Orochimaru And Log


"Uncle Itachi is really cool!We spent only few hours together and I feel like if I have known him for years!" Sarada said happily, it was lunch time and kids were chatting that's when Sarada told them about how Sasuke returned home with Itachi "Yeah,uncle Itachi is really cool.He taught me how to control my Ninjutsu" Mitsuki said making everyone go silence..."True I heard from dad that you have lightening Ninjutsu,I thought there was some kind of mistake" Mitsuki shook his head at what Shikadai said "It's true,I can use lightning Ninjutsu and Itachi-san showed me how to control it.But mother told me to not use it unless it's necessary,my body is not used yet to that kind of power" hearing this crashed Boruto's hopes "So you can't show it to us?!Awwww whyyy?!" 

"I heard you are capable of using Ninjutsu Mitsuki-kun,can you show us?" Udon said in the middle of his class making Boruto almost jump off his seat, Mitsuki went to the front of the class then faced his classmates "If I were you I would be under my desk by now"when they heard this all the students went under their desks and waited. The light blue haired boy raised his hand slowly and once he closed his hand into a fist yellow electricity started coming from his hand,it was small at first but then it got bigger,and once he opened his hand a small ball of lightning went straight through the wall then exploded.
None really cared about the big hole in the wall because they were busy clapping amazed even Udon "That was amazing Mitsuki!" The teacher said making the boy smile "Thank you sensei"

After going to their favorite fast food,wrried about their friend,Boruto and Shikadai decided to walk Mitsuki home even with his protests,at least if he was attacked again he won't be alone "See you tomorrow Mitsuki!Sleep well!" Boruto yelled as he waved to his friend who smiled and waved back

It seems like Karin still didn't get over her boy being kidnapped because she was sitting by the door waiting for him while holding the phone
"Karin onee-chan I'm okay no need to worry about me.Even if something happened I'm able to protect myself now so please don't worry" the Uzumaki woman hugged the little boy then pulled back "I know,I just can't help it.I don't want to lose you again" suddenly the door was opened to reveal Orochimaru surprising everyone.
"Orochimaru-sama did you finish work early today?" Suigetsu asked while scratching the back of his head."Not really,I left early to be with my child" happiness washed over Mitsuki when he heard this,he was smiling from ear to ear.
Having dinner all together,this was Mitsuki's wish for year and it finally became true...

Mitsuki wrapped the blanket around his small body the smile never leaving his face as he stared at the dark ceiling.He was too happy that he didn't sleep even after even Log went into his bedroom which means it was around 03:00 a.m to 04:00 a.m "Aish, I better sleep now or I won't be able to wake up tomorrow"

{ Everything was dark at first,then light started spreading.

Mitsuki looked around confused,where was he? People kept passing by him not paying him much attention 
"It's our job to keep peace in the villages..." Mitsuki turned to look at the screens when he hear a familiar yet new voice,to his surprise he saw Boruto's father "Where am I?" He whispered before noticing he wasn't wearing his usual clothes but a two shades of blue and white...kimono? Putting his hand on his forehead he felt something cold,metal? He was wearing a headband. Mitsuki didn't hesitate to take off his headband and look at it,good for him he paid attention in Udon's class or he wouldn't know this was Konohagakure's headband "Mitsuki!Come on we will be late,Konohamaru sensei is waiting for us" the boy looked at Sarada with knitted eyebrows but followed her anyway.Konohamaru's outfit looked awfully familiar but Mitsuki couldn't remember where he saw it before. "Team 7 your job today is to help the mailman to..."before he finishes talking Boruto help up his fist "Mailman? Easy! We already did that before so we will be fine right Mitsuki-kun?" Mitsuki had no idea what Boruto was talking about but he nodded anyway.Konohamaru sighed then crossed his arms "You can go now,he is waiting for you" suddenly it hit him,this outfit, Konoha's shinobis wore it,he remembered seeing few pictures in his history book. Is he...in the past?... }

"Mitsuki wake up!You will be late for school" Mitsuki opened his eyes immediately when he heard Suigetsu's voice "I thought you are in coma.Get ready and come downstairs breakfast is ready and Orochimaru-sama is waiting for you" the kid nodded and did his daily routine,the weird dream he had never leaving his mind.
"Are you okay Mitsuki-kun?You're spacing out again" Mitsuki blinked then looked at his father and nodded "Yeah I'm okay just tired..." No more questions were asked,without Karin and Suigetsu's fight with no Juugo to stop them since he left early to the police station to try to talk to Kimimaro it would've been quiet, when Log finished eating he stood up and took a cigarette from his pocket only for Orochimaru  to grab his wrist "You should get rid of this habit of yours" Log ignored him and pulled his hand away before going outside making his father sigh "I think I will never be able yo communicate with him..." Mitsuki frowned slightly and put his hand on the other's shoulder "I can talk to him if you want" Orochimaru shook his head after standing up "I have to go to work now, be careful Mitsuki okay?Kimimaro and the others aren't the only ones who hold grudge against me but can't reach me so you are still in danger"

Mitsuki couldn't stop thinking about his father and brother,he never saw them get along before..."Mitsuki,can you repeat what I was saying?" Mitsuki blinked and looked up at Hanabi who had her arms crossed and was glaring at him,this is the third time he is spacing out in her class,after he got kidnapped and all she was worried about him but then she found out from Udon that it didn't effect him much so she will treat him like any other student "You weren't saying anything Hanabi-sensei,you were writing on the white board and before that you were yelling at Boruto for talking to Iwabe" Hanabi sighed then chuckled "You are really your father's son.Anyway,as you see..." Their science teacher continued her lesson while Mitsuki spaced out again thinking about how to fix things between his father and brother...just then...he got an idea...

After the school day was over Mitsuki apologized to his friends saying he has to go home early because he has other plans with his brother, but instead he went to an empty building and took a small scroll from his backpack,days before he left Shina gave him a scroll to call them whenever he needed them,it seems like this was time. He opened the scroll and pur his hand on the circle drawn in it,the black ink became light blue and started glowing, after few minutes Hidan and Kakuzu arrived. "Oi kid it's been few days only and you miss us already?"Hidan said with his hand on his waist "Yes I did miss you but this isn't the case.I'm glad you two came,I want you to attack my brother" "...WHAAAAAAT?!"

When Mitsuki returned home he told Karin he isn't hungry now and that he wants to finish his homeworks first,like the day before Orochimaru arrived early,Mitsuki smirked when he heard the front door closing signaling that Log left to smoke because he doesn't want to be in the same room as his old man. Usually Log goes to the park since it's empty at that time and near their house. 

Log took a cigarette and his lighter,just when he was about to light it he sensed someone behind him making him drop whatever he was holding and turn around,only to be faced by two scary guys,one scarier than the other "Who are you?" He asked with a threatening tone, the silver headed one smiled mischievously and took a red scythe "Your worst nightmare kid" just seeing this proved to Log he was facing maniacs,he was unarmed and against two people god knows ho-...he suddenly noticed the red cloud logo on their black jackets,the Akatsuki?Are they here for Itachi?Are they after Mitsuki?Either way he knows one more thing now,they have Ninjutsu so his chance of beating them became 0℅
"What do you want?" Log asked coldly to not show his fear."You see,the kids grew attached to your brother who was under Itachi and Konan's protection so we couldn't kill him but you...you aren't under anyone's protection,you don't have Ninjutsu and you seem like a good fighter,this is gonna be fun"  Hidan said before laughing loudly, "If you are doing this to hurt Orochimaru somehow you better stop you are just wasting your time,he doesn't give a damn about what happens to me" Hidan his lips,insanity showing in his eyes "Sounds good to me,we would kill someone blood related to Orochimaru without starting a war"
Saying the two Akatsuki members were holding back wouldn't be a complete lie,because Log is still alive even with all the cuts covering his body and the big deep hole in his shoulder caused by Hidan's scythe,one of his eyes was closed with blood running down his face from his head,his light blue hair was now mixed with red "It's over for you now kid,you kinda disappointed me I expected more from you" just as he was about to attack him again to end the battle a big snake wrapped around his body making him unable to move "One step close to my son and I'll make sure to send you home headless that even your own kids won't recognize you" Orochimaru treated as he went to Log putting the younger male's arm around his shoulder "Let's go home,I told Karin to expect an injured Log but not this bad" "Heh you said it yourself,I'm a disgrace,I'm not worthy to be your son" Orochimaru's usually cold eyes softened when he looked at his hurt son "I said that?I must have been really pissed off" Log looked away,their moment was cut short because of Kakuzu who suddenly attacked them,Log's arm slipped so he fell hard on the ground making Orochimaru clench his fists then calms down "You will pay for this Hidan" instead of one snake the scientist summoned four,two wrapped around Kakuzu to keep him our of this while the other two attacked Hidan who didn't hesitate to cut off their heads when he got a chance.
Mitsuki who was watching from nearby was amazed,his father is really strong!Even Hidan,he can see the Akatsuki member didn't use any Ninjutsu yet,honestly he is a bit mad at him for hurting his brother like that but at least he is convincing,soon the battle was over with the two Akatsuki members retreating, Log was badly injured,Orochimaru was tired with cuts covering his body but nothing he can't handle. "Are you alive child?" Orochimaru joked as he helped his oldest son to stand up slowly "Tch much to your liking"  Log joked back but sounded pretty serious.The two walked silently for a while till the son spoke again "I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment...he didn't use Ninjutsu and I still wasn't a match for him..." Log was looking down,his golden eyes filled with sadness and broken "Am I that bad? Suigetsu was right when he said I shouldn't become a father.You didn't disappoint me,Hidan is really strong,and he wasn't even alone yet you didn't run away and still fought.I'm proud of you,you are my first son,the first person who gave me this weird feeling of wanting to protect someone other than myself" Log put his head on his father's shoulder and smiled slightly for the first time (around Orochimaru ) "Thank you for protecting me dad" The former criminal froze for a second not believing his ears,before his surprise was replaces by happiness and a smile found it's way to his lips "Don't thank me,this is my job as your parent"

When they were back home and after Karin took care of their wounds Log went to rest while Orochimaru went to Mitsuki's room,the kid was pretending to be asleep making his parent chuckle "I know you are after the attack.Hidan and Kakuzu aren't the type to want to revenge,also Hidan was really holding back or else Log would gave turned into small pieces just few seconds after their fight started.I don't know if I should yell at you or thank you but..."he sighed "Just don't do something like this again okay?Or at least ask the Artists team to help you,the two you chose are hard to control,your brother will have to stay in bed for a week because of his wounds" Mitsuki couldn't help but giggle childishly,his brother was badly hurt but he is happy is this weird? Yes but not weirder than anything in his life.

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great cute Mitsuki story I can't wait to see what happens next :)