Ano Oto: The Sound I heard that Day

I still don't know the source of the Sound I heard that day

I live in a small village in the mountains.
I have to pass through the forest everyday, to and from the village.


As usual, today also, I was walking by the forest.
But something unusual happened.


I heard a sound.


Not the birds singing.
Not the winds howling.


It was as though...


I ignored it.
I continued on my path.
I had to reach home.
I was very much hungry after the days work in the fields.


I heard it again.
"May be it isn't just my imagination," I thought.


I heard it once more. 


Continuously ringing.


The sound of a tiny bell.


I didn't think cats would come this far from the village.


I followed it.


Leaving the trodden path, I head deeper into the forest.


I could feel the sound getting farther and farther away.


Before I knew it, it was starting to get dark.
I had lost track of time.
I thought of returning back.
I turned around.
But alas, 
I was lost.


I realized, the sound too had stopped. 


I put my hands into my pocket.
I look up at the sky.
It was cloudy. 
May be it would rain tonight.
I pulled out my smartphone as I had that thought.


I opened up a compass app.
"All hail the modern world!" I cheered.


I followed the arrow showing south.
I found the trodden path.
I reached home to a delicious meal by my mother.


I wonder.
"What could have been making that sound?
Did it know I was following it?"


I guess, I will never know.

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