Fall For You



'Is it just me or guys are suddenly kissing me these days?' Maki thought of her making out with her best friend. 'I must be stupid or something. Why can't I just run away when guys approach me and tries to kiss me? There is definitely something wrong with me. Is it because I don't care whether a guy kisses me or not because I prefer women? Well, that must be it'

"I get it now...I guess" Maki said out loud.

"What do you mean?" Haru interrupted.

It was a Saturday night and Haru suggested watching a movie at home instead at the movie theater which would be costly.

"Oh nothing, you probably wouldn't understand if I told you what I just realized. Where's nii-chan? (brother)" She tried to change the subject.

"Uh, Jin and Kame went out to rent some DVDs" Haru smiled.

"By the way, I haven't seen Meisa and Toma for quite awhile now. Where are they?" She suddenly remembered her friend whom she spent so little time with.

"Oh, you didn't know that they went back to America?" He arched an eyebrow.

"Huh? They went back to America?!" She felt disappointed that her friend left without even telling.

"Well duh! You are so slow at knowing things. You should've reacted when they left about a month ago or something" Haru chuckled.

******DING DONG******

"I'll get it" Haru ran to the door to open it.

"Uh, hi" A guy whom he didn't know greeted.

"And you are...?" Haru asked.

"Haru, don't you recognize me??" The guy was about to cry.

"Nope!" He shook his head.

"Nii-chan, let him in. He's one of Kame's band mates. Hello smiling guy" Maki greeted then he dragged Junno into the living room.

"I know that. I was just playing with him. What are you doing here?" Haru asked seriously.

"Well, Jin invited me to watch a movie with you guys. I hope you don't mind" *smiles again*

"I don't mind. So, tell me about that chick you met at the party. She's kinda cute and I was thinking if you could introduce me to her some time?" Maki asked all of a sudden which made Junno and Haru a bit shocked and confused.

"Okay...right. Are you serious?" Junno asked.

"Um, well, I meant..." She bit her lower lip for she was out of explanations.

"Never mind" She said afterwards.

"Ohayo! (good morning!)" Yamapi entered the living room.

"It's evening already and where have you been?" She crossed her arms like what mothers do when they're about to scold their children.

"Ano, I went out to buy some ice-cream cause I heard we were going to watch a movie but I ended up buying gummy bears instead...I'm sorry...haha" Yamapi giggled for no reason.

"Weirdo" Maki mumbled.

*****DING DONG*****

"I'll get it. That must be Kanata. He said he would arrive at about 7 o'clock and 45 minutes and 15 seconds. So, that must be him" She rushed to open the door.

"Speaking of weird. She's the one who's the weirdo" Yamapi mumbled back.

"Hi" Kanata smiled when he saw his best friend.

"Just in time" Maki smiled back.


"So, what do you guys want to watch? There's The Amityville Horror, Freddy vs. Jason, The Messengers, Ghost Ship, When a Stranger Calls, Urban Legends, One Missed Call and The Exorcist" Jin said.

"Whoa, you sure did rent a lot of...horror movies..." Junno said.

"Well, Maki likes horror movies, I meant LOVES horror movies" Jin glared at Maki who was talking with Kanata who in turn felt uncomfortable with Kame's stares.

"Where's the popcorn?" Kame asked.

"Oh, yeah, about that, well, I forgot to make some" Haru smiled innocently.

"Forget it, I'll make them myself" He sighed.

"Want me to help you?" Maki offered.

"Okay, sure" Kame said, not changing his sad expression.

*****IN THE KITCHEN*****

"Why so glum?" Maki asked her cousin worriedly.

"Don't mind me. I just feel a little sick. That's all" Kame lied.

"Do you think I'm that stupid to not notice my cousin not telling me what's wrong with him?" She could see right through his lies and that's because she knows him too much.

*****KAME'S POV******

'I can't be jealous right? I have no right to get jealous because I don't own you or anything. Seeing you kissing with some other guy hurts a lot, of course it does. If I told you all of this, would you change your feelings for me? I'm afraid not. It's better if I shut up and let things be'

*****END OF KAME'S POV*****

"I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you. It's a girl problem" He finally said.

"Why not? Maybe I could help?" Maki insisted.

"Don't bother. It's complicated"

"Okay, if you say so" She gave up.

"Hey, how's Mao?" Kame managed to ask.

"Well, things aren't going well for us. She doesn't like girls" She frowned.

"It's about time to move on, don’t you agree?" He asked.

"I suppose, but I haven't confessed yet. I'll completely give up once she'll turn me down" She decided.

"Okay. Would you please hand me the cheese?" He ordered.

Maki handed him the cheese powder for the flavoring. The popcorns were popping out in the oven just like normal popcorns do. Just then, Maki saw a new sharp knife on the table. She was entranced by the shiny sharp object which seemed completely different from the other knives that she have encountered.

"Hey, don't touch that" Kame scolded once she saw Maki's hand reaching for the knife.

"Why not? Is it yours?" She asked curiously.

"Well, grandpa delivered that yesterday. It's not just some ordinary knife. That sharp thing killed about 20,000 people in the past. He gave that to Jin, incase if he wanted to use it since he's the heir of the Akanishi clan and all" Kame explained.

"You mean, that thing belonged to the assassins?" Maki pointed out.

"Yeah... probably. The popcorn is finished, let's get out of here" Kame grabbed Maki's hand as they exited the kitchen.

She didn't know why but she felt like she needed to get a hold of that knife for some reason. She thought about becoming an assassin who killed her own parents but that would be dangerous and if her parents were alive, for sure they would be sad. She didn't like that. And the thought that Jin's going to be the heir of a yakuza one day gave her the chills. She should stop thinking about these kind of stuff.


"Hey, you started the movie without us?" Maki frowned when they got back to the living room.

Yamapi and Jin saw Kame holding Maki's hand when they got out of the kitchen.

"We chose The Amityville Horror" Haru announced.

"Come sit with me" Yamapi grabbed Maki's hand. The lights were turned off by the time they entered the living room so it was kinda dark. Maki sat between Yamapi and Kanata on the couch while Kame, Jin, Haru and Junno sat down on the floor.

While they were watching the movie, Yamapi kept on whispering something to Maki.

"Hey, have you finally decided to marry me?" He whispered out loud. He wasn't really good with whispering so everybody heard it but pretended that they didn't.

"Could you shut up? I'm trying to watch a movie here and no, I haven't decided to marry you yet" She whispered back.

After a while... Maki fell asleep on Kanata's shoulder but when Yamapi saw this, he grabbed Maki's head and placed it on his shoulder.

"I guess I better put Maki to bed since she's asleep" Yamapi said.

"No, let me do it" Kame got up then carried Maki like a baby.

*****KAME'S ROOM*****

When he placed Maki on the bed, he stared at her face for a while then kissed her forehead.

He decided he needed to get a girl friend in order to forget his feelings for her.


Jae, Mao and Kibum are going to be in the next chapter so please continue to read. I still haven't decided who she is going to end up with. I really need some suggestions so comments are highly appreciated. By the way, who do you think is a better fiancé for Maki, Yamapi or Jae?

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i really love this one,.....please..update..update.....please....*.*
Hahaha XD I'm glad you guys liked it! Thanks for re-reading!! To be honest, I ship all of Maki's love interests! Hahaha... That's why I have a hard time in choosing who she's gonna end up with. I'm very confused at the moment. I'm also wondering why your preference changed to Jin... what's the reason? Just got really curious...:))
nee~ i was reading it in winglin, soo i will wait untill you are in the last chap i read...i think it was when ryo helped her run away from tomo and jae in that house...i think it was it..

~so gambattene author-ssi! :D

~loved your fic there, will love here too ^^
hanmie7227 #4
Looking forward to this story~<br />
ganbatter kudasai~<br />