Chapter 10


“Ah, it’s so boring,” Yeri grumbled, cheeks pressed against the keys of the piano, “She still haven’t arrived, unnie?” she asked Seulgi.

The older girl scanned the monitors and shook her head, “Nope.”

Yeri made whining noises, “Why did she have to be absent today?”

“Why don’t you call your girlfriend and ask her out on a date?”

“I-I don’t have a girlfriend! Saeron and I are just…we’re just…ugh!”

Seulgi chuckled and ruffled Yeri’s head before going back to making her homework. Just then, the door opened and in walked the two other members of the agency.

“Oh? Why are you here, Yerim-ah? Don’t you have classes?” Wendy, the perpetual mother, walks over to check Yeri’s temperature, “Are you sick?”

“She probably cut classes again,” Joy quipped.

Yeri glared at her, “Shut up. My classes are cancelled today. Some big people visiting the school or something,” she pouted up at Wendy, “Unnie, why isn’t our favorite cabbage coming to school today?”

The purple-haired girl put down her bag and shrugged, “No idea. Haven’t seen her around,”

“Aren’t you friends? Ask her,”

“Am not gonna,”

“Nag her to go to school the way you nag me,”

“Am not gonna,”

Yeri huffed, “I can hardly join the operations because of my classes but now that I’m here she’s not?” she grumbled before turning to Seulgi, “Teddy Bear-unnie, can you locate her?”

Seulgi grinned, “Of course,” she stood from the table and pulled Yeri off the piano before playing Arirang. The big monitor showed a map, a purple dot twinkling in the midst of lines. “She’s at 192-9 Anyang-dong, Manan-gu, Anyang, Gyeonggi-do.” she scratched her head, “Is that her address? Maybe she slept in?”

“Hey, Kim Yerim. Stop crying over the cabbage and come here. I have a new game installed,” Joy called and Yeri immediately forgot about her woes, bounding to the couch with a squeal.

Quietly listening to this, Wendy couldn’t help but feel worried. She sat on her usual seat and took out her notes, leafing through the pages absently. Irene Bae wasn’t the type to be late. She certainly wasn’t the type to sleep in. It was already quarter to ten and the older girl had classes at eight.

The fact that the girl had been acting strange yesterday wasn’t helping. Wendy was starting to worry that maybe she did something wrong. Did she offend Irene Bae in some way?

She reached for her phone on top of the piano to send a message but her hand halted halfway, fingers twitching. She wanted to check if everything was okay but at the same time, she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to talk to Irene Bae just yet. What would she tell her, exactly? ‘Are you alright’? Will she even reply? By the way she avoided her yesterday, Wendy wasn’t quite sure.  

She herself felt a bit conflicted on speaking to the older girl.

And so she closed her fist and let her hand fall back to her side.

Being with Irene Bae made her weird. It made her do weird stuff she shouldn’t, feel weird stuff she shouldn’t…

“Please let me stay like this for a while,”

She slapped her face with her notebook. What the hell was I thinking?!

“Hey, Wan, are you okay?” Seulgi asked, looking worried, “Your face looks red. Did you hit yourself too hard?”

Wendy smiled, “No, no, I’m fine. Just feeling a bit sleepy,” she lied.

“You sure? Do you want me to buy you some coffee?”

“Nah, I’m good.” she waved her off and Seulgi shrugged, going back to her homework.

Wendy tried to do the same with her notes but the memory of yesterday’s hug tickled her brain, demanding attention.

Wendy knew she had to do it again. Hugging Irene Bae was warm and soft and a little bony but comfortable. It was nice. So nice.

She gasped and slapped herself with her notebook again. WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!

(‘Just this once’, remember?)

Across her, Seulgi flinched and gave her a look, “You’re really weird,”

“Yeah…” Wendy ran her fingers through her hair, “I know,”




The next day, Irene Bae was still absent.

I like you. I really like y—

Frustrated, Wendy stopped strumming her guitar and finally put the instrument down a little harsher than intended after playing countless renditions of Weather Cast’s I Like You.  Her fingers just absentmindedly start playing the song without permission, much to her annoyance.

She huffed. What is wrong with me? 

Running her fingers through her hair, her phone caught her eye. It lay there, on top of the table, tempting and luring and seducing...

One day absence was one thing. Two days, however, was alarming.

Giving in, she grabbed the device and started typing a message.

To: Lovely Joohyun-sunbae

Sunbae. Why are you absent? Yesterday too…

Is something wrong? Are you okay?


Wendy bit her thumb, waiting for a reply. A few seconds later, she unlocks her phone and starts typing another text.

To: Lovely Joohyun-sunbae

Please reply soon. I’m worried.


Wendy heaved a sigh and started to restlessly fiddle with her phone as she waited for a reply. It wasn’t like Irene Bae to be absent for two days for no reason, the girl being diligent in her studies. Something big must’ve happened. Wendy couldn’t help but worry.

Long minutes have passed and the sun was already setting but Wendy still received no reply. Her anxiousness only heightened. Finally unable to suppress it any longer, she stood and shouldered her bag, determination painted on her face.

She’s going to make sure Irene Bae was okay whether the girl liked it or not.




Ding Dong

Joohyun groaned. She didn’t feel like moving but she forced herself up and staggered towards the door. Her head ached like hell and her body didn’t feel like hers. Stupid flu.

“Who’s there?” she called. Even her voice didn’t sound like hers. She managed to reach the door without tripping on anything and pulled it open.

“Omo, you look terrible, Hyun-ah,”

She could only smile weakly at her friend, “I know. Thanks, Seo,” she stepped aside to let the other Juhyun in.

“Are you feeling better?” Juhyun asked, checking her temperature.

“A little…” she lied. Truth was, she felt like hell incarnate. Her body burned and froze like it couldn’t freaking decide which to feel. Stupid flu.

The other girl had brought groceries and placed them on Joohyun’s kitchen counter, “I’m so sorry I can’t stick around too long today. I still have classes and I can’t be absent on this one since we’re having a presentation…”

She smiled at the apologetic expression, “It’s okay. You’ve done more than enough. Thanks a lot,”

“I’ll just cook you dinner before I go—”

“It’s almost six, Juhyun-ah. You’re going to be late,”

Her friend glanced at her wristwatch and gasped, “Ah…how could time run this fast…” she looked at Joohyun apologetically; worry spilling from her eyes, “Will you be okay with cooking on your own?” 

“I’ll be fine,” she waved away the concern and walked the girl to the front door, “Go and ace that presentation,”

Juhyun still looked guilty, “I’m really sorry. I’ll visit you as soon as our class ends, I promise,”

“Yeah, yeah, you better go or you’ll be late,” Joohyun opened the door.

“I’ll see you later. Take care,”

Joohyun sighed when her friend walked out of sight, coughing madly before closing the door. Her head felt heavy yet she felt lightheaded and promptly laughed at that contradiction. She must be losing her mind. Stupid flu.

She was halfway through staggering back to her room when the doorbell rang again. “Hm, that’s odd. Did Juhyun forget something?” she wondered aloud as she made her way back to the door.

“Why did you—” she abruptly stopped, “W-Wendy-ssi?”

Great, now she was starting to hallucinate.

(Oh, how she wish she was hallucinating)

She stepped back and adjusted the round spectacles sitting on the bridge of her nose, trying to confirm that the person standing in her doorway wasn’t a mirage. She cleared , hoping to sound less like a croaking frog and more like an actual human, “What are you doing here?”

“Geez, Juhyun-unnie is right. You look like crap.” Wendy Son pointed out, completely ignoring her question, “Have you been drinking your medicine? How about your meals? You haven’t skipped them, right?” she nagged as she checked the girl’s temperature, cupping her forehead, touching her cheek and neck with the back of her hand. Joohyun flinched away at every touch. “You’re burning! Ah, this won’t do,”

“Hey, where are you—”

Wendy Son barged inside despite Joohyun’s protests and dragged the girl to her room. She gently pushed her on the bed and tucked her in. Joohyun felt ridiculously like a seven year-old kid.


“You haven’t answered me. Have you been drinking your medicine?”

Joohyun saw the look in the other girl’s eyes and sighed in resignation, knowing that any protest would be fruitless at this point, “Yes…”

“How about your meals? Did you even eat?”

“A bit…” She scratched her cheek, averting her eyes. Truth was she hasn’t eaten a thing today. Her body ached too much she didn’t want to get up from her bed.

Wendy Son clicked her tongue, “You haven’t been eating, have you?”

Joohyun scowled, still refusing to look at her, “That’s…none of your business…”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Wendy Son stood and was about to leave the room to make some food when Joohyun’s hand suddenly had a mind of its own and reached for her wrist. The younger girl turned, “Yes?”

Joohyun gulped, not knowing what to say or why she did that, since what she wanted to tell the girl just wasn’t allowed to get past her mental filter of safe things to say and unsafe things to say.

Saying ‘don’t leave me alone’ certainly wasn’t safe.

“Why—Why are you here?” she asked instead, sniffing.

“Because I got worried,” Wendy Son replied.

Joohyun frowned to hide the fact that she was flustered. Can this girl be a little less honest?

“I’m fine. I’m not a child. I can take care of myself. What’s it to you anyway?”

Wendy Son chuckled and Joohyun knew that she could clearly see past the bluster. 

“Your health is important to me,” she simply answered.

Joohyun finally looked at her, “…Why?”

Wendy Son smiled and shifted, gently patting the other girl’s head.

“Because I care,”

For some reason, the look on Wendy Son’s eyes then felt like a gentle caress. Joohyun felt like melting.

It was probably because of the flu.

Stupid flu.

When Joohyun didn’t reply, Wendy Son grinned and leaned down, gingerly taking Joohyun’s spectacles off and placing them on the nightstand.

“Go get some sleep. I’ll be at the kitchen,” she said with a light pat on her head before finally leaving the room.

Joohyun scoffed and shifted under the covers, face heating up and it sure wasn’t because of the stupid flu.

“How do you expect me to sleep after shaking up my heart?” she grumbled, closing her eyes. Stupid Seungwan…



Lifting the spoon to her lips, Wendy tasted her work and nodded to herself, satisfied with the taste. Irene Bae should be fine with porridge, right?

Carrying the tray, she knocked on the already open door of Irene Bae’s room before entering. The girl was still fast asleep, the washcloth Wendy had placed on her forehead threatening to slip.

Placing the tray on the nightstand, she picked up the cloth and put it aside before gently placing her hand on Irene Bae’s forehead and neck, wincing at the temperature. She wasn’t getting any better at all.

(Or maybe it was just her hand that had turned uncharacteristically cold and clammy. It wasn’t like she was nervous or anything, right?)

She gingerly fixed Irene Bae’s fringe, staring a bit too long. With face void of makeup and hair a mess, everyone was bound to look terrible. The older girl looked terrible too, sickness apparent on her sleeping face with flushed cheeks__ and red nose. But even so, how could someone still look so—


Wendy flinched as soon as the word slipped out of , retracting her hand with a jerk. She bit her tongue, running her fingers through her hair. Ah, I must be going crazy.

Shaking her head and clearing , she gently shook the older girl awake, eyes trained on the wall, “S-Sunbae, the food’s ready…”

“Ngh…” the sheets rustled, “Wendy-ssi..?”

“Y-Yeah…uh, I cooked you some porridge. I hope you don’t mind. I originally wanted to make you some chicken soup so you could regain your strength but then you don’t eat chicken so I got you this instead, if that’s okay with you,” as usual, Wendy rambles.

“It’s okay… Thank you,” she put on her spectacles.

Wendy placed the tray on Irene Bae’s lap, all the while trying to avoid eye contact. She felt strangely shy. What the hell?

Even so, she forced herself to watch as Irene Bae ate to make sure the girl was eating well. Surprisingly, the girl ate with gusto. For a sick person, it was unexpected. Wendy had readied herself to force feed the girl but it seemed like it wasn’t necessary. Irene Bae ate well.

“It’s delicious,” Irene Bae said with a cough. Wendy immediately handed her a glass of water, “Thanks…you don’t have to do this though,”

“But I want to,” Wendy put the glass away after Irene Bae took a sip.

The older girl sniffed, “Thank you for the porridge but I think you should go now. It’s already dark.”

 “What are you talking about? You’re sick, sunbae. I can’t just leave. It’s lucky I went here or else your condition would have worsened. How can you cook for yourself in such a state? Seriously sunbae, you should let other people take care of you,” she nagged, her motherly side kicking in.

“Juhyun drops by from time to time,” Irene Bae said, nibbling on a carrot and Wendy was reminded of a bunny, “She’s going to return when her night classes end,”

“I see. So you’d tell her you’re sick and accept her help but not me? Are we not as close as I thought we are?” 

Irene Bae put down her spoon, “Wendy-ssi, it’s not that,”

“What is it then?” Wendy knew she wasn’t in the place to throw a tantrum when she had initially approached Irene Bae with an ulterior motive but she couldn’t help but feel a bit…angry. She genuinely considered her a friend after all. “See? You still talk to me in honorifics. I’m not allowed to call you ‘unnie’. You don’t even refer to me as your friend. Why is that?”


No use. Wendy was on the roll. “You go all ‘Wendy-ssi’ and all of a sudden you say ‘Seungwan-ah’ like you’ve been calling me that all your life. You can’t do that. If you do…” she trailed off, stopping herself in time.

If you do, what am I supposed to feel?

She looked at the older girl, pent up frustrations finally showing themselves. Even the Wendy Son has her limits.

“Tell me, sunbae.” Without thought, she asked. Her knuckles turned white as she clenched her fist, crumpling the material of her shirt in her grasp. “What are we?”

The question sounded different. It could mean anything but no one would surely know. Things like those always made Wendy lose sleep and Irene Bae’s hobby seemed to be saying a lot of those.

(A part of her felt bad for feeling satisfied in making the other girl have a taste of her own medicine.)

Irene Bae mutely stared at her, stunned.

Wendy sighed, running her fingers through her hair. How uncharacteristic. She wasn’t the type to lose temper like that. She looked at the still baffled Irene Bae and smiled, feeling bad about her outburst.

(Ranting out to a helpless sick girl, just how cowardly could she get?)

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I just got carried away. Please forget about it,” she stood and walked to the door, “I’ll make you something to drink. What would you like?”


Wendy turned, stopping by the doorway. Guilt crept into her chest at the scrunched brows and downturned lips that read I’m sorry.

She grinned in reply, It’s okay.

“Brighten up. You look like a kicked bunny. You better finish the porridge or else I’ll make you drink something really healthy and bitter.”

We’re okay.

The frown eased, “You’re going to be the death of me,”

“So are you,”

Two could play this game.



Joohyun stared in disbelief at the green murky swirling liquid in her glass then to her squeaky clean bowl and back to the person who cooked up the poisonous concoction from hell.

“But I finished the porridge!” she whined. She rarely whines but she really didn’t want anything to do with that drink. No, she’s so not going to take a sip.

Wendy Son merely shrugged, “I can see that,”

Why this sly little rascal…

“You should keep your word!”

Wendy Son smiled sadly, “You shouldn’t believe in me too much,” she lowered her head.


Joohyun studied the younger girl, sensing the sudden shift of mood but the latter’s head was still hung low, purple fringe covering her face. She thought she might start crying so with a sigh, she brought the glass to her lips and prayed she won’t die.

“Bleargh… Ugh, yuck.”

Wendy Son looked up, eyes wide, “You…”

Joohyun finished the drink and scrunched up her face at the bitter taste, “My taste buds aren’t really working right now but this tastes, without doubt, terrible. Are you sure this will make me feel better and not worse?”

The younger girl laughed and Joohyun felt relieved to see the familiar smile, “You should be fine. I only concocted some belladonnas and nightshade.”

Joohyun stared, “Do you always make terrible jokes so casually?”

Wendy Son laughed again, taking the empty glass from Joohyun’s hand and placing it on the nightstand, “Can’t help it. I work with people who does, after all,”

Joohyun’s brows rose in surprise. She never knew Wendy Son had a job somewhere. “You work?”

The purple-haired girl looked petrified, “Oh, uh, I don’t? I never said I did…ha-ha-ha…,”

Joohyun watched her fidget nervously, narrowing her eyes at the telling movements, “But you just said you work with people who make terrible jokes casually, didn’t you?” she asked as innocently as she could, trying to hide the automatic glint in her eyes whenever she played detective.

 “Oh, did I?” Another forced laugh, “You must’ve heard wrong sunbae. Let me check your temperature,”

Joohyun opened to speak but Wendy Son stuffed it with the thermometer.

“I’ll wash the dishes,” the younger girl excused herself, hurrying out before Joohyun could say anything.




By the time Wendy returned to Irene Bae’s room after washing the dishes, the latter had already fallen asleep.

She plucked the thermometer out of the girl’s mouth and sighed again. Irene Bae really wasn’t getting any better. Wendy was about to place another damp cloth on her forehead when she noticed sweat beading, trickling down the side of her face. She’s sweating. That’s good. But I can’t let it dry up…

“Sunbae,” she carefully shook the girl awake, “Sunbae, wake up for a sec. You need to change your clothes.”

Slowly, Irene Bae opened her eyes, squinting, “What..?” she drowsily asked, voice cracking.

Wendy had to smile at the adorable expression, “You’re sweating. You need to wash up and change,”

“Oh. Yeah… okay…” the older girl sat up with Wendy’s assistance and stared off into space. When Irene Bae finally got a hold of herself, she shifted to stand. Wendy put a hand on her arm.

“What are you doing?”

Irene Bae gave her a confused look. The girl looked terribly pale. “I’m just going to get some clothes,”

Wendy shook her head, “Oh, no, no, no. I can do that. You stay there in bed.” she ordered, getting up, “It’s in this closet, right?”

“Wendy, I can do it myself,”

“I’m not letting you,” Wendy firmly replied and opened the cabinet, the pleasant scent of fabric conditioner that smelled so Irene Bae greeting her. She grabbed a random shirt that looked comfy enough, “Is this alright?”

“I told you, I can do it myself,”

“Is this alright?”

A sigh of resignation, “Yeah. Whatever.”

Wendy looked and sure enough, Irene Bae was scowling again. With a chuckle, she walked over and eased the knot on her forehead with a finger, the skin feverish against hers, “You’re going to get wrinkles if you keep frowning like that,”

Irene Bae glared at her and swatted the hand away, “You’re going to get wrinkles if you keep smiling like that,”

Wendy laughed as she wrung the wet cloth, water dripping back down to the basin, “Then we’re both going to be wrinkly in the future,” she said, “Take off your clothes so I can wipe you down,”

The older girl stared at her, “Son Seungwan, I can do that myself,” she tried to say in a firm tone but with her cold, it wasn’t that convincing.

Wendy ignored her, “Should I take your clothes off for you as well?”

“No. I am not a child,”

“Don’t worry. You can do the front and I’ll only do the back since you can’t possibly reach it properly.”

“I am flexible enough,” Irene Bae retorted, “I refuse to—” she suddenly coughed madly immediately prompting Wendy to hand her a glass of water and pat her back.

“You should really just be more agreeable, sunbae.” she said, already tugging on the hem of Irene Bae’s sweater, “Raise your arms,”

Irene Bae sent her another glare before huffing and raising her arms, “I am so going to kill you for this humiliation,”

Wendy gave her a look, “I look forward but you’re gonna have to recover in order to do that,” she successfully took the sweater off and neatly folded it, setting it aside. She reached for the cloth and looked at Irene Bae, hesitating.

Now, why the hell did she insist to wipe her down?

And how the hell could Irene Bae look like that even when she’s sick?

It wasn’t the first time Wendy saw her shirtless (though the first and previous encounter was brief). This shouldn’t be new. Besides, she was sick. Right. Her friend is sick and she’s there to offer help.

Take your mind out of the gutter, Son Seungwan.

“H-Hurry up and give me that, will you. It’s getting cold,” Irene Bae grumbled, cheeks flushed.

Wendy snapped out of it, “Oh, right. Sorry. Here,” she handed the cloth to the girl and kept her eyes fixated on the wall. She tried to regulate her breathing. Her heart was beating too fast. What the hell, Son Seungwan?

She cleared , “Tell me if you’re done,”

“What, can’t handle my—” whatever Irene Bae wanted to say was interrupted by another series of coughs. A glass of water was automatically offered. “Thanks. I’m done, I think,”

Wendy took the cloth and sat on the bed, “Turn around,” the older girl obeyed without much protest this time and she silently worked, trying not to let her mind wander to thoughts of milky porcelain skin.

“How did you even get sick?” she started a conversation to distract herself.

“Probably from being drenched in the rain,” Irene Bae replied, “My immune system is quite weak,”

Wendy hummed, making a mental note of that fact and running a list of healthy stuff she can make to improve the immune system.

“You should’ve showered before me,” she said, “I don’t get sick easily,”

The older girl scoffed, “Of course you don’t. I bet you eat all sorts of those disgusting healthy stuff,”

 “That’s true,” Wendy chuckled when the girl made puking noises, “I believe that health is important. Don’t you?”

“Of course I do,”

“Then take care of yourself better and let other people take care of you,” she finished wiping her back and proceeded to unfold the shirt she picked which she didn’t notice until then was the same shirt she wore the last time.

She made Irene Bae put her arms through the sleeves without much challenge but when she sat and tried to button the shirt, a hand gripped her wrist.

“I can do it myself,”

Wendy flicked her forehead softly, “Dummy. Let other people take care of you. Start with me as a practice,” she continued buttoning the shirt, ignoring the grip on her wrist that soon loosened and fell back down along with Irene Bae’s relenting huff.

“You’re impossible,”

“True but not as impossible as you,” she finished doing the remaining buttons, “There. Now—” she made a mistake of looking up, stopping abruptly as she met bespectacled eyes.

Her breath got caught and she could only stare with one thought in mind: Beautiful

Chocolate brown gazed at her behind round spectacles with an intensity that made butterflies erupt in her stomach, setting her blood on fire, causing her heart to race, tripping and stumbling over itself. She had trouble breathing, her hand unconsciously clenching the fabric of the girl’s shirt. What kind of sorcery..?

Irene Bae sneezed.

And just like that, the magic was broken.

Wendy quickly shot up from the bed to her chair, handing the girl tissues and hoping that the heat on her cheeks wasn’t as prominent as they felt.

“S-Sorry,” Irene Bae apologized, blowing her nose in the cutest way possible Wendy could not comprehend. She never considered blowing snot into tissues were cute until Irene Bae.

Wendy cupped her own flushed cheeks, Okay. This is not good.

She abruptly stood, “Maybe I should g—”

As if on cue, the phone on the nightstand rang. They exchanged looks before Irene Bae answered the call.

“Hello? Juhyun? Yeah, I’m doing fine. Oh, it’s okay, Wendy-ssi made porridge for me. Yes, she’s here with me.” she paused for a long time, listening to the caller with an annoyed expression before finally saying, “I’m not lying she’s really here.” she handed the phone to Wendy who raised her brows in question, “She wants to talk to you,”

“Oh.” Wendy took the phone, “Hello, Juhyun-unnie?”

“Wendy! Thank goodness. I thought the cabbage was bluffing.” the girl said, “I feel at ease now, knowing you’re with her. You know how stubborn she can get,”

“Yeah. She’s terrible,” Wendy smiled and Irene Bae gave her a raised brow, “When are you coming, unnie?”

A pause in the other line, “Um, about that…” she heard her sigh, “I’m so sorry, Wan, but can you please watch over Joohyun for tonight? Something came up at home and I can’t make it there…”

“Oh.” Wendy bit her lip and sighed, “Okay, I understand. I’ll take care of her,”

“Thank you! And I’m so sorry for troubling you, Wendy-ah.”

“It’s fine, unnie. It’s no trouble at all,”

“It’s just…Joohyun gets really delirious at night when she has flu. I can’t just leave that kid alone. Thanks for being there,”

Wendy looked at Irene Bae and raised a brow, unable to imagine a delirious Bae Joohyun. “It’s no problem, unnie,”

“Can you let me talk to Hyun?”

“Of course,” Wendy handed the phone to the older girl.

“What is it?” Irene Bae said and went silent for a long time, the other Juhyun probably telling her about the unexpected turn of events.

“Seo Juhyun, I am not a child,” the girl suddenly snapped, making Wendy flinch, “I can handle myself. I don’t need her or you to babysit me. Oh no, don’t you dare end the call—hey! Juhyun! Seo Juhyun!” she groaned and looked at Wendy, “You can leave, you know. You were about to anyway, weren’t you? You don’t have to obey her,”

Wendy shook her head, “I’m afraid I’m not going anywhere,”

“Great,” Irene Bae muttered, “Now I’m stuck here with you,”

Wendy ignored the pang of pain that statement brought, “Is that a bad thing?” she asked.

The older girl looked at her real serious and said, “Yes, it is,”

Wendy clenched her jaws. No, she can’t possibly mean that. It must be the fever. Sighing, she pushed Irene Bae back down on the bed, pulling the covers up to her chin and placing the damp cloth on her forehead, “Sleep, sunbae.”




In the wee hours of that night, Irene Bae’s delirious muttering and restless turning and tossing woke Wendy from her uncomfortable sleep on the chair beside the former’s bed.

“No…it’s not…he’s not…”

Wendy rubbed sleep from her eyes and moved to sit on the bed to check on her sick patient.


The expression on Irene Bae’s face surprised her. Her brows were knitted, eyes shut tight yet tears still managed to trickle down. Sweat beaded on her forehead yet she was trembling.

“I’m sorry…” Irene Bae muttered, another tear escaping her eye, “I…”

It was the first time Wendy saw the older girl that vulnerable. The sight broke her heart. Just what did she go through to be in such pain? Sighing, she decided to put an end to the torment by shaking the girl’s shoulder.

Irene Bae awoke with a gasp, shooting up from the bed and throwing her arms around Wendy, the impact almost sending the latter toppling down. The older girl’s temperature was alarmingly hot.

“Hush now, sunbae. It’s just a nightmare. Just a nightmare.” she whispered, putting her arms around the slim waist and caressing her hair.

Irene Bae didn’t reply, her shaking body and the wet patch on Wendy’s shoulder letting the latter know that she was crying. Wendy silently stayed there, letting her cry her heart out while she herself fought tears. She could feel the pain in every hiccup, the hurt in every sob. Just what was she dreaming about?

When Irene Bae finally calmed down and detached herself from her, Wendy helped her wipe her tears surprisingly without much struggle, the former letting her do so without a fight.

The girl’s eyes were puffy and bloodshot, her nose and cheeks red. Wendy tried to memorize the look. She had the feeling it was the first and last time she’d be seeing it with how closed off Irene Bae was and though she doesn’t want to see the girl in such a state again, it would put her at ease if she opens up about her problems just a bit.

Wendy then stood to get the washcloth she had put in the bathroom when a cold hand gripped her wrist tight. She was reminded earlier that day, when Irene Bae did the same thing.

“Yes?” Wendy asked.

Wide, teary eyes staring up at her wasn’t what she expected.

(They no longer reflected broken glass. They were broken glass itself)

“Don’t leave me alone,”

Wendy blinked, taken aback. She then patted the hand, “I’m just going to get a washcloth for you, sunbae,” she said with a smile, “I’ll be back. Promise.”

The grip didn’t loosen, “Promise?”

“Promise,” she pat the older girl’s head and went to get the washcloth and a fresh shirt from Irene Bae’s closet. “Can you wipe yourself down?”

Irene Bae crossed her arms around her body protectively, “No! It’s too cold! I don’t want to!”

Wendy stared at her blankly, “So this is what Juhyun-unnie meant.” she mumbled before wrestling Irene Bae for the buttons, “Sunbae…you need to change—ow! Hey! Don’t bite!”

After much struggle, Wendy finally took the shirt off, pinning both wrists against the wall with one hand while the other quickly wiped the girl down, not even having time to be embarrassed now.

“Okay now turn around so I can wipe your back,”

“I don’t want to! I’ll do it myself!”

“Yeah right.” Wendy mumbled, “Come on, sunbae. The sooner we finish this, the better. You’d be in a warm, comfy shirt. You said you were cold,”

Amazingly, Irene Bae obeyed and Wendy was reminded both of a seven year-old and a drunk. Maybe a seven year-old drunk. With Irene Bae’s looks, it wasn’t impossible. She looked like a seven year-old and she acted like a drunk.

“There.” she finally finished doing the buttons, “Now you can—”

Again, she made the mistake of looking up.

This time, their faces were much closer. It seemed like the older girl had leaned closer while she buttoned her shirt, watching her. Delirious or not, Irene Bae was still Irene Bae and she still had that weird effect that rendered Wendy’s brain useless and her bones into mush.

A cold palm cupped her cheek and she sharply inhaled involuntarily.

“You have beautiful eyes, Seungwan-ah. They’re my favorite shade of brown.” Irene Bae said in a low tone, her gaze making Wendy uncomfortable, “I wanted to tell you that earlier. I don’t know why I didn’t. Maybe I’m stupid,” she leaned in, nuzzling her face in the crook of Wendy’s neck, arms pulling her in close.

“As expected. Without fail you make me warm…”


“I like warm people, you know?”

And closer.

Wendy’s heart did gymnastic routines.


 “Y-Your fever’s too high. You’re delirious. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” she tried to pull away, “You should sleep, sunbae. You need to rest.”

But Irene Bae refused to let go. For someone with flu, she sure was strong.

(Or maybe Wendy just wasn’t trying her best to push her away)

“Can’t we just stay like this?” Irene Bae asked, her voice muffled and her breath tickling Wendy’s neck, sending shivers down her spine, “It’s so cold and you make me warm. Please?”

Wendy tried to push her away again, “But—”

Irene Bae tightened her hold, “Please, Seungwan-ah?”

She’s right. This is bad. This is really bad. This is terribly bad.

Wendy pushed her away with much force this time and got off the bed. Irene Bae watched her with wide questioning eyes.




Wendy lifted the covers and went in. She nudged Irene Bae with her elbow, “Scoot. You said you’re cold, didn’t you?”

Stunned, Irene Bae made space and Wendy settled in. She gently pulled the older girl down beside her, adjusted the covers so that it covered the latter well, not caring about herself since she wasn’t the one who’s sick. Besides, Irene Bae was burning. She wouldn’t need the blankets.

Automatically, the girl shifted closer, tucking herself under her chin, the scent that was so Irene Bae  wafting into her nose. Sighing, Wendy reluctantly put her arms around her and caressed the dark hair gently.

 “Sleep now, sunbae,”

She felt the girl nuzzle closer into her chest, “You’re so warm…” she could feel her smiling. Soon, Irene Bae’s breathing became even.

“Joohyun-unnie,” Wendy whispered with a light tap on her hip.

“Hmm?” came the drowsy reply.

“My name is Olaf,” she said, closing her eyes, “And I like warm hugs,”




Joohyun woke up to the familiar scent of vanilla.

Wait, what?

Her eyes flew open the instant the thought processed in her mind. Much to her relief, she was alone in her bed. Maybe it was her imagination. Her sheets can’t possibly have that scent. With her sensitive nose, she only knew one person with that distinct vanilla scent and there’s no way Wendy Son would’ve—

“Can’t we just stay like this?” her own voice sounded whiny even to herself, “It’s cold and you make me feel warm. Please?”

Holy .

Joohyun immediately bolted upright, the washcloth on her forehead falling down. Right. She was sick, though she felt much better now. Her temperature had gone down from the ninth ring of hell to the summer heat of August. It’s probably because of Wendy Son’s bitter concoction from hell, whatever that was.

(And maybe also because of the warmth she offered last night)

She could feel her cheeks color at the memory of Wendy Son slipping under the covers, cuddling her to sleep. And her behavior… God, her behavior. Why can’t she be a little more normal when she’s sick? It was embarrassing, though she could barely remember anything.

“Oh, hey, you’re awake early,”

Joohyun jumped at the voice and almost tumbled off her bed. In panic, she pulled the covers over her head. She can’t look at Wendy Son right now. Not after last night. How embarrassing…

“Uh, what are you doing?”

She felt a hand touch her shoulder. She flinched and immediately rolled away.

“Sunbae, you’re not still delirious, are you?”

Joohyun grimaced and muttered a curse. What the hell am I doing?

Clearing , she slowly pulled the covers off her and refused to look at Wendy Son’s amused expression, trying to keep her dignity intact. Her cheeks felt warm. She probably looked like a ripe tomato right now.

 “W-Why are you still here?” she asked, still unable to look at her.

“Because you’re still sick,”

“I’m not,”

“Uh-huh,” Wendy Son sat next to her, “That’s what you said yesterday too. But guess who felt cold last night?”

Joohyun’s cheeks flushed deeper. “Don’t tease me,” she hit Wendy Son’s arm, “I wasn’t in my right mind,”

The girl merely laughed and checked her temperature, “Hm, your temperature’s a lot better now,” she muttered but still made Joohyun bite on the thermometer just to be sure, she said.

Joohyun didn’t say anything as Wendy Son took the fallen washcloth until she took a whiff of the girl. Her signature vanilla was mixed by what smelled like Joohyun’s body wash and favorite fabric conditioner.

“That’s my sweater.” she noticed.

Wendy Son looked up, “Oh, right. I borrowed it from your closet since I had to shower earlier. Is that alright?”

She took long to respond. Seeing the younger girl wearing Joohyun’s clothes always felt weird. Now she discovered smelling her body wash on her felt weird too. Like how it felt when Wendy Son calls her ‘unnie’. A heart fluttering kind of weird.

“It’s…fine,” she finally managed.

Wendy Son grinned, “Thanks. I’ll just wash it and return it to you.” she paused, “Wait, where’s that hoodie I lent you a few days ago?”

Joohyun froze, remembering the hoodie she greedily kept in her other closet (and had been wearing to sleep) that she still hasn’t returned until now and doesn’t have any plans of returning it. It was far too comfortable, she reasoned, the fabric soft against her skin.

(And it carried Wendy Son’s scent, though it’s barely there now. The faint vanilla always calms Joohyun down)

“Look, I think it’s done,” Joohyun smoothly changes the topic, taking the thermometer out of .

Fortunately, Wendy Son’s attention was successfully diverted to the instrument. She looked at Joohyun with a smile, “Your temperature’s almost back to normal. That’s good.”

Joohyun’s nose caught a hint of seafood. It seemed to be from outside her room. The kitchen, perhaps? Her stomach grumbled. She’s famished.

“Did you cook something?” she asked.

“Oh, right! Yes, I did,” Wendy Son stood and offered her a hand, “Come on, I cooked you some seaweed soup for breakfast. You can wash up later. The soup might go cold. Are you okay with seaweed soup?”

“It’s fine,” Joohyun took the hand and the younger girl assisted her to the kitchen, making her feel like a sickly elderly.

“You are a sickly elderly,” Wendy Son said when Joohyun told her about it, earning a punch on the arm.

Joohyun’s eyes went wide when she saw her dining table filled with warm, real food. Some of the side dishes were brought by Juhyun, Wendy explained. It’s been so long since she’s had a homemade meal since she’s too busy to cook. She was reminded of her family back in Daegu and tried hard not to tear up, making a mental note to visit soon instead.

“This is delicious,” Joohyun said as she munched a piece of Korean pancake that the younger girl cooked.

Wendy Son watched her with a smile, “You like it?”

“Are you kidding? These taste amazing!” Joohyun honestly told her, “Seriously, why didn’t you take culinary instead?”

She only smiled and shrugged in reply.

 “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“Nah,” Wendy Son rested her cheek against her knuckles, smiling at Joohyun with those soft eyes, “I’m already full just by watching you eat,”

Joohyun scoffed despite the growing warmth on her cheeks. She fought a smile and lost, corners of her lips curving up against her will, “That is so cheesy,” she said with a laugh she couldn’t contain.

The purple-haired girl grinned, “And uncomfortable and creepy, right?”

“Exactly,” Joohyun agreed, still smiling, “But I think it’s cute,”

Wendy Son’s smile was wiped off with a look of bewilderment, “Wait, what? You find that pick-up line cute? Like, if some guy tells you that you’d actually like it?”

She thought of it and shivered, “Nah. It’s only because I find you cute,”


Joohyun laughed at the blank look on Wendy Son’s pink dusted face and stuffed a pickled radish inside her agape mouth.

“Eat. The food’s going to get cold.”

Wendy Son unfroze and started to munch, watching her with a confused frown, “Look, are you always like this with your friends?”

Joohyun paused and gave her the look.

“No. Of course not.”

(She never considered Wendy Son a friend.

“Tell me sunbae. What are we?”

Friends? More than friends? Maybe somewhere in between?

Joohyun wasn’t sure but Wendy Son had always been a woman in her eyes.)


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BlackVelvet_08 #1
Chapter 23: re-reading this again today.. i hope you're doing well author-nim 💙🩷
kingjj_ #2
Chapter 23: I want it to continue, I just found it last night and now I’m craving for more, if that doesn’t happen, at least I would take this as a great ending
Chapter 23: I'm curious about the continuation of the story. I hope you get the inspiration and motivation to finish this story soon 💙💖
Chapter 21: oh no 💔
Chapter 7: OMG my heart can not with the love of them both 😭😭
Chapter 2: cheers wendy, I'm curious about this storyline
TaeSicaDaisy #8
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if this story will be continued but I'm glad it "ended" this way. Still thank you for this beautiful story authornim
16 streak #9
Chapter 23: Rereading this awesome adorablefic!! Wish it was updated more. I love their chemistry so much they're soo cute. What a very well written fic. I miss it. I wonder what happen to author nim :( they didnt even acknowledged the featured
hope you are doing well author nim, we're still patiently waiting for your updates 😊