It’s You.

Time To Love
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*11200 words to make up for the absence :) Enjoy. 




“Won’t you quit it?” An indescribable grunt surfaces through the cafeteria, capturing the attention of a few passerbys.


Jihyo– being one of the behaved ones in the group –gives a meek smile, apologizing on her friends’ behalf.


“You’re spoiling her rotten, Minari. She has her own pair of hands, you know.” Sana follows through, frowning as she stabs her piece of steak repeatedly. Her Japanese best friends have been quite an eyesore lately, and she does not think she can handle any more.


Momo is quick to smirk, responding with a snarky “Oh, she knows.”, humming in delight as she continues to munch on the given piece of meat.


On the verge of projectile vomiting, the second oldest of the Japanese line murmurs in her native language.


“ing choke.”


“Perhaps you wouldn’t be such a miserable single– or single in general for that matter –if you had only watched your sailor mouth.” Momo triggers on, sticking her tongue out in mockery before sweetly turning to the direction of her lover, who is diligently cutting a piece of vegetable. With a fond smile and sickeningly lovesick aura, Momo gives the perfect locks a gentle ruffle. “You might catch someone cute as my little penguin over here.”


Sana doesn’t bother suppressing an eye roll. “Ha. Ha. Very funny, loser. Excuse me, but my face alone is enough to have any guy begging on their knees to go on one date with me.” She makes a face of blatant exaggeration; though the group unanimously agree that what the Japanese had said is a mere fact – narcissistic sounding or not.


“Pretty face, rubbish attitude.” Momo disapprovingly shakes a head in fake disappointment.


Her same-aged best friend does not hesitate in holding back; glaring intently at the elite dancer. “Shut up – I swear to God, Mo.”


“I refuse to be silenced–” Momo’s argument is quickly cut off by Jeongyeon’s sudden interruption.


“Okay, that’s enough nonsense for today, kids. The great Nayeon Im has an important announcement to make… apparently, I’m not sure.” Mina, who is sitting beside the short-haired History major, hears the faint mumble which then elicits a tiny inaudible giggle in her.


The two bickering friends are quick to stop before looking at each other with a shared telepathic gaze. With widened eyes, they question in sync – half screeching in the process. “Are you pregnant?”


The rest of the group ends up mirroring the exact same expression of unamusement. They do not expect anything less from their clique’s blockheaded members.


Sana almost misses the subtle glance of Nayeon’s eyes over Jeongyeon, scanning the younger briefly before returning her attention towards the foreign best friends. “No, I am most definitely not pregnant, thank you very much.”


The idiotic twins simultaneously breathe a heavy sigh of relief. “Thank God. You would be a pretty horrible mother.”


“You two can screw off, I happen to love kids.” The theatre major defends.


“Quit distracting Nayeon, you fools.” Jihyo lectures, wanting to bring the unsaid news into focus again. “What was it you wanted to talk to us about?”


“Oh yes, of course. About the musical–” Nayeon starts, which receives a low bleat from Jeongyeon. “Shut up Jeong, you’re coming. Anyway, change of plans this year. Instead of everyone coming in one day, I’ve decided to split you up so at least one of you attends per show. It gives me someone to meet at the end of each performance.”


The crowd gives a blank stare, which had only urged Nayeon to continue. Such rash and dictatorial behaviour is expected of the older, so no one bothers protesting anymore.


“Okay, so listen up because I’m not repeating it again. Jihyo, you’re up for Tuesday night – opening night – since I know you’re busy all the other days,” She then turns to the couple, “Mina and Momo, you’re in for Wednesday. Sana for Thursday and Jeong for Friday, the last night. This is a non-negotiable, people. You’re coming if I have to drag you in.” She dramatically finishes her announcement with three hard smack on the wooden table, like a finalization gavel in court. “Any questions?”


Sana raises a hesitant hand.


Nayeon nods to her direction, as a gesture of acknowledgment.


“Uh– can you lend me another ticket for Thursday?”


The student actress raises a skeptical brow. “Why?”


“I have a friend who is a big fan of Cats and u-um, wants to go…” Sana’s bashfulness is unexpected, and Nayeon is not sure whether to question some more or simply brush it off.


She decides to be neutral; going with a question that is not probing but a question nonetheless. “You can buy some from the Theatre building administrators.” Nayeon stretches a smirk, clearly teasing.


Sana is swift to shake a head. “ off, those things are a scam. Twenty bucks for a ticket? My !”


Nayeon chuckles in a healthy mixture of offence and amusement. The Japanese isn’t wrong, truthfully. “Excuse us for needing compensation money for all the props and outfits needed. Our ticket price doesn’t seem to matter anyway, since they always sell out. ”


The younger rolls her eyes at the excuse. She is still unwilling to charge Dahyun an unreasonable amount of dollars for a musical – more so, when she can snatch some for free. “Can I get some or no?”


“Depends on who it is.” Actually it doesn’t. They all know that Sana is basically guaranteed front row tickets the moment she asked; but Nayeon is curious. This is the first time Sana had ever asked for such a favour regarding a friend.


“You don’t know them.” Is all the oldest gets.


“Are they cute?” The musical actress grins, bobbing her eyebrows playfully.


Sana seemingly used to her friends’ annoying antics, shrugs. “Who knows?”


“I bet they’re super cute. Introduce me!” Nayeon squeals in obvious giddy. The popular Japanese is not one to lie; so to give such a vague answer, The former knows that the response is already clear as day.


“Right in front of my salad? The audacity!” Jeongyeon protests, like the meme lover that she is.


The rest of the group acts like they did not hear a thing. “I’ll give you a ticket but in exchange, you have to bring your friend backstage after the show.”


Sana swallows a clump of vibrating nerves buzzing in . “Let me ask first… They don’t particularly enjoy socializing.” She feels Jihyo’s investigating stare but Sana chooses to avoid paying any mind.


“Sattang’s friend is cute.” Momo weighs in – which is odd since she has never met Dahyun. “Different from us, or her other friends but super cute.”


Sana snaps at her best friend, displaying an incredulous look. “How would you know?”


“My gut feeling says so.” She answers seriously, earning a chuckle from Jeongyeon.


“I’m pretty sure that ‘feeling’ you speak of, is just from all the food you’ve eaten.” The popular short-haired girl crush giggles, making Mina laugh as well.


“Wha– babe, you’re supposed to be on my side.” Momo then pouts, lightly shoving her girlfriend by the shoulder.


Mina waves a hand in a weak apology. “My bad, but It’s not like Jeong is wrong either.”


“We can never stick to one topic, can we?” Jihyo, being the unspoken leader of the group settles everyone down, as usual. They all focus their attention on her; always attentive when it comes to their little president. “Anyway, you heard Nayeon – no one misses her show, or I will personally do the honours of beheading you. I don’t care what your excuse is, this musical is a big deal. I’m looking at you, Yoo. Your better show up twenty minutes early, I swear–”


Jeongyeon stands up immediately, feeling wronged by the assumption. “What are you targeting me for? I’m always early for Nayeon’s whatever thingies.”


“False. You were exactly eleven minutes later than everyone else last time… and for what? A popcorn. You queued in a line for fifteen minutes for some kettle corn.” Jihyo argues.


“This betrayal– You ate half of it!” The tall blonde whines with childishness. It is truly amazing how such a kid at heart is actually the second oldest of the group.


The Japanese girls just watch with the identical mirrored expressions: a look of absolute adoration. They had travelled all the way to a different country for studies but it was all worth it considering they have met the best people they ever could.


With Sana’s ticket long forgotten, the gang bickers all through lunch.




“Would you be my love? Say yeah.” Dahyun quietly sings along as she attempts to play the song on her keyboard. Possessing enough accumulated skills to play the mellow melody by ear, she plays around with the keys for a while, trying to figure out the proper sequence.


If there is one secret that Dahyun is guilty of, it would be binge-listening to her favourite Korean artist’s discography on repeat: Twice. It is a dangerous pleasure she simply cannot dismiss. Anytime, any place where the young royalty is alone, it is almost unquestionable that her playlist comes along as well.


Chaeyoung has called her out for such a nerdy secret. The youngest child of the Kim royalty has seen, listened, fangirled over every Twice event known to men. Lucky enough for her, they had just returned with a fifth mini album, and Dahyun is obsessed. She had happily bragged about it to her younger friend but Chaeyoung simply states that her favourite western artist Pentatonix has returned with another cover as well, and she is preoccupied with that.


Dahyun would call the younger a music geek, but she knows that it would be hypocritical to do so.


“Why are my thoughts filled with you? I just don’t get it, why did it have to be you?” She lightly hums as her fingers slowly get the hang of the song, now working in a perfect harmony with her mind. “I want to call you on the weekends, why is there no answer? What in the world are you doing?”


She is nearing the chorus when a certain ringtone suddenly blares all across her room. Pausing her current task, she takes a look at the colour. Her eye roll is automatic, groaning a little before swiping her thumb across the screen.


“What brings this call, oaf?”


“Greetings to you as well, my dear sister.” A familiar – too familiar –deep voice emerges from the other line, eliciting an even louder grumble from the younger. “I am calling because I have some time to spare, and no better one to irritate than my own flesh and blood.”


“And what made you assume that I am available as you are? If you have forgotten, I am attending a University now, Taehyung. I am way too preoccupied to entertain your nonsense.” She misses him a little, but she would rather suffer through fifty royal balls – a traditional dancing celebration that she loathes with a passion –than express a form of affection to the irksome crown prince.


“The curriculums covered in freshman year are those that have been privately taught to children of elite status exactly two years prior, Dahyun. Even I know that.” He states with precise knowledge. Taehyung is not academically idiotic, he simply acts a fool – on purpose, if he may add. “I had just finished my archery practice and called to ask several things.”


“Which are…?” She trails, waiting for the incoming questions. The Princess would be lying if she says that she is not the least bit nervous. Taehyung’s questions have never been the normal type.


“Have you come across a cute maiden yet?” He chuckles, playful and obnoxious.


“You called to ask that?” She gasps in exasperation. “You really are an idiotic Prince.”


Her fruitful reaction seems to have only triggered his laughter further.


“Pardon me for being curious about my sister’s life outside the palace. Perhaps you have started getting to know someone already. With a face like mine, I bet the ladies are gathering.” Dahyun had never officially confessed her uality to her brother (if there is anything to admit in the first place), but for some reason, he knew and had confronted his sister about it. Surprisingly, he was very indifferent about the concept. In fact, it had only worsened his teasing regarding her relationship status. “Kidding aside, I was simply wondering if the speech advices I had given were helpful. Did you manage to make a few acquaintances?”


His guidance indeed worked, with a high rating of success. Taehyung’s verbal etiquette has done the impossible of decreasing Dahyun’s severe stammer quite drastically; it is the main reason why her once jumbled words were ironed straight.


The reason why she was able to converse with Sana smoothly.


“It did, actually.” She answers with plain honesty. “I have managed to befriend two students, which is two more than what I had aimed for.”


“I am happy to hear that you are settling well. So, returning to my previous topic of interest… Did you manage to woo any woman’s heart?”


“No, I did not. Neither am I considering the thought, Taehyung.” Dahyun replies with a serious tone, which earns a roar of disapproval from her brother, His Highness.


“You have got to be toying with me, Tofu princess. Mother and Father did not forbid you from having some fun. They merely forbade you from risking the family reputation by acting rashly, not once had they mentioned any restrictions on kissing.”


Dahyun is close to hanging up on the idiotic prince. “Kissing a casual maiden falls under the category of rash behaviour, halfwit oaf.”


“Then treat her for a meal or two. For heaven’s sake my dear sister, put those years of practiced chivalry to use.” He is whining now, a tad frustrated by the princess’ stubborn righteousness. “Please do tell me that you are – at the very least – engaging in some compelling activities.”


“If you consider seeing a University musical quite appealing, then the statement is probable.”


“If you are seeing it with either Chaeyoung or Yerim then my approval is denied until further notice.” He kids.


She internally face palms at the dramatic behaviour. “No, neither.”


“Are you seeing a musical with a new woman?” His tone is a little too excited that it irritates Dahyun.


She disgruntled audibly. “Yes, and her name is Sana.”


The youngest of the royal family can practically imagine his maddening smirk as he speaks, “A maiden of foreign blood, I see. Is she bewitching? On a rating of one to ten, where does she stand?”


“Mother would surely be proud of hearing such degrading comments escaping the future King’s mouth.” The younger retorts sarcastically, unwilling to answer such a question from her blockhead of a brother.


“Speak for yourself, Princess.” He scoffs in light mockery. “I am almost certain that you take notice of Sana’s looks.”


She does, along with the rest of the campus.


“Why is this meaningless conversation still going? I have three musical sheets in need of memorization, and seeing as this talk is still heading nowhere anytime soon… Goodbye.” She hangs up without waiting for any further comments.


Taehyung sure is annoying.


Even more so when he is right.




“I got us tickets to Thursday’s musical show!” An adorably giddy Sana comes running towards their usual spot the day after her mini ticket banter with Nayeon.


The field bench is no longer just Dahyun’s haven, but a secret sanctuary that she now shares with the Japanese girl.


Dahyun’s smile is automatic, her adrenaline suddenly shifting on high.


“Really? How much? I did not carry my wallet with me, but I would have the money by tommo–” He is quickly interrupted by the older girl.


“It’s free, silly. Nayeon’s friends are guaranteed free passes.”


“But Nayeon and I are not even acquainted...” The four-eyed bashful boy responds in a timid voice.


“You and I are friends. She had no problem with it, just one little favour from you…” Sana trails, observing the slight rise of his left eyebrow. “She would like to meet you after the show to ask for verbal feedbacks, I’m assuming.”


Sana sees the hesitance in his eyes. She is about to protest when he nods in confirmation, eyes fixated on the floor. He tends to do that often – look down at his feet as if they were the most interesting subjects there is. “That much is alright, I suppose.”


“You really are anti-social, aren’t you?” Sana probes.


Dahyun is not. In fact, she rates well on the sociable scale; high enough to be considered a social butterfly. Perhaps it were due to never ending social practices in her teens, or maybe it is just her talkative, bright nature. Either way, Dahyun is not shy at all, she is actually quite shameless.


But Sana does not have to know, because male student Dahyun perceives himself as a quiet boy who keeps to himself.


“Something along those lines… I am not very good with strangers.” Another lie. She is amazing at dealing with foreign figures; Dahyun and Taehyung are basically built to interact with other elites.


“You don’t have to meet her, you know. You can leave right after and I’ll explain. Nayeon is dramatic but she is not unreasonable.” The older explains, hoping to ease the Korean’s mind.


“It’s alright; your friends seem to be an interesting bunch. Well, I have only met Jihyo and I fancy her a lot.” With his head still hanging low, Sana notices that his hair has grown longer since the day they had met. She is usually repelled by unkempt, long hair on men but it surprisingly looks decent on Dahyun. The semi-long, parted jet black hair kind of suits him.


Sana also becomes aware of the lone beauty mark on his neck, one that she had missed the previous times before. She seems to have been noticing numerous things about Dahyun lately.


“Nayeon is nowhere near Jihyo’s level. Judging by her major, you can probably infer that she’s a little theatrical– No, scratch that. She is very threatric. Loud and obnoxious, but she is kind nonetheless. One of the most passionate girls I’ve met.”


“She sounds like a party.” Dahyun giggles, soft and pleasant. He then turns to Sana, finally meeting her eyes. The movement of his slightly scruffy fair is oddly distracting and Sana felt herself daydream for a short moment. “Jihyo has texted me about her before, and she seems quite fun.”


Sana’s plump lips suddenly forms a pout at the information – which then brought a great confusion in Dahyun’s mind. Did she say the wrong thing?


“Speaking of that, this friendship has been going for months but you have yet to give me your number. I heard that Jihyo started texting you on the second day of meeting… That’s unfair Dahyun.”


The latter laughs at the pettiness. He laughs for three solid minutes, unable to form any coherent words; but when he finally did, he takes the time to explain. “She asked for my number.”


“You could have been shameless and asked for mine.” Her pout continues to bloom, sulking further. “You are lucky I’m asking for yours; I never ask for anyone’s number – they ask for mine.” Uncalled for but she brags. “My number is always on demand.”


“Alright, Alright. My apologies. I’m not much of a texter, that is why.” He waves a hand, but the serene smile on his lips remain. “You must have been offended that I was not on my knees begging for the royal Sana Minatozaki’s phone number, right?” He teases, causing an embarrassed squeal from the girl as blood briskly rush to her face. She continuously tries to land a punch on his clothed arm; an active way of releasing her mortification.


“Ungrateful.” She scoffs but she too is stretching a tiny smile. “Give me your phone. It is probably collecting dust from the lack of messages.”


“Ouch. That hit a nerve.” Dahyun flicks a finger on Sana’s arm – an immature, unlady-like act of fuss that she often uses on Yerim. “I get messages…”


“Your mom doesn’t count.” Sana cackles boisterously, grabbing the device from his hands. She continues to giggle as she types in her digits, lightly tossing the item on his lap after.


She consistently feels extra annoying around Dahyun, and he never seems to mind. Though she hates to admit, Sana loves it; way more than she should. It is a very refreshing type of feeling. She loves bickering with her friends as well, but with Dahyun it’s a little different.


It must be the mysterious aura he carries.


Or perhaps it is the fact that Sana does not particularly associate herself with men, so being with Dahyun is a whole new world of its own.


She has never been this comfortable with a guy before.


“You are secretly a little devil, aren’t you?” Dahyun laughs along, unbothered by the insult. Growing up with a cousin like Yerim, the former had grown to accept such savage remarks; slanders often thrown left and right. “How surprised would your admirers be when they find out that their little perfect princess is actually evil?”


“Oh shut up. They mostly like me for my looks anyway, so I’m sure such a thing does not matter to them.” Sana gives a solemn look, though her lips are still stretched into an enchanting smile.


“For what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty average.” Dahyun grins, clearly joking.


The older snorts a chuckle, hitting him once again. “I thought you were going to call me pretty, I can’t believe you really added ‘average’.”


“It’s not so bad, to be honest. You can join me; we can be bland together.” The four eyed boy humours.


“Is that supposed to comfort me somehow, Mister Normal?” Imitating his previous act of flicking her arm, she aims for his cheek.


It is out of ordinary and totally unlike her but affectionate touches with Dahyun is comfortable and almost natural. He seems to feel the same because he targets her forehead next, taking revenge.


“Who knows? I am only stating an opinion. Being considered ordinary can be refreshing sometimes. Everyone around are always trying to outdo each other, so it is quite nice to see a change. The glamorous life isn’t all that.” He is speaking as if he knows something that no one else does, it catches Sana off guard.


His words hit home for her, striking a heart string harshly. Students often put Sana up on a pedestal, viewing the Junior student as if she were born with everything perfect – no flaws whatsoever. They are wrong, so wrong. She has many insecurities, like everyone else in the universe.


Sana dislikes her laugh; the way it squeaks just a little too high to be considered pretty. The way her cheeks seem to puff when she wakes up from a short slumber. She hates how easily her weight seem to fluctuate. Oh how nice it would be if she were musically competent, but that is not possible; Sana and musical instruments happen to be star-crossed. She is nowhere near perfect, which repeatedly makes her feel unworthy of the overwhelming popularity. Occasionally, she wonders how life would be like if she weren’t the popular girl, but simply ‘the dedicated English major student, Sana’.


Dahyun is spot on. The labels and reputation are more burdensome than it is rewarding.


Sana has always been one to dissipate any uncomfortable feelings relating personal matters, so it is only natural that her first instinct is to crack a joke. “What a man of wisdom you are, Dahyun-kun.”


He grins at the compliment, his eyes curling and pearly set of small teeth shining brighter than the afternoon sun. “Thanks, I got it from my Mother.”


“You are literally the softest guy I have ever met.” The Japanese finally voices out her internalized thought of a long time. Dahyun cannot be real. What kind of a guy is that soft? He appears even mushier than Sana.


“Really? It must be my new body soap. It says on the label that it is supposed to make me soft and smooth.” His eyebrows wiggle childishly.


Sana flashes a bored expression. Unwilling to tolerate his kiddish sense of humour. “Don’t be a smartass, you knew what I meant.”


The boy in a comfortable gray hoodie just gives a lazy shrug of acknowledgment.


Unable to stop her lips from spilling curiosities, Sana could not help but ask. “What other soft traits are there about you?” To her, he seems to be the type of guy who is an overall softie.


Soft hearted, warm, and reserve.


“Um, I play piano… if that counts?” His eyes tremble a little.


“It counts.” Sana allows a smirk to escape.


“Don’t be mean, I’m a piano performance major – It is quite literally my job.” Dahyun defends.


“You major in piano performance?” The Japanese girl gasps in shock. Never in a million years would she have guessed the fact.


He nods slowly, seemingly small and red-faced. Another thing Sana noticed: Dahyun’s aura seems to constantly change. He becomes confident just as quickly as he is sheepish. “Y-Yeah… nerdy, right?”


Sana is unable to stop her face from scrunching in judgement. “But why?”


“Well, for starters, my Mother and Father are very dedicated on making me the next Yiruma, whatever that means. I grew up listening to classical music, so it is not too weird for me, I guess? This path, I mean.”


The older blinks for a second as she takes the time to absorb his explanation. Once she does, her eyes find his as she says, “You really are a softie…”


“You would not be saying that once you hear me play. Classical melodies are solemn, detailed, and remarkably meaningful; it is not exactly soft.” Dahyun stares into Sana’s eyes with such determination, certainty and confidence. It almost made her forget that he is a very gentle guy.


Yet again with his inconsistent aura.


“I bet you’re all talk.” She challenges.


She could see his eye roll behind the slightly dirtied lens, making her cackle internally. He is just too cute, honestly. Dahyun quickly fumbles with his phone whilst fishing the pair of headphones from his pocket.


Placing an earbud close to Sana’s face, he says “Here. Put these on.”


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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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0 points #1
Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story