Just like a brat

Stuck To You
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"Now, why the hell would you do that to this sweet adorable baby, Kris?" the old man sighed, exasperated, a hand patting softly on Sehun's head, the younger being glued to his side as they sat on the leather couch in his office, clutching on his arm while he pouts at Kris, "Now, he's scared of you!"

Kris gaped at him, the brat doesn't even seem intimidated by him, scared? WHAT NONSENSE!, "But, dad! That didn't-"

"And it's the first time you're both meeting each other!" the older exclaimed, "Didn't I teach you about being 'subtle', son? And you know, 'chill' and 'swag', whatever you young ones call it these days."

"Dad!" Kris protested, throwing a glare at Sehun when he noticed the little smirking blatantly at him, "Of-of course I know how to be subtle! But that's besides-"

"And for goodness sake! The hallway? Seriously, Kris!" his dad berates, shaking his head as if in disappointment, "Atleast find somewhere classy, or something with four walls! Your mom and I-"

"Dad! Oh my i-! Can't you- just-stop!" Kris groans, rubbing at his face in frustration, "I don't need to hear that 'part' of your romance with mom! Please!"

"Well, that 'part'," his old man quotes that with his fingers, a rather mischievous smile tugging at his lips when he continued, "Was where you were 'created'," he quoted that again, accompanied with a wink, "Remember that couch I gave you for your office-"

"God!! DAD!!!"

"Okay, fine~" his dad actually rolled his eyes at him, chuckling when he sees Sehun holding in his laughter, "Now, why can't you be like this baby here?" he says, gesturing to the younger, "Lighten up, Krissy~"

"DAD! You did not just call me-"

"Big Daddy Wu! Krissy also wanted my keys!" Sehun puffed out his cheeks like a miffed kid would, his tone childish, "He says Hunnie can't stay at his house! He is mean to me!"

Kris can't help but roll his eyes, "I just needed my priva-"

"Kris, you can't just take someone's things!" his dad scolds, "I gave those to him so he could use them! And what would you do with a spare key anyway?"

"Privacy, dad! I-"

"Yeah, Krissy~ You have your own!" Sehun whines, but that glint in his eyes tells Kris he is enjoying seeing him being scolded.

"Yes, you have your own,son, don't upset Hunnie with these again," he warns, "Or I'll take back that beloved car of yours back! Are we clear on that, Wu Yi Fan?"

Kris cringed upon hearing his full name, his dad was serious, "Okay," he relents, sighing, "Anything to keep the 'baby' happy, dad," sarcasm in his voice, "You should have just-"

"Anything?" Sehun suddenly cuts in, sitting straight as he locks his gaze on Kris.

Kris frowns at him, "What do you mean 'anything'?"

"Whatever keeps me happy!" the younger grinned, "You said so!"

"W-what!" Kris sputters, "I was being sar-"

"Big Daddy Wu heard it, right?" Sehun turns to the older man, tugging at his sleeves, acting all cute with his puppy eyes, "Krissy said anything to make me happy, right?"

"Yup, Big Daddy Wu heard it!" his dad confirmed, grinning at Kris now too.

"Goddamnit dad! Why can't you-" Kris started to protest only to be cut-off by the younger- again.

"Then Hunnie wants bubbletea!" Sehun exclaims as he jumps up as he turned his pleading eyes at Kris, "Krissy~ drive me there?" lips tugging into a devious smirk as he says, "Pleaseeee~"
























" 'Say yes, Krissy,' he says. 'You have to compromise,' he says. 'It's futile to resist!' he says," Kris mutters under his breath, gripping the wheel as he stirs the car, expertly swerving into the next curve, " 'Its best to-"

"Keep Sehunnie happy! Big Daddy Wu says," the younger chips in, "Aren't you just blessed, Krissy~"

Kris gave him a glare, "And how the hell am I blessed?"

Sehun turned in his seat to smile widely at him, "Because you are in charge of this precious one's happiness!"

"Shut up before I crash us into a post," the older snaps.

The other gasped, "You wouldn't! You'll deprive this world of this precious gift that is me?? How in the world will-"

"Well, how about I donate you to the World Heritage then?" Kris smirked, "Seeing that your their precious gift?"

"Do that and I'll make sure that little Ace you call your son will come with me," Sehun threatens.

Kris slammed on the brakes, bringing the car into an abrupt stop, "Stay the hell away f

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Chapter 5: I pray for more.
Chapter 5: Krishun >< yah this was so cute >< jelly hun is adorable
babybaekhyunee #3
Chapter 5: This krishun is too cute
Chapter 5: yesss, this story needs a jealousKris (灬♥ω♥灬)
Chapter 4: bratty Sehunnie is the best...

"Old, old man," Sehun adds, snickering as he taunts, "Relic of the past~ Sagging ball-"
♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪
Chapter 3: Yoda is in the house ヽ(´∀`)ノ
Chapter 1: the chap is sooo funny xD poor Krissy, bratty Sehunnie will be the end of him ≧ω≦
Rinmaw20 #8
Chapter 5: yesssss .. jealous krissy
Chapter 5: Jelly Kris.....????

Me likey.....


Go on author nim.......

kkrarry #10
Chapter 5: ohmygod...... this was so fun!!!!
im excited to see jealous!kris (~•_•)~