Lucky One

Soulmate (Chankai/Sekai Version)
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After the wind violently blows

My world stops and you’re my only one

The moment I discover you, I’ll shine even brighter

I’ll be the lucky one

(Lucky One-EXO)


“Happy birthday, Jongie!”


Jongin laughed as his best friend screamed through the phone.


“Thanks, Baekkie,” Jongin sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes.


“So, I know Chanyeol has something wonderful planned. What are you guys doing today.”


Jongin smiled, “Well, he is at work until about 3. He says he might try to leave early though.”


“Well, he is the basically the boss so I’m sure it won’t be a problem.”


“Yeah, so when he gets off I think we are going shopping and then just hanging out until dinner tonight.” Jongin walked from Chanyeol’s bedroom to the connecting bathroom.


“Oh that sounds great! I hope you have a good day, Jongin. You deserve it.”


“Aww, thanks Baekkie. I’ll text you, okay? I’m gonna shower and find something to eat.”


“Okay, dear. Talk to you later. Happy birthday again! We will do something later, ok?”


“Ok, Baekkie. Bye.”


Jongin placed his phone next to the sink and stared at himself in the mirror.




The Korean didn’t feel any different than he did yesterday.  And turning 25 wasn’t a big milestone or anything. He was just a year older. That was it. Another year without him..




“Happy 13th birthday, chulita!”


Jongin blushed at the term of endearment and looked down at the heart shaped cupcake his best friend and roommate was holding out.


“ can't call me that remember?”


9 year old Sehun pouted, “Why not? I love you. People who love each other call one another that, right? That's what they said on that Spanish drama you were watching.”


“I...well...yes, but..” Jongin didn't get to finish because the younger of the two dabbed a bit of icing on his nose.


Sehun the leftover icing off his pointer finger and smiled his famous smile.


“I love you, chulita!”


(End of flashback)


Jongin sighed. He wouldn't start his birthday off like this. It's been 11 years since he's seen or heard from his old friend. When he was 14, Jongin's parents moved back to Spain and that was the last time he had ever seen Sehun.


He didn't forget about the younger. But after years and years of crying and praying to at least get a letter back from the other, Jongin settled with the fact that Sehun didn't want anything to do with him.


If Jongin was honest with himself, Sehun was his first love.  


He lived in Korea with the Ohs for 5 years and Jongin loved every moment of it.


The first few years Jongin accepted Sehun's feelings for him, even returned them a little. But when Jongin turned 13, his classmates didn't like the idea that someone 4 years younger than them always wanted to hang out with them.




“Nini! Nini! Let me in!” Sehun pounded on the teen’s bedroom door, “Jongin!”


Inside the room Jongin's friends groaned.


“What is with that kid, Jong? Get rid of him so we can have some peace.”


“Yea! He is so annoying. Get rid of him already.”


Jongin bit his lip. He'd been pushing Sehun away all week. He actually missed his younger friend.


But he was a teenager now. And teenagers did not play with kids.


He opened the door, ignoring the pain in his chest when Sehun smiled up at him.


“Nini! I wanna play with you guys. Can I come in?”


Jongin looked back at his two friends, who shook their heads, and then back to Sehun.


“We are busy right now, Sehun. I'll play with you later, play?”


Sehun crossed his arms, “You said that last time.”


“I know. I know. But I promise this time.”


Sehun smiled, “You really promise?”


Jongin gave a smile nod, “Yes, I promise”


Needless to say...Jongin broke that promise.


Over and over and over again…


(End of Flashback)


Jongin stepped out of the large European shower and tied a robe on.


After finishing with his hygiene Jongin made his way to the glass doors of the balcony. Seoul was such a pretty sight from Chanyeol's penthouse.


“On other news, Park Entertainment will be announcing their new model tomorrow night during their annual release party. Reporters say he was scouted during his time in the military and-”


The knock on the door interrupted Jongin's attention on his boyfriend’s family company news.


“Who is it?” Jongin called.


“Special delivery.”


Jongin closed his robe a little more and opened the door to a man dressed in a black suit with a room service cart filled with a delicious looking American breakfast.


“Are you, Mr. Jongin?”


Nodding, “I am.”


“Great! This is for you, sir.”


Jongin stepped aside and let the man inside


“Nice place you got here.” He commented.


Jongin nodded, “Thanks, but it's my boyfriend’s”


“Lucky guy.” The man set up the food and Jongin couldn't wait to dig in.


“Thank you.”


“My pleasure. One more than, Mr. Jongin” the man pulled out a large black box, “This is also for you.”


Jongin grabbed the box.


“I'll let myself out. Enjoy.”



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#Teamsekai all the way 100% true I sort of feel bad for chanyeol, but Sekai just seems and is so right. Like there can’t be and other options because it feel wrong for jongin to be with anyone but Sehun.
bottomkai15 #2
Chapter 3: Pretty pleaaaaseee i need next chapter
Im torn i love #TeamChanKai as much as i love #TeamSeKai !!!!!! Great story authornim... thank you for sharing !!!!
Chapter 1: What is chulita ? Ajsksk this is so good !
qattrunxoxo #5
Chapter 3: Sekai all the way pls... #TeamSekai. Great story btw. I love it
Chapter 3: i love it
mackJ1416 #7
Chapter 3: I love this channie is getting a little scary
Chapter 3: VfB g GB jfhhgh this hurts. Sehun is a charming someone but I think jongs friends are correct. He needs to spend less time with Sehun, its not fair to yeol. And if Jongin cant be friends without catching those types of feelings then they shouldmt be around each other. Sonehow in this situation I dont think Jongin is strong enough to set boundaries.