TINA:Before we begin the interview what do I call you with?

TINA:Hi¬¬TRE ,Welcome to the interview.

TINA: Any special reason behind your journal name or aff account name. if yes what and how did u come by it ?
TRE: I was born on July 13. Trieze is originally treize or 13 in French, but I wrote wrongly the 1st time and it stuck LOL

TINA:Where are you from?
TRE: Indonesia

TINA:Age relationship status partners and kids..
TRE: 41 years old, single.

TINA:What is your occupational status as if right now?
TRE: Office Manager at an investment company.

TINA:Birthday ?
TRE: July 13

TINA:What is your favorite past time or what do u do in your free time?
TRE: Reading. I read a lot. And lately I try to re-connect with friends and families whenever I have spare time.

TINA: Favorite color/s?
TRE: Black, Purple, all dark colors

TINA: Favorite food and favorite country cuisine?
TRE: Anything chicken hahaha Not favorite but I prefer Japanese food.

TINA: Favorite movie/s. why?
TRE:Not into movies.

TINA: Favorite book and favorite Author/s. why?
TRE: Love In The Present Tense by Catherine Ryan Hyde. The story contains something that I always believe in, family by heart instead of family by blood. The relationship between the 2 main characters developed through the years just like a real family should be.

TINA: Favorite Dress code?
TRE: Casual

TINA:Comfort or Fashion?
TRE: Comfort

TINA: Favorite designers dress/shoes?
TRE: 80% of my wardrobe is by Marks & Spencer hahaha so plain! Fave shoes and sandals is Fit flop cause I have flatfeet.

TINA:Personal style statement?
TRE: Be comfortable and be yourself.

TINA:Dream destination?
TRE: Iceland

TINA: Favorite perfume?

TINA: Branded or Generic clothing?
TRE: Depends.

TINA:Hobbies you are involved in?
TRE: Reading.

TINA:Ideal man /woman?
TRE: Never have an ideal man… all the men I have attracted too have different personalities.

TINA:Have you ever been attracted to the same ?
TRE: Nope.

TINA:Who and when is your first crush?
TRE: I don’t remember.

TINA: Natural hair and eye color?
TRE: Dark brown and light brown

TINA:Beauty according to you is?
TRE: Beauty is what you are and it comes from the inside.

TINA: What’s in your purse?
TRE: Wallet, tissue, vitamins, Kindle, a pen, lip balm.

TINA:2 things you cannot live without?
TRE:Books & allergy pills.

TINA:If u get to meet one celebrity either dead or alive who will it be and why?
TRE: None. I don’t dream of meeting celebrities, but if I do then anyone is good 

TINA:I am obsessed with______ fill it?
TRE: Naruto and Stitch.

TINA:I am Passionate about____________ ?
TRE: Encouraging people to reach their dreams.

TINA:Motto in life:
TRE: Your happiness is your decision. Don’t let others ruin it for you.

TINA:If u get stranded on a isolated island .name 3 things you want ?
TRE:I’d rather make sure that I won’t get stranded .

TINA:Proudest moment ever?
TRE: Whenever my parents say they’re proud of me.

TINA:Most embarrassing moment?
TRE:I don’t remember.

TINA:One day you open the door and find Yunjae on your door step?
TRE:Invite them in, make them tea and talk till dawn.

TINA:If you are to write your life story what will the title be?
TRE: Don’t rush, just take one step a time.

TINA:Goal in life:
TRE: To be happy until the day I die.

TINA:How do you describe yourself?
TRE: Stubborn, realistic, easy to please and living by the rules.



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phinea2009 #1
Chapter 3: Thank you again for another great interview.
phinea2009 #2
Chapter 2: Tre is such a down to earth person.
phinea2009 #3
Everything Happens For A Reason is an oft used phrase but I believe strongly in it. This is also one of the most beautiful and moving stories I have ever read. I hated Yunho and his family in the beginning but at end I felt things did work out in theend.