

Joohyun laid in bed, wide awake and unable to fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. She reached her hand out in the dark, feeling the cold and empty space beside her on the bed. It was difficult to sleep without Seulgi by her side. She reached for her phone on the bedside table, checking the time to find that it was almost midnight and there were still no messages or calls from Seulgi.

She grew more worried with each passing minute; although this wasn’t the first time this had happened, it didn’t mean Joohyun wouldn’t be concerned every time Seulgi was out until late. She clutched her phone in her hand, just wishing she could get a message or a call to let her know she was safe.

The front door being unlocked made Joohyun startle awake from a light slumber she didn’t know she had fell into. There was some shuffling and the door closed quietly. The lights stayed off because Seulgi knew Joohyun must be sleeping by now and she didn’t want to wake her. Seulgi only a small lamp in the living room to allow her to see where she was walking. Soft and cautious footsteps headed towards the bed and Joohyun made a show of turning around in bed so that she wouldn’t scare Seulgi when she spoke.

“Seul?” She whispered hoarsely.

The girl froze in her walk at first before relaxing and padding over to her with an apologetic smile on her face. “Hey baby, did I wake you?” She asked softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and reaching out to her cheek. Joohyun relaxed under her warm and gentle touch, closing her eyes momentarily to savour the tender moment but shook her head to respond to her question. “I’m sorry, the meeting took longer than I had expected.” Seulgi continued in a quiet voice, her other hand taking Joohyun’s in hers and rubbing soothing circles on the back of it with her thumb.

Joohyun caught a whiff of a familiar scent and she propped herself up on her elbow. “You drank?” She asked.

“Well, yeah. Only a little bit though, I swear I’m not drunk.” Seulgi promised with an airy laugh.

“How did the meeting go?” Joohyun asked, rubbing her eyes with her hands in a childlike way that made Seulgi smile with adoration. Despite being sleepy, she still cared for Seulgi’s day and would choose to stay up to talk to her for longer; that spoke louder than a thousand words.

“Pretty good actually, I think we’ll be able to get this investor. He seemed interested and showed positive responses to our proposal.” Seulgi seemed visibly ecstatic. “I’m meeting him tomorrow to go through more details-”

“Tomorrow?” Joohyun cut in. “It’s Saturday, I thought we were going to go and see that movie we’ve been waiting for.”

Seulgi froze as realisation hit her like a truck. “Oh no… I’m so sorry Joohyun.” She apologized profusely, seeing her girlfriend’s face fall. “But this is really important to me, you understand right? We can just watch it next week, I promise.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Seulgi.” Joohyun replied with an underlying bitter tone. “You’ve already pulled out on the past two dates we had planned because of work, you will just do the same next week.” She didn’t mean to sound so upset but the words left quicker than her mind could consider the weight of her words. Seulgi was taken aback and opened to say something but Joohyun talked first. “It’s fine, it’s just a movie anyway. I can watch it with Seungwan or someone.”

“If you want.” Seulgi whispered, trying to conceal the hurt in her tone. “I’m sorry.” She said again. “I’ll make it up to you on our next date.” She sounded hopeful and Joohyun really wanted to feel the same too, but she was tired and honestly not in the mood to be optimistic.

“If that ever happens.” She replied distantly.

Seulgi flinched as if she was physically wounded by those words and bit her lip, slowly rising to her feet once she knew the conversation was over. “You should sleep first, goodnight Hyun.” She bent down to press a soft kiss on her forehead, pulling away slightly to whisper, “I love you.”

Joohyun watched her disappear into the bathroom before she let her head drop back into the pillow and she reached up to cover her eyes with the back of her hand, pressing against her eyelids to keep the tears in. She turned to face Seulgi’s side of the bed, curling herself up and letting the exhaustion take over her, wishing that she would wake up and forget about this.

In the end, Joohyun fell asleep without Seulgi by her side.

“Excuse me Miss, you can’t barge in here without an ID.” The two men in suits stopped the two girls from walking through the body scanner and into the area of the elevators.

“I’m here to talk to someone.” The shorter of the two said.

“Do you have a scheduled appointment? If not, then please leave.”

“Just let us through, we need to see her.” The taller girl said, trying to walk past them when they were distracted but got blocked off immediately, making her groan and roll her eyes.

“We will not repeat ourselves again. Leave the building unless you have permission to enter. You are causing a ruckus here and our boss won’t be happy.”

Seungwan glanced around the foyer and sure enough, they were attracting quite a few stares from all the business suit-wearing, snobby-looking people.

A snort came from the taller girl, “Your boss, you mean that crook?” Seungwan looked at Sooyoung with a shocked but also admirable expression at her courage to speak her mind. “Look, we’re not looking for trouble, we just want to speak to Kang Seulgi. We know she’s here, tell her to come out.”

“We don’t take orders from trespassers.”

“So damn annoying.” Sooyoung muttered under her breath. “Fine, we will do it ourselves.”

“W-What?” Seungwan was alarmed when the taller girl grabbed her arm and dragged her over so that they were standing directly in view of a surveillance camera.

“Hey! Kang Seulgi! Traitor! Come out and face us yourself you coward!” Sooyoung shouted at the camera. Seungwan was dazed but then realised what her friend was doing and soon joined in.

“Stop hiding in your fancy office and behind stupid security guards! If you feel ashamed for what you’ve done, then own up to it and stop running away!”

“Hey, you two! Stop yelling!” The guards from before ran up to them and one of them grabbed Sooyoung’s arm, pulling her roughly towards the exit doors but she tugged back, refusing to leave as she shouted Seulgi’s name again. Neither of them cared that they were making a scene and becoming the centre of attention; right now, all that mattered was seeing the traitor.

“Stop resisting.” The guard barked, pulling harder at Seungwan who was easier to move from her spot due to her small frame but Sooyoung held onto Seungwan’s other arm, keeping her in place. He growled, grabbing the baton from his belt and lifted his arm up, preparing to strike down.

“What’s going on here?” A calm but authoritative voice put everything into a pause. All heads turned to the voice and the two girls stopped shouting as their eyes widened instead.

Seulgi, who had just walked out into the foyer was followed by three more security guards and she folded her arms when she stopped a few metres away from the people causing the most disruption. “What are you doing? Let go of them.” She said, looking at the two guards with an unimpressed expression and they immediately released the girls, stepping away from them.

“Wow, look at you.” Sooyoung said with a voice laced with sarcasm and hostility, her eyes examining Seulgi up and down. The chief assistant of the chairman was no longer the friendly, cheerful and humble girl they knew since high school. She was wearing an expensive branded black and white suit that was tailor-made from the looks of it and her charismatic aura emitted nothing but authority and power. Her gaze was steely and emotionless, no longer warm and welcoming, making her appear like a completely different person.

Seungwan blinked a few times, unable to believe the Seulgi that stood before them was the same Seulgi whom she met in her second year of high school. The Seulgi who never stopped smiling regardless of the situation, whose eyes were always bright and sparkling with cheerfulness. The Seulgi who was always humble, always caring towards others and prioritized friendship above everything else. Where did she go?

“What a big, important and superior person. Congratulations on finally getting where you wanted after betraying all of your friends.”

“What do you want Sooyoung?” Seulgi sighed, dropping her hands to her sides. “If you only came to insult me-”

“I just wanted to see for myself how much you’ve changed.” Sooyoung remarked.

“Are you done then?” Seulgi retorted. “If so, then kindly take your leave as I have more important matters to take care of.”

“No, I’m not done.” Seungwan finally spoke up, her anger sparking from the way she spoke to them so condescendingly. She lightly nudged Sooyoung behind her to indicate that she was going to take over from now. Seulgi raised an eyebrow at her and waited for what she had to say. Seungwan lifted her head up, meeting Seulgi’s gaze bravely although she was slightly trembling on the inside from the overwhelming emotions. Swirling and mixed emotions of anger, sadness, hatred, disappointment felt towards the girl who she used to call best friend.

“Stay away from Joohyun.” She delivered the words she had wanted to say since last night when Joohyun came home crying. “She’s been through enough. Please, I’m begging you, leave her alone. Let her live without the burden of you.”

For the first time today, Seungwan saw a flash of emotion in Seulgi’s eyes and she was encouraged that her words were really getting to her. “She doesn’t need you back in her life, don’t break her apart a second time. If you still care about her the slightest, then you will let her be.”

She held her breath when Seulgi’s jaw slackened and she could feel Sooyoung being just as tense behind her as they waited for a response.

Seulgi let out a breath and Seungwan swore she looked defeated and was going to submit to their request. Then Seulgi’s eyes hardened again and she took a step forward, almost making Seungwan stagger backwards from the mere intimidation.

“You are in no position to tell me what to do or what not to do.” Seulgi said, her words coming out like a warning and Seungwan shivered from the cold gaze she was receiving.

“I told you she wouldn’t listen.” Sooyoung sounded agitated. “Let’s go, it’s useless trying to beg people like her, they have no sympathy or care for others.” She shot Seulgi a dirty look as she tugged at a defeated Seungwan’s limp arm. “All they care about is themselves and their money.”

“Had you begged for money, I perhaps would’ve given you some.” Seulgi deadpanned, earning a scowl from both girls.

“I wish you stayed in jail. You deserve to rot in there.” Sooyoung spat out and Seulgi’s expression remained stoic as she held her gaze.

“I believe we are done here. Gentlemen, please see these two ladies out. Oh, and remember to place them on the blacklist.” Seulgi gave a wave of her hand and the security guards marched towards the girls who couldn’t hold back their expressions of pure hatred, wishing looks could kill so that Kang Seulgi would be dead. Seulgi’s eyes darkened as she told the guards her final order.

“I don’t ever want to see their faces in here again.”

She her heel, striding back to the elevator area as she heard curses being yelled at her which she briskly ignored. She took the elevator up to the highest floor of the building and was informed that the chairman wanted to see her.

Entering his office, she swallowed the nervousness and walked to stand before his desk. The chairman was staring at his computer intently and Seulgi just waited for him to speak first.

“Hey! Kang Seulgi! Traitor! Come out and face us yourself you coward!”

Seulgi’s head snapped up when she heard the audio of Sooyoung’s voice and she realised the chairman was watching the playback of the surveillance video.

“Has this been sorted?” He asked without taking his eyes off the screen.

“Yes, it has been taken care of already.” She reassured. “It was nothing, just two irrelevant people causing a commotion.”

“And you are acquainted with them, yes?” He lifted his gaze to look at her.

It’s not like she could deny it after Sooyoung literally yelled her full name for the world to hear. Seulgi gave a dry smile, “I used to be. As you can probably tell, we aren’t on good terms anymore, but it is nothing to be concerned about. This won't happen again."

“You must’ve done something terrible to make them hate you.” He said, leaning back in his chair and looking amused.

“I only followed your advice Mr Jung.” Seulgi replied with confidence and he rose his eyebrows. “When I first started working for you, you told me that the ones who succeed are the ones who know how to sacrifice. You also told me that it’s important to be able to discern between those who will only drag you down and those who can lift you up higher, and to only keep the latter close.”

The man nodded in agreement, an impressed expression on his face.

Seulgi held her head high. “I’m only trying to succeed, and if that means having to let go of some petty friendships, then so be it.”

“Seulgi.” He got to his feet, walking over to his cabinet that contained an assortment of drinks and he took out an expensive bottle of wine to pour into two wine glasses. “Every time I think there’s no way you can possibly surprise or impress me more, you prove me wrong.” He turned around with the glasses in his hand and offered one to her. “I’ve made no mistake in choosing you to be my most trusted assistant.”

She smiled widely at the compliment, as she took the wine glass from his hand. “I promised I wouldn’t disappoint you.”

“And you haven’t.” He said proudly. “I know a successful person when I see them, and I just know you will achieve incredible things. You’re smart, cunning, merciless, vicious and most of all, you’re greedy. Your insatiable desire for wealth, for power, for status, that is ultimately what puts you above others because it means you will do anything to gain what you want. The world is your oyster, and you’re going to dominate it.”

“I learnt from the best. And I am only here today because you’ve given me so many opportunities and chances, Mr Jung.” Seulgi replied smoothly, always knowing the right words to say to please him.

“To more success in the future.” He said, raising his glass up.

“To world domination.” Seulgi corrected, making him chuckle as their glasses clinked.


a/n: maybe its time for seulrene to meet again


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68 streak #1
68 streak #2
Chapter 21: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
68 streak #3
68 streak #4
Chapter 18: Damn
68 streak #5
Chapter 17: I cant take it anymore. :(((
68 streak #6
Chapter 16: Brb gonna shed more tears
68 streak #7
Chapter 15: I trust seulgi!
68 streak #8
68 streak #9
Chapter 13: Intersting and scary chap ok ok

Authornim, I have stan twt tooo!! Can we be moots?
68 streak #10
Chapter 12: Damn scary