
What Happened?
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People said,

“What could a bunch of kids do? You know…They are just…Kids.”

Well, my friends and I were the living proof of the fact that kids could do more than just kids’s stuffs.

My name is Stargirl—at least that’s what the people Ghosthold City call me—my ability is shooting out high energized blast of light, as hot as a star, and as luminous. And, well, I’m not going to tell you my real name...Maybe in the future. That would be foolish of me. I am a member of Justice Society, where there are others like me. We might be a group of kids, but we can do what most adults can’t do. Ghosthold is our city. And we were going to protect it forever. Well, until each one of us went missing. Nobody knew their whereabouts, it was a hard time for us since we also swore that we’d never expose our identity to one and another. Leaving me only with Electra—she is a living electricity—, and Steel.

Steel was our leader. She has this ability to turn herself into unbreakable metal. She is the strongest, and the wisest. I trust all of my life to her. We thought we could do this, just the three of us. And Steel—she just had to suddenly went missing. Electra was upset, not compared to me…I was devastated. Being a superhero was the dream that I didn’t want to let go. We were very young at that time; three we could do—but two? We were very outnumbered. So, Electra and I decided to split our way, and eventually meet until the time.

You think this story is going to be about us? Oh, no, no.

This story is about a kid named Kang Seulgi. A kid that is always full of hope; a kid who trusts us with her whole heart. And you guessed it right. She didn’t stop looking for us, after years.

Justice Society might be gone. But, Seulgi’s hope had not.

And this is her story.

Kang Seulgi, eighteen years-old; it’s not unusual to see her roaming around the Ghosthold’s High School hallway with books that are towering her head, covering her vision. She is not your regular nerd, she is beautiful. But, shame, most of the kids only see the nerdy part of her.

“Excuse me! Coming through!” She shouts out loud as she’s strolling the hallway. Some kids are intentionally bumping themselves onto her, making the poor girl lose her balance for a few times. Until she finally falls down and her books are everywhere on the ground.

“Watch it, nerd!” One of the boys laughs.

Seulgi blinks a few times to hold her tears in as she gets a minor injury on her knee. She then proceeds herself to gather the books.

“What a freak, she still believes in Justice Society. It’s been five years. I guess the police are better on handling things than those no-shows.”

Seulgi hears the girls are whispering to each other, she nibbles on her lower lip. It’s better to keep shut other than saying inappropriate stuffs to people—not that she can though. She is too kind for that—but, also because Electra taught her that when the superhero saved her from bullies when she was just eleven years on. And, since then, she kept that in mind.

She stacks a few books together and then she sees someone’s hand on one of her books.

“I-Irene?” She gasps for air. Only Irene—and Justice Society—can make her do that. Bae Irene is her senior. Beautiful, smart, kind of a but kind enough to help Seulgi with her books.

“Next time bring a bag or something. It’s annoying to see you carrying a lot of books in the hallway. It’s hurting my eyes.” The senior coldly says as she is also shoving a few books to Seulgi’s face.

Irene is gone but Seulgi’s eyes are keep following her. She lets out a dreamy sigh when she sees Irene brushes her hair with her fingers. Well, until she feels a light tap on her shoulder.

“What?! Can’t you see that I’m- oh Wendy!” She smiles at her best friend—her only friend who are crazy enough to deal with Seulgi’s craziness.

“Seriously she just spatted on your face like that, yet you’re still whipped?” Wendy groans, while she’s helping the poor girl to get up.

“…And I also assumed that you still think that she is Steel?” Wendy continues.

Seulgi excitedly nods with a huge silly grin on her face.

“Her attitude doesn’t say that she’s a superhero.” Wendy says. “It’s more like a supervillain.”

“Hey! Don’t insult my girl like that!” Seulgi repeatedly hit Wendy’s arm.

“Disgusting. But, whatever. Let’s go to the library. I’ve been waiting for you!” The shorter girl replies, enough for Seulgi to follow her.

“No…You won’t…” Wendy is looking at her friend is disbelief. Seulgi had told her this morning that she will give Irene a letter to Irene, saying that she knows that the older girl is a superhero named Steel.

“Yes, I will!” Says Seulgi as she throws a piece of paper she had crumbled right onto Irene’s head.

Wendy and her are watching the girl picks up the paper and reads it. Not so long after that, Irene gets up from his seat while slamming her hands onto the table in the cafeteria, gaining attention from the students who are in there.

“Listen, everyone!” Irene laughs. “Kang Seulgi thinks that I’m Steel of Justice Society!” Irene diverts her eyes to Seulgi. “How dumb can you be?”

As Irene is saying that, the whole cafeteria laughs and starts to throw foods and everything they can find at Seulgi. The girl is humiliated enough that she runs off the cafeteria, crying; ignoring the fact that her best friend is shouting her name repeatedly.

Seulgi is pretty upset about what happened at school, she cannot sleep at all. Which is very weird because usually she can sleep within a few seconds. Seulgi finally gets up from her bed and opens her window; she has decided to roam around the city at night. She thinks it’s cool to see the lights from buildings under the darkness of the night. As she is walking pass an alley, her ears catch something.

“Get off me!”

It’s a girl’s voice.

Seulgi runs to see what is happening.


She says. The senior is surrounded by three men who seems to be flirting with her.

“Seulgi?” Irene calls her out. “Seulgi, stay out of this!”

The older girl warns her, as one of the men is starting to walk towards her and says, “come on, sweetheart. You can join us, too.”

Seulgi is about to run, but it’s too late. The man has grabbed her wrist, it’s hurting her.

“Leave her alone!” Seulgi hears Irene shouts.

“Yeah, right. What are you gonna do, pretty face?” One of the men says. Irene does not need to give him an answer, she grabs the man’s wrist who is holding her collar and twists it as her hands are turning into metal. The man’s scream can be heard along the alley.

The other two are pulling their guns out and start to shoot Irene’s metal body. But, it’s just a waste of time as they are out of bullets, they start to throw their punches to Irene which is already a huge mistake because they end up breaking their hands. Irene lifts them both with each of her hands.

“You see, if the bullets don’t work.” Irene sighs. “Why the punching?” She says as she throws both men to the wall, knocking both of them unconscious. “I never understood that.”

She slowly turns back to normal, her metal skin is now her normal pale, porcelain skin. She lifts her head to look at Seulgi who has open.

“You caught me.”

“Y-You are…” Seulgi stutters.

“You’re her!”

Seulgi and Irene are walking together under the moonlight—well, no. Seulgi keeps trying to keep up with Irene’s fast pace. Seulgi wonders how those short pair of legs can move that fast. Seulgi finally gives up as she stops walking.

“If- If you’re her. Why are you acting like you’re not?” She asks Irene, it makes the older girl stops walking.

“What happened to you? What happened to Steel?”

Irene slowly turns her body to face Seulgi.

“She grew up.” She answers before continue walking away from Seulgi.

“And you should too.”


It’s not Seulgi if she gives up on doing what she is interested in. So, she told Wendy about what happened to her last night. Wendy did not believe her at first, but she just happens to have soft spot for Seulgi, so she ends up listening.

“One down.” Seulgi crosses Steel’s picture from her notebook. “Two more.”

They are hanging out at Wendy’s house after the latter’s mother invited Seulgi to eat her infamous mac n’ cheese. Wendy is watching the news while Seulgi is busy doing god-knows-what with her so called notebook. Wendy frowns as she turns the volume up.

“Hey, Seul.”

“Yes?” Seulgi doesn’t take her attention off the notebook.

“You might want to see the news.”

Seulgi lifts her head up and there are pictures of that appear to be vigilantes of Ghosthold City.

“Ivy and Cupid—as the city has called them—are the new proof that Justice Society are still out there. Slowly coming back to help us.”

As the news said, Seulgi opens her laptop to look for the two vigilante’s information.

“It says that Ivy can control enormous plants from her body, some of them are poisonous. Cupid, she has never missed with her arrow. And I kind of dig that all green on Ivy and the red hood Cupid is wearing.” She mumbles to herself, but loud enough for Wendy to hear.

“What are you going to do, Seulgi?” Wendy asks. She does not have a good feeling about whatever Seulgi is going to do. Moreover, when she sees a smirk on Seulgi’s lips.

“Oh no…” is the only thing that comes out from Wendy’s mouth.

“You shouldn’t be here.”

Seulgi turns around her body when she hears a voice coming from a girl with blood red hood and a red mask covering her face who is standing behind her.


Seulgi now is turning her body again when she hears Ivy’s voice. The girl’s green suit has amazed Seulgi from up close, she also has a green mask to match her suit.

“Who is this?” Ivy asks.

“Civilian. Though, I have no idea why she is here.” Cupid answers.

“You shouldn’t be here.” Ivy says.

That doesn’t scare Seulgi away, instead the girl is jumping excitedly.

“Whoa, this is so cool! I’ve always wanted to meet you, guys!”

“Listen, odd lady. You really shouldn’t be here. This is a drug dealer’s lair and we’re here to catch him. We can’t have you to stand in front of our way, while we’re this close. And most importantly, we can’t let you get hurt!” Cupid says, her voice sounds more firm this time.

“How do you know that we’ll be here?” Ivy asks.

“So I have this secret database that I’ve hacked into my computer and-“

“Stop! Stop! I…don’t actually want to hear that.” Ivy sighs.


Three of them spin their head to a man who is carrying a shotgun.

“Take this girl somewhere safe. I’ll hold them off.” Cupid says while she shoots the guy’s leg without even looking. Making Seulgi’s eyes sparkle in awe. Ivy holds on Seulgi’s shoulder and Seulgi sees that her fingers slowly turn into plant that is now wrapped around her body. One of them is poking Seulgi’s neck.

“Ouch!” Seulgi groans. “I really do hope that one is not poisonous.”

Ivy smiles at her and after that, Seulgi doesn’t remember anything else.


“Ugh…” Seulgi stirs her body around as she is holding her head. She looks at her surroundings.


“That’s right, silly.” A tall gorgeous girl says as she is sitting on the couch in Seulgi’s room with another smaller girl with short hair both have their arms crossed in front of their chest.

“W-Who are you guys?” Seulgi says.

“Ha, funny you don’t recognise us.” The smaller girl says. She then starts covering her eyes with her palm. “How about this?”

“Cupid…?” Seulgi widens her eyes, she looks at the taller girl. “And y-you are…Ivy?”

“Joy,” Ivy points at herself. “And Yeri.” She pats the smaller girl’s back.

“We’d like to know how you are capable to do all…” Joy stops and looks around Seulgi’s room that is covered in newspapers and red thread as if she is solving a case. “…these”

“You said you are not interested.” Seulgi carefully says.

“After going through your stuffs and had seen what you got. Now we are.” Yeri says. “Say Seulgi, who are you really?”

“I-I’m just a girl who has been looking for Justice Society, so they can work together again and protect this city.”

Yeri’s face is too close to Seulgi that it drives the poor girl crazy.

“Are you really?”

“Yes! And h-how did you guys even go through my mother?”

Joy chuckles, “we told her that you passed out after eating too much rice cakes. Seems like you’re that kind of dork that your mother actually believed us.

“And we have nothing to do with those Justice whatever. We’re on our own.”

“Clearly, because you guys don’t even bother to hide your secret ide-Whoa! Gosh! Get that arrow off my throat!”

Yeri smirks.

“We do care, alright? Just…different.” She says. “Don’t say a word about this to anyone or you can watch me driving this arrow into your head.”

Seulgi nods. And just like that

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Chapter 1: Justice Society is back, Red Velvet is back too 😎
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 1: Pew pew
2188 streak #4
Chapter 1: Everything about this fic is amazing!!!!!
assej7IM #5
Chapter 1: Lol Irene's line when she was confronted with three men, that's superman's line from supergirl season2, right? i guess it's on season2 hahahaah that's one of my favorite line tho. I can imagine Irene saying that, the way superman did. And I don't know but I found Irene, y? Hahahaha
Chapter 1: Wow it's a good story, I love it~ I really thought seul is steel but I got wendy right tho. I thouht seul will be one of them but then the part where it said it's a story about seulgi I kinda lost hope. I even thought seulrene is not superheroes here and thought of it as joyri and wendy but then joyri showed up. I was so sure with yeri because hell yeah she's so cool in peek a boo with her crossbow..anyways..when it was revealed irene is steel and that she also told seul about her real reason why she left that made me feel down but then seul was actig weird when joyri saw her room and etc and then she said that they need to talk thatmade me mood go up because I'm so sure that she's stargirl and I'm right kkk I love the ending,it's like watching a short movie instead of reading. More seulrene pls~
Chapter 1: I was confused at first.
Totally love it. It's really awesome <3
Chapter 1: *shoots you* GODDD I LOVE THISSSSSS SO MUCH.