Chapter Four

Unwanted Genie


It took a bit but they eventually calmed down and color started to return to their faces. In the time it took for that to happened, the four had started to move away from Hongbin. Three aslo inched away from still-cat-eared Taekwoon. Hakyeon was still entertained. Hongbin looked angry.

"That's enough! Just quit whatever you're doing and leave!" Hongbin couldn't hold it back anymore.  

"You still don't get it." A displeased sound came from said genie.

"Okay!" That came out louder than Jaehwan intended which earned all eyes on him and for Sanghyuk at his side to jump slightly. "Okay," he tried again in a lower voice "this seems like a personal problem so why don't you fix kitty hyung over there and we'll leave so you two can talk it out."    

"Fine. Besides, it's not that fun anymore." He brought up a hand and with a delicate flick of the wrist the black ears disappeared just like that. Taekwoon reached up and gave his head a few hesitant pats before looking at the other three. A second later all four broke into a run for the door, almost tripping over each other and Wonshik ended up colliding into the door before it was ripped open and slammed shut.

It all seemed too much for Hongbin and he felt weighed down and tired. He just wanted to sleep and deal with this much later but knew it was better to get it out of the way now. With a groan he waled to the couch and flopped down on his back.

"So this is real, huh? There's a real genie in the living room?" He heard the other move to sit on the floor. Hakyeon has been standing this whole time. Should Hongbin feel bad? 

"Yes. Have you finally accepted that fact?" Hakyeon also sounded tired.

"I guess. So what now? Three wishes and you leave?" 

"In a simplified way, yes. Are you going to use all of them now?" Will you really end this so quickly? After all this time?

"No. I don't know. I just want to sleep. Should probably make them count too." He shifted to his side to look at the genie who was looking down at his hands in his lap. 

Hakyeon felt the eyes on him but he didn't want to look up. "You should go to sleep. We can talk more when your rested."

"Yeah, I guess. And you better be here when I wake up or I swear I'll loose it." Hongbin sort of warned before he got off the couch and walked to his room, leaving the genie behind for now. 

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sohotvixx #1
Chapter 4: lol omggg this is so funnyyy xD
Chapter 4: Lmao if Hakyeon isn't there when he wakes up, Hongbin will think he's gone crazy.
It's better to rest, that way, he'll be more calm and take wizer decisions (wishes)
Thank you for updating ^-^
Chapter 3: I thought Hongbin would maybe hide the secret but he didn't. Not dissapointed though
Hyuk is funny XD
Velzonly #4
Chapter 3: Yey an update and HAHAHAHAHAH their reactions is so funny!! Can't wait to read the next chapter. Really like this update, thankyou. Have a good day / night:))
johnjaebaby #6
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahahaha omg Taekwoon with cat ears is soooooo cute!!!! Thanks for the update btw~
jimkid #7
Chapter 2: This is actually a really cute concept, I normally don't like fics like this but I love this. Can't wait for the next chapter!!
Velzonly #8
Chapter 2: Ahhh this is so cute! I really can't wait to read what will happen next ^^~ good job!

Im sorry to hear about your bird :(( I have a weasel, I can't immagine my life w/o her :(( stay strong dear author :((
silvadiva #9
Chapter 2: Cute chapter! And I'm really sorry about your bird. I know how it feels like. My bird died a few weeks ago and I still miss her.
Velzonly #10
Chapter 1: Omg this is really cute!! Can't wait to see hongbin and hakyeon interaction on the next chapter~~