War of Lotuses
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It’s been a peaceful few days. Not much happened. While Yan An took the guys out to fish, the girls stayed behind to play chess with Madam Yan.

“Cai Wei-ah” Madam Yan said as she plan out her next move. “I know your feelings towards Yan An.”


“Child, there’s nothing to be embarrassing about.” She said as she moved her piece.

Yan Hua joined in the conversation as she ate her grapes. “Everyone knows.”

Cai Wei blushed. “But his feelings…”

“Ey~” Yan Hua poked her sister. “My older brother has feelings for you too. He’s just too stupid to act on it.”

“Child!” Madam slightly raised her voice at her daughter. “Your brother isn’t acting on it because he wants the world to be at peace before anything.”

“Yeah yeah. Peace. Sure.”

“I don’t want to force anything on him.” Cai Wei quietly said.

“Don’t worry. When he gets back, I’ll talk to him about marrying you soon.”

“Marriage?” Yan Hua happily said. “That means we can expect a little Cai Wei running around soon then.”

Cai Wei blushed again.

The guys were having fun fishing. So far, they’ve caught 3 fishes.

“That should be enough” Yan An said.

The guys nodded and packed up to head back. On the way, the four talked about random things, ranging from martial arts to marriage.

“An, when are you and Cai Wei going to get marry?” Jia Er asked. “It’s been ages.”

Yan An slightly elbowed his younger brother. “Marriage is not a joke; it should not be taken lightly.”

“Oh please. You like her. She likes you. What’s more is there to?” Jia Er rubbed his side stomach a bit.

Yan An shook his head. “Anyways, do you two have lovers?” He asked Yi En and Yi Fan.

Yi Fan grinned. “I’m too handsome to be tied down to one person only.”

Yi En rolled his eyes. Yan An and Jia Er chuckled a little.

“And you Yi En?” Yan An asked.

Yi En thought for a bit.


Yi En and Yan Hua were out for a walk near the river. As they were walking around, Yan Hua was smiling happily as she randomly picked flowers to make a headband. Yi En watched her with a smile. She turned around and noticed him.

“Yes?” She said.

Yi En shook his head. “You just seemed so happy.”

She approached him closer. Their personal space was no longer personal. “Is there something I should be sad about then?”

Their eyes locked. Yi En noticed her lips were more pink than usual. As she was about to turn around to continue their walk, he grabbed her waist and planted his lips on hers. Both of his arms were hugging her tightly. Although shocked, Yan Hua returned the favor. Her hands against his chest. She can feel how muscular they were.

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