Loud and stubborn

Stuck To You
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"You're..just..17," Kris repeated, a deep frown tugging on his lips.

"Why are they making me marry an old man who's going deaf," the teen groaned, letting out a sigh as he repeats, "Yes, I am 17 years old, 17! One and seven! Let that sink in and lets move on to the fact that I am your fiancee and we will be-"

"No..no," the older stood up as he cuts him off, "This- they can't be-" he started pacing in front of the other, running his fingers through his hair in frustration, "Your- you're...just 17! And-and a boy!"

"Urrhhggg!! Can you please! Please ahjusshi! Stop repeating my age!!" the younger snaps, eyes glaring at Kris, "And yes! I am a boy," he narrows his gaze, "Do we have a problem with that, Mr. Ahjusshi?"

"I- Its not-" Kris starts.

"Tsk! And you're a male too! Do you hear me complaining?!" the younger male stood up now, a finger poking at Kris's chest, "Are you disappointed that I am not a girl, Mr. Ahjusshi? Are you one of those erted old men who fantasizes about highschool girls in their sailor uniforms and high stockings and their ponytails??"

Kris gaped at him, shocked and feeling indignant as he tries to defend himself, "I have no desire towards things like that! I-"

"Then what's your problem with me?!" the younger asks, his tone sharp as he continues to glare at the older.

"You're a boy.." Kris absently says, blinking as he gathers his thoughts, "Its just..I didn't expect you would be- But- I have no prob-WHA-!!"

The younger smirks at him, hands pressing Kris's large hands against his chest, "Feel that?" he asks, "There are no s there," he states, his surprising strong grip on Kris' wrists had the older in shock, "Feel them!" the younger snaps when Kris tried to withdraw his hands, "And start working on removing that ing disappointment of not having a fiancee who doesn't have big squishy !"

Kris gaped wide at the scandalous words, and was about to reply when the younger dragged his hands lower, eyes shot wide as his palms were forcibly pressed against the other's groin area, "WHAT THE F- SEHUN!!!"

The younger just snickers, "Just to make things clear," he grips Kris' wrists tighter as the older struggles to draw back, "This is a ."


















"You do have a ," Sehun suddenly leans over Kris's office table, "Right?"

The older sighs, kneading his temples as he leaned back in his chair, "I was born with one!"

"So why are you sulking now?" the younger asked, a smirk twitching at his lips as he said, "Is my bigger than yours-"

"Sehun!!!" Kris sputters, almost falling out of his chair as he gapes at the other, "We're in-"

"Is yours bigger then?" Sehun just grinned at the appalled expression of the older, "Can I touch it?"

"NO!!" Kris shouts, jumping up as he scrambles out of the younger's reach, "Sehun! You can't just-"

"I'll get to touch it soon, so why can't I just do it now?" Sehun pouts, huffing as he straightens himself from being stretched out on Kris' office table, "Stingy old man!"

"What's your problem now?" Sehun glares when Kris kept on staring at him, seemingly speechless as he stood a few steps behind the massive office desk. 

"Where will you be staying while we prepa-"

Sehun beamed at him, eyes crinkling as he answers, "Your house, yeobo~"

"NOOOO!!!" Kris looked horrified, "You can't!"

"Pfft, its not like you have a choice," Sehun snickers, "You can talk to Big Daddy Wu if you want."

A crease formed on the older's brow, "My father gave you permission to stay at my house??"

"Yup," the other grins widely at him, "And boy, does he insist on it."

"I'll lock you out," the older smirks back at him, "Stay somewhere else!"

"Aww~look at you, ahjusshi~ so cute!" Sehun exclaims with a chuckle, "That's okay, you can lock me out how many times you want~"

The smile on Kris' face slowly formed into a scowl seeing the mischief on the other's expression, "And what do you-"

"Oh! Look at these!" the younger practically squealed as he fishes out a whole bunch of keys from his backpack, making then jingle as he wiggles it in front of Kris' face, "So shiny~"

"- don't tell

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Chapter 5: I pray for more.
Chapter 5: Krishun >< yah this was so cute >< jelly hun is adorable
babybaekhyunee #3
Chapter 5: This krishun is too cute
Chapter 5: yesss, this story needs a jealousKris (灬♥ω♥灬)
Chapter 4: bratty Sehunnie is the best...

"Old, old man," Sehun adds, snickering as he taunts, "Relic of the past~ Sagging ball-"
♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪
Chapter 3: Yoda is in the house ヽ(´∀`)ノ
Chapter 1: the chap is sooo funny xD poor Krissy, bratty Sehunnie will be the end of him ≧ω≦
Rinmaw20 #8
Chapter 5: yesssss .. jealous krissy
Chapter 5: Jelly Kris.....????

Me likey.....


Go on author nim.......

kkrarry #10
Chapter 5: ohmygod...... this was so fun!!!!
im excited to see jealous!kris (~•_•)~