The Yandere Life

(y/n's pov)

"Hello there, Miss Y/N. Nice to meet you. I am Officer Shin or you can call me, Hoseok or Wonho. Today, I am here to interview you." He flashed me a bright smile and sat down opposite of me.I stared at him with a blank and unamused face.

His smile dropped and he sighed, "Looks like you are playing hard to get?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face.
I rolled my eyes at his question.

"Listen, you can't survive here with that kind of attitude so don't you dare roll your eyes at me and give me attitude. Understand?" He gritted through his teeth as he grabbed my collar and yanked me towards him, just a few inches apart from our faces.

"Yes, sir." I said coldly as I blew air into his face. He, for sure had an annoyed face expression on his face.
"Anyways, lets continue pretty face." he said. I scoffed.

"Full name?"
"Birth of date?"

"30th of December, 1998."
"I have none."
"You really need to be specific here." he said as he raises his eyebrow again and looked at me in the eyes.
"Father, missing for 5 years. Mother, died from giving birth to me."
I looked away and tried to get the emotions away from me.
Wonho coughed and said,
"O-okay then. Sorry."
"Whoa,you sure are a tough girl. Look at your records." His eyes widened.

"Offenses: 5 cases of stealing/robbery at the age of 13. Beaten up an innocent man. Reason? For looking at you with y eyes. Smoked and drank when you are underage. Not forgetting why you are here,Started up a fire at a department store for scamming you." He stated as he closed the folder that required all my records.

He stood up and pulled me up by my arm and whispered into my ear, "It will be great seeing you around here. In prison. Good luck trying to survive her for 10 months." He let go of my arm and said, "Come on. I will show you where you are going to stay."

"Can I really survive seeing your face everyday?" I spatted.
"You won't see me everyday but three times a week, I guess?" He grinned as he linked his left arm with mine. Taking the oppurtunity, I checked his biceps out.We passed by the cells of prisoners.

One of the prisoners that caught my attention was a bald guy. Maybe around the late 30s. Has a scar on his left cheek. He noticed me staring and then he got up from his bed and smacked and pushed the cell bars, making a large commotion.

"Stop your nuisance Andy, we don't need it." Wonho hissed.
We then arrived in front of a cell and he said, 
"Your roomie is in there." he said without making eye contact.
"This type of cell with a steel door and clear glass window is only for prisoners who are going to be here for a long time or who are deadly."
I nodded.
He unlocked the door to for us enter the cell and I saw someone laying on a bed. 

"Jungkook. Your roomie is here." Hoseok called out.
The "so-called" Jungkook got up and then I realised.
"My roomie is a boy?" I whispered to Wonho as he bended down to hear me clearly.
"Well yeah, because we can't offer having more cells for you guys."
"Nice to meet you." Jungkook said as he reached his hand out and stared into my soul.

"Urmm...Nice to meet you too." I shaked his hands.
His large warm hands enveloped mine. I gotta admit...he is hot. Brown hair, undercut style, 8 piercings on his ears and a lip piercing. He bit his cherry red lips and said, 
"Let's get to know each other. Oh yeah, Wonho. You can go now."


A/N:This is a Vkook/Taekook book but I am bringing you or y/n in to give that slight twist. Just remember that this is a yandere book and this book was inspired by yandere simulator. Bye~

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