youngjae?" I brought it up because I was just curious plus he kept mentioning the name.

Daehyun gave a little smirk and then he leaned closer to me. "Why, you interested?"

"N-no!" I moved back slightly because Daehyun was getting too close for my comfort. I'm just not used to people coming this close to me when I still don't know them well yet.

"Don't be so afraid cupcake! Youngjae is my best friend. The one and only." Daehyun said proudly, as he placed a hand on his chest. "I'll introduce you guys someday! I'm sure you'll see him around because I intend to make him take the same modules as me. He's smart, so he'll be able to do anything."

"Oh, what's he majoring in?"

"Engineering. He's smart enough to go to medicine and law but he chose engineering. Gotta give it up to my best buddy right there." Daehyun said proudly and I could tell that he is proud of his friend. In a sense, I could see a slight glimpse of me in him because that's me when I proudly introduce my friends to others. I'm proud of their achievements too.

So for the rest of the day, Daehyun and I basically hung out a lot and talked a lot. We had our own mini conversation instead of joining into the big ones that the others were going on about. I guess it was just easier because Daehyun sure is talkative and that has helped with keeping the conversation going.

I had found out more about him during this short period of time, such as the things he liked and disliked and we even got to talk about the electives that we want to take. Funny thing is, Daehyun and I are really similar. The both of us hate math, we at sciences and so we decided to take a geography elective.

"Maybe we'll do well for geography," Daehyun said as we sat at the cafeteria. Daehyun couldn't wait till it was dinner to have dinner and he's already munching off some snacks he bought.

"If I don't do well for geography, I'm not sure what else I can even do." I sighed.

Before Daehyun could reply me, there was a sudden loud bang at our table and I jumped from the shock. There was a bottle of grape juice in front of Daehyun and I and when I looked up, I saw a familiar face and bright orangey hair. Familiar because I was certain I've seen him before but I don't remember where.

"Yah!" Daehyun shouted from my side at the intruder. Then, a smile slowly crept up on his face and I am starting to guess who that new guy is.

Daehyun gave that guy a fist bump and then he turned to me. "Yoojin meet Yoo Youngjae. Youngjae, this is Jung Yoojin."

I knew it. He used to be blonde, the same as Daehyun and now he has orangey hair. I shook Youngjae's hand and he took a seat at our table.

"So, this is your new friend?" Youngjae asked Daehyun who was still burying his face in food.

Daehyun looked up and instead of answering his best friend, he almost flipped the table that we were sitting at. "Yah!" He shouted out pretty loudly that even the neighbouring tables turned to look at us. "Why did you get me a grape drink? You know I hate grape juice!" Daehyun looked exasperated just because Youngjae bought him grape juice. I didn't know what to make out of that scene because I wanted to laugh but then I thought it might be inappropriate.

Youngjae, on the other hand, just laughed. "I thought you were better than this man. I'm your best friend! What do you take me for?" Youngjae then reached into his bag and pulled out a bottle of orange juice and placed it in front of Daehyun. He then took the grape juice for himself.

"Oh," Daehyun held the bottle of orange juice up. "At least you have some conscience in you."

Honestly, watching Daehyun and Youngjae interact is actually pretty hilarious. These two were made for each other with the way they banter. Every little thing there is, they would each have a comment to add about each other. However, Youngjae does really seem smart so he sometimes manage to outwit Daehyun. And this is all in just that short moment that I've spent with the both of them. Now I think that university is going to be really interesting and I wouldn't be bored with these two comedians around.


School soon started and as all young and intelligent minds in this prestigious institution, everybody was excited. Including Naeun and I. So far Naeun seems to be a pretty nice girl and we seem to be getting along well so all is good. So far. I just hope Naeun and I don't have any conflicts or anything. I just want this year to pass smoothly.

For the first week of lessons, I've been going to classes with Daehyun. Even as we prepare for our course work. Daehyun and I were basically inseparable during this week. We didn't have much friends around and we only had each other. Naeun has been telling me about how she's been hanging out with Howon as well and I'm getting kind of excited at the thought of Howon finally finding someone he's interested in.

I didn't only hang out with Daehyun but also Youngjae as well. As per what Daehyun mentioned, Youngjae really took the same elective as us and he seems to be handling it really well. Looks like Daehyun wasn't wrong when he said his best friend is a genius.

Of course, I still talk to my best friends. We text and call each other some time but since everybody is busy with school, we hardly get to meet up. The good thing is that we've finally arranged a group meeting at the end of this week and then we can catch up with each other. I'm looking forward to that.

Myungsoo and I have been meeting up but not as often as we wanted to. The only times that we could meet up was during dinner and then he'd walk me back to my room. Even if it’s not really allowed. Because of that, Naeun had met him quite a few times.

"He's really charming." Naeun told me as she climbed onto my bed.

I smiled at my roommate, slightly proud of my boyfriend. "He can be such a klutz at times too and sometimes he's just so oblivious."

"But he treats you well." Naeun pointed to the bag of stuff that Myungsoo just handed me before he left. I opened the bag and in it, was my favorite milk candy. The same ones I bought for Myungho, which he now loves.

"I'm sure you'll have someone who will treat you well too Naeun, I mean look at you! All the boys in dance will go crazy over you." I told her. Even when Naeun was back in her room, not wearing any makeup or anything fancy, she still looked incredible.

Naeun looked away shyly. "Well… I'm going to be doing ballet and there's very little guys so…"

I stared at Naeun with a shocked look on my face, and then I gave her a suggestive look. "What about Howon?" I nudged her.

"What are you talking about Yoojin!" Naeun pushed me lightly. I shrugged and pretended like I didn't say anything and Naeun got up to go back to her bed.

"Yah, I was just kidding." I smiled at Naeun and she stuck her tongue out at me.

The both of us then prepared to sleep and I took out my phone to send a text to Myungsoo.

Thanks for the candy.

Within minutes, Myungsoo replied.

See you tomorrow. Even though we won't be alone.

Tomorrow, the six of us are meeting up for dinner and I really can't wait to find out how school has been going for them. Myungsoo has been keeping me updated and I know law is really crazily busy. Sooner, he'll have lesser and lesser time for me. I can't say that I will understand because I will definitely be upset but I will try to be understanding. As I laid on the bed, I received another text from Myungsoo.

I miss you already, Jin.

I smiled to myself as I stared at his message. It may not seem much but I can totally imagine Myungsoo saying this to me in that soft voice of his. Also, it's little things like these that makes me happy in our relationship.

The next day came as quickly as I could ever imagine. One knock out from the night and it was soon the day that I will get to hang out with my best friends again. But first, I would have to go through a day of classes before the meet up. I was extremely excited, considering how this is probably the rare times when I've not seen any of my best friends for such a long period of time. Even during the school holidays I would see them often because they came over to my place as if they stayed there permanently but now that we're in the dormitories, it wasn't so easy to come over.

And as usual, I'm running late.

"Yah Yah Jung Yoojin! We're going to be late!" Apparently Daehyun had called me just to make sure that I was awake. It has almost become a thing that Daehyun would always be waiting downstairs for me because he's always on time and me, I'm always late. And it's only the first week of school.

"I'm coming!" I grabbed my stuff and dumped it all in my bag and waved goodbye to Naeun, who doesn't have morning lessons, before I ran out of my room. On the way out, I saw Eunji and I waved at her before I rushed downstairs to meet Daehyun.

Once Daehyun saw me, he waved frantically and I ran as fast as my legs could take me. "Faster cupcake!" He reached out his hands, waiting for me to take them.

"Y-yah!" I shouted at him with all my might as I ran. I did mention that I'm not a very athletic person right? Daehyun gave me the annoyed face and he ran back to me, took my hand and pulled me with him.

It felt strange at first because I wasn't used to holding anyone else's hands other than Myungsoo's but now we are both running late—no thanks to me, and so he has no choice.

Luckily for the both of us, we made it to our coursework class right on time. We were still catching our breath when the tutor walked in and we both sighed in relief that we made it. Daehyun pointed his finger at me, and then he rolled his eyes while still panting. I'm sure that talkative boy wanted to say something but he was too busy catching his breath to even make something out.

"This won't do," he painted. "I'm going to give you morning calls on days we have early lessons. We need to stop running for classes."

"Yah, I told you to go ahead first didn't I?" I lightly punched him. So now he's trying to put the blame on me? Not so fast mister. Well, I do admit it was my fault in the first place.

Instead of replying, Daehyun just nudged me with his elbow and he broke into a smile. I wondered what that smile was for because he did look annoyed earlier and I thought I was going to lose a friend for a moment. "I'm not going to just leave you and walk off alone. We're friends aren't we?"

I smiled back at him, grateful that he thinks this way. I'm sure we're going to be amazing friends now. Before, I had my doubts after my encounter with that girl that I thought was his 'girlfriend', but after knowing Daehyun bit by bit, he seems to be a pretty nice guy. No doubt a talkative one at that.

Without paying much attention, there was a clear of a throat and that snapped me back to reality. Right, I'm at my coursework tutorial. "Aren't you two going to start your work?" The tutor said loudly for the whole class to hear. Suddenly, everybody was staring at the both of us.

"Y-yes ma'am." I said timidly and Daehyun followed suit. Quickly, I fished for my brushes in my bag and started doing my work.

For this coursework, we have to work on a few art pieces throughout the semester based on the theme given and then a final one for the finals. It's going to be tough but I feel like I'm going to enjoy myself a lot for this coursework.

  1. no time, the lesson ended and we have to make our way to the lecture hall for the next lesson. This next one is the elective that is the same as Youngjae and so we'll be seeing him. The both of us reached the lecture hall earlier than Youngjae and so we sat there and waited. Well, Daehyun didn't let this opportunity go and he opened his bag to get a packet of snacks out.

I took a slight glimpse of his bag and I saw lots of snacks. During this short period of time that I've known him, I notice that he really can eat. I swallowed my saliva and tried to suppress the hunger that I was feeling since I didn't get to have breakfast but then my stomach betrayed me. It growled, and I'm pretty sure Daehyun had heard it.

I placed my hand over my stomach, as if that could help muffle the sound and I closed my eyes in embarrassment. Mentally, I was scolding my stomach for being so noisy. But then I heard a snicker next to me. I opened my eyes and saw Daehyun laughing next to me. Once more, I felt the embarrassment creeping in and I nudged him with my elbow. That's for laughing at me you mean, horrible friend.

"You didn't eat breakfast did you?" He asked, still laughing at me.

I glared at him with my deadly glare but I didn't answer his question. Daehyun then reached for his bag and pulled out a sandwich before handing it to me.

Wait, why does he have a sandwich in his bag?

"Do you always carry sandwiches around?" I asked.

As if like a ghost, Youngjae suddenly appeared next to Daehyun and took his bag from him. "He always have sandwiches, snacks, candy and—"

Daehyun cut him off and snatched his bag back and gave Youngjae an annoyed look. By this time, I've realized that they may always seem annoyed at each other but they're best of friends.

"His appetite is insatiable. I swear there's a worm in that stomach of his." Youngjae told me as he pointed to Daehyun's stomach. Daehyun made a 'tsk' and slapped Youngjae's hand away. I laughed at their interaction because it really is just so funny between the two best friends.

So that was just about how my day went. With more bickering between Daehyun and Youngjae, Daehyun eating more as lessons goes and then my day ended. Great, time to go find my lovely best friends that I've missed so much. First of all, I've got to go find Myungsoo. I must say I miss him already.

I went to the law building and waited outside there until Myungsoo's lessons ended. When I saw a lot of people walking out of the building, my senses heightened and I tried to spot my boyfriend.

It wasn't hard to spot Myungsoo because he stands out in every way possible. There's no way I could have missed him. He walked out the building with two other friends, a male and a female and they were talking about something as they laughed. Under the warm sunlight, Myungsoo looked absolutely great. The sunlight had this glow around him and I found myself staring at him for too long when I'm supposed to go look for him.

"Myung!" I raised my hand and tried waving to him but he couldn't see me in the midst of everybody walking out the building. I ran up the steps trying to get closer to him so that he can see me when I suddenly tripped on the steps. "Ah!"

I closed my eyes as I braced for my fall. I landed in an awkward position as I sprawled out on the floor. Around me, I heard some cluttering and I know by then the contents of my bag must have fallen out. I felt my palms hurt but then I felt someone helping me up.

"Jin!" That familiar voice. That familiar scent. That familiar touch. It was Myungsoo.

I opened my eyes to see my boyfriend's handsome face. After helping me up, he quickly went to pick up my brushes that fell out of my bag.

"Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself anywhere?" Myungsoo check on me quickly as he carried my bag. Then he held up my palms and it was bleeding. "You're bleeding!"

"It's just a small cut," I said shyly because I know how much Myungsoo hates it when I hurt myself. He gets all protective and sorts. Sometimes even angry.

"Let's go get this washed up." Myungsoo was still looking at my palms with this worried look on his face.

"Myung, I'm fine. It's just a small cut, don't worry too much." I tried to reassure him but he wouldn't take it. He looked at me and then his expression softened.

Myungsoo sighed. He opened his mouth to say something but then his friends came over to his side.

"Myungsoo?" The girl called out his name and then Myungsoo turned to face his friends. His right hand s up to my waist and he held me close to him. The girl's eyes was focused on his hand and then her expression changed from a smiling face to… something I can't really decipher. Her expression hardened.

"Jin, let me introduce you to my friends." He pointed towards the guy and the girl. "This is Lee Sungyeol and this is Park Chorong. And this is my girlfriend Jung Yoojin." He introduced me as well. I reached out to shake their hands but then I realized that my palms were bleeding.

"I'm sorry," I showed my bleeding palms to them. Of course, they wouldn't want to shake my hands with blood stains on them.

“We’ll get you cleaned up,” Myungsoo assured next to me. It wasn’t that big of a deal but I can see Myungsoo’s protective side coming out whenever these sort of things happen to me.

Sungyeol was incredibly tall, even taller than Myungsoo and Chorong gave off the girl next door vibe. Similar to Naeun but as Naeun's roommate, I still think Naeun is prettier. Chorong had a slight hint of elegance as well but it may also come off as snobbish.

"It's nice to finally meet you. Myungsoo has told me a lot of about you." Sungyeol smiled and gave me a wink. Chorong stared at me with her cold eyes.

"Nice to meet you," she finally said.

"Well, then we won't disturb the both of you. Let's go." Sungyeol smiled at me and pulled Chorong away. The both of them said bye to Myungsoo and then it was just us two left.

I looked at Myungsoo, ready to get an earful about my bloodied palms but Myungsoo sighed again.

"It's because you're so clumsy that I worry so much Jin," Myungsoo ruffled my hair as he led the way.

I pouted, "I'm sorry Myung." I followed behind him like a little kid that has done something wrong and Myungsoo still has my bag.

Myungsoo then stopped and turn around to me. He then held out his hands and signaled it for me to take it. I stared at my own hands with some blood stains on it. I didn't want to dirty his hands anyways.

"But—" I tried to explain to him but then he just took my hands in his and pulled me along with him, careful not to hurt the already injured areas. Next to him, I could hear his low chuckle.

"This just proves that I can't leave you out of my sight, not even for awhile." He said as he held me close. I smiled at the comfort of Myungsoo being next to me.

"Then always stay next to me." I muttered softly but Myungsoo heard what I said.

"Of course," he replied softly and gave me a kiss at my temple.

Myungsoo had brought me to clean up my hands and then he helped me put on a plaster as well. I can tell that he wasn't happy at all that I've injured myself, no matter how many times I told him that I'm fine and he should really stop worrying.

When it was about time, the both of us then headed out to meet the others for dinner. It has been too long since the six of us gathered at our favourite grilled restaurant. Besides just ordering food, this time we ordered some beers. Because we are all of age to drink and we never really had a drink together so why not now?

Of course, dinner started off great because we finally had time to meet up and Woohyun wouldn't stop talking about his classes.

"Yah Nam superstar, I think you need to breathe for a moment." Sunggyu joked and everyone at the table laughed.

"So, this I'd like to know." Howon placed his elbows on the table and stared right at Sunggyu. "How's medicine like?"

"Yeah!" I agreed, "I'd like to know too."

Sunggyu scratched his head and gave a shy laugh, "it's nothing much. I mean, we just started school."

Woohyun nudged him, "c'mon Gyu, don't be shy. Tell us about it."

"Well, we're having anatomy lessons and then a few practicals here and there. We haven't really got into anything serious yet." Sunggyu said humbly and then he drank his orange juice.

Besides Sunggyu, everyone had a glass of beer. When being asked, Sunggyu said that he'd sworn to never touch alcohol after seeing what it did to his dad. After hearing that, nobody questioned him further. We all understood.

"How about the future prosecutor?" Sunggyu changed the topic to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo just smiled. "Same as you Gyu, nothing much."

"I was just wondering if you guys are making any friends? I really miss seeing you all everyday like we used to." Woohyun pouted. Exactly my sentiments. I really miss the six of us hanging out

"I'm pretty sure Jin's doing well in that area. She seems to be hitting it off with her roommate." Howon told the group.

How did he know? Did Naeun tell him?

I raised my eyebrows at Howon, "how have you and Naeun been getting along?"

Howon just shrugged. "She's pretty friendly."

I gave Howon a look, telling him hat he should get closer to her. Howon just stared at me with innocent eyes and pretend like he doesn't know a thing.

I then told the group that I have been making friends aka Daehyun and Youngjae and it was Myungsoo's turn to raise his eyebrows at me.

"Why do you get along so well with guys?" Myungsoo asked innocently.

The rest of the group laughed. "Do I smell jealousy here?" Woohyun chided in and Sunggyu elbowed him.

It was then my turn to play dumb. "I just know him because he goes to the art academy too."

Speaking of the art academy, I've registered for classes but I'm only going once a week, same as Daehyun.

"You keep an eye on your girl Myung," Howon winked and I glared at him.

"Yah!" I was this close to showing him my karate chop skills. And then I saw Bomi laughing in the corner. "Enough about me, I wanna know about Bomi!"

Bomi looked up, like a deer caught in headlights.

"How has school been?"

"It's been fine so far." She said in that small voice of hers whenever everybody stares.

"How about friends?" Sunggyu asked. We all know that given Bomi's shy personality, it'll be hard to make friends unless someone approached her first.

Bomi took a sip of her drink and looked at us with a shy smile. "Well… I made a friend during orientation and we're getting along pretty fine. I mean, he—"

"Wait! It's a he?!" Howon interrupted and I gave him a glare. Why did he interrupt her! I wanna hear all about it! Why I ought to karate chop this guy up into pieces.

"He's really outgoing and everything so it's easy to talk to him. He reminds me of you, Jin." Bomi smiled at me.

"Oh really?" I like that guy already, whoever he is.

The rest of the table then kept asking Bomi about her mysterious guy friend from her faculty but I noticed that one person became really vocal all of a sudden. I mean, he has always been vocal but this time he was a little too over the top. Maybe I'm just being sensitive.

"Just because some guy talked to you randomly and treats you well you hang out with him? What if he's a bad person? What if he just thinks you're easy to bully? We're not there to look out for you so do not act so innocent and naive. You might just be a target of those girl crazy, desperate guys." Woohyun was lecturing Bomi about her choice of friends and everyone quietened down to listen to him nag. Even Bomi stared at him wide-eyed, wondering what has gotten into him.

"Yah, Nam," Sunggyu nudged Woohyun to get him to stop but Woohyun just wouldn't give up.

"I'm just saying the truth. We're all worried about Bomi, am I right?" Woohyun scanned everyone. "Why is nobody agreeing with me?"

"Maybe you had too much to drink." Sunggyu took Woohyun's cup out of his hands and then made Woohyun drink some water instead.

I'm pretty sure Woohyun was not drunk but the fact that he just cares for Bomi a lot. I raised an eyebrow at the both of them and I just wonder how things are going to be like for them. Bomi wants to try and forget about Woohyun but it seems like it isn't going to be easy after all.

Our dinner continued with us talking about a bunch of other stuff, more bickering here and there, me wanting to karate chop Lee Howon every now and then. The time passed by quickly and soon it was time for the six of us to head back to our dormitories.

We headed back together and we also promised each other that we will make an effort to stay close and connected. It takes two to clap and in this case of our friendship, it takes all six of us.

As the others head back alone, Myungsoo walked me back to my building. Not only did he walk me back to my building but he literally walked me back to my room while looking around and making sure that he doesn’t get caught because guys are not supposed to be spotted along the hallways of girls’ dormitories. The maximum they can reach is the lift lobby. Same goes for the girls in the guys’ dormitories.

"Thank you Myung." I whisper softly to him as his hands s up my waist. I reach out to place my arms around his neck.

"Why are you thanking me for?"

"For sending me back, silly." I leaned in closer until our noses touched.

Myungsoo gave a low chuckle, "you seem really happy today."

"Of course. I really miss those times when it's just the six of us together all the time." Gosh, Myungsoo has no idea how much I miss those times.

Myungsoo sighed. "Me too." He then leaned in closer and our lips were about an inch apart when suddenly the door to my room opened.

"Oh god sorry!" Naeun jumped from the scare we gave her and she dropped her mug. "I… I was just going to go wash up." She quickly picked up her mug and made a beeline for the toilet, leaving the both of us alone once more.

Myungsoo backed away and he smiled. To be honest, I was slight disappointed that I didn't get that kiss after all. "Go on in Jin, have a good rest."

I pouted but I listened to my dear boyfriend. I held onto his hand even as I slowly backed into my room, not wanting to let go of him until our hands finally lost contact. "Text me when you're back okay?" I told him. Ever since high school, it has become a habit that I always needed him to text me when he's back so that I know he's safe. The good thing is that Myungsoo will do it every time. Even more than what I asked for.

Myungsoo nodded, "goodnight, Jin." He then turned around to leave and I stood at the door waiting for him to be out of sight before I close it but suddenly Myungsoo turned back to face me.

"Jin, you forgot something." He made his way back to my door and then gave me a quick smooch before he ran off again. This time, he didn't turn back. There was no need for him to turn back and I know he must have been laughing at the silly ol' me. I stood by my door, smiling like an idiot to myself. It has been awhile since we've started dating but Myungsoo still gives me the butterflies in the tummy sometimes.

And that, is why I absolutely love him.







Hey there! I'm back again with a new chapter!!!! Sorry I keep taking so long with the updates but uni is driving me crazy so I guess the updates will be slower than I expected... I do love writing though and *spoiler alert* I have been working on several new works and I can't wait to share them with you guys! They're just chapter plans and not the full draft yet but  because there's a few of them so I may have been pushing this story behind a little. But of course my main priority is still this story! 

Let me know what you guys think by leaving a comment! As usual, I love my readers so much and I wanna say a big thank you for patiently waiting! :')

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waidafauzi90 #1
Wow..congratulations..cant wait for the sequel... :)