Chapter 7

Under the Deep Blue Sky (Lay X OC) (Red String of Fate Series #1)


One week later


The brightly colored flags of the royal retinue crested over the horizon, the familiar sight warming Feiyan’s heart as she waited impatiently for her brother to arrive. She could feel the entire Mongol delegation watching her, even though their expressions were ones of careful neutrality as they waited to greet Tianjun. Even when greeting her brother, Feiyan’s every motion would be watched and scrutinized. Still, Feiyan couldn’t help but shift excitedly as she watched the flags draw near. At last, the group stopped in front of the Mongol camp, and a familiar young man dismounted from his horse. Feiyan desperately wanted to run into her brother’s comforting embrace, but held herself back as she folded her hands neatly at her waist and curtsied.


“Brother.” She said softly. Tianjun’s sharp gaze softened as he looked at her.


“Little Sister.” He said gently. His gaze shifted up to Yixing and he bowed politely.


“Brother-in-law.” He greeted. Yixing smiled and bowed slightly in return.


“I assume my sister has been living well here?” Tianjun said as his gaze examined Feiyan from head to toe before looking back at Yixing. Yixing smiled and tugged Feiyan closer to him.


“Of course.” He replied, “Rest assured, Feiyan is very happy here.” He looked down at Feiyan and smiled.


“Isn’t that right, my dear?” The words were sweet, but his gaze didn’t match his lips. Still though, Feiyan knew she had to put on an act to satisfy her brother, who would report back to their father.


“Of course, my love.” She replied, forcing her lips together into a demure smile. Tianjun chuckled and held out his hand.


“Come, sister. Will you show me where I will be staying?” He asked. Feiyan nodded and bowed to Yixing before leaving with her brother.


“I have never seen anyone with acting skills worse than yours.” Tianjun chuckled as they hurried away. Feiyan pouted up at her brother as they entered his guest tent.


“You cannot say I didn’t try.” She replied. Tianjun sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders as he looked over Feiyan again.


“Well, at least you haven’t lost any weight.” He observed, “It seems like they treat you well enough.” Feiyan laughed dryly.


“They can’t do much to me.” She replied, “I am a symbol of peace between the two countries. In the wake of the end of the Yuan dynasty, they wouldn’t dare to harm a hair on my head.” Tianjun’s gaze darkened slightly as he turned back from where he had been pouring himself some tea.


“You never know about that, Feiyan.” He warned, “Your location may have changed, but you still live within royalty. Anything and everything can happen here, as long as it is to someone’s benefit.” Feiyan sighed and nodded as she sank down into a chair.


“I will remember that.” She promised, “But I did earn some approval when I helped the Crown Prince welcome the foreign delegation a little while ago.” Tianjun nodded and patted Feiyan on the head.


“Well done.” He said softly. Feiyan smiled faintly.


“But doing things like that doesn’t mean I can go home, right?” She asked quietly. Tianjun smiled sadly and placed his hands on Feiyan’s shoulders.


“This place is your home now, Yan’er.” He said gently, “The sooner you accept that fact, the happier you will be.” When Feiyan stayed silent, Tianjun ruffled her hair and sat down next to her.


“Feiying told me to relay some good news to you.” He said, “She’s expecting a child and it should be born early next summer. You’re going to be an aunt!” Feiyan perked up in delight and clapped her hands together.


“That is so exciting!” She exclaimed, “I wish I could be around to help.” Tianjun chuckled.


“I think you’ll have your hands full with what you have to do here, little sister.” He replied, “The Crown Prince puts on an act, but he can’t fool me. You two are anything but in love.” Feiyan thought back to Yixing’s slightly overbearing attitude, strange possessiveness especially when it came to Yilong, and his clear distaste for her that he had made clear on their wedding night.


“I think that would be an understatement, Brother.” She replied with a wry smile.


“Oh? Then I suppose I won’t be hearing about any nephews or nieces from Mongolia any time soon.” Tianjun replied. Feiyan felt her cheeks heat up as she blushed.


“Yixing consistently keeps me at an arm’s length.” She protested, “Sometimes he shows moments of kindness, but then he turns around and makes it clear he doesn’t like me. The most we’ve done together is argue, and mostly about trivial things like keeping me away from his eldest brother. I barely even know anything about him!” Tianjun raised an eyebrow.


“Well perhaps you should take a step back and think about why he wants to keep you away from Prince Yilong alone.” He advised, “From what I have heard, the Crown Prince is a wise man. Everything he does has a reason behind it.” Feiyan crossed her arms and huffed.


“Then that means he is likely keeping secrets from me.” She grumbled. Tianjun laughed softly.


“Continue helping him where you can.” He said, “I’m sure he will open up to you eventually.” Feiyan rested her chin on her palm and closed her eyes with a deep sigh.


“I hope it will work out the way you say it will.” She replied.





Yixing looked over at Feiyan’s grumpy expression as he shook out an extra blanket.


“Don’t make it look like you’re the only one displeased.” He commented as he turned to face her, “I’m only allowing you to sleep here because our every move is being watched.” Feiyan pouted slightly.


“Wouldn’t it be better if one of us sleeps on the recliner while the other sleeps on the bed?” She asked.


“And risk being seen sleeping separately on the slight chance that someone comes into the tent before we wake up? Absolutely not.” Yixing reached over and placed a long pillow halfway across the bed.


“You can sleep on the inside. I will sleep on the outside.” He said firmly. Feiyan huffed and slipped into bed.


“Don’t even think of trying anything while I’m asleep.” She warned. Yixing smirked as he lay down next to her.


“I could say the same to you.” He replied, “Don’t even think of stretching even a finger across the pillow.” He tapped the long pillow lying on the bed. Feiyan’s eyes widened indignantly before she crossed her arms over her chest with another huff. Before long, her breathing evened, and Yixing knew that she was asleep. He turned his head slightly to look at his wife. Feiyan’s lips were parted slightly in her sleep, her long lashes draped lightly against her face. Despite his misgivings about her, Yixing let himself smile slightly. Feiyan’s tongue was sharp, but she clearly had no problem falling asleep next to a man she constantly argued against. She had completely let down her guard and fallen asleep almost immediately, even after complaining! Yixing closed his eyes and let sleep take over.


Silly girl.






The soft warmth of the morning sun drifted over Feiyan’s face, drawing her from her slumber. Something warm was pressed against her cheek, causing Feiyan to open her eyes curiously. Her eyes widened as she saw Yixing’s face barely a finger’s width away from hers, and to her utter mortification, she realized the warmth pressed against her cheek was none other than the bare skin of Yixing’s chest peeking out from where his robe had pulled open during the night.


I should probably move before he wakes up.


Feiyan attempted to move back over to her side of the bed, but found herself pinned in place by Yixing’s arm, which was currently wrapped around her waist. The more she moved, the tighter his grasp on her became, and soon Feiyan realized that her attempts to escape were quite futile. Feiyan swallowed a sigh, accepting the fact that she would have to wait for Yixing to either move in his sleep or wake up and face a very awkward morning. Feiyan studied her husband’s face as he slept. His expression was the most relaxed she had ever seen it, a lock of hair falling down over his gently sloping nose. His soft slightly curved lips turned upwards in a small smile, making Feiyan smile slightly herself.


He must be dreaming of something happy, she thought, I wonder, is there really more to you than you’re allowing me to see?


Yixing’s brow furrowed slightly, and Feiyan hesitated for a moment before reaching out a finger and gently pressing it against his brow to smooth it out again. He stirred under her touch, and Feiyan froze as Yixing reached over and grabbed her hand.


“Stop being so mischievous, Ruyi.” He murmured softly. Feiyan frowned in confusion as Yixing’s eyes opened, and for a moment, his gaze shone with warmth and gentleness that she had never seen before. Then the sleep cleared from his eyes, and his usual annoyed expression was back in place. He quickly let go of Feiyan’s hand and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.


“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked.


“We were like this when I woke up!” Feiyan protested indignantly, “Don’t make it sound like it’s my fault!” Yixing pulled his robe back into place and rose from the bed.


“I will sleep on the recliner tonight.” He said simply, and walked away without another word. Feiyan stared after him, feeling flabbergasted.


“Well, I certainly wasn’t the one who grabbed his hand before I fully woke up.” She muttered. As she watched the servants hurry to help Yixing dress for the day, her mind wandered back to the name Yixing had muttered while holding her hand.


Who is Ruyi?

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Chapter 23: Uuuuh this is so good! I like how they develop their feelings and how they solve their problem. What a big family they have, well that just shows how much they love each other
Chapter 13: I usually didn't comment in the middle of story. But i think i need to say this. Yixing you're so stupid!!!! I wanna cry TT
1301 streak #3
Chapter 23: Their children sound adorable especially Ruo Yue, with the way she talks.
The sequel sounds like it will be interesting especially since it will be a modern setting.
There are some Cdramas I've seen trailers of where the sequel is in a modern setting but it's not as eye-catching as the original. One Cdrama that caught my interest is "The Starry Night, The Starry Sky" since it started with a modern setting and season 2 is taken during the Tang Dynasty.
1301 streak #4
Chapter 19: That's just cruel what Yilong (if he did) is doing to the Khan. Killing off your father will not make you King as he may have selected someone else to take his place.
Love the moment with Yixing and Feiyan together when she reveals to him her reason for wearing a Mongolian dress.
1301 streak #5
Chapter 16: Finally, he realizes the truth! Although he's a bit late since Feiyan chose to leave early.
1301 streak #6
Chapter 14: Well, this Ruyi does seem like a fake. I started suspecting her since she appeared after that conversation Feiyan had with Yilong.
I love the part with Yizhong, it reminded me of "Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" where A'Li says something similar to Bai Qian.
1301 streak #7
Chapter 11: I like how the two seem to be starting to develop feelings for each other. I like the part where Feiyan defends Yixing from her father and even pointed out how she knows Yixing doesn't love her but he at least tries to protect her.
1301 streak #8
Chapter 8: Poor Feiyan, her brother just came to visit and suddenly he's gone!
1301 streak #9
Chapter 2: One of the things I like about stories where an arranged marriage is involved is how the married couple always declare that they will never fall for the one they marry. It's usually by the middle of the story where they start to develop feelings and realize that they do love the person they married. I have a feeling Feiyan and Yixing will be just like that too, although Yixing might take his time since it seems like he's still in love with someone else.
Chapter 24: This is really a good story! I was emotional reading this which is rare with me. Lol Good job! Perhaps it may not be important to u, but a rare occasion, I'm upvoting it~ Probably the second story that I've upvote ever since the 8 years am here.