Lost Stars

Better that We Break

It's been two years since that "kiss on the eyes" happened, and still I couldn't tell my feelings to Sean. I was afraid that I would ruin our friendship. I was afraid to be rejected. More importantly, I was afraid that I would lose him. 

Please don't see.. just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasy. Please... See me.. reaching out for someone I can't see...

I listened to that song over and over till it made me cry. I was so pathetic to cry over a song, but that song reminded me of my feelings. I needed to do something about it.

Sean's graduation would be here in a week. I thought that it would be the best time to tell my feelings for him. If it turned out that he didn't have the same feelings for me, it would be okay because I didn't have to see his face everyday at school. 

I was just finished my breakfast when I heard his motorcycle parked in front of my house. I didn't expect him to pick me up. I rushed to the door and I saw his tall body with his perfect smile.

"What are you doing here?" I asked cluelessly.

"To pick you up, of course." And he opened his bag to take something. It was a bouquet of white roses. He gave it to me then said, "Would you come to the prom with me, Lizzie?"

My eyes opened very wide. He asked me to prom!

"But why me? Why don't you ask Rachel instead?" I knew he had a crush on her for weeks. It broke my heart the first time he told me about it, but I managed to act like nothing happened in front of him. 

"Well, apparently I'm late. She has said yes to another man. Besides, I want to spend a night with my dearest best friend."

The fact that he had asked Racher first really tortured my heart. I could feel my eyes burnt. 

"Lizzie, are you okay?"

"Oh yes. Let me grab my bag in the kitchen." I grabbed my bag and drank the rest of my juice. I put the flowers inside a vase. After that, I took a deep breath and went outside. I hugged him when I got up to his motorcycle.

"So, would you come with me?" He repeated his question.

"Of course."


"I'm so nervous, Mom. I think I should cancel our plan tonight." I looked at the mirror feeling unconfident.

"You look amazing, Honey. Just look!" She pointed my resemblance at the mirror. I was looking at a girl who's wearing a long blue dress 👗 matched with her blue eyes.

"Come here, we need to tie your hair up."

"No, Mom. Let it be." I was looking at my long black curly hair when I heard the bell door. It felt like a hard attack. It must be him.

I cleared my throat and walked down stairs to the living room. I walked very slowly. I could see him waiting patiently. My heart beat super fast once when I got to look at his face. He was so freaking handsome with his black tux. What did I do to deserve a young handsome man standing in front of me? Oh yes. Three years of waiting. 

"Elizabeth, is this you?" Said him, jokingly.

"How do I look?" I asked nervously.

"You look gorgeous!" He smiled and took my hip closer to his body.

"Let's take a picture!" Said Mom breaking our moments. She grabbed the camera and then we posed for it. The last picture was taken when we looked at each other. 

"Have fun, Baby. And Sean, please take care of my little princess. Make sure she doesn't drink!"

"Mom!" I interrupted.

"Yes, Mam!" 

He drove his Daddy's car that night. I was so nervous on the way till I couldn't talk about anything. 

"Do you want to turn on the music?" Asked him breaking our silence.

"Oh yes, please." 

I heard She Will be Loved and I was surprised. "You listen to Maroon 5 now?"

"I like this song, and I happened to know someone who like this band so much."

"That someone must be very special." I laughed.

"Yes, indeed." His husky voice shook me. 

When we arrived at the vanue, we took a picture in the photo booth. After that, he asked me to dance. Actually, I could not dance, and he knew that, but he insisted on me since it was his prom. 

He taught me the basic and lead me to every move. We danced to every single song. I was so happy till I cried a little. Luckily, he didn't notice that. I hoped there's nothing change after twelve o'clock. I didn't want to be a Cinderella. I wanted it to last.  

Ed Sheeran's perfect was over when I needed to go to the toilet. I touched up my make up and fixed my hair. I went to search his presence after I came back, but I couldn't find him. They were playing the beat songs, so everyone was jumping around and it made me harder to find him. I went to the outside and I saw him talking passionately with Rachel. I saw his smile and he looked so happy beside her. I didn't want to interrupt them, so I walked in and grabbed some drink. 

I didn't know how long I waited him. I saw him dancing with his friends and also Rachel. They were the seniors. I thought he should have some time with his friends as well, so I forgave him for ignoring me. 

We exchanged glances, and he sort of remembered that he brought me here. He came to me and asked me to dance again, but I lied to him saying that I was tired. He apologized for ignoring me and I forgave him right away. Then the twelve-o'clock-cursed happened. He told me that he asked Rachel out and she said yes. 

I couldn't believe it. I was just having fun then for a moment everything had changed. My tears dropped without me realizing what just happened.

"Hey, why are you crying?" He asked.

I shook my head, and wiped my tears. "Oh.. umm.. I'm okay. I think I'm tired. Can we go home now, Sean?"

I was done. I was so done. I planned on telling my feelings after the prom, but something else happened. I lost the stars that night. I lost it in a second. I had no choice, but to pretend that everything was alright. I couldn't tell him how I felt. It would ruin everything. The best thing to do for me was just shut up and go on.


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Can you guess whose songs I used in every chapter of the story?


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Chapter 6: That poem at the end was beautiful! Thank you for the story, I enjoyed it!