Chapter 1: The Plexiglass was the window to recognizing your existence

I, A non-existent fangirl.

Nov. 24, 2014


Normal was me walking home from school and immersed in my own little world revolving around indie tracks and me trying to match pace of my footsteps with them.

Normal was me fawning over Pablo Naruda, Nikita Gill, Michael Faudet, and Haruki Murakami.

Normal was me with my nose dove into my moleskin journal rereading my daily log, checking if there were mistakes,

But normality had been thrown out the window when I actually bumped into one.

Well semi not normal, because me bumping into something while reading is common, but me bumping into something and not continuing my trek back home is not.

Providence was an aspect I hesitated to believe in, because I was torn with being a YOLO, you make your own path kind of living, or that fate wants to make its presence evident by really messing with you in the most twisted manner.

And in that time I was torn on what brought me face to face with you.

I wasn't normally enarmored to idols as much as this. But the playful glint in your eyes, and the charisma you oozed was really disarming. I have never in my life been so plastered into the plexiglass window of a store not unless it was a book. 

My staring had gone into a halt when the manager of the store had reprimanded me for leaning too much on the glass, making me miss the part where you had done your solo rap. I politely apologized to the store owner and went on my way.

The sense of normality I had was damned the moment I had walked home, my ears too deaf to listen to my playlist because it had already been overpowered by the thumping of my heart.


Hey unicorns! I'm new to this fandom and since last week I have bingewatching their variety show guestings and some of their goofy interviews and truly this is group is a diamond in the rough kind. Some say they are on hiatus but I hope they come back soon. Anyways enjoy my lovely fellow fangirls and fanboys too. 


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