DAY 3 Afternoon Goodnight

Such an Adventure

June 14th, 2017. 07:25 KST


The third day began. Even before the sun shone, the kids were already demanding their energies, or in short, Junmyeon’s energy. Jongin wailed loudly at 3 a.m. for his dirty nappy. Zitao cried at 4.30 a.m. for absolutely nothing, or maybe he just wanna some attention in the early morning. Sehun was crying out loudly at 6 a.m. for Junmyeon's attention. At 7, Junmyeon was on the verge of tears too considering his sleepless night and the awaken kids in a couple of hours. His friend? He was sleeping soundly on the bed without being disturbed by the crying and wailing. Well, the younger kids were not so close to him and would prefer Junmyeon anyhow. They had tried it before, sending Kris to take care of them. And it just made the youngest of the family screamed 10 decibel higher than usual. So, Kris slept while Junmyeon just had to suffer.

Kris prepared their breakfast that morning after watched his friend's eyebag. Just a simple breakfast that did not require any contact with the stove. If Junmyeon was not so good with cooking, then we could label Kris as disaster. Living alone, he survived his college years mostly with ramyeon and takeouts days and nights.

The kids played in the living room after breakfast. The toys scattered on the floor. The two friends were on the couch, watching for the kids. Kris was laying with his phone in his hand while Junmyeon just sat there, looking aimlessly. Sometimes, Kris peeked at his friend and calling out his name to check whether the latter was still alive.




Afternoon came. After having their lunch which were simple dishes by Junmyeon, the kids sat in front of the flat screen, watching for some cartoons while waiting for their afternoon nap. Looking at the three youngests' sleepy eyes, Kris told Junmyeon to take them to sleep.

"Take a nap too. I'll take care of the others."

"Are you sure?" Junmyeon looked at his friend. He already picking up Sehun and Jongin in his left and right arms. He could take Zitao later.

"Not so sure. But yeah. If you hear any scream then please come and rescue me."

Junmyeon let out small laugh. He walked to the bedroom to tuck the younger kids and himself on the bed. He just let the three kids slept on his and Kris' shared bed for today. Too tired to bring them to theirs.

Meanwhile, Kris stucked in the living room with the remaining kids. Maybe it was just for two days, but he could catch already their attics, each one of them.

I can survive this two hours, can't I? He himself was not so sure.

He went to pick up some blankets and lied them on the floor so that the kids could take their afternoon naps in the living room. He closed the curtain to block the bright sunlight and proceed to each of the kids' bedroom to pick up their pillows and favourite plushies.

Full of pillows and plushies in his arms, Kris walked down the stairs. He nearly planted his face on the floor due to missing step. But he got lucky.

Upon seeing their favourite plushies and pillows, the kids immediately grabbed them from Kris and lie down on the prepared blankets. Eyes were getting sleepy, it was time for them to go to dreamland. Kris switched off the TV, wishing them good night even it was actually afternoon and walked out of the living room. He planned to tidy up the house a little.

"Hyung. Where do you want to go?" Chanyeol sit up straight, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Sleep Chanyeol. I don't go anywhere." Kris walked to the said boy, laying him back on the blanket.

"Sleep with us hyung." Baekhyun who was on his left tugged his sleeve.

"There is no space." Upon hearing it, the kids scooted to the sides, leaving a small space in the middle. Kris scoffed. Very considerate kids.

He squished in between Chanyeol and Baekhyun, grabbing the couch pillow and put it under his head. Upon sensing there was another source of warmness near them, Chanyeol and Baekhyun immediately turned to their sides and trapped their hyung by wrapping their limbs around the latter's torso.

A little rufus was heard and Kris could feel another weight on his torso. The kid splayed on his torso, hiding his face on Kris' chest, squirming alittle to find comfortable position to sleep. After some time staring at the black hair shoved near his face, tickling his nose, the eldest in the room could finally acknowledge that the kid was actually Jongdae.

Kris patted the kid's back softly. Jongdae was sleepy. He played with the Kris' shirt, twisting it with his little fingers. "Do you want me to sing for you to sleep?" Kris smiled after feeling the kid nodded. He sang a soft song while patting the kid's back, ignoring a gasp and loud You can sing? from a certain kid at the other side of the room. He was pretty sure that was Luhan. Even so, his deep voice did do the magic. The room was completely silence aside from his hum. And without he realized, he too visited his dreamland.



15:30 KST

Kris woke up from his nap exactly 3 hours later with Zitao grabbing a handful of his hair. The said kid giggled when he saw Kris cracked his eyes annoyingly. "Hey kid. Where's your brothers?" Kris asked. He was feeling empty. No weight on his both sides, neither on his torso. The little one pointed at the back door that led to the backyard. Kris sat crossed legs while yawning, shaking off his sleepiness. He looked around. The living room was empty but he could hear noise from the backyard. The kids got up earlier than him then. "Where's your Junmyeon hyung?" He strained another yawn from escaping. "Junmyeon hyung is in the kitchen. He told me to wake you up to help him." Zitao stood up and ran to the back door, intending to play with his brother after finishing his task.

Kris shuffled to the kitchen, only finding his friend was busy making the dinner.

"You should teach the kids proper way on how to wake me up. Nicely." He plopped down on the dining chair and rested his head on the table while watching his friend with his work.

"Well hello sleeping beauty. If you are done with your beauty nap, please help me now." Junmyeon was stirring something in the pot. Look like curry. Was it? Kris was not so sure.

He mumbled I am not done yet. His eyes were closing before he yelped for a hard knock on his head. "Wake up you idiot. Help me now." Junmyeon growled. Kris clutched his painful head. That midget dared knocking his head with a spatula. But then, he should know by now to not mess with his little friend when he was in kitchen. It was deadly. Who knew what Junmyeon would grab to hit or throw to him. Kitchen has knives. Kris shivered at that thought.

Kris stared at the man who was busy cutting carrot by the counter, blinking his eyes to shake off his sleepiness. "Did you clean up the living room?" Junmyeon asked, his eyes were not leaving the carrot.

"Hmm. Should I?" Kris bluntly asked back. But then, he instantly disappeared from the kitchen, rushing to clean up the living room after seeing his friend threateningly lifted the knife high up in the air.




After dinner, the same routine happened. Washing up, brushing teeth, tucking in, then they were ready to sleep. It was still hard to get the two eldest kids to sleep, so thus the triplet. But Kris now knew the trick. He did a smack down to Luhan to make the kid stayed put on his bed. He lifted the kid high up in the air and threw him on his bed. It was not so hard and he was sure the fluffy blanket would be there to catch him. At first he thought the kid would be scared and cry. But only receiving giggles from the said boy, Kris knew he could use this trick more in the future. And for the triplet, to make them stay in the bed, he switched off the light in their room. All activities were halted and they scrambled to their bed like scared puppies. Sure the three of them stayed silently on their respective beds as they were scared of the dark. He made them stay by threatening to leave them in the dark and no night light. After he got whimpers and whines as the answer, Kris grinned for his triumph.



21:01 KST

Plopping down to their shared bed after tucking in the kids, he sighed. The end of the third day. How their fourth day gonna be?

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Re-reading.there are alotttttttt of mistakes.native English speaker must be annoyed when they're reading this.i'm so so so so so sorry >.<


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Chapter 19: Finally! Happy ending!!!!!
It's was amazing!!!!
Chapter 19: This was definitely amazing! A heartwarming and lovely story. Thank u
OMG!!OT12 heart...
Chapter 19: I love it!! :)
cyfome #5
Chapter 19: OMG❣❣❣
This bonus chapter made my day❤❤❤
Made me crave for a sequel❤❤
bookworm514 #6
Chapter 19: Yes please!! A sequel would be amazing!
Chapter 19: I hope to read more of their time with the kids...Thank you for this wonderful story.
Chapter 19: Awwww hahahaha
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 19: Awwwww i miss them too
2446 streak #10
Chapter 19: KrisHo still BFFs for life i see... still living together! it's so cute how they never got away from the Park children!!! it's cute the relationship the two have with them... still the kids' go-to hyungs even if Jun and Yifan are working corporate jobs already... so cute!

thanks for the update!!! twas an unexpected surprise! :)