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Honestly she was a little bit excited for the end of the day because Friday meant she would spend time with Seulgi a little bit more. But after spending some time with Seulgi, she sent the girl back outside of her apartment, but the latter said her dad won’t be home till the next day. And to be frank Irene was secretly hoping she could bring back Seulgi to her apartment again, spend more time alone together unlike their usual in the car. And so she brought her back home. Irene did not failed to notice how Seulgi was a tad bit quiet. Her silence bothered her a bit, maybe it wasn’t really a good idea to bring Seulgi back to her apartment, she thought to herself. But once Seulgi spoke that she’d never really thought Irene would bring here again in that delightful tone, Irene knew she shouldn’t be bothered. She hung her car keys at the hook, before she rather boldly asked, “Do you…want to stay over the night?” Seulgi looked at her dumbfounded and confused, as if she doesn’t believe the question just came out from . Irene didn’t blamed Seulgi for being surprised, she was also half expecting Seulgi to turned down the offer – she have the right to do so.   “Sure…but why?”   “I thought since your dad isn’t around till tomorrow…you might feel lonely on a Saturday night?” That was a very lame excuse, but it really was the truth – partially.   Seulgi nodded, not missing the tint pink spreading on her cheeks. “Okay.”     Irene sat on the couch outside the living room in front of the telly, waiting for Seulgi who was showering in the guest room earlier on. Irene thought they would spend time together watching a movie or some sort. She had even prepared popcorn – and damn it has really been ages since she last sat down in front of the telly and eaten one. Work get the best of her.   “Irene?”   “Ack!” Irene almost threw the bowl of popcorn out of her hands when Seulgi made her appearance. She laughed at her demeanour with her hair dark brown hair falling around her face.   “You get surprised easily.” She sat down beside her, an amused grin still plastered on her face.   “Apparently yes I do. Please make known of your appearance more obvious in the future.”   “I’ll note that, Miss Bae.” She teased, before she looked at the bowl of popcorn to her, “So…what movie are we watching?”   “My all-time favourite,” Irene chirped happily.   “Don’t tell me it’s a horror movie?” Seulgi’s eyes widened, “I’m not very good with that genre.”   “Me either!” Irene scrunched her nose just by the thought, “We’re watching The Notebook.”   “Oh…” Seulgi leaned back on the couch comfortably, “So you like sappy, tear-jerking romance movies, huh? I should have known.”   “Why? You don’t pique me as a woman who likes sappy, tear-jerking romance movies?” Irene wondered what type of a person Seulgi had deemed her as.   “I do, but I don’t want to stereotype a small, soft looking teacher like you to be so.” Seulgi teased, earning a slap on the thigh from her before they relaxed and watched the movie.     No matter how many times Irene thought she would never cried again at the same sad scene, but here she was, not so secretly sniffling away and wiping the tears streaming down her face at one of the scenes. Seulgi noticed and pulled her closer, an amused smile etched on her lips as she does so. Oh, she was about to get teased once the movie ends alright. “Not a word.” Irene stood up from the couch once the movie was over to grab some tissues to blow her nose, she’d noticed Seulgi was about to say something funny and she shushed down the latter before she’d able to do so. Irene came back to the couch a minute later and they talked away through the night of many things. She had never felt this happy and carefree to have someone to talk to inside her apartment. She’d rarely let any of her friends over her apartment, maybe once or twice because she herself is more or less like a hermit ever since she started working. She’d only remained in her house whenever she’s free. But having Seulgi around now, feels like a breath of fresh air. Irene had also grown attached to Seulgi and it scared the out of her but also, she felt excited. She had not felt this in love in a while. Wait – was it really love. No way, it can’t be, she thought to herself, while she half listened to the story Seulgi was telling about the dogs in her grandma’s house. But who was she kidding? Just by looking how enthusiastic Seulgi was explaining on one of the dogs – Meonggunie – dragging her around all over the field, had Irene feeling the whole zoo in her stomach. Seulgi didn’t even have to try and flirt. Irene was – is – literally falling for the girl. But she couldn’t tell her that. Not yet.   “Hey, are you listening?”   Seulgi’s questioned brought her back to earth. She blinked a few times to registered what the latter was asking, “Hmm?”   “I said, are you listening? You were staring at me with this weird smile…”   “N-Nothing.” Irene brushed off in a weak attempt. Oh how silly off her to get caught off-guard.   “Whatever you say, Irene…” A knowing grin plastered on the girl’s face before her face lights up. “Sit here, I got something to show you.”   Seulgi went to the guest room and Irene looked back from the couch, pondering on what the girl would bring back. And her question was answered when Seulgi strolled out of the room, a sketching book on her hand, and she plopped down eagerly beside her.   “I did told you about the gift my dad gave to me didn’t I?”   “Yeah, wasn’t it a sketching pencil kit?” She remembered the image of a cheerful Seulgi after Lunar’s holiday that time, telling her about her conversation with her dad.   “Yeah, so I haven’t been sketching or drawing anything ever since…you know, mom passed away,” Seulgi swallowed, “I didn’t felt l like I have a reason to do so because it’ll just remind me of her.”   Irene listened earnestly and let the girl continued, “Plus, things went downfall with dad and all but now, since dad had decided to repair whatever the problem is between us now and wanting a second chance, I feel like I should also give a second chance to me sketching things again.”   “That’s a very courageous step, Seulgi,” She smiled gently at the girl who reciprocated back.   “I didn’t really plan to show you…” Seulgi budged in her seat, averting her eyes from her as her fingers gripped tight on the sketchbook. “…but since I’m here – don’t be disappointed – my skills are very, very rusty. I don’t even know why I wanna show you this. Maybe it’s a bad idea –”   “Show me. I won’t judge.” Irene placed a hand on top of Seulgi, tilting her head a little, “Please?”   Seulgi blushed furiously before she mumbled, “O-Okay…but don’t be disappointed. It’s not even finished. I don’t have a picture of you so I used my imagination a lot…”   Irene patiently wait as she watched Seulgi flipped open the sketchbook to the particular sketching. And when Seulgi showed the sketch, placing the book on her lap, her breathing caught up in . It was only a half finish sketch of
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Chapter 8: 💙💙💙
Chapter 4: oh, hi happy anniversary to bad boy, it's been 6 years?!😳
Chapter 8: 💗💛
Luvylynn #4
This is so endearing and so cute. Thanks author-nim for this light hearted story. Though this is an story but you really good on making this story flow smoothly and no reader will left feeling awkward reading it. Can’t wait to read your other story pieces.
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 8: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #6
Chapter 8: I'm back again 😭🤍🤍🤍🤍
66 streak #7
Chapter 3: Re-reading to mend my longingness to SeulRene's Subunit comeback 🥺🐻🐰
Chapter 8: ackkkkkkk <333
Chapter 6: oh nooo
Chapter 4: rereading cause this was sooo adorable