
Red Heels

“You really haven’t dated in a year? I find that hard to believe. I’m sure you have guys asking you out regularly.” He sipped his wine and watched her.


“I really haven’t. I was dating guys that used me and left me behind. I was a mess before I went to therapy. I realized that it wasn’t just the men, it was me. I wasn’t looking at it right, letting them take advantage of me.” She broke off another piece of bread and carefully spread butter on it this time.


“So the fact that you are sitting here with me, makes me special?” He grinned.


“No it makes you persistent. I’ve been scared to date for so long. But you seemed different…..even though Jinnie is my bias.” She shrugged and ate the bread. Just then, the waiter came back with their food and she used it as a chance to be quiet. He watched her eat. She used her fingers for the asparagus, them between bites. It was refreshing to see a woman so carefree, even in a fancy restaurant like this. They both ate, there was minimal conversation so they finished quickly. Their waiter came back to collect their plates and offer them coffee and dessert. Maggie declined and Minwoo agreed, but he was hoping this wasn’t the end of the date. After he paid the check they went outside. She turned to him and grinned.

“Take me somewhere you’ve never taken anyone before. Someplace that is special to you.”

He thought for a moment and then help his hand out to her. “Okay, I’ll drive. My car is around the corner.” She slipped her hand into his and they walked together. He had parked in front of a little cafe. Maggie could smell the rich scent of freshly roasted beans and she suddenly wanted coffee.

“Minwoo, you start the car, I’m going to go in and get coffee. Do you want some?”

“Sure, and something sweet since you didn’t let me have dessert.” He stuck his bottom lip out and pouted til she giggled.

“Fine,  you baby. I’ll get you come cookies or something.” She went in and ordered two coffees and a selection of bite size cakes and cookies. She figured just a couple couldn’t hurt her. When she came back out he was in the car, waiting for her. She set their coffees in the cup holders and resting the bag of sweets on her lap. “Okay, lets go to your secret place.” She grinned, excited to get to spend more time with him. She just didn’t want to do it in front of the whole world. She knew it would be difficult for him in the long run.

He pulled away from the curb and they headed out the street, and out of the city. They drove for a bit and then he turned down a narrow road. They stopped soon and all she could see were trees.

“This is it. My secret place.” He turned to her and smiled. “Let’s get out” He grabbed both coffees and she got out, holding onto the bag. She looked around and saw a small section of the Han River before her with a wooden dock leading out to the water. She looked at the boards and decided she better take off Kaye’s shoes, she might be pissed if she broke the heel off or something. She rested the bag on the hood of Minwoo’s car and slipped them off and set them beside the bag. She grabbed the bag again and when she turned, Minwoo was beside her, his arm out for her to hold. She slipped her arm through his and they walked together. The wood was chilly under her feet and she wished she had socks on. They reached the end and sat, their legs dangled over the side, not touching the water. He handed her a coffee and she sipped it, sighing at the way it warmed her. She slid the bag of food over to him and he reached in without looking and pulled something out.

“Want a bite?” She nodded and he put it to her lips and she took a bite. Her lips brushed his fingertips and he shivered. “How is it?” He kept his voice steady.

“It’s wonderful, but its supposed to be for you.” She chuckled and took the rest from him and popped it into and chewed it happily. “You’re the devil, Lee Minwoo. But I already knew that.”

He chuckled. “Don’t act like you didn’t want that, I saw you watch me pull it out of the bag.” They slipped into companionable silence, the sound of the water peaceful and a nice break from the hustle of the city.

He was the one to break the silence, he had a question he needed to know the answer to.

“So how long will you be here?I know you came to support Tam but do you have plans here after that?” He sipped his now cold coffee and looked at the moon reflected on the water. She turned her empty cup a few times in her hands before she answered.

“I got two weeks vacation from my boss. But I still need to submit at least one article in that time and find a studio to film in. I’ve got an idea for a piece that is inspired by traditional dress.” She wasn’t sure if that was what he wanted to hear but it was all she had to offer him right now. He kicked his feet a few times as he considered her response.

“I know some people that have small studios that you could set up in.” He sighed and set his cup down and turned to her.

“And after that two weeks, you will be going back to Cali?” His brow was furrowed like he wanted to say more. She turned and pulled her feet up and crossed them in front of her.

“Are you trying to find out if I like you enough to stick around?” He looked at her and reached out to brush a wind blown hair from her cheek. She closed her eyes when his finger brushed against her skin.

He looked at her and nodded, hen whispered, “Yes…..I want to know if you think there is more to us and want to explore it. Because I want to……” He whispered, afraid of her possible rejection.

She opened her eyes and shrugged helplessly. “I’ve got a whole life back in California…..a career, Minwoo. One I worked very hard to achieve. I can’t decide all at once to give that up and make a new life somewhere else. You understand? I wouldn’t ask you to do that either…it just wouldn’t be fair.” He leaned forward and pressed his forehead to hers.

“I understand but would you think about it? It wouldn’t be like you couldn’t have that same career here. I want to get to know you better. See if the spark I felt that night you slammed your door in my face is just a silly infatuation. Or something real” She could hear the earnestness in his voice and she felt it in her heart too. She sighed and gave him a slight smile.

“Fine….I’ll think about. I’m not making any promises though.” He reached out and cupped her cheek gently and felt that she was chilled.

“Let me go to the car, I’ve got a couple of blankets in the car from a family outing. Can’t have you getting sick on our first date. You probably wouldn’t want to see me again.”

He got up and hurried to the car and came back with two thick blankets, the kind you might use for a picnic. He pulled her to her feet gently and spread one on the dock and she sat down again, her legs crossed again. He spread the other around her shoulders and sat beside her and covered himself also. He leaned against her gently and he felt her put her wait against him. He slipped one arm around her waist and they got comfortable, sharing each others space. They talked about little things; favorite movies, the best pizza they had ever had and what their favorite Shinhwa song was. He chuckled when he saw her horrified look. She said having to pick just one was like having to pick a favorite child. So he agreed that the Perfect Man was a good answer. Eventually they didn’t speak anymore and just sat quietly. He felt her hand move under the blanket and soon he felt her hand holding his. He smiled and pulled her head onto his shoulder gently. He could smell her shampoo, a fresh clean citrus scent. A glance at her told him that she had fallen asleep. He didn’t wake her right then, just let her sleep as he watched her. Just before sunrise she stirred and they watched the sun come up together. He helped her up and grabbed the blankets and walked back to the car. She slipped the heels back on before settling in the passenger side. He came around and started the car, the heat pumping through it, warming her cheeks. She gave him the directions to her hotel and they drove there in silence. When they reached the entrance she got out and he followed her.


“I had a really good time.” She smiled and reached out to take his hand.

“I did too. Thank god I’m persistent, or you might not have seen me.” He pulled her in for a hug.

He kissed her cheek gently. “Don’t forget you said you will think about.” He left her laugh before she pulled away.

“I won’t and I’m sure if I do, you will remind me.” She leaned in and kissed his lips softly. “Thank you for the amazing date.” Before he could say anything she was gone. He watched her walk to the hotel and into the lobby. He leaned against the car and pulled his phone out and looked at it. He had a whole slew of missed calls and messages from Eric. He opened one and read it, Eric had decided to call an emergency meeting. He had a few hour before he needed to be there so he headed home to grab a couple hours of sleep so he wouldn’t fall asleep mid meeting. He went inside, kicked his shoes off, set and alarm and laid down, falling asleep right away.

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Chapter 16: Ohh i love the proposal.. <3
loveandstuff #2
Chapter 14: That. . . was. . . amazing! You are seriously going to kill your readers if you keep this up lol
I am so excited for the end, I can't wait to see what Minwoo comes up with for the big question!!
Chapter 14: oh wow just wow. and now I need a cold shower hehe
loveandstuff #5
Chapter 13: These last few chapters are making me think I need to keep a fan nearby to cool down! Totally not complaining though!
Chapter 13: afternoon delight
Chapter 12: this chapter is squad goals. the 3 musketeers. all for one and one for all. yay
Chapter 9: it's really sweet, I really like this story. (now imagining it's me and Wannie *sigh*)