
Mad Love
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“You alright?” I asked as I helped her getting into her bed in her hospital room.


I managed to get soap, shampoo and other hygienic products with the commissary, and helped Taeyeon get a well deserved shower. She got really emotional with Jonghyun and her face was drowned by her tears, which she was a little bit embarrassed by. The shower helped her washing her tears, face, and soul. I smiled, relieved, feeling her scent invade my nostrils. After the shower, her skin was so gleaming white and smelling so good, it looked somebody else. It truly felt like a rebirth experience.


“Do you need anything?” I asked her, promptly to help.


She shook her head. “I'm fine. Thank you, Doc.”


“Thank you.” I said. “For listening to him.”


“It's really surreal to see him alive, right in front of me.”


I held her hands. “I know. I know it's a lot to take in. But just remember that we'll be here for you. And we'll help you with anything you might need.” She nodded her head. “You were brave down there.”


“Was I?”


“Yes.” I confirmed. “It takes a lot of bravery to forgive, it takes a lot of bravery to let go.”


She looked at me, her eyes staring at mine. “I'm not the brave one here, Doc.”


I smiled.


“Thank you.” She said. “For everything you did for me.” I hugged her, my chin falling on her shoulder. “Thank you...for not giving up on me.” I chuckled.


“We'll be fine now.” I assured. “It's late now. You should rest.” I suggested. “I'll be here tomorrow, okay?”


“Yeah.” She nodded.


“See you around, Taeyeon.”


“See you around, Doc.”


I chuckled, finding my soul at ease. Thank you, God, for making this alright. Thank you for finally finishing this.




It was surreal that even though we were finally in winter and snow were falling from the sky, being at the medical center at the Asylum was where I felt warm and rested.

Taeyeon and I had no more misunderstandings between us and it truly felt like we all came clean to one another.

Every one in the asylum seemed to notice that too as a couple officers and doctors came to me talk about how Taeyeon and I looked different from before. Yoona herself told me how I looked different, more confident and at ease with everyone at place.


Even though Taeyeon and I were still close, we kept our safe distance from each other to not allow intimate gestures to come to the surface. We respected our one session per week policy, and I only made my way to talk to her when she was in her lunch and recreation time.


Taeyeon actually didn't mind the distance and even herself said it would be a good thing for all of us. And by one week past like that, it truly felt like the right thing to do. I wasn't really aware how much I was affected by being constantly with her, so having a little bit of safe distance improved both our moods and our relationship. Especially my relationship towards my co-workers, as I was back to meet Yoona, Seohyun and other doctors in lunch time, and towards my friends Nicole and Bora outside my workplace. It was also nice that whenever we agreed to meet, Bora could bring Jonghyun around.


Due to a lot of things happening during this time, Kim Kibum and Lee Jinki had to postpone their visit for a couple of weeks. By the time Kim Kibum and Lee Jinki called us to confirm their visit with Taeyeon on the weekend, I still had not talked about it with her. And I didn't want to keep any more secrets from her, so I took the opportunity to tell her about it during our mid-week session one day.


“I have some news for you.” I revealed, controlling my voice to not allow any excitement over it. The session was being recorded, as Taeyeon agreed to have them recorded with no problem, and I wanted to keep the session as formal as possible.


“Good news or bad news?”


“Good news.” I answered, opening up a smile.


“Okay, hit me.” She said, ready.


“I talked to Jonghyun and we introduced your case to a couple of lawyers.” She frowned her brows. “Kim Kibum and Lee Jinki, apparently they are friends with Jonghyun, and the good news is that they agreed to work on your case and they are interested to come here, this Saturday, to talk to you.” She blinked, still not saying anything. “We are really excited about it, because there might be a chance to get you outta of here. You know, you've done your time, and if you tell them your true story, of all that happened, the odds could be in your favor.”


“In my favor?” She didn't sound convinced.


“Yeah, I mean, we know you weren't the perfect inmate here and that you caused some trouble, but you've been behaving well for a while now, it's been five or six months since your last shot, and your good behavior could help you. If not setting you free, at least, diminishing your years in here.”


There was a silence between us. Taeyeon got into a pensive mood for a couple of seconds and I would give my world to know what she was thinking. She shifted her weight on the chair and looked down on her cuffed hands.


“Do you prefer if they come back in another time?” I asked, not sure why she didn't look so enthusiastic. I mean it's a chance in a lifetime, why she is happy to hear it?


“I don't know how to feel about this.” She answered, honestly.


“Why not?”


“Have you ever been in a crossroad?” She asked suddenly, her voice a little bit distant. “Like, metaphorically?” I frowned her brows. “You know, you have two paths and you need to pick one to move forward?”


“I guess we've all been there.” I answered.


“Probably yeah.” She nodded.


“What is wrong?”


She turned her head to the left. “Well, on one road, I could… be away from this place, I guess.”


“Isn't that amazing?”


“On the other road… I could… - She sighed. - I could… stay here… and do the right thing.”


“The right thing?”


She exhaled and turned her head towards me, her eyes lips formed a faint smile and there was a look of gratitude in her eyes. “Could you do me a favor?”


“Yeah, sure. What it is?”


“Get Irene outta here.” My heart skipped a beat. “She doesn't belong here. Or Wendy. Get them outta here. They – she shook her head. - don't deserve to be here. They did nothing wrong, and they – she cleared – behaved themselves more than me. You promised you'd get Irene outta here, didn't you?” I looked away, my silent tear coming down on my cheek. “A long time ago, remember?” I nodded my head. “They shouldn't be here. And… it's enough. They suffered enough. Those lawyers… use them to help those girls out. They are kids, and much better people than me. Just help them… please?”


I took a tissue out of my bag and cleared my tears. “What about you?”


“I'll stay here. And do my time as I should do. It's okay. Besides, it's not like those laywers can't work in my case in the future, right?”


“They charged a lot of money.” I said.


She hissed. “Sorry, Doc.”


I shook my head.


“You did a lot of things for me.” She

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Thank you for all your support. Sorry if I let you down with the ending, but that's how I pictured.
I'm really grateful for all your comments, upvotes and support. Thank you for sticking with this story for all this time.


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randompersonhere1 #1
well written!
Chapter 46: This story turns out better than I’d thought. Beautiful nontheless. Although it’s bit weird seeing a serial killer getting a chance to be free after such a short time, her sentence is even less than 10 yrs. With the amount of people she’s killed, I’m surprised she got such a short time. The way Tiffany would always be like when Taeyeon killed someone: ‘Taeyeon’s sorry, she didn’t mean it’ is really infuriating, I’m glad she’s constantly called out for that. I think what’s brilliant about this is the way the story presents Taeyeon, she’s absolutely unpredictable, sometimes I feel bad for her, maybe she was a mis-guided person and then it’s revealed she does horrible because she wants to. I truly feel like Tiffany, fallen victim to Taeyeon’s charm. Everyone around her always warn her about Taeyeon. At some point it felt like this was going to be the start Tiffany’s villain arc with Taeyeon.
The story has many similarities with DC black novel Harleen but i think this one does a better job of show casing the weird and toxic relationship between Taeyeon and Tiffany. It kinda feels like Tiffany is just one step from hoping on the Taeyeon train and going full Harley Quinn. But alas, this has the happy ending we all hope for. I’m quite surprised with the out come, that’s like the best ending Taeyeon can get.
Chapter 10: this plot twist was INCREDIBLE
Chapter 2: here again, I had to read this masterpiece one more time.
I hope it is well, author nim♡♡
12345678_xx #5
Still hoping for an epilogue😭😭
czankx #6
Chapter 46: Damn, what just happened? Did i just really finished reading this no more next chapter? Waah, it feels like a just watched a long series of movie, all the feeling just came into me.. The story has such a perfect balance, emotions are high emotions are low, it's just perfect and i like how TaeNy really ends up together with Tiffany's determination and Taeyeon not pushing Tiffany away that much but is welcoming... I finished this on Taeyeons birthday.. It's just overwhelming.. And now I'm sad because there's no more to read huhuhukekeke
Ree93brianti #7
Thank you for beautiful taeny fic, and waiting for taeny's other stories 👏
btcrules27 #8
Chapter 46: This is by far..the best fanfic I have read. I actually don't want it to end 😭😭😭 I really love this fanfic I wanna cry 😭😭😭
reveluv316 810 streak #9
Chapter 4: Im already hooked
159 streak #10
Chapter 46: I absolutely loved this story!!! It was extremely good and the end did them justice!!!