Can I Stay (Because I Kinda Have to Anyways since I don't know Where I am)?

My Magic is for You (But You Don't Need to Know About It) {DISCONTINUED please look @ "About Me" in profile for further info}

"Uh... hi."

"Hi to you too...?"

Kihyun curses (inside his head of course he's not saying all this stuff out loud there's children in the area) is rather myriad, sweating nervously at the tired man a few feet away from him. He looks down to Minhyuk shifting and staring at the stranger with his large, innocent eyes before his stomach grumbles.

"Does he want a snack...?" the stranger asks, returning the nine year-old's gaze before the latter quickly hides behind Kihyun, clutching onto the back of his shirt. He pats his nephew's head soothingly, answering, "Uh- y-yes please!"

The stranger pushes himself up and scratches the back of his head. He points with his free hand to the kitchen behind him, partially blocked by a counter, "There's some snacks if you want?"

"O-Oh- er- th-thank you!" the stranger starts walking lethargically around the counter. Kihyun carefully lays Changkyun onto the ground, taking off his jacket and folding it up for it to act as a pillow for the boy. He turns to Minhyuk- the boy looking frightened- and kisses the top of his head, "I'll be back with some snacks, okay? Watch over your little brother, please."

Minhyuk nods slightly, his figure still a bit stiff. Kihyun hurriedly follows after the man. They walk across the kitchen to a cabinet in the crook of the room, Hyunwoo opening it to reveal some bags of snacks randomly stuffed in, both kneeling to be on at eye level with the shelves.

It's not that hard to organize bags of snacks... Kihyun tries not to show how annoyed he is but his twitching eye betrays him.

"You know-"

"What?" yeah his voice betrays him too.

"I never got your name- nor your sons' names."

He blinks, nearly forgetting that although they unintentionally intruded someone's home, they have yet to get any formalities (or freaking out) in, "Oh... well, I'm Yoo Kihyun and they're not my sons, they're my nephews. The kinda shy one is Lee Minhyuk and the sleeping one is Im Changkyun- er- there was a divorce involved if you were wondering."

"Lee Hyunwoo. What kind of snacks does Minhyuk like?" Hyunwoo asks, shuffling through the bags.

"Preferrably ones with sweet potato," Kihyun answers, watching how Hyunwoo takes out a bag of sweet potato chips before scavenging for more. The constant shuffling and disorder does eventually get to Kihyun though, kneeling down and nearly shoving Hyunwoo out of the way in a fit or irritation, huffing, "If you organized this you wouldn't have to shuffle through this!"

"Sorry..." Hyunwoo mumbles awkwardly, watching from the side how Kihyun passive-aggressively moves the bags into order.

Kihyun only grumbles in response, still shoving and yanking bag out here and there before something shatters onto the ground, making both of them freeze. Their gazes slowly lower to the floor to the sight of a former glass salt shaker, the contents spilled out to the point of nearly camouflaging with the white tiles. Although this is suppose to be worried about, there's still a bit of leftover seething as Kihyun glares at Hyunwoo, "Did you really not organize your condiments from your snacks?"

Hyunwoo stutters a, "M-My bad... I just moved in so sorting is a bit..." His voice dies out with the glaring, instead sighing in defeat as he gets up, "I'll go find the dust pan and broom... I can feed Minhyuk too while I'm at it..."

His actions remind Kihyun of a bear that doesn't quite seem to have his life together, grabbing the sweet potato snack before waddling out. He takes a deep breath, gaze lingering back to the salt shaker as his conscious slowly recovers from his peeve about organization.

Oh gawd I just scolded the owner of a house for not being organized when I barged in on his unsuspecting normal human life in the first place... he groans quietly, immediately feeling slightly embarrassed but mainly guilty.

He takes a quick glance to the counter that his vision from the living room, Hyunwoo mumbling something to Minhyuk, before he quickly returns his gaze to the shattered salt shaker. He raises a hand over the general accident before drawing in the air with his pointer finger a precise image of a numberless analog clock in purple light. Kihyun raises his finger to push the minute hand counterclockwise, watching how purple runes run over the surfaces of the glass shards and salt pile.

Slowly but surely, the salt regathers into the general shape of the condiment container, glass following with to form arounding it, glass re-sealing again, the now reset-shaker floating upwards. He raises his right hand, the clock and runes quickly dissipating after he holds his left hand out underneath the glass shaker, dropping quickly into his prepared palm, placing the salt shaker onto the counter barely in time.

"Okay, I found the dust pan..." Hyunwoo blinks cluelessly at the spotless area.

Acting skills don't fail me now, he mentally took a deep breath as he pretends to still be annoyed like beforehand, "Dude, we don't need a dust pan to clean this cabinet. Have you actually organized before?"

And he just stands there, looking completely clueless and dazed, an awkward moment of silence drifting by before Hyunwoo could articulate, "Uh- I guess not... I'll just put this back then..."


When Hyunwoo looks back, Kihyun feels his ears slowly burning up at having attention like this. He could only really look away and mumble, "S-Sorry for acting so naggy... this is your house after all so I shouldn't have done that... and um- thanks for letting us stay for the day" and he nearly bites his tongue trying to fix that, "Er- I mean- s-s-th-thorry for the intruthion but c-can we thtay over?"

He looks up and is surprised to see that Hyunwoo is smiling (a feature he didn't think was possible with such a stoic and lethargic-like man), "It's okay. I mean I'm not use to living by myself yet so it's fine." Kihyun thinks that as he's staying here he should really teach Hyunwoo how to organize and be wary of strangers, especially if they appear inside his house out of nowhere.

"I'll put this back now," Hyunwoo says while leaving the kitchen.

Kihyun pauses before lightly slapping himself on the face.

"Thtupid lithp..."

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Chapter 2: Ooh I loved this! Showkii ♥♥
Chapter 2: kihyun's lisp is the cutest thing...