CHAPTER 9: Something Extra

Save My Love

“So, eonnie!” Yerin hopped to intentionally bump my shoulder with hers after she spotted me in the waiting room.  “Did you see anyone from the audience worthy of being taken down?” She partly covered and whispered to me, before doing a flimsy execution of a karate chop while keeping an unconvincing roguish expression.

“Someone might hear you, Yerin-ah. And to make it clear, I don’t ‘take people down.’ That’s too barbaric for my style. I prefer the bloodless preemptive measures.” I answered as I crossed my arms to my chest. It’s not that there was never a bloodshed during my two previous assignments, because regrettably, there were a few unavoidable physical conflicts I had to deal with. However, the first and principal rule of our training was to ‘spare human life at all cost;’ and once death occurred because of our interference, we are instantly pulled out from the mission to train for another year or so. I’ve seen a lot of my colleagues just quit the job after being withdrawn from duty because they could not reconcile with the agency’s rule, especially those who saw their friends die while upholding it.

She did not stop with her rickety karate stunt until Sowon approached us with an indelible smirk on her face. “You are savage.” She told Yerin with a nearly inaudible tone of voice. Before she could defend herself, the remainder of the group absentmindedly assembled around us in the assumption that something noteworthy about the performance was being discussed.

“I was just telling them that the photoshoot for the magazine was rescheduled to tomorrow and that we can now all go home.” They listened to me intently as I spoke and only started to react when they heard the ‘go home’ part. The announcement I made was so benign. I just hope no one asks about the need for Yerin’s karate chop.


The group was home a little after 4 o’clock and crowded in the living room to watch the drama they’ve set their TV to automatically record. The Ye-sisters sat side-by-side in the convertible sofa with the maknae Ye snuggling the other girl’s arm. Eunha and Yuna, who were too slow to win the race to the leathery fortress, positioned themselves comfortably on the floor. Sowon, who always wanted her alone-time respected, stayed in her room tinkering her tablet. I sat beside Yewon before I transferred to the wooden seat by the dining area as I saw Sinb come out of their room.

“What are we watching?” She asked as she walked toward the sofa but not to the empty space beside Yewon. She stopped in front of the cuddly couple and sat on the nonexistent gap between them, causing them to yelp in protest and eventually separate. But rather than being vicious with her actions, the older maknae exploded with unexpected aegyo [cuteness] making everyone in the room cringe and jokingly cover their ears, including me.

“Yewoniiiiie… TinB will borrow Yennie-eonnie…! I won’t return her until I’m tired of hugging her.” Sinb said while cutely gesturing the youngest member to move farther to the end. This is why this duck can’t resist her bipolar charm.

Yerin’s expression was priceless, to say the least. She was frozen for a moment before realizing that Sinb has already curled herself under her arm. I saw her gasp a few times before she was able to blurt out sensible words. “Yah! That hurt! Your is so heavy!” She exclaimed.

“And I know Yennie-eonnie likes it!” Sinb responded beaming with confidence.

“Who told you that lie? I’ll finish him.” Yerin tried to control herself from blushing.

“We both know it’s not a lie, eonnie. A lot of fans captured your fascination with my behind.” Sinb ended the conversation with a tap on the older girl’s thigh before taking her hand to intertwine with hers.

A couple of times, she glanced at me but none of those glances indicated the need nor the desire to be rescued. And besides, I did not bother to think of a way to get her out of that mushy situation she was in. I don’t have the heart to take away this fleeting happiness that often evaded Yerin. I could feel how contented she was having her most loved human being beside her in a playful yet warm embrace. I felt she needed a breather for all the times she worked hard overlooking her yearning for her. It may not be for her best benefit, but she could use a break sometimes. 

“Eonnie, are you tired?” Sinb asked her seatmate while playfully her hand.

“Aren’t we always tired?” Yerin replied casually hoping to avoid further questions.

“I asked because you did not play with me when we performed earlier.”

“You did that to me once!” Yerin remembering how Sinb intentionally during an outdoor show.

“So, that was a revenge?” There was an air of relief in her words.

“No… I just… forgot.” What a lousy liar. Yerin-ah you can do better than that. You attended countless acting classes.

“Eonnie, how can you forget about something we always do? It’s too frequent that fans already kept count of our scores.” She said, burying her head deeper into Yerin’s body.

“Why is my baby Tinb so worried?” She gave up pretending that she disliked the young girl’s unusual sweet demeanor. “Next time, I won’t forget, Okay? Maybe I was just too tired today.” Yerin hugged her tighter but turned her head to avoid an impending kiss to her cheek.

But as expected, her bliss was short-lived when Sowon decided to leave the comfort of her mattress to join the TV viewing. “Yerin-ah!” Yerin almost pushed Sinb back in surprise that she looked like she was caught cheating by her lover. 

“Didn’t you say you needed to buy dishwashing liquid at the convenience store? I don’t want us to start cooking until we have that.” She said while giving Yerin a reprimanding but confused look. 

I also received a scolding tap from Sowon, a reminder that I too wasn’t doing a good job. It was evident in Yerin’s face that she detested the idea, but she stood up causing the koala beside her to release her embrace. And with how her forehead wrinkled, it was as if she was telling the tallest girl that she was pretty sure they still have a few bottles of that liquid she wanted her to buy.

“Joon-eonnie, help… please… to convenience store, we go.” I’ve never heard her invite someone to the convenience store with such a depressed tone. If there was one place that could uplift the mood of these ladies when they are weary, it’s a brief visit to that store near the apartment building to grab some snacks. 

Even when they have me around, none of the girls deliberately made me do something for them. They were naturally diligent and self-reliant. It’s only during the early hours of the day that they could not protest to my cooking; and if not only for my insistence, they would not let me run errands that they can do for themselves. 

“Please help me go to the convenience store.” I corrected her jumbled English.

“Joon-eonnie, please help me… go to the convenience store.” She repeated, exaggeratedly emphasizing the words she missed before giving me a disgruntled look. 

Before Yerin could grab her jacket, Sinb sprang out of the sofa and raised her hand.

“I will go to… the convenience store… with Joon-eonnie.” She told the surprised Sowon who was standing beside me still giving me a displeased look.

“You mean, the two of us?” I pointed at myself and at the maknae who suddenly spoke.

“Yes! Two...” She flashed an embarrassed smile. “… of us?” She added after 2 seconds. She sprinted to the closet to get her padded jacket before any of us could respond. The three of us hushed, baffled by Sinb’s sudden eagerness to accompany me to the store.



“Eonnie, not cold?” Sinb asked while securing the face mask’s gartered end around her ears.

“I’ll be fine, it’s not too far anyway.” Joon smiled at her companion as she walked with her hands tucked in the back pockets of her grey pants.

The convenience store was a few blocks east of their building. Its location was not a frequented area which was certainly favorable for the girls. They have befriended most of the crew of the store that they themselves have become very cautious and vigilant of the entering customers when the group was inside. Joon was no stranger to this store for it was under her surveillance months prior to beginning her assignment. She lived in one of the rooms in the same building to monitor the establishment’s daily activities and the people who are regulars of the place.

“Eonnie, question.” The younger girl broke the silence that has lingered for as far as two blocks away from their home.


“Do you have boyfriend?” Sinb was shy to ask but she gathered the courage to.

“No. Never had.” Joon’s reply was brief and expressionless. 

“Or girlfriend?” Her curiosity was more apparent.

“No. Never had either.”

“What is your ideal type?” Sinb asked with more audacity without a trace of the cuteness she displayed earlier.

“That is hard to answer since I have never had either.” Joon covered her face and broke into a nervous chuckle making the younger girl laugh in amusement.

“Annyeong haseyo!” They were welcomed by the thrilled cashier who was standing behind the register skillfully fixing the packs of gum and whatnots into the fiberglass fixture. The two scanned the aisles they have already come to memorize.

“Eonnie can we stay, 5 minutes and eat?”

“Yes, of course.” Joon answered cheerfully after checking her watch. “Are you hungry?”

“Yes, but on diet. But I like this.” Sinb said while pointing at the low-calorie milk tea on the chiller.

“Maybe I’ll get that too.” Joon grabbed two bottles and proceeded to search for the bottle of dishwashing liquid. The foreigner was not particularly fond of milk tea and was not on any diet but she did not want her companion to feel bad about having to control her intake.

“Sinb-ssi, is this the right brand?” She asked in spite her definite knowledge of all the brands of everything they used.

“Eonnie, have you ever been in love?” Sinb asked in fluent-sounding English, ignoring the question.

“I’m not sure. Why?” Joon answered aiming to act nonchalant about the young girl’s daring question. 

Joon, caught the cashier’s attention to tell her that they were going to drink inside the store and pay for everything on their way out. Since they were regulars, and not to mention celebrities, it was never a concern for the store staff that the girls ate before paying. They settled by the end of the store where a huge poster covered the glass-paneled wall.

“Joon-eonnie, what is your ideal type?” Sinb was persistent with her awkward interrogation.

“Ahhh that’s hard… Wait. With what? Boyfriend or girlfriend?” Joon stood up and scampered to one of the aisles making sure her companion was still within sight.

“Maybe, girlfriend?” She answered while looking back at Joon who quickly grabbed a variety of boxed and wrapped snacks.

“Hmm… I can’t think of anything in particular.” She scooted back to her seat holding a basket half-full with convenience store treats. Joon could not give at least a general trait so she could satisfy her interviewer since she never had the chance nor the time to even think about this matter. “Can you just give me an example?” She took a big gulp of the unwanted milk tea.

“Okay… Hmm… Short or long hair?” Sinb lowered her mask before twisting her bottle’s cap.


“Tall or short?”

“Hmm… maybe taller than you.”

“You get attracted to eyes or smile?”

“Both.” Joon could not control her laughter as Sinb continued her quest to knowing her ideal girlfriend, also realizing that the last options she gave were not traits.

“Serious type or energetic type?”

“Hmm… I am already serious. So, I prefer energetic.”

“Girly or boyish?” Sinb seemed too engrossed in the conversation to even finish her drink.

“Both? I think I would like girly but strong.”

“Sweet or…”

“Sweet.” Joon sensed the girl’s difficulty with finding the trait’s opposite. 

It was evident to her that Sinb’s disposition seemed to lower with every question that got answered. She decided it was time to return home. But as Joon stood up, her phone started ringing. Sinb’s expression was unreadable as she saw the caller ID.

Yennie  +82xxx-xxx-xxxx Calling...

Joon turned around to receive the call. “Hello? Yes, we’re still here but we are about to head back… No. We’re okay. Why? Yes, nothing happened… No, we are safe... Oh I’m sorry I made you worry. Yes, we will take care. Thank you. I’m sorry again. Bye.”

“Someone’s really worried about you.” Sinb muttered in Korean while looking at her phone that did not ring. 

“Huh?” Joon replied as she stood up and motioned her to the cashier.

“Can you separate each in individual small bags?” Joon requested to the smiling cashier. 

"How do you…?” Sinb asked in amusement looking at the members’ favorite snacks being taken out one-by-one from the modest shopping basket.

“Remember?” Joon completed her sentence and smiled.

“Sinb-ssi.” Sensing the young girl’s ambivalence toward her, she looked at her kindly. “When you care about someone, you tend to remember the unique things about them. You remember the things that make them happy or make them smile. And you’re not afraid to show them how much you care.” Joon winked at the girl who stood bewildered listening to her speak in straight Korean. “I practiced that Sinb-ssi.”

“Woah daebak… You are good…” She casually punched the eonnie who was handing her credit card to the lady at the register, forgetting their age difference.

“Can I borrow a pen?” Joon gestured with her hand making a writing movement.

Sinb watched in awe as the older lady picked up each brown paper bag writing the names of the six members, knowing which one was for whom. She helped Joon carry the small bags delicately preventing them from being crumpled.

“Kamsahamnida.” She bowed as she returned the pen before turning to the door.

They were silent again during their journey back to the apartment. Joon was never sure about how to approach the particular member she was with, especially after listening to Yerin’s version of the story. Without using her senses to sort out their personal affairs, things can become confusing especially with the maknae’s personality. But seeing how she behaved today gave her a reason to give Sinb the benefit of the doubt. Setting aside the assumptions she had in mind, she decided to try to bridge their gap so she could fully get to know her.

“You’re not going to ask me of my ideal boyfriend?” Joon had a one-sided smile as she pushed an elevator button. 

Sinb, who kept her mask on, lowered her gaze and shook her head.

“Sinb-ssi…” Making the young girl lift her head and curiously look at her. “And for the people that you love, you always give them something extra.” She continued while taking the bags from her and handing her one with her name and the another without anything written on it. Sinb does not remember seeing a nameless bag when they were paying. The elevator door opened before she could ask for whom it was.

“Sinb-ah bought something for everyone!” Joon said while carefully handing, almost tossing, the small bags to each of the five excited members who were in the same spots where they left them. Everyone cheered and thanked the puzzled maknae who seldom treated them with food.

The confused Sinb mouthed at Joon while pointing at herself. “Me?” The foreigner readily raised her eyebrows in agreement. 

“Woah, daebak, eonnie! How did you know I wanted to eat this?” Yewon blurted as she opened her bag.

“Wooooow!” Opening their respective bags, Sowon, Eunha and Yuna exclaimed in unison, causing them to laugh at each other’s sudden synchronicity.

However, the recipient of their gratitude was distracted as she walked to the kitchen while peeking into the bag without a label. She slowed her steps when she realized it contained a yellow duck-shaped marshmallow that had chocolate at its center. She smiled to herself and returned to the living room and sat beside Yerin.

“Eonnie…” She discreetly handed her the bag without a name. 

“Oh, another one?”

“Yes… Something extra…” Sinb whispered.

Just when Yerin was about to hug the girl beside her, Sowon separated the two and sat between them. 

"Yah! You both hug me!"



“I’m sorry we made you worry earlier.” Joon guiltily told the girl who was drying the dishes as she grabbed another towel to help her.

“It’s okay. I just thought something happened because it took you a while. That’s why I grabbed Yerin’s phone to call you.” Sowon bashfully responded in mixed Korean and English as she hid her blushing cheeks.

“Sowon-ah, are you sick? You’re flushed.” Joon touched the girl’s neck with the back of her hand making the girl turn red even more.

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I was at SB this morning, waiting for my drink. I was half- listening when the barista called out and I went close to check the name on the cup. Then the barista said, "Oh, that's for Joon."

I was like, 'No , Joon's here?!' And the name was spelled exactly that way. haha! Happy weekend!


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Chapter 28: this was such a great story! i feel really bad for sowon and joon tho :( in my mind they are finally together now.
ttinbyennie #2
Chapter 28: sowon and joon 😞
sarahdhea #3
Chapter 28: I really love all your stories😭😭 they were written so beautifully and heart fluttering🥰❤️
Chapter 28: re reading again Sowon and Joons' really like these two?
onlysinbs #5
Chapter 28: thankyou for the wonderful story ㅠㅠ
Chapter 28: I miss your stories, author unni huhuhu
Nonexist #7
Chapter 28: finally sinb...good job :') hahahaha XD
Chapter 28: okay wow finally finished reading it AGAIN ahhhhhh my heart is on fire lmao i love this
Chapter 18: reading this again and wheww I’m FEELING things
Chapter 24: Re-read this for today.... I miss them so much!