
The Silhouette Of Your Voice

Jungkook impatiently taps his desk, extremely bored. It's supposed to be Jin's first day, but he's late by a rough 5 minutes.

Junghyun doesn't let him go outside much, so hopefully Jin will.

It's not like he's really vulnerable.

He can actually see where he's going, and he can scream for help.

But of course Junghyun has to "helpfully" help him.

'I have to be an amazing hyung for your sake.' Jungkook remembers Junghyun writing to him when he wanted to do things independently.

Jungkook is grateful, but Junghyun is much too protective, in his perspective.

No one agrees with Jungkook.

Well, there's not a lot of people he sees as well, but you get his point.

Jin finally arrives after what seemed like eternity.

"You're finally here." Jungkook rolls his eyes.

Jin shrugged, as if to say 'Sorry'.

"Take me outside to the park, ok?" Jungkook demanded.

Taking out a piece of paper, Jin wrote: 'Absolutely not'.

"You're no fun" Jungkook frowned. "I hardly ever go to the park."

'Eat something first."

"I already had something."

'Eat a snack, otherwise you can't go.'

"You're just like Junghyun! You're absolutely no fun!"

'I will take you outside if you eat.'

"Can I bite your fingers off?"

Jin rolls his eyes. He walks in the direction of the kitchen, and returns back with a couple strawberries.

Jungkook glares at him, and starts to eat.

After he finishes, Jin keeping his promise, opens the door and they go outside.

Jungkook grins in bliss. "It's so beautiful, don't you agree?"

Jin nods. 

Jungkook walks around, bravely running around so Jin has to catch up.

Jungkook mischievously smiles when Jin catches up.

"Having fun?" Jungkook teases. 

Jin glares at Jungkook, and Jungkook laughs.

Jin cracks a smile as well.

Everything is so beautiful.

It's also nice knowing Jin can be fun too.

Everything feels perfect.

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Chapter 3: But why does Junghyun wants Jin to take care of his brother when he himself can?