lonely together


"i might hate myself tomorrow, but i'm on my way tonight." — lonely together, avicii ft. rita ora. songfic.


wenrene songfic based on this beautiful cover. 1k words.

i wrote last night as a writing exercise, so it's very short. read and leave a comment :)



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Favebolous 12 streak #1
I read it, didn't forget to vote. I also check whether it has been commented, ah it seems not yet. Because this story is very painful but also beautiful
Chapter 1: Heart wrenching but another great story!
Chapter 1: I'm speechless.. why they had to do that!!..
Eririn #4
I don't know what to say except that this was so beautifully written and once again my heart ached with the situation they are in. I can't help but wonder who things would turn out if one of them spoke up about how they felt. The ending leaves me wanting more. Sort of like a closure I guess of what's to come. I guess I can only try to conjure up a continuation in my dreams.
Chapter 1: how sad ;(
weninkorea #6
Chapter 1: This hurts my heart a lot. Nice job author!
a21afa12a #7
Chapter 1: Heartbreaking at its finest. Great job
16 streak #8
Wan bb I'm so sad for her! Irene girl you're not doing anything good don't let your 5 year relationship ends into something more tragic and toxic This would just broke them in the end especially for Wan! I want a sequel too but I have a feeling that it would not be good for my heart :( and also I love that song!
Chapter 1: This hit a bit too close to home. .-. I didn't think you'd post it that fast LOL

I'm still going to /insert Say No to This/

Emotions eat us alive-specifically-fear. They're trying to hold on to the smallest part selfishly because of loneliness which has then taken its roots and stemmed a very...unhealthy form of friends with benefits(not exactly that kind but it can apply?)Irene is excluding the possibility that the reason can't only be the, "she can't say no to her friends."

But yeah, fear is often the barrier between people which then prompts actions that could either make or break you and other people. I'm sure that the friends are also affected and that it's not only joohyun and seungwan hurting but them too.

(Forgive me for this comment because I did it when my mind was aloof LOL rewrote 1234567)
Chapter 1: It's horrible, to be trapped in a relationship with 'needs' rather than 'wants'. It makes me once again wonder about the argument 'if you love someone, you can't live without them' vs 'you can survive alone, but you'll still want that person anyway'.

You mentioned explicitly in Seungwan's pov that they both don't love each other anymore so I guess what's keeping them from moving on are the loss of sense of familiarity and fear of being left behind as one of them moves on. Both can be components of love, but they don't necessarily spell love.

This is a short but very powerful read, you're amazing, as always. I kinda wish there's a sequel so I can get an answer whether what they feel is love or fear but this by itself is very thought provoking. I'm glad you wrote this. Here's hoping for more writing exercise from you!