MOONSUN: Take Responsibility!

Stay Loyal To The Royal! Season 2 (TWICE & MAMAMOO)

Moonbyul’s POV


Here I am right now, staring blankly over a girl who’s pointing her forefinger at me as she scream from the top of her lungs, looking furiously as if I’m the worst human being in the whole world.

“Huh? What do you mean?” I plainly asked while raising a brow at her. Her face turned redder as she flabbergasted, “This! The thing that you’ve done to me! Take responsibility on it, you ert!” She pointed over herself, over her body that’s covered in white cloth like a burrito roll. It made me more confused. I frowned while trying my best to understand her.

She was huffing and puffing while turning her gaze from here to there. Still not getting what she meant, I walked to her side wordlessly. This made the girl jump down from the bed and runs away into the bathroom. She closed the door swiftly yet a little too hard. Luckily, the bed sheet didn’t get caught from the corners of the door.

“Just what is she talking about?” I scratched my head as I look at the closed door.

Since I can’t squeeze the answer from the angry girl, I just continued my business that I was doing before she started ranting earlier. While arranging the bed and myself, a ring was heard. I turned to the sound and saw a white telephone over the wall with a small glowing red light dot below it. I reached for it and answered the call.

“Hello, customer service. The soup and medicine for hangover that you’ve requested is being delivered to your room right now. Is there any other thing you needed, Mr. Moon?” A staff from the other line said.

“No. Thank you for your service. I’ll be checking out later too.” I replied. “Okay. You’re very welcome. We hope you liked your stay here.” With that, the call ended and the bathroom door abruptly opened, revealing the girl earlier. She looked better now with her hair finally fixed and her clothes from last night being worn neatly.

“You! Show me your wallet!” She yelled as she stomp her feet until she’s just a ruler away in front of me. Though I don’t get the reason why, I obliged, fishing out my wallet from my pocket. Once it was out, she quickly snatched it from my hand and walked to the door.

Before turning the knob, she turned to me and said with a devious smirk, “If you finally made up your mind, search for me and I’ll give this back to you, stupid maniac.” I was stomped as she left. The deliverer for my request was also surprised as the girl passed by wordlessly, only the sound of her heels was heard before her silhouette disappeared from our sight.

“Uh, Mr. Moon?” The staff called out from the opened door. “Oh, just put it there. Thank you.” The worker carefully put the soup and medicine over the table. “You’re welcome, Sir.” He bowed and left the room.

I was still a little off with what just happened when my phone buzzed. I read the message and it was from my friend who’s also my partner in the job I’m working at.

From: HwasaJa       To: MoonStar       (07:43AM _ 13/03/2017)

‘Dude, where the hell are you?! Why did you leave me alone in the bar last night? I was worried, you know? By the way, the boss called for a meeting for our new project. You need to get in the office at ten in the morning, sharp.’

I sighed before staring at the empty space of the room. “Just what did I get myself into?” Only my cash was inside that wallet. Thank God, I put my credit card in my suit’s pocket.

Since my order was added in my tab, I just ate the soup that was supposed to be consumed by that girl, and took the only stuff I own that’s left here. Giving one last look in the room, I noticed a business card lying under the bed. Once picking it up, I finally gone out the room and walked straight to the receptionist so I can book out from this hotel.

I read out the name on the card. “Kim Yongsun.”

Solar’s POV

It was two days since that blurry one night stand happened. I still haven’t met the guy I stupidly did it with and it’s pissing me off.

“Are you sure something happened between you two, Unnie?” My bestfriend, Wheein, asked before taking a sip of her smoothie. We’re in the café we usually go and spend our free time from work.

I groaned before grumpily said, “I’m sure, Wheein-ah. My clothes were over the bedside table when I woke up. When I opened my eyes, I also saw the guy wearing his clothes like he took it off for a while.” She just sighed. “So what’s your plan now? We’re not even sure if he’s living in Seoul or not.”

Her question struck me hard. Before I left the one night stand guy, I took his wallet with me to know who he is. His name was Moon Byulyi, but other than that, I haven’t got any more information about him because he doesn’t have any business card inside it, only some few cash. He’s handsome by the way, but I already got a boyfriend.

Speaking of my boyfriend, Eric has been into his work for a month now that we never got the chance to spend some time with each other. I miss him but I was fine with it.

Three years of relationship and still counting assured me that we’ll last long, not until what happened to me and that Byul guy. I was guilty as hell. It’s not that I purposely want to cheat on him, but what will he say if he knew about this?

It will be either he broke up with me or do the same while laughing evilly at me. Ok, maybe he won’t do the second one but the first one is the most possible thing. I need to meet this Byulyi person and clear things out.

“Have you notice that Eric-oppa’s been distant to you for a long while now?” Wheein’s words snapped me from my own world. “Y-yeah. But I’m sure he’s just busy with work.” There was a hint of doubt in my tone, but Wheein didn’t notice it. I groaned in annoyance as I mess my hair while looking at the wallet in lying flat in our table.

We talked a little more until my eyes dropped to the new customer that just came inside the café. Wheein saw my widened eyes so she also looked to the direction my eyes are darting over.

“Wow, he’s handsome and tall, Unnie.” Though I heard what my friend said, my mind was pretty out of it so I didn’t replied. Instead, I kept on staring at the familiar face till that face was just a few inches away from mine. ‘It’s Moon Byulyi.’

“Found you, Kim Yongsun.” He said monotonously. Because of the sudden closeness, I immediately backed out while rapidly blinking my eyes. I can feel the rush of blood all over my cheeks. “H-how did you find m-me?” I stuttered. I can fully guess that Wheein is smirking beside me while watching the two of us in amusement.

“I didn’t actually search for you. But after the second I landed my foot inside this place, I quickly noticed your face because it was …”

I can’t help but to blush from his words that I didn’t see his hand snaking near me to grab something. “… the face of the person who took my wallet away.” After his swift move, I was left dumbfounded while trying to process what just happened.

“Uh … Unnie? That guy just took the wallet. Aren’t you gonna do something?” What my friend said waked me up from my daydream. Without thinking twice, I stood up and followed the tall guy who’s about to leave the place. “Yah!” I yelled, not minding the weird looks of the people around me.

‘I need to do something now. This guy’s not gonna slip away from me!’

“Stop walking away!” I yelled much louder, and it successfully made the guy stop from his track. He slowly turns to me with a brow raised in confusion. “What is it now?” He plainly asked which instantly made my blood boil in anger.

“Did you just actually asked an obvious question in front of me?! Are you stupid? A retard?” I took one step each as I spat every word in pure rage. ‘This guy’s really getting in my nerves!’

“Look, until now, I still don’t know why you’re so angry at me, but can you not spat some harsh words at me, please? I can tolerate you since things between us are in total misunderstanding. But if I’m some other guy, something bad might happen to you if you keep that attitude. Can you clear things out? Coz I’m really confused since the time you left that hotel.”

Though he’s totally right, my bad mood was already in its limit to even lower my guard. “Oh, so you’re acting like an innocent guy, huh? Let me tell you then. You and I … we … we slept together, and I’ll appreciate it if you kindly take responsibility over it by doing some things as I say!” I held my head high, trying to intimidate the tall guy that I’m clearly serious about what I am saying.

I can still see the confusion in his eyes, so I decided to explain more. “We--”, “Solar?” My words didn’t able to come out as my throat ran dry in an instant when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

I turned around with widened eyes. “E-Eric...” My breath hitched when I saw my boyfriend right in front of me, frowning in confusion with anger evident in his eyes.

Author’s POV

“What is this all about, Yongsun? What do you mean by ‘slept together’?” Eric’s tone was almost a joke to be called as a calm one, and Solar know more than everyone that this is the end for their relationship. His eyes were glaring intensely at the girl.

The other guy was staring at the two figures that he knows is a couple. Things are also confusing to him, but he chooses to keep quiet and let the two have their talk. This is something he has no right to interfere at.

“I …” Even though it was hard to spill the most dreadful words out of Solar’s system, she knew better that she had no choice but to say it. “… I’m sorry, Nam-shi.” Everything crumbled in Solar’s world. Their long term relationship finally ended without her explaining things out with the guy who’s walking away from her life that exact moment.

Moonbyul’s POV

Here I am right now, sitting awkwardly beside a girl who’s crying like there’s no tomorrow. I really want to console her or at least, pat her back for comfort. But since after the first try that ended her up flinching and cry more, I decided to just shut up and stay still, waiting for things to go by.

Staring blankly over the road while my mind wondered around with how I ended up in this thing.

First, I was just having the most unentertaining moment of my life, which is spending a night over a bar, courtesy by my partner’s constant persuasion for me to go with him and have fun, unbelievably saying such insulting words at me just to make me agree.

“Yeah, live and die like an old grump who spends his time over work like life is all about those ty paper works and changeable useless files of game addicts. Yeah, live your life without fun and maybe, I’ll make a statue for you and your dedications to stupid things. Oh, Grandpa, I hope you have fun planting your crippled over your dear old chair all day.”

Hell, I wanna strangle him if he pushed further. I’m not a party guy, that’s all. Slapping it over my face that I’m a kill-joy is annoying. Jesus!

Second, a drunken girl approached me. She did things that I hardly understand but concluded that Hyejin once said that it was called flirting. I tried my best to ignore her or just give very short answers in a respectful manner. It was a SHE after all. But things ended up to the most unexpected turn of events.

The flirty girl just knocked herself in front of me. Lucky for her, I caught her fall and carried her carefully. While looking out for help, and for my er of a friend, the girl fluttered her eyes open and traces my face with her fingers while smiling widely. “You’re so handsome. Let’s go home~.”

She cutely said before getting unconscious once again. Having no other choice, I decided to just take care of her myself. That ends me and the drunken girl staying in the hotel.

Did I mention that she puked over my suit and her dress? I was lucky enough that the hotel I choose to stay at was first-class. The service was kind enough to let our clothes to be clean and so was the room itself. The female workers helped her change while I took a short nap with only a bathrobe and underpants covering me.

Third, I found the girl again who just flirted drunkenly and took my wallet by the morning after, at a friend-recommended café. After retrieving my wallet, that girl, now in the name of Kim Yongsun, followed me, insulted and yelled at me, giving out words about this thing about us sleeping together.

Fourth, the sudden appearance of her boyfriend and the serious talk that ended them into breaking up. And lastly, fifth, Kim Yongsun is now crying heavily beside me while I’m still here sitting over the same bench, quiet and confused.

I can’t put the puzzles of the event together just yet, but still, I decided to stay put because I know I’m included in this matter even if I just ended up in another confusing situation again. I turned to peek if she’s calmed down. Now that I’m actually focusing my attention to this girl who’s just half a yard away from me, I can finally study her features carefully.

‘She’s actually beautiful. The only girl I can call as a true beauty other than my mother.’

Those chubby cheeks looked so cute for her. She have good complexion and that mole at her eyelid mixed well with her pretty face. I’ll surely compliment her if we’re not in this bad moment.

“So are you finally going to take responsibility?” Yongsun’s words stomped me for a second. “W-what?”

“I’m finally single now. The guy I was expecting to be together with till I get grey-white old left me. I don’t want to live alone and the only possible guy I’ll try to drag with me in my messed up love life is you, Mr. One-Night-Stand.” What she said kept juggling inside my head. I can’t give her a reply coz I’m literally lagging inside.

Honestly, I got full high marks back when I was still a student and I’m an excellent worker. But right now, I feel stupid for no clear reason. I really can’t understand everything she meant. ‘I really need Hyejin’s wisdom in this thing.’

“Ha, so even you won’t take me? I guess no one will want me anymore after all. I’ll die alone without a guy getting buried just beside my tomb. I hate you. I HATE MYSELF, huhuhu.” She started crying again but she’s now aimlessly hitting my body. ‘What am I really supposed to do?’

“I … I just want to be happy. Ever since I was a little girl, I want and seriously wishing to have my own prince and live happily ever after. I spent my youth in studying, and when I thought I finally found someone for me when I turned 24, I messed things up and now … I’m all alone again. Am I that unlovable? Is there really something wrong with me, Byulyi?” She stopped hitting me and clung over my shirt instead. Tears are still falling from her eyes.

’Wait, I think I understand her now. This girl needs someone to take care of her. She needs me. Moon Byulyi, I trust you to make this girl happy. A beautiful lady is supposed to be smiling, not sobbing in solitude.’ My inner self said. “Yeah, Mom once reminded me of that.” I whispered under my breath but she heard it.

“Huh?” I smiled at her and patted her head. “Fine. I’ll take responsibility on your everything, Kim Yongsun.” She stared in surprise over my eyes that are looking back lightly at hers. “Eh? Wait, are you saying that … really? D-do you mean it?” I can’t help but to chuckle at her expecting words.

“Yup. I’ve finally decide to do everything you want me to. Just say it out and I’ll do it because … I’m taking all my responsibilities of you from now on.” Inside, I was still a little unsure of my sudden action, but knowing that this will make her happy, then so be it. ‘I can spend my extra time for something else too, or I should say … someone.’

“How can I be so sure that you’re not joking?” She firmly asked. My smile became wider as I held out my thumbs to wipe away her tears.

“First of all, Moon Byulyi never lies. Second, I’m a man of my words. And lastly, why won’t I take care of a beauty like you? Won’t that be a waste?” I don’t know if she’s finally convinced over my answer, but I can say that she’s finally okay when she wordlessly hugged me.

“It’s like making a contract, and by contract, I should leave a sign that I am taking responsibility for Ms. Yongsun.” I carefully pushed her away from me and took something from my pocket. It was a pen. She looked at me curiously.

I just gave out a smile before lowered my head together with my hand moving on its own. “Aren’t vandalism prohibited here?” She asked but I laughed instead before replying, “Yeah, but aren’t rules meant to be broken?”

What written was, ‘The MOON hereby embraces the SUN’.

I saw Yongsun rolling her eyes at me before laughing lightly. “Now, everything’s settled. Shouldn’t we go somewhere and know each other more, Kim Yongsun?” I stood up and held out my hand for her. “Call me Solar.” She smiled, a genuine one, and took my hand.

“Then Solar it is. Wow, it suits you. Too bright and shiny, haha!” Solar slapped my shoulder and pouted. “You should call me Moonbyul then. And this star can twinkle like no other, I tell ya.”, “Arasso. Shut up already.” She didn’t argue anymore but rolled her eyes once more before looking away with a smile in her lips. We started walking back inside the café with our hands holding each other.

“By the way, what is one night stand?”

Wheein’s POV

“I told you, Moonbyul-oppa is too slow and simple to mind what you’re wearing, Unnie.” I grumpily said to Solar who is busy choosing her outfit for her date.

I was glad when Solar-unnie told me that Byulyi-oppa finally agreed to her ‘take responsibility over me’ dilemma. I just can’t believe what kind of guy this Moon Byulyi was though. I was stomped on how innocent he was. We easily clicked and befriend each other. Whenever Solar-unnie’s busy with something while he isn’t, he’ll ask me out to meet.

I laugh everytime because to the purpose for that meeting was to ask information about Unnie. As he gives out questions, he’ll tell out things that happened to them. I almost lose it all when I’ve confirmed what actually happen to him and Solar that time at the hotel. ‘Poor Moonbyul, getting harassed by my friend because of a total misunderstanding.’

When I explained things to him and he finally gets it, he told me something that made me approve that he’s the one for Solar.

“Is that it? Now that I can understand it, I feel like laughing at how stupid I was. But I guess that’s destiny. We can’t take back what already happened but it doesn’t matter anymore. I’m … I’m actually happy. Meeting Solar brought light to my dull life, and knowing that I’m giving her a reason to keep on shining away satisfied me here in my heart. My best friend told me this and now I really am indeed in that stage. I’m in love with Kim Yongsun. I unconsciously fell in love with my responsibilities.”

Love is really something sometimes, so mysterious and unknown for someone to decipher in a single glance. “I wonder when I’ll have mine though?”

“Stop daydreaming there and help me! It’s our 3rd monthsary and I want to be presentable!” I got annoyed at Solar-unnie but I got nothing to do so I forcefully drag my own feet to her side. “Jeez, you’re head over heels to him, aren’t you? Be truly happy now, ok?” I rummaged her closet and picked her clothes.

“Y-yeah … I love Moonbyul. To me, he’s my everything.”, “And to him, you are his. Right, Unnie?” She smiled so brightly at me, brighter than the sun itself.

Solar-unnie’s phone beeped suddenly and she checked it quickly before staring back at me as if she just fell again.

From: Jagi Byulkong       To: Yeba Yongkong       (09:22AM _ 30/08/2017)

‘I’m done with work now. Feeling so tired but since I’m scheduled for a date with my beautiful sun, I’m feeling powered up already. I just looked at the calendar and I immediately thought of you, Yeba. Can’t wait to see you and your chubby face, haha. Love you, Solar. Happy third month for us.’

“He’s learning his moves now, huh?” I blurted out to my already blushing friend. “Yup, and that’s why I falling even more to this star.” She texted Oppa back and left her phone at the table to go to the bathroom. I unintentionally saw her message and I seriously cringed to the bones.

From: Jagi Byulkong       To: Yeba Yongkong       (09:24AM _ 30/08/2017)

‘Make sure to have enough energy coz the sun will tire up her moon. But if you surprise me in our date, then I’ll give you a special gift. By the way, I’m thinking of you too, Jagi. When I see you, I’ll quickly pinch your greasy nose for being too busy with work lately. Love you more, Byul-ah. Very happy third monthsary for us too, my stupid star.’


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baconpancake101 #1
Chapter 1: Uwu moonsun so cute looking forward for other royal ships