
The Nutcracker Gone Wrong
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The old man sighed in satisfaction. He had succeeded. Albeit in a completely different way than he was use to, but it was the same end result.



He wasn’t sure if he could handle another cycle like this one. He prayed that next time it would return back to normal. He was too old for changes like these.


The amount of effort he’d had to put into this was ridiculous. Then again, maybe that was why it had been so different. He’d become so complacent and lazy that the author decided it was time to change things up.


Yes, that must be it. Just blame the author.


After all, it was the author who created the story. He merely oversaw it.


Whatever it may be, all was well.

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Chapter 14: First of all, my abundant apologies for getting to this so very late. I think I honestly stopped visiting the site shortly after the contest and yeah... That's no excuse and I'm back now (for now anyway) so here goes!

I really did enjoy this. It was certainly unique and you made me laugh more often than I anticipated. Punching the Mouse King in the nose was hilarious. XD And I was additionally delighted by all the characters you used. It was fun seeing familiar faces and discovering how they were all connected. heh The intermissions were a neat touch as well and I like the idea of a storyteller trying to keep things on track and then eventually having to give up in favor of a new alternative. Quite amusing, I assure you.

I also found myself wanting for more details or more information, but the very lack of those bits and pieces made the story move quite quickly. Not a bad thing in this case. It was like a roller coaster ride where the build up is the trip to the top and then it doesn't stop until you get back to the station. The time jumps were nice too and that also carried the story forward without having to spend too much time on detail and description.

I felt a little bit bad for Yongguk (and Amber) at the very end there, but then he called his 'friend' and all was well again. haha Touche and well done. Thank you again for writing this and once more, I'm so very sorry it took me this long to read and respond. I do believe this is my first Hakyeon and Amber story and I'm quite happy with it. :D
cant wait to start reading this fic
Chapter 14: Absolutely loved your spin on the nutcracker! Is there any chance that we might get a sequel? Loved the story! Great job author!
Holy crap! I haven't gotten around to reading it yet but I'm blown away by the fact that there are 14 chapters. O.o Thank you in advance and I very much look forward to checking this out! :D Sounds quite intriguing. haha