



“No.” A single word repeatedly said by one man sitting on the sofa, with an annoyed look thrown at everyone gathered around him.

“Hyung. But this is your wedding.” Another male with blond hair pouted as he tried to convince the other to reconsider his choice. “Joonie hyung would love to make it big, right?” He added, turning to the other man who sat beside the first.

“Well…” Namjoon glanced between the annoyed man and the blond haired man. “I agree with Yoongi.” He said, looking at the still pouting man. “It’s actually unnecessary to make it so.. grandiose.”

Jimin, the blond haired man, whined at the answer. “Why? This is a special occasion which only happen once in a lifetime.” Turning to the first mentioned man, Jimin accused. “Yoongi hyung. You just don't want to meet lot of people, right?”

For the first time since the discussion started, Yoongi replied with “Yes.”

Jumping to stand up position, Jimin pointed his finger at the older who leaned back comfortably on the sofa. “I know! You hear him, Joonie hyung!”

“Yeah, I hear him. But I still agree with him, though. I want to keep it simple.” Namjoon kept his cool look as he nodded along with Jimin’s words and said his opinion. Yet the stare he gave to Yoongi clearly requesting for some explanation.

After that and some more convincing, the group came to an agreement of holding the wedding in a not that big sized venue and they would invite only 500 people. Separating on their way to their own tasks for the wedding -they decided to prepare everything by themselves and not using professional helps-, Namjoon stuck to Yoongi as they went to find their clothing.

“Hyung. What do you mean when you answered to Jimin?” Namjoon asked with his hands stuffed the pockets of his jacket.

Not looking at Namjoon, Yoongi took his time only to answer with a question of his. “Why don't you want it big?”

Understanding that Yoongi wouldn't answer unless he answered first, Namjoon shared his thought. “Well, I don't see the need to really invite tons of people for the reception and spend so much money for only three hours long party. We still got long future beyond the wedding.”

Looking back expectantly at Yoongi, Namjoon waited patiently as the older frowned. If anyone who didn't really understand seeing them like that, they might had thought that they were arguing over something. But for Namjoon who had known the older long enough and in a special relationship with him, he knew exactly what's actually inside that head. It was Yoongi’s thinking look, not just thinking but almost pondering.

Yoongi was known for his almost silent treatment to anyone. At their first meeting, Namjoon thought that it was him plainly ignoring everyone, yet as they got to talk occasionally every now and then -from the simplest and silliest things to the most complicated and excellent things- the younger finally caught what was hiding behind those silence.  It was thoughtfulness.

Yoongi always took everything in carefully as he listened to other people talking around him. Always watching over everyone sharply like a hawk who was about to catch his prey. He gathered information from everyone and used them for himself and those he deemed worthy to be kept. He could attack as fierce as a lion, as brutal as crocodile, as sleek as a snake to those who wronged him. Yet he would protect those he held dear to him, just like a mother bear over her cubs.

“You know..” Yoongi started and it led Namjoon’s wandering attention to the shorter male. “Most of my reasoning are all the same with yours.”

“And..?” Namjoon tried when Yoongi hadn't continued his word even after they had passed a block of stores.

Namjoon also knew that behind all the seriousness and strong charisma Yoongi had, the older preferred to take some matters slowly. Hoseok ever called him a sloth while Jungkook often called him a grandfather because of his lack of enthusiasm and energy when doing something. Namjoon couldn't agree more about it, yet he noticed after some observation that Yoongi -albeit always taking matters seriously and giving them his best-, he knew how to differentiate them between ones which needed his immediate or urgent attention and ones which didn't need him to have anything to do with. Yoongi knew whether he had to intervene or not.

“Just like what Jimin said that this is a special occasion, it's special for the two of us and I want to share it only with special people. That's all.” Hearing it, Namjoon’s lips stretched wider and happily he dragged Yoongi to walk faster.

The short month went by so fast as they prepared from A to Z for the wedding.

Both the Mins and Kims, had agreed that the wedding would be held in late spring. Not too cold for outdoor activities, yet warm enough to enjoy the still blooming flowers without too much layers of clothes.

Jin –who said that white was so overdone for wedding party-, after myriad amount of fitting, chose simple ivory colored tux for the couple; combined with black shirt which had some small silver studs decorating the collar paired with plain white tie for Yoongi and white dress shirt plus black tie with red motif for Namjoon.

Hoseok, who suggested that they should held modern relaxed party, helped with catching the band for the party, making sure that they could provide the sweetest melody yet still in both Namjoon’s and Yoongi’s preference range.

Jimin who was in charge of finding the venue, after Namjoon shared Yoongi’s thought with the dancer, agreed to decrease the number of guest down to 150 and got them nice medium sized hall with open garden completed with delicious buffet and fresh beverage which would satisfy them all.

Taehyung, inspired by the color of the couple's tux, choose ivory for the dominant color of the decoration with gold and red roses filled the big standing bouquet as the centerpiece and striped black-white ribbon for the finishing of said bouquet.

Jungkook was the one who designed the invitation card. Using the same theme color, ivory, for the base, he chose glossy red for the curved style words on it.

With the help from many people, the reception goes smoothly; and without too much people gathering, the joined family can mingle easily with each other as the non-family guests are mostly the couple's friend and colleagues.

Jin is talking and laughing with Namjoon’s family, probably sharing some jokes over their lunch. Hoseok and Jungkook has started their lunch piles while Jimin and Taehyung are busy making funny faces which makes Namjoon’s baby niece laugh.

Among them, Yoongi and Namjoon are standing side by side, hand holding onto each other as they absorb the happy atmosphere of their families. Laughing softly, the newlyweds turn to look at each other. No word is shared between them as it is not needed. Just a soft glance and affectionate stare, they both understand each other that they don't wish for better wedding party.

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