
Open Your Eyes

That's the rushed, crappy and confusing last part but I got my happy end which is all that counts ^^


"Man hyung.. this breakup surely f**ked you up.. you look like sh*t." Wooseok commented as soon as he entered the apartment which was in a horrible state. Everything was a mess, just like the owner himself. His usually responsible and neat friend looked horrible with his face maybe ten times paler than usual which made the dark circles beneath his eyes look worse, his hair sticking out in every direction and his clothes dirty and not even worn properly. It was the complete opposite of his normal appearance. It didn't help one bit that he looked lifeless with his eyes dull and his lips forming a straight line. To the younger, it seemed as if the person in front of him wasn't Hwitaek- heck it didn't even look like there's a person but a zombie standing in the middle of the room. A zombie that forgot what water looked like. “And seriously? When was the last time you've showered, Hwi hyung? Did you even bother to brush your teeth or did you ignore that too in favor of crying over someone who left you? Come on, you're not a kid and are supposed to be the older one here.” the tall blackhaired male complained but there was actually worry written all over his face. He didn't think that the situation would be that bad when Hyojong asked him to look after his crush for him after handing him the second key that he would usually treasure and never give to anyone. That's how important Hwitaek was to his best friend.

As if Wooseok's words somehow reached the older, he turned around and walked into his bedroom with slow and sluggish steps, just to leave it again with fresh clothes and to enter the bathroom afterwards. The tall boy used the opportunity to clean the apartment a bit because it couldn't be healthy to live in an environment as bad as this one and that meant a lot since the younger usually had something better to do than to clean another person's mess. Once he approached the dining table, he saw a bunch of colorful papers neatly placed on the surface which was something neither him nor Hyojong expected. Wooseok automatically slipped his hand into the pocket of his pants and made sure that his fingertips brushed the smooth surface of the last note in there before he continued with his task until Hwitaek returned from the bathroom. The said male looked at least a tiny bit better now that he had showered, brushed his hair and teeth, wearing fresh clothes and this time properly. “Hyung, can we sit down on the sofa and talk or do you want me to make something to eat-” the younger didn't get to finish his question because the blonde interrupted him immediately. “No need to do that. Let's talk so that you can leave again and let me sleep. I'm so tired..” He ended with a sigh and there was no doubt that he was tired. It also showed in the way he fell onto the comfortable piece of furniture and the way his eyes closed for a moment before the other followed him and sat down next to him. “I see that you've at least looked at all his messages.. he actually sent me to check up on you and to give you this.” Wooseok pulled out the note which was different than the rest. It was completely white with no wrinkle to be seen because the male handing it over had been extra careful. Hwitaek took it with a shaky hand and took a deep breath before unfolding it and letting his eyes wander over the neatly written letters, tearing up a bit and soon dropping the paper, his hands moving to cover his face instead as loud and heartbreaking sobs filled the air.

Do you remember when we got drunk one evening because we were bored? You probably don't because you had a few bottles more than me but that's not the point here. You have no idea how nervous you made me when you leaned closer all of a sudden and kept on staring at my lips and said that they looked prettier than hers. I wanted to deny it but then you already had yours pressed against mine and smiled once you pulled away again. Do you want to know what you said?
“It's weird but I think I love you more than her. Is something wrong with me because I feel this way?”
You passed out afterwards and I could only let a few tears roll down my cheeks because you wouldn't remember it the next morning. I wished you knew about this but no, you only complained about your hangover. Why didn't you realize in your sober state?
I'm sure that you would want to stay away forever after reading this note but if you don't, I'll be waiting on the bridge. Wooseok will tell you the same.

“I... I didn't want it to be this way, Seok.. I really didn't..I've only seen her because it's always been her, you know? My parents were proud when I introduced her to them and I was proud as well because she was- still is an amazing person but I didn't know that she had been suffering all this time. How was she able to pretend all this time, knowing that we aren't meant to be and noticing that I didn't treat her that much differently from Hyojong? Did you know too? Did the others know too? Did... did HE know?” Hwitaek's voice sounded weak and he felt guilty now that he was able to put all the pieces together thanks to the notes. Those notes that pointed out moments when he made his best friend happy and acted like a boyfriend with his girlfriend. He never noticed though because he didn't know any better and he could understand why Hyojong had to say it at one point. It must have been frustrating to receive all the affection but not being acknowledged as something more than a friend. It was even more frustrating to be in the dark though just like the blonde had been during the first days after that fateful day. The day which seemed like the only opportunity for the younger to pour out his heart next to him.
“Hwi hyung, he's waiting for you on the bridge if you want to fix this. If not, I can tell him and he will surely let you be. Would you be able to live without him though?” Wooseok asked with a tone that didn't leave much of an option and all of a sudden, the older seemed wide awake as he rushed to grab his jacket and phone, wore his shoes and almost ran out of the building.

Just like the note said, Hyojong was waiting with his gaze looking into the distance, not even noticing the blonde approaching him and even running faster as soon as he spotted the person that he missed so much despite having been oblivious to it. He had missed his best friend and not his ex-girlfriend. He had bee crying because of him, not her. “Hyu-” Hyo tried to speak but the rest of the word was being muffled by plush lips against his, weak arms wrapped around him as if his life depended on it and tears staining both of their shirts.
“Took you long enough to open your eyes.”

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GiveMeWingsToFly #1
Chapter 3: Thank you very much for sharing this, it was sooo beautiful <3 I prepared myself for tears already but thank you for giving my Pentagon OTP a happy ending <33