
Thinking TWICE
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Sana x Chaeyoung

The one where Chaeyoung thinks the weather is great as long as Sana is there


Rapping her knuckles repeatedly on the surface of the table in a cafe, Chaeyoung stares at her laptop in annoyance. "The weather outside is so good but I'm stuck here writing this dumb essay instead of taking photos of clouds and pretty girls" she thinks to herself, but she let out a sigh and just continues writing that essay, occasionally looking out the window to find good angles for her photos. 

Even after an hour passes, her essay is only half done, so she packs her things, grabs her camera and walks out of the cafe. Pointing her camera at the clouds, she clicks the shutter button and looks at the photo on the screen. She pouts slightly and shakes her head, deciding to go to a more open place to get better photos. 

Arriving at a park, Chaeyoung looks around for a good spot, and decides on a spot near this group of friends having a picnic. Trying to capture a picture similar to that she did outside the cafe, she points her camera at a cloud formation that reminds her of a bunny. "I'll need to show this to Nayeon for sure" she smiles at the thought of the said person acting cute because of her comment. 

Chaeyoung lowers her camera to get a good shot of the landscape around her - it was her first time in this park. She walks backwards, looking into the viewfinder, determined to get at least 2 good pictures today. That is, until she feels like she's stepped on something, and hears a sound. 

"Ah!" a sweet voice yelped. Chaeyoung lets her camera hang around her neck, she turns around and bows at the girl. "Oh crap I'm so sorry I stepped on your hand! I should've paid attention," she scratches the back of her head apologetically. The voice replied, "It's okay, you didn't mean it." Chaeyoung swears she can hear a smile in that comment, so she looks up at the girl, finding her eyes gazing at the prettiest girl she's seen in a while.

She then looks around the girl, noticing that even her friends were drop dead gorgeous. The blonde one was laughing profusely at the sound 'Sana' made, while the brunette just had a super cute gummy smile. Chaeyoung had to tear her gaze away from the three girls before she did something dumb and gay (but Jeongyeon thinks Chaeyoung doesn't do anything else), so she apologises again, and walks away as far as she possibly can from the group of girls, not noticing that the girl she bumped into still had her eyes on her. 

When she reaches where she thinks is far enough, Chaeyoung calms her beating heart, partly caused by her speedwalking away from the embarrassing situation and partly caused by how she just saw three pretty girls. Preparing to take photos again, Chaeyoung lets out a miffed sound when she realises that it's drizzling.

She let out a groan, forgetting how much she hated the rain. She digs into her bag to get her umbrella out, only to realise that she didn't have it. "Did I really not bring it out today?" she murmurs to herself.

"This baby can't get wet, but the nearest shelter is so far away," Chaeyoung shakes her head, looking at her Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, then looking at the sky, hoping it'll stop raining soon. Her vision of the sky was quickly blocked by a purple umbrella. Chaeyoung follows the umbrella from the top to the handle, only to find her eyes landing on the same girl whose hand she accidentally stepped on a while ago.

"You know, I'd expect a photographer to be prepared for drastic changes in weather," the sweet voice giggled. Chaeyoung's cheeks had a light pink hue, "I usually bring it, I just, uh, didn't really expect myself to end up in a park, and... thanks for this," Chaeyoung gestured to the umbrella, earning herself a smile from the girl.

The rain gradually becomes heavier, and Chaeyoung lets out a sigh of relief, her baby didn't get wet. 

"Wow I came just in time, I'm Sana, a person who got her hand stepped on just now, nice to meet you," Sana outstreches her free hand for a handshake, which Chaeyoung takes, saying, "I'm Chaeyoung, a person who stepped on a person's hand just now, nice to meet you too."

They both erupt into laughter, and Sana chuckles, "I can't believe you played along, this was such a good choice." Chaeyoung says in between her laughter, "Really though, thanks for the umbrella, I was about to run as fast as I can to the shelter." Sana pats Chaeyoung's head, something the younger girl usually hated, but Sana was cute, so she had no complaints, "We wouldn't want that sick camera to get wet now would we?" 

The intensity of pink on Chaeyoung's cheek increases and replies, "Nope, definitely not. Where are your friends? Aren't they with you?" Sana grins, "They went to the shelter the moment it started drizzling, but I decided to walk around a bit, and I saw you without an umbrella so here I am." 

"Truly a lifesaver, have you considered being a superhero?" Chaeyoung lamely replies. An amused smile paints Sana's face, "A superhero with an umbrella for a weapon? Sounds legit," she chortled, "More importantly, let's get you and your baby back to a proper shelter so my hand can stop hurting." 

On the way to the shelter, Chaeyoung learns a few things about Sana. For starters, she wasn't Korean, hence having that unusual name. She was a student in the same university as Chaeyoung, but she was a medical student, while Chaeyoung took Psychology. Sana also just recently moved into the school dorms, about 2 blocks away from Chaeyoung's block. She also learns that Sana loves looking at photos, although she at taking ones herself.

At the shelter, Sana checks around for her friends. Not seeing them, she checks her phone, rolling her eyes at what she saw, before asking Chaeyoung, "My friends had to finish some stuff so they went back already, are you going back to school?" Seeing Chaeyoung nod, Sana also asks, "Do you need a lift?" 

Chaeyoung hesitates - she couldn't possibly sit in a car with such a pretty girl without being weird, and she didn't understand why Sana was so nice to her. She thinks of the possibility that Sana was going to kill her for stepping on her hand just now, but dismisses it. 

Sana notices the battle in Chaeyoung's mind and says, "I won't bite or do anything weird if you're worried. You can even send your friends my car plate number if you're that scared," amusement evident in her voice. Chaeyoung decides that there's no harm in taking up Sana's offer, so she enters Sana's car, and Sana drives to their school. 


Chaeyoung later realises there was harm done, just indirectly. Ever since their first meeting at the park, they started going to different parks to have picnics (it was more like Sana dragging Chaeyoung to accompany her) once every fortnight for half a year.

But on one particular night, Sana knocks on Chaeyoung's door repeatedly, the door opening to a visibly annoyed Chaeyoung, who let out an annoyed sigh when she sees Sana. "What is it this time?" Chaeyoung only pretends to be annoyed, but she can never truly get annoyed at Sana. 

"Hey, let's go to our park!" Sana excitedly says. Right, Chaeyoung forgot that Sana started calling the park they met at "their park". Chaeyoung groans, "But it's almost 11pm and you have a 7am class tomorrow!" But Sana gives Chaeyoung the puppy eyes that Chaeyoung absolutely cannot deny, and a few minutes later, Chaeyoung comes out all dressed, her camera hanging around her neck and next thing you know they're on the way to "their park". 

Thankfully, the park was closer to their school than it was to the cafe Chaeyoung went to, so they arrived at the park at around 10.50pm. "Why are we here anyway? It's dark and we have nothing to do at all," Chaeyoung turns to ask Sana, who seemed pretty excited to be there. 

"We can just chill and talk, you know, like the cool kids do!" Sana jumps like an excited child and Chaeyoung hides her smile at Sana's cute gesture. "Are you like five?" was all she replied, walking to a spot in the grasspatch. Sana takes out a mat, and lies down on it, patting the space next to her. 

Chaeyoung's heartbeat quickened. They've spent a lot of time with each other for the past 6 months, but this was the first time Chaeyoung was getting this close to the Japanese girl. So she still leaves a considerable amount of space between the two, but Sana just goes closer.

"You know, I've always wanted to do this. Isn't this just beautiful?" Sana looks up at the stars. Chaeyoung hums, shifting her gaze that was previously fixated on Sana to the sky, attempting to make herself less obvious. Sana softens her tone and lowers her volume to the extent she's almost whispering, "And, I'm glad you're here with me." 

Chaeyoung has never felt so warm and fuzzy on the inside so she didn't know what to do. In the end, all she does is she grabs Sana's hand and gives her the brightest smile, "I'm glad I'm here with you too," she pauses, "Although I'm not sure I'd like to do this every day," she ends off with a dry laugh. 

Sana intertwines their hands, and smiles as they talk about the constellations, Sana teaching Chaeyoung how to recognise the North Star, and making her remember Sana's own favourite constellations. It was only 15 minutes after they arrived that it started to rain.

"You know, I've been coming here with Momo and Mina for the past 3 years, and it probably rained less than 10 times. I've been here with you twice, and it's rained twice. You're some kind of rain curse, I swear," Sana playfully hit Chaeyoung. 

"Rain curse? Did you just call the best weather ever a curse? I love the rain," Chaeyoung sticks her tongue out. "Doesn't the rain mean you can't take proper photos?" Sana pointed to Chaeyoung's camera. "Not if there's someone to hold an umbrella for you~ Besides, rain means dark clouds and lightning, which means sick pictures!" 

Sana laughs and holds the umbrella for Chaeyoung as the smaller girl squats and takes photos from impossible angles, before they leave to go back to the dorm, Sana slightly disappointed that they couldn't have spent more time there.

While walking back to the car, Chaeyoung stops for a bit, causing Sana to turn around. Right at that moment, Chaeyoung clicks her camera, taking a perfect shot of Sana turning around. Sana tries taking Chaeyoung's camera

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Chapter 2: Sachaeng are the cutest omg my soft heart
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ohhh..this is so sad,poor Sana :'( if only Sana could tell Momo bout her feeling...cant wait for next SaMo ff ^^
omg what about 2na? PLS :D tysm!
Chapter 1: Wow :'(
More samo pleaseee XD
Can you try some sachaeng to?
Chapter 1: ouch :'(
i suddenly want chaeyoung and sana to just fall for each other save each other from the pain of a broken heart :(
kaisghoul #6
More samo pls omfg favvv