The Day ( part 1 )

The Loved One

Irene POV : Today is the vacation day and the kids were so excited about it.

" Mummy , I'm done packing my stuff ! " Wendy said as she put her bag down.

" Good job Wendy , you are all grown now ! " 

" Joy too mummy ! Joy help Yerim also ! " Joy said hoping that I will compliment her.

" Aigoo you too baby .. " I said as I patted her head.

" Bear cub where are you ? " I asked.

" Peekaboo ! " 

" Aigoo you startled me .. are you done packing your stuff  ? " I asked as I kneel infront of her.

" I'm done mummy ! Leggo ! " She said while jumping.

" Calm down bear cub , okay let's go " I said while holding her hand.

" Okay kids , you have to wait Aunt Chorong friend to pick us up okay ? " I said as I sat down on the couch.

DING DONG ! The door bell is ringing.

" That must be our driver.." I said as I walked to the door.As I opened the door , I was suprised that it was a man that I really know.

" Eu-Eun K-Kwang ah.." I said stuttering.

" Hi I'm Seo Eun Kwang.By the way are you Ms Irene ? " He asked with a smile.

" Y-Yes I am.." I'm still in shock.

" Okay , where's your stuff ? Let me help you.." He said as he enter the house.

He picked up all of our stuff and put in the car.He looks like Eunkwang ? Is this mean this is he ? Isn't he already left us ? Why he's back ? NO NO NO BAE JOO HYUN WAKE UP ! It's Chorong friend and my driver for the vacation ! I was talking to myself.

" Who are you talking with ? " Someone startled me from behind.

" Uh n-no.I was trying to lock the door.You can wait inside the car.." I said while trying to locking the door ! ISH THIS DOOR !

After success in locking the stupid door , I get into the car.Along the way , I just keep quiet and the kids behind are sleeping.

" They all really look like you." Eunkwang said while driving.

" Thank you.." I reply back regularly.I'm still looking at him stolen.

" I had an accident about 2 years ago and I lost my memory.I can't even remember myself and my family.I was married and I don't know who's my wife.I'm still thinking she's close to me but it's not.Your kids remembered me to my family.All I remember is I'm married and I have fours daughter also.." He said abruptly.

Wait he's married ? Accident 2 years ago ? Fours daughter ? He's resembled to Eunkwang cases.

" But how do you know your name ? " I asked him.

" Police found my identity card at the scene.So that's why I know my name.." He said.

" I wish I can found my wife and my kids.I miss them so much.I always think about them.They must think that I left them.."  He said , again.

" Don't you remember your kids name or your wife ? " I asked.I don't know why I'm a bit curious about him but my heart say it's my husband that I thought left us with another woman.

" I don't but I have necklace at my neck.I have been looking for my family from people's help.He said that he can help me find my family and whenever he found it , I show this necklace and they say they don't even recognize this necklace." Eunkwang said.He looks sad.

Necklace ! Eunkwang also have necklace ! I started singing the song that we all always sang with my husband a while ago.

He stopped the car and looked at me.

" H-how do y-you k-know that song ? " He asked as he held my cheek.

I hugged him while crying.My heart says true , he is my husband.

" Yeobo ... " I said while crying.

" Joo hyun ? " He asked me as I nodded my head.He hugged me tightly.

" I'm sorry I left you and the kids for two years.I'm so sorry.I promised I won't leave you and the kids anymore.I promise I will always be by your side forever and until we're a ghost.." He said while crying.

It's been a two years since I didn't met him and I miss Eunkwang badly.He started to kiss me with passionate.But I refused.

" Erm , the kids is here and we have a long journey to go more.." I said as that kiss make me blushed.

" Erm okay..I will held your hand along the way okay my Baechu ? " He said while his one hand is holding my hand and the other is holding the steering.

I smiled.Thanks God , you already reunited my family !


Bomi POV : " YAH LEE HYUNSIK ! STOP DANCING AND BEING STUPID ! " I screamed as that make me angry.Hyunsik is stubboron and hard to handled.The only one can handled him is Wendy.

" Hyunsik , this is your last warning ! STOP.DANCING.OR.YOU.WILL.HURT.YOURSELF." I said but he won't stop dancing.

" MUMMY ! I CAN DO WHATEVER I WHAT SO DON'T STOP ME ! " Hyunsik yelled at me.It's startled me.

" Okay do whatever you want." I said as I turned back.

" Let's stop at the rest station later , I'll inform Irene and Chorong.." I said to Minhyuk.

I cry silently because Hyunsik screamed at me just now.He never done that before.Minhyuk saw I'm crying and he hold my hand.

" I'll settled this thing with him.." He said.

After we arrived at the rest station , I kept looking for Irene and Chorong.And after a while I found them.

" Hey Bom ! " Irene greeted me.

" Why you look so cheerful today Joohyun ah ? " I asked her because she rarely looked like this after losing her husband.

She then tell me everything.

" Congratulation ! We know that is Eunkwang and that's why we invite you and him to join this family trips and he remembered you." Irene just smiled and blushed.

" Maybe they'll do something tonight after a while.." Chorong said to me.I smiled.Then I'm started to crying.

" What happen Bom ah ? " Chorong asked me as she patted my shoulder.

I tell them everything about Hyunsik behaviour at the car just now.

" Bom ah , he is just a 5 years old kids and he can't think rationally like us.I bet he didn't mean to do that to you.Maybe he is too excited and yelled at you at the same time.But don't put a blamed on yourself.You are not a bad mum." Irene said.

" Yeah Joohyun is correct." Chorong said as I nodded my head and wiping my tears.


Minhyuk POV : " Hyunsik , come here for a second .. " I said while waisting.

" Don't you know that you yelled at your mummy at the car just now and made her cry ? " I asked Hyunsik as that make him shook his head.

" You didn't know ? You get too excited and dance like crazy in the car and your mummy just want to keep you safe but why you yelled back at her ?! " I said with a serious tone which that make Hyunsik start to cry.

" Relax Minhyuk , look what you have done to him.. " Changsub said as he lift Hyunsik.

" Put him down Lee Changsub , I'm not finish yet." I said .

" You scolded him won't settled everything.He's just 5 years old and don't know what he did." Eunkwang says.

" Hyunsik ah , why don't you go to your mummy right now and says sorry for what you have done to her at the car just now can you ? " Eunkwang said.

Changsub put him down and quickly ran to his mummy.I shook my head while looking at him.

" This is not the way how you teached your children.Scolding them will make them feel depressed and disrespectful to us when they grow up.." Changsub says while he take a sipped of his coffee.


Bomi POV : As I'm start to eat , someone hugged me from behind.

" Mummy ! Hyunsik is sorry because yelled at mummy at the car just now ! Hyunsik promise Hyunsik won't do that again ! UWAAA ! " Hyunsik said while crying.I lift him to my laps.

" it's okay baby , mummy also wanna say sorry because scold you earlier.As long as you won't do it again , mummy will forgive you.." I said while wiping his tears.He then hugged me tightly.

After eating , we continue our journey and arrive at our vacation place.

" WOAH ! " I screamed as I look to the beach.

" Is it nice honey ? " Minhyuk says while hug me from behind.

" Yes darling.." I said.As we start to kissing , someone is coughing.

" EHEM EHEM ! " Changsub says.

" Bro , what don't you wait a little bit longer and help us lift this stuff ? " Changsub says.

" Okay ! I'm sorry darling but I have to go but not tonight ! " He said as he kiss my cheek.

I smiled and then laughed.

" Mummy , Eunji is hungry." Eunji said as she pulled my dress gently.

" Okay , let's go to the kitchen and check what we can eat there okay ? I said as I carried her into my arms.

" ME TOO AUNTY BOMI ! " I startled as the kids start to line up and look at me.I sighed.

Now I have to cook for 10 kids.


Chorong POV : I went into the room followed by Changsub.

" Hi baby.." Changsub as he started to toward me.He then pushed me to the wall and lock me between his arm.

I know what he is going to do so I just let him do it.He started to kiss and then his lips explore my neck.I was about to enjoy it but I realised it's too early for this.

" Darling , can you wait a little bit longer ? " I said as I held his chubby cheek.

" Hm okay fine.." He said as he held my hand and walk toward the door.

As soon as I reached to the kitchen , I see Bomi is cooking for the kids.I go to the kitchen and help her.

" Bom ah , do you remember what I said to you at the cafe that day ? " I asked her which that make her blushed.

" Of course I do .. " She replied me.It's too obvious that she seem like it.

" What do you think about that ? " I asked her again.

" Urm you need to wait and see.. " She replied me while cutiing the vegetables.

I only smiled and nodded my head.

" Hey you two ! " Irene greeted us.

" Hi Bae Joo Hyun a.k.a Baechu." I said.

" Hi Park Chorong a.k.a Mamarong.." She replied me with a death glares.

" Stop fighting Baechu and Mamarong." Bomi says.

" Okay Gorrilla.." Me and Irene say simultaneously.

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