Summer in Shed 6
Capture_zps6nmae6v2.jpg Summer In Shed 6
Chapter 28
The city boy was incredibly concerned as he followed the farmer out of their neighbour’s property, their neighbours were not going to be easy people to work with. Pulling out his cell phone he dialled the one number that made sense. Two bell tones later the receiver picked up. “Youngjae?”

“Jung Daehyun you’re so dead when your parents trace this call.” the boy on the other end laxly replied.

“I need you to do me a favour. I’ll text you this kid’s cell phone number, can you delete some pictures? They were taken a last night.”

“Watch your back Dae, always watch your back.” The boy replied, fingers nimbly working the keyboard.

“I will.” And with that the lad hung up. Mr Kwon remained silent on the walk home, Daehyun didn’t dare disrupt him.

“We, need to talk. Not now, but soon.” Mr Kwon spoke over his shoulder as they walked down their drive. Before parting he left with words that clung to Daehyun. “She’s calling out to you.”

She’s counting on you. We’re all counting on you. The boy made a resolve to answer the man’s every question and query with the truth, but taking care of his daughter came first. With that the lad jogged back to the barn.

“Dae, oh Dae I was so scared.” The girl called out the moment he entered the barn. Tears rolled down apple cheeks, fear filled those beautiful eyes. The girl ran from her mother’s side, embracing the lad with such force that made his arms naturally wrap her frame. “What did you do to them?”

“Little damage, but it’s enough to protect you,” he soothed her with a hand on her head, she was sure to hear his erratic heartbeat. “Can we get you looking little human please?”

“I’m not going back home.”

“How does Ramen sound, sous chef? After a shower in the stables, that is. ”

“Can we make smores too?”

She was too pure for him. “Anything for you.”

“Can we really pretend this didn’t happen, Dae? I haven’t told you everything yet.” Hse spoke, her face buried into the lad’s chest.

“I’m not pretending this didn’t happen.” The lad spoke, an unknown courage crept upon him. She was listening to him, “I can help the scars on your body to heal and eventually fade away. The resentment and thoughts you hold are out of my jurisdiction. As your boyfriend I’ll try my best to stitch up your broken heart.”

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Have a blessed New Year 2018 my loves <3


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I came here with high hopes xD bih now i have to wait!!
its okey tho take ur time xoxo kira girl