
Saving the chicken

Peng Chuyue enters the room after taking his shower. He is ready to go to bed ,until he sees a horrific scene . 

Shu Miao and Xia Zhiguang playing with his precious chicken.

He rushes over to save his chicken from the horrific tortures of the terrible two.

Shu Miao points the camera towards him.

" Say hi to the camera "

 He's dying inside but doesn't want to look uncool in front of the fans, trying to save his chicken. But maybe they'll think he's cute. Yeah, they'll think it's cute. He lunges towards Shu Miao who is mainly the responsible party, and chokes him lightly to not upset the fans.

Xia Zhiguang just sits there and does absolutely nothing. I guess Chuyue forgot about Xiao Zhan also quietly laughing behind the camera. But mostly Shu Miao is responsible. No one else .


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You forgot a g at Guang in the character section aha
I'm not used to "Shu Miao" aha BAI SHU ! :3