The Curse

The Mysterious One
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Jin got ready for school but just as he was about to leave, he heard their parrot saying something.

"*Awk* Poor Aejin *Awk*," He shrugged it and sees his brother.

"Hyung, why did the parrot mention Auntie,"

"I don't know actually,"

Jin goes to school and heard people whispering about the explosion in a restaurant.

"Hey, have you heard of the explosion in the restaurant ******** ?"

"Ne, I heard it was because of a gas leak,"

"Not just that, I heard it was caused by Jungkook again,"

"Omo, he's really dangerous,"

"Girls! Have you heard about a certain curse?" Another girl ran towards the group.

"What curse?"

"They say that in this classroom, there was a boy named Kim Jungkook. He was a charming student with good looks, and he excelled in both academics and sports. All the teachers and students alike admired him. Half way through the school year, he died in a house fire that took the lives of his whole family. Unable to accept his death, some of his classmates decided to continue acting as if he was still alive. This behaviour caught on, and at graduation the principal even arranged to have Jungkook's seat included in the ceremony. After graduation, when the class photo was taken, they found that Jungkook was included, with a pale face but smiling like everyone else. Over time, the oral history of it became garbled, and people could no longer remember how he died or even whether he was a boy or a girl. Following these events, the class grew closer to death itself. At the beginning of the school year following Jungkook's death, the class found they had an extra student and were one desk short. At first they thought it was just an error and ignored it. Unbeknownst to them, however, this was a sign that the Calamity of this class had begun, and six students, eight of the student's friends and ten of the students' family members died over the course of the school year. It wasn't until later that they discovered that one of 3-3's students was a dead person all along, living out the school year as a normal, living person until the year's end. The Dead One is a former student or faculty member who died while being part of class 3-3, this class, but

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Chapter 17: woah thats a lot of deaths
but yayayay jinkook
Chapter 17: What a supportive siblings you have Jinnie
lol.,, love Sookie & JinHee's teasing
Chapter 15: Owww.,, it's horrible death
to be eaten by shark.,, who want that.!!?
I lose HOPE in this chapter :(
Chapter 15: No hos...
But it fine as long as the story continues T^T
Chapter 13: You can kill whoever you want but not my Jinkook. Plz!!!!
Chapter 14: My reaction would be opposite of JungKook when I got pinched by crab

Natashabird #7
Chapter 13: I'm fine if you decide to kill them off. As long as Jin still stays alive as well as Jungkook.
Sorry but my otp has to stay alive
Chapter 13: I couldn't understand this chapter
Chapter 11: Fuhh.. I got goosebumps while reading this chapter
allesh #10
Chapter 10: That is one creepy punishment