완두콩 Cafe (6)

완두콩 Cafe

After HJ hyung leaves, they faster clean up everything, Snow helps YS and JJ to bring the trash to the rubbish bin at the back of the cafe.

Looking at Snow and his cousin getting so close and well makes him feel uncomfortable and jealous inside his heart.

"Oppa!!! Are you alright?" Snow smile and took the trash bag from him and pass to JJ.

YS smile and reply "Of cos I'm fine! By the way, how do both of you know each other?"

On their way back, Snow told the stories of how they know each other until today.

YS: ahh.. I see.. Snow, I don't want to lie to you but I really got jealous to see you and JJ hyung being so close to each other. But now that feeling has gone away because I know both of you are only friends and I knows you love me so much that you won't leave me and goes to other man. 😊

JJ: of cos she love you a lot! She always talks to me about you whenever she came to my cafe before she left to go Singapore to complete her studies.
YS: really?
Snow: Ne oppa.. (shy)

JJ: Ahh.. I'm hungry! Are you both hungry??
YS & Snow: Oh ya.. 😅😅 I'm hungry too!!
JJ: Then let's go meet up the rest!

So, they hurry up meet the rest and when to the BBQ restaurant, after they order their food while waiting they introduce Snow and llee to everyone.

JM: Everyone! This is llee, my best buddy!
Llee: Hi everyone! I'm llee.. nice to meet all of you.

Everyone: Hi, llee! Nice to meet you too!

Kyu: Hi llee! Nice to meet you too! Hope you don't mind that JM asked us to have a celebration dinner together!
Llee: Ahh..🤗🤗🤗🤗 of cos not! It will be great to have more people to join! 😊😊

After that Kyu turn and look at the girl beside YS.

Kyu: Young Saeng hyung! Don't you have someone to introduce to us too? 😊

YS: Huh? Oh yes! Everyone, her name is Snow, she's mine girlfriend for 5 years and she just came back from her studies in Singapore.

Snow: Hi everyone! My name is Snow. Nice to meet you all too! 😊😊😊

Jjun: Hi Snow!!! I can call you by name right?
Snow: Of cos! How many time do I have to tell you Jjun?
YS: Wait! You both know each other too?
Jjun: Yes!!! We are best friend and also she's my neighbor too!
Snow: Ne oppa! Me and Jjun are neighbor, we stay around here!
YS: Ahh.. I see 😅😅😅

After waiting so long, the food have come to their table, everyone start to eat and drink.
"Honey, I'm home!!" Said Hyun Joong the moment he step into the house.

Dri: Welcome back my dear, how was the business?
HJ: Business was very good! Thanks to your fortune cat 😙😙😙😙

He pull her closer and give a kiss on her lips.

Dri: Aww.. really?
HJ: Really!
Then he place another kiss on her lips before she could speak.

Dri: You're so sweet today! Now hurry up to get a shower and come down for dinner! I have cook your favorite food!
HJ: Wow!! Thanks my love! I'll come down soon!

He hurry up go freshen up and rush down to have dinner with his wife.

Tia having dinner alone and thinking about the afternoon how the coldness YS toward her, she also knows how much Jae love her and what she did to him was a pain. After sometime she figured out that it impossible to go back to those day where she and YS are still a lovely birds and now what she need to do was to meet Jae and ask for his forgiveness of leaving him without telling where she goes.

She took her phone and dial Jae's number, she dial so many time but he didn't pick up.

Tia: Was he still angry with me that's why he don't want to pick up my call? Or.. he change his heart already? He don't love me anymore???

Many thoughts came through her mind, she already make mistake twice and she didn't want to make another mistake again so she keep dialing and dialing he just didn't pick up her call.

Tia: He must be shocked that I called him out of sudden after many years! He should be not able to accept it so fast! I think I should go down and look for him and talk to him personally!

She decided to go down to his cafe tomorrow after her meeting ends.

Tia: I'm sure he will understand why I leave him so suddenly! He will!
Back to the restaurant..

Jae didn't know that Tia calls him because he slient his phone and place it inside his pocket.

Jjun: I'm so full now!!! Thanks for the yummy food!!! 😋😋😋
Kyu: Thanks for the food! I'm full too! 😋😋

JM: Even I'm full as well! 😄😄😄 Now let me go make the payment and let's go home!

After the payment, JM and llee took their leave first and next is Kyu and Jjun.

Jae took out his phone and saw many missing call, it was from Tia, the girl who he love leave him suddenly and called him after many years.
He was surprised and also feeling mixed inside himself at the same time, he doesn't know should he be happy or angry.

YS: JJ hyung! Are you alright?
JJ: Ya! Of cos I'm alright! I shall took my leave too! Bye YS! See you tomorrow! And Snow too!
Snow: Ne ahjushii! See you soon! 😊😊😊

After everyone leave only YS and Snow left.

YS: let me send you back.
Snow: Will it be trouble for you to send me back?
YS: Of cos not! Come on! I'll drive you back home safety!
Snow: Thank you. 😊😊😊

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Hi, it really been so long for not updating it! Forgive me, will try to do update whenever I can. Thank you for the support! Love ya!


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Chapter 8: Hello? your story is very good, I loved it?
But where is the continuation????
I really want to know what will happen in the future????
Drishty #2
Chapter 8: Dont know what to say!! hahahah...Um shy bcoz Its my KHJ!! Thank u soooooooooooo much cute cute snow..Saranghe nd its soooooooo hotttttttt
Chapter 8: Absolutely hot... ???
Chapter 7: Very much commendable an effort since you involved so many kpop groups. This is quite awesome. I'm looking forward more to this story.
kyurosy #5
Chapter 3: Awwww entry of girlfriends of our boys ^.^^.^. Hope you will continue the fic.